
Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-2-21 Full episode B&B 2nd June 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 6-2-21 Full episode B&B 2nd June 2021


  1. Replies
    1. I missed this episode on FR2 today (in French with subtiles in French ... unfortunately !). Thanks !

  2. Thank you Bob. WEll guess the kids thought he would just walk away. Should get exciting now , what will Bill do sit on this? Great acting Hope and Liam today.

    1. I think Billy’s comment from yesterday was on to something. Isn't anything Liam says before he’s read his Miranda Rights inadmissible in court?

    2. He went there of his own free will. They didn’t know why he was there until he confessed. They would read him his Miranda rights and when they are charging him with a crime which I think they did.

    3. Everything he said is admissible in court. It was his confession. Yes, he has a right to an attorney but he can deny that right, which he did when he confessed. Based on that, he was arrested and read his rights. Now that he has been arrested, an investigation will be done to corroborate what he confessed to. The only reason he asked for an attorney was because of Bill's involvement. He did not want to implicate his father so he decided to say nothing more.

    4. They stopped the interview the second he asked for his attorney so issues. Hope was there and there was no coercion, a voluntary statement is just that. They mirandized him when he was arrested before processing. Only an idiot would walk in there without a lawyer to confess. He’s wealthy and the family has how many on retainer?

      The Hope flashbacks were pathetic... what did she think was going to happen?

      If Hope had any brains, she would have texted Bill to bring a lawyer quick. So sick of the never ending Dope and Lame drama... boring, move on. Liam deserves prison if he lies for Bill.

      Wyatt asked Liam and he lied and said it was about Hope etc. Liam and Bill both treat Wyatt like rubbish. It’s easy to see who Bill’s favourite is.

      Steffy and Finn are very sweet together and look so happy. I really like the family dynamics with the Forresters and Finn. Wonder when they’ll get married?

    5. Bbfan, I about choked on my lunch when Hope told Liam all is forgiven and she loves him. Seriously, that was all she thought of saying/doing in that moment? Not even "it's going to be okay, I'll get our lawyer to get you out, you'll be back home soon." Absolutely no words of encouragement to her husband. She's a trip. Lmao.

    6. Buwhahahaha she’s always been totally self absorbed and clueless!

  3. I do NOT LIKE that Liam is going to jail. I think it's BS!!! The end was so sad.

  4. Good show today. Liam's arrest was well done. I'm still laughing at Bill waiting for Liam to show up at the office. Seems it hasn't occurred to him that his son played him.

    I like Wyatt, but if he is not getting any answers from his father about his brother, why didn't he just ask his brother himself? Why is he getting so frustrated at his father when he hasn't even thought to approach his brother for answers?

    1. Bill was hysterical today!

    2. He'll be even more hysterical tomorrow when he learns that his son went through a confession, got arrested and endured the process of going to prison, all while Bill was still waiting to be informed of when Liam arrived in the building at SP. 😂😂

    3. 😂😂😂😂

    4. Good point Elle that Wyatt should just go to Liam. You'd think he would have figured out by now that Bill is not going to give him the answers.

  5. Steffie and fin so sickening gosh

    1. the show was a lot better without them on it nothing like letting the world know you are pregnant by a man you aren't married to enjoy your life because hell is hot place for sinners like you

  6. Either Thomas or Steffy's boyfriend did it. He was already hit before Liam hit him.

    1. Why would Thomas want to harm/kill his best friend? Even if there was someone else involved, Vinny was still alive before Liam killed him. So we have 2 scenarios - 1) someone who planned to kill Vinny (supposedly) and 2) someone who actually killed Vinny (Liam). Liam is still culpable because he did the act that killed Vinny. It's not murder but he could go down for vehicular manslaughter or involuntary manslaughter.

  7. Hopeless Hope and lame Liam so sickening gosh!

    1. Lol totally agree they are the least romantic couple. 🤮

    2. 😂😂😂😂 Hopeless Hope. Lame Liam. Too funny.

  8. I still think that Lope just woke up when they saw reality of procedure in police station. Till they took Liam, they were still thinking that Baker will just believe them and let Liam free after confession or at least treat him more gently or sth cuz he came alone.. please.. the case concern death of human, not hit somebody or stealing sth

    1. Maybe Baker should thanx them that they came to confess?

    2. Buwhahahaha right? Hopeless and Lame are used to Mummy and Daddy buying their way out of everything. I don’t think they seriously thought he would be arrested.

    3. That Baker guy is one of those cops that make you not want to confess

  9. The look on his face when Baker said didnt you want revenge for ruining your life? So you ran him down intentionally!! Just like Bill told him all along that's what everybody would think!! How dumb liam and hope just thought they would waltz in there confess and leave bc he dis the right thing tho! 🤣

  10. I think Vinny was committing suicide when he jumped in front of the car

  11. I watched this episode because I like Chief Baker. This guy cannot be replaced. He brings memories from way back.

  12. Finn acts so cheesy. I like him but all the smiling makes him look like a dork.

  13. When Ridge and Thomas find out esp Bill's involvement ...its PAY BACK time ha ha

  14. I think that Baker knows, that Bill is somehow involved but Bill is too powerful. So he didn't treat Liam nicely and one of them will perhaps tell the truth.
    We'll see how much Bill really loves his son.
    But don't worry about Liam. Brooke will bail him out. 😂😂😂

    1. Baker knows everything, he reads guilty from your face, special Liam's guilty face

  15. Welcome back BOB! I MISSED YOU!
