
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-11-21 Full episode B&B 11th August 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-11-21 Full episode B&B 11th August 2021


  1. I loved today's episode. I don't like that now and once again I see Liam getting all up in Steffy's business trying to 'protect' she and Kelly.

    Also, when Thorsten Kaye took over for Ron Moss as Ridge, I always thought that he was too young to play that role. But I must say.....I absolutely LOVE him in this role. Almost as much as I loved him as Zach Slater. His parental and protective nature over his children (really just Steffy) is so heartfelt. He immediately flipped on Dr Finnegan when he thought he was using his daughter and I thought that was so awesome!! He's an amazing actor. But show some of tha parental and protective love for Thomas against Brooke why don't cha.

    And finally, when Steffy approached Sheila and subsequently slapped her....Sheila looked at her like 'little girl, you are so out of your league that it is laughable'😥😂

    1. Ridge definitely needs to show parental and protective love for Thomas against Brooke.

    2. Surprisingly, nobody asked Sheila who is Finn’s biological father.

    3. Hope and Liam left. I didn't see them up in Steffy's business.

    4. Said nothing about Hope. I'm talking about Liam using this recent revelation as am excuse to insert himself, once again in Steffy's life. It's a watch and see !

  2. Further on that point, as Steffy was approaching her newly minted mother in law, Ridge moved Dr Finnegan out of the way as if to say, "don't even try it. My daughter's got this !"

  3. Wow what a terrific episode today, Kimberlin Brown is a wonderful actress. Love Sheila Carter.

  4. Sheila's grin after Steffy slapped her 😂😂😂

    1. I'm sure she was thinking... "She's just like her name sake"

      Because let's face it. That slap is something Stephanie senior would have done. Come to think of it... even the declaration of never being part of the family was also something Stephanie would have said.

      Sheila was just haveing a deja vu moment. 😂😂😂

    2. That was absolutely Brilliant!! Loved it today!

    3. Hundi Steffy may be feisty but is no match for Sheila! Heck, Sheila needs to finish what she started with Quinn in 2017!

    4. Oh, the head roll and smile says it all!! Steffy slapped the wrong one!!

  5. Sheila is one of my favorite characters.

    1. Nina She is one of the best soap opera villains EVER!! Just a great character and actress all around is Kimberlin Brown!!!

  6. Donna so boring. The scenes with her and Katie were boring.

    1. I know right. I mean who is she to determine for Eric what memories are good and which are bad. Eric might cherish moments he spent with Quin or even Sheila (probably not) . Just because things ended badly doesn't mean he wants to forget them or the fact that he loved them.

    2. Seeing Sheila might make him think less bad of Quinn. He knows that he was wrong, too. Brooke manipulates him and Ridge

  7. Woow now the bold and bea. Is nor boring anymore!!

  8. Replies
    1. Yes Eli! The classic Sheila Carter climactic soundtrack! It is chilling!

  9. Finn is weak
    Finn has a mother
    She is strong and beautiful,inside and out. When she drops Jack, Eric will comfort her.

    1. That's statement about Finn is a little harsh.

    2. Finn didn't know any of that stuff about her.

    3. Finn is in shock! His birth mum just shows up and doesn’t bother to reveal she’s a psycho that tried to kill his in-laws etc. She waited until after the wedding to make sure he’d be married to Steffy then bam!

    4. That smile on Sheila's face after Steffy slapped her made me feel that she was behind Finn meeting Steffy just so that she can be considered a part of the Forrester family. I will not be surprised if it were to be revealed that Sheila was the one that almost ran into Bill making him swerve his vehicle right into Steffy. She knew that Steffy would be taken to the same hospital where her son works. It's just odd that she would wait until his wedding day to make herself known to Finn.

    5. I was thinking something similar… there is something really off there!

    6. Great point Elle! The distraction in that accident was a bit too sudden! Sheila is always calculating in some way :-)
      She distinctively grinned twice looking at Stephanie’s portrait knowing she got her good!!

  10. Love Kimberlin Brown!
    Sheila correctly states she did not try to kill Taylor and that's true. The flashback showed Taylor talking to Sheila calmly until Brooke came in. Sheila turned & while Taylor tried to get the gun from here it went off accidentally.
    Its also not fair to blame Sheila for the entire time Taylor was gone. She was kidnapped and taken overseas.
    Sheila also advised that Stephanie treated her like crap and no one held her accountable. Sounds familiar. Sheila is BOLD no doubt about it.

    1. Ahhh Prince Omar, those were the days!

    2. You cannot pull a gun on someone and then claim you meant no harm.

  11. Ridge needs to show support for Thomas like he does for his daughter.

  12. This is only the beginning. Wait til we find out who Finns birth father really js??!!

  13. Jack said years ago Sheila said she was Finn's biological mother. He never said he got any proof. As much as the Forrester's dislike and don't trust Sheila, it seems like the Forrester's would insist on a DNA test and make sure it isn't altered.

