
Tuesday, June 1, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-1-21 Full episode B&B 1st June 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-1-21 Full episode B&B 1st June 2021


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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    2. Ludicrous! Liam would have arrived with his lawyer. Heck, a good lawyer would have already worked out a deal with the District Attorney but then we wouldn’t have much of a show. Gotta embellish all the drama. We all suspect there is more to the death of Vinny which will come out later than sooner. LOL

    3. I applaud Liam today for outsmarting Bill and finally doing the right thing. Can't wait to see Bill's reaction when he realizes that Liam played him. He should be proud. Lol.

    4. In this comment, it was written: What an amazing Actor Scott is as Liam when Hope is out of scene

    5. Thanks for telling us, Bob, my curiosity was getting the best of me. lol Wonder why it was removed.

    6. In this comment, there was also a combination of words, the input of which will give in the search results of adult videos.

  2. damn hope that liam not go to prison

    1. If Liam covers for Bill, he would most likely go to prison. He will also divorce Hope and encourage her to move on with her life.

  3. Damn good Liam today. Hope better today but still naive - thought we were leaving, lol.
    Almost thought Bill was going to take the fall but dollar Bill didn’t stay to explain for Liam typical Bill.
    Good on Thomas just wanting to not be noticed constantly and saying something about it.

  4. Allvarligt, Bob. Jag kan inte se avsnitten, vad gör jag för fel :(Sorry för att jag inte skrev på engelska :D

    1. Videos are removed from the video hosting, but new ones appear on it. Just need to wait for new videos.

  5. what about Liam not being read his rights.. can they even arrest him and use the things he told them

    1. Liam willingly came, without representation I might add, to confess to a crime. They will not read him his rights until he is arrested. A confession is grounds for an arrest.

  6. I wouldn't be surprised if Vinnie purposely jumped front of the car to make sure Liam is gone for good and his besties can be together with Hope

  7. Hope Hope Hope... she was ready to keep the secret! Hah, poor angel..
    I'm glad that Liam played Bill.
    I'm happy also for Steffy and Finn. I always like the way this old new Ridge react. He always has some natural small reactions and gests like take a pencil and play him or say sth confused way. I like it cuz is more real and to be honest i prefer this actor Thorsten Kaye for many reasons than famous Ronn Moss with big jaw

    1. I love TK. He put his own spin on the Ridge character. I agree. His little gestures at times, makes Ridge so interesting and real.

    2. I, too, prefer Thorsten Kaye, Marty Saybrooke’s husband playing Ridge. LOL. I even enjoy when I catch his European accent coming through. I’m not sure what is meant by “old new Ridge” as the guy who introduced the role & played him until TK is 69 and Thorsten is only 55. He is the young new Ridge to me.

    3. TK is brilliant! He brings emotion and depth to Ridge’s character. RM was always very wooden.

    4. “old new Ridge" i just mean that old cuz Ridge is long time character in b&b, but new cuz is different actor than used to be for so long time Ronn Moss hehe it wans't about his age ;)

    5. Bbfan101 ' RM was always very wooden.' - that is perfect description!

    6. Anonymous Maybe i wrote little not understanding way, my mistake

  8. i read somewhere that thomas and steffy's mom taylor is returning to b&b and she tells finn that she is his mother which makes finn and steffy brother and sister and thomas finns brother ewe

    1. I am sure that is speculation and Steffy haters hating. If the writers intended such a storyline, they would not have had Finn and Steffy have a baby together.

    2. But sometimes one never knows where the storyline is going.....the writers sometimes make one stop and think as to where the storyline is going.....Maybe Steffy's Mom is Finn's Mom. Who knows she could of had him and never told anybody.....only time will tell.

    3. Incest and a baby is a bit much, even for a soap! This isn’t Game of Thrones 😂 I agree Elle, this Steffy haters wishful thinking.

    4. I read that Finn was Quinn’s Son that he gave up for adoption. The way she will know is when she sees the engagement ring. Who knows?

    5. Lmao @ GoT, Bbfan. They done lost it in that show. Anything is anything!

  9. After this dead horse has been flogged beyond death it looses its enthusiasm. You finally spilled your beans Liam, yeah! Now can we move on to something else...?