    1. No, but Sheila would have no idea that Finn would get together with Steffy when he was just a baby, because that was when she met Jack and told him she is his bio mom. She couldn't see into the future, like 30 years ahead or something. Maybe she now thinks it's fate, that she is meant to be connected to the Forresters.

    2. Jack seems to be a smart guy. Let's hope when Sheila contacted him about being his newly adopted son's mother, that he did not just take her word for it.

    3. @Malin, Sheila said she kept up with Finn's life throughout his life, which means she would have known when he started working at the hospital and she also would have known that he moved into a house in Malibu which was close to Steffy. Sheila is diabolical. It would not have been difficult for her to orchestrate a plan to have Finn and Steffy meet. The way she said to Steffy that she was her mother-in-law, it sounded like this is what she wanted and was successful in getting it.

    4. Sheila grinning twice at Stephanie’s portrait says it all!! She got her good!!

  14. Oh, that Shiela grin at the end 😊👍 gonna be some 🔥 happening in these story lines finally. Wonder if Finn realizes who he married? Steffy is a strong Boss bitch and he is about to find out. If he wants to have a marriage with her he will fall in line.
    However does he actually know Shiela??? The plot thickens. Oh this is good.
    Now please bring back Dr. James Warwick. Have him as Finn’s dad

    1. He doesn't know Sheila at all. He met her in the Guesthouse, and he asked who she was. It was only them there. If he knew her from before, why stage that in front of no one? lol

  15. I wonder if Shelia changed the results of the baby, it may be Liam,s after all.

  16. Sheila always plays the victim like its never har fault. Makes me sick.

  17. Ridge needs to start speaking up for Thomas to Brooke.

    1. It's hard for Ridge to say anything to Brooke about Thomas because she has been right about him until now. And Ridge does the same thing with her children as well. I agree that Brooke can go overboard at times but Ridge is always defending his children. Even when their wrong. He never let them accepted responsibility for their actions. That's what's wrong.

    2. Ridge does not speak up for Thomas. Brooke manipulates Ridge. Ridge does not say negative things about Hope.

    3. Ridge could not necessarily defend Thomas because Brooke was always right about him. However, Ridge always supported Thomas 100% even when broke refused to believe that Thomas could change. Ridge also continually checks in with Thomas to make sure that he is OK,especially when it comes to Hope and her relationship with Liam. He would also make anyone's life (Justin) a living hell if they messed with Thomas. Ridge has been quite supportive of Thomas. I don't think it's fair to say that he is not or has not been.

    4. 👏 Bravo Elle!

  18. It was very thoughtful of Hope to think of taking the 2 girls and of Thomas to think of taking the baby. Where is Douglas?

    1. They did mention something about Douglas being on a field trip earlier

    2. Thank you. I missed that or forgot it.

    3. Considering one of those girls is her daughter, I would hope that Hope would take her lol!

  19. Stefft getting 2 much power can't stand steffy

    1. What are you on about? She spent her whole life working at Forrester. She started in the mailroom and worked her way up. She went to university and got a Finance degree. She has earned what she has.

      This is her bloody wedding and Sheila is a malevolent menace, whom we love to hate, she’s such a brilliant villainess!

      Steffy has every right to say and do what she’s doing!

  20. Loved Steffy today. Hope she sets things straight with Finn. At this it's in her right to get a restraining order against Sheila. But honestly I still can't believe Finn took a stranger's side over his parents' and wife...Ugh!

  21. There's a problem with the memories in Donna's tiny head. Already, in yesterday's episode, Donna wondered how Eric got married to Stephanie, Quinn, Sheila or even Brooke his own sister. How does Donna think she's been the best woman for Eric? Ah by the scandal when she started dating Eric who was married to Stéphanie. Between them it was only honey and sex in the office or at FC. She made Eric make the wrong decision he regretted the most of his life (firing Stéphanie the heart and face of FC). She did not support her morally when Katie and Bill took control of FC (little reminder, it was when they fired Stéphanie and FC that the trouble started and the company could be controlled by Bill, the buyers and customers followed Stéphanie at Jackie M). Donna saw Eric being relegated to the basement to create the collections, and she saw him become depressed. And Madame took advantage of that by playing Queens with her sisters. She cheated on Eric with Owen, she kissed Owen in bed several times, she flirted with him, it's still cheating. She never told Eric at the start of her marriage that she had a child (the lady had hidden her little secrets). And the final blow, she obtained 12.5% ​​of FC thanks to her divorce from Eric to sell them to Bill. Donna forgets a lot but a lot of things. And then, it's not new what she does as a tribute. Stephanie does it for Eric on video when he got FC back. She will quickly understand soon that Eric is going to ask Quinn to come back and that he wants her to come back to his side.

  22. As for the storyline, OMG, it was really intense, with flashbacks and exciting, well there is movement. Between Sheila and her plan which, of course, she's been making for some time. You'd have to be stupid not to understand that Sheila's arrival comes when Eric divorces and his so-called son Finn is getting married. I'm not often on Eric's side about how badly he acts with his mistresses and ex-wives. However, he touched me with his dismay and grief and he blames himself for letting Sheila into his life. Steffy who is crying because Sheila hurt her mother and wasted time without seeing her mother because of Sheila. The slap was masterful and well deserved, Sheila is a person who will never change and she will do what she can do best, manipulate, lie, blackmail and many more. Sheila is wrong to say that Taylor was minding her own business. She forgets to say that Taylor wanted to help her figure out some things around the time the shooting took place. I wish Taylor could have been there, the story would have had even more emotional impact from Taylor's speech. I find it a bit unfair for Ridge to tell Finn if he's using Steffy. And then Steffy who asks Finn to answer. I felt sick for him. I can't blame Finn for wanting to know his birth mother, it's natural. But Sheila who uses Finn and Hayes, she doesn't waste time on that one. For once, Brooke isn't giving a speech based just on her. I liked it even though I don't like Brooke

    1. Wanting to know his birth mother might be natural but it's not natural to fall for a total stranger within 2 seconds and put her above his beloved wife and people who raised him.

    2. Well, if Finn told Sheila to get lost right after meeting her, what would be the point of having Kimberlin Brown return? I understand what you're sayinge but this isn't real life. The soap needs to have some reason for bringing Sheila back as Finn's (alleged) birth mother. To me, it creates more drama having Finn feel torn. The only way he can truly understand what she has done is to get to know her for himself.

    3. Agreed Hanan. However, having Ridge and Steffy question Finn was realistic given what Sheila has done to this family and knowing how she operates. They were right to ask if he was in on Sheila's plan.

    4. Totally agree Elle! That would be a betrayal so deep if he was. I hope that isn’t Bell’s real angle here!

  23. The game has started. I like it.

  24. good show, not liking the direction of Donna wanting Eric back. how many times are they going to almost incestuously marry ea other! Thanks Bob
    love finally Ridge cut his mop and shaved his face, now d something w Eric

    1. I think Ridge looks sexy with the beard growth. It's just fuzz.

  25. Hope was doing something good. It probably was set up ahead of time for them to keep the girls. Hope was, also, getting the girls away from the house and all of that drama and chaos.

    1. I’m sure the plan was for Kelly to spend the night with her father!

  26. Steffy was upset, but Finn was excited about meeting his biological mother.

  27. why cant Bell just lay off and allow steffy to have a happy life and loverelattionship?? and now to put poor innocent finn stuck between his wife son and steffys family and his birth mom he knew nothing of but deserves a chance to know and spend time with.. thats not right or fair NOW IM HOPING HIS BIRTH FATHER WILL TURN OUT TO BE ERIC FORRESTER.AND HOPE THEY TELL US SOON WHO BIRTH DAD IS...MAYBE HES BROOKS HALF BROTHER EH? THERE WOULD BE A SHOCK TWISTER..LET US GUESS WRITERS DOING THIS JUST TO LEAD RIGHT BACK TO ANOTHER LIAM WAFFLEBOY BACK TO STEFFY AGAIN??IUTS GETTING REDICULOUS ESPECIALLY WITH THAT HYPOCRIT BROOK JUDGING EVERYONE ELSE WHILE FAILING TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR HER OWN BAD SELF DEEDS getting away with everything bad she says or does

    1. I heard that one way or the other they would bring Storm back into the picture, so maybe he is the father of Finn, that would Brooke and sisters the aunts of Finn.

    2. He would be a half brother to Flo as well!

  28. Why cant Bell leave Steffy and Finn alone please let them happy and dont let happen Steffy and Liam again

  29. This is going to be THE BEST storyline on B&B since years and years! I really hope the writers do not ruin it like so many other storylines which were very promising at the beginning. The only woman we now need on the canvas is Taylor to make this mess complete. Brooke, Taylor, Steffie and Sheila, that would give fireworks galore. Enough material to keep the show running for years.

    1. If they use it correctly for sure! The writers have been so lazy… they could have had Sheila kill Vinny etc too… maybe she snuck in the lab and was switching tests etc to make sure Finn was the father so he and Steffy would marry. So many possibilities there!

    2. Remember Vinny’s suicide video? How did it get sent after he died etc? What if we now see Sheila standing behind Vinny pointing a gun making him do the video and shoving him in front of the car? They could totally do that and then find out Hayes is really Liam’s or who knows?

    3. Bbfan101 is totally onto a great idea! Sheila brainstorms sh!t. Vinny’s video was definitely anxious and pressed.

  30. Ridge is always standing up to brook for thomas! He always says like really? Hes a great dad to both his kids not just steffy
