
Monday, August 2, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-2-21 Full episode B&B 2nd August 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-2-21 Full episode B&B 2nd August 2021


  1. it will take weeks to find out that the mother of Finn is someone that Forrester family think Sheila.

    1. It might not take that long. Spoilers for Friday say that someone (a woman) shows up at the Forrester mansion during the reception.

    2. I don't know who it is but it's obviously not Quinn. She wouldn't sit in the dark and wait for the news at the FC homepage.
      Perhaps Sheila was pregnant when Eric kicked her out?
      To have her in the family is much worse than to have Quinn so I hope it will be Sheila. 🀣
      And Finn's dad knows the secret. He clearly feels very uncomfortable.

    3. Yes I believe Sheila is Finns birthmom. And his birth dad is probably John wick the other doc... I remember something from when they still where on screen at bold andcthe beautiful

    4. Yup Sheila Carter is back, that's terrific news. Kimberlin Brown will kick ass again. She devil Sheila Carter, Grainger Forrester, Warwick.

    5. It is! I saw it on Entertainment Tonight!

    6. Sheila and Warwick - yes!!!! What a summer this will be. That would be perfect. At least then it’s not a true kind of gross incestous family relationship marriage even though not blood family Steffy and Eric.
      Please bring back Warwick too, love him. Then Taylor can also come back and her and Ridge can be together and Brooke can get the boot. Sheila can have a warped relationship with Eric again and really screw with Brooke and tell her to mind her business. Warwick can treat Brooke as a patient and put her in a psychiatric facility. Oh the story they could write!!!!!

    7. You know the famous ominous music is Sheila’s!! Love the spine tingling ep ending!

  2. Oh crap! That's Sheila's sinister theme music πŸ™„ I hope its Taylor. I'm so over Sheila at this point.

    1. Taylor can't be. That would make Finn Steffy's brother.
      But Eric is not blood related to her and Finn wouldn't really be her uncle.

    2. Yes that is what I think!!!!! Taylor For shore

    3. Ridge and Steffy spoke about Taylor today and there was no strange reaction from Jack. Besides, if it was Taylor and Jack knew that, don't you think he would be against Finn and Steffy getting married since he would know that they are brother and sister?

    4. Taylor wouldn’t get creepy ominous Sheila music unless we are being bamboozled. Jack’s reaction to Taylor not making it does speak volumes!

  3. Sounds like Jack knows Taylor?

    1. I had the same impression... I'm sooo curious to find our who the birth mom is...

  4. Yes I think Taylor is involved, what then ?!

    1. I thought the same. Maybe she helped Jack and Li to adopt Finn, just like she did when Steffy adopted Phoebe (Beth)...

  5. Hayes was Tylor's last name when she was married to an abusive husband named Black Hayes.its very weird they call the baby like this.
    Steffy said her mother was on her missionary work, that could explain the dark.
    Its obvious that Jack knows Tylor.
    I think Finn is the son of Tylor and her abusive husband Black. And I think she gave him to adoption to forget about this time in her kife.
    But maybe I'm wrong and Finn is Sheila's son...

    1. Taylor on missionary work.. muahahahahhahaha!

  6. Come on PLEASE don't be Sheila!!πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½. I need it to be Quinn Fuller or Shauna puhleeze. We need Brooke to eat crow and be forced to have one of these women in her life permanently

  7. No way in hell will they have Steffy in a relationship with her 'brother'. The kid would have birth defects. And even in soap land where they bring people back from the dead, there is no way around this one. It's not Taylor's kid. And Jack doesn't know her. If he did he would have put it together that she's Steffy's mother. Don't think it's Sheila as her name hasn't been mentioned as is what typically happens when a character is about to make an appearance

    1. I also think that they would rather not come up with such extreme situations. It's disgusting. Steffy can't have her brother's baby. Without exaggeration..

  8. Im soo sad i loved eric and quinn show miss that couple,soo sweet toghete, hate carter quinn ughhh, hope the fairy tale end!!

  9. Such a lovely episode today. So funny at the end πŸ˜„
    Thomas looks great in that hearstyle today.

    1. Oh yeah, it's better than disturbing lock of hair in front of his eyes.

    2. Yes Gami! Thomas is always 😍 but I am liking the slicked back look!!

  10. Is possible that Sheila sit down in the dark.

  11. Loved today’s episode, best in a while! I think it’s Sheila as well.. been thinking that all along. I agree about the sinister music and someone flagging all things Forrester??

  12. Wait, if he’s actually “Jack” Taylor and Nick’s son who was made using Brooke’s egg and Taylor couldn’t bare it so Nick was supposed to raise him… Taylor might be the one in the birth certificate??

  13. Think Finn's bio parents are either Eric and Sheila, or Deacon and Sheila, yikes on either pair.

  14. Finn is NOT Jack Hamilton Marone. The boy would still be in his teens and never was put for adoption! Brooke did not carry and give birth to that kid because Bridget (should have lost her medical license for it) made a mistake using her mother's egg instead of Taylor and Nick's selected donor.
    When baby Jack Hamilton Marone was born Phoebe (and Steffy) were 19 years old. Finn is just the same age as Thomas is. A couple years older than Steffy!

    1. SORAS is well known look at Hope one day she’s 3 and returns as a 17 yr old same with Phoebe and Steffy… Bradly Bell had been rewriting history, nothing would surprise me at this point.. if you notice I said Brooke’s egg… Not that Brooke carried him… she made a big deal out of that at the time.

  15. I would also hate it that the writer would make Sheila Finn's birth mother. The woman had popped out 4 chidren and only raised one of them 4! Mary Warwick that Sheila renamed Erica Lovejoy.
    What happened to Diana? The baby girl who was fathered by Massimo Marone that Sheila must have had delivered in prison (for shooting Taylor in the heart back in 2002).
    What happened to the fratenal twins Daisy and Ryder? The father was someone stepfather that Sheila hooked up with but the man was shot and killed by John Abbot before the babies were born. Only the boy Ryder was raised by Lauren Fenmore's first born son Scotty but what happened to the twin sister?

  16. Yup I knew it, Sheila Carter is Finns mother. Confirmed on soap Digest and Entertainment Tonight. Looking forward in seeing Kimberlin Brown as Sheila again. This will be a long stint. Wonderful news indeed.

    1. She really is a brilliant actress! One of my all time Soapy Villainess favourites!!!

    2. Sheila Carter is one of the best soap villains EVER!! I love everytime Kimberlin Brown shows up!!

  17. I just need a new actor to play Dr Finnegan. Tanner Nolan is DULL DULL DULL, in this role. No chemistry at all. He reminds me of Hoppy the COP on Sanford and Son

    1. The only thing we can all be grateful for is that his good to look at. Because whe he starts talking and you want shut him up and and be like no talkie just take your t-shirt off πŸ˜‚

  18. It was LSV actor aka Carter who co-wrote the episode. He is truly an excellent actor in addition to being an excellent writer. Frankly, Bell should give his actors a bit more writing and directing for the soap. Because the writers that Bell has for some time, do a poor job. with the facts missing, kids like Douglas, Beth and Kelly mixed in, stuff forgotten. scenes and dialogue too long, too repetitive and sometimes boring

    1. We are in the middle of COVID they can’t bring children in the show very much because of that, they can’t give the vaccine to young children and now even people that have been vaccinated have been getting it.

    2. Yup with the Delta they may be back to using Spouses and Mannequins again sigh

  19. Kimberlin Brown Is Back As Sheila Carter On ‘The Bold And The Beautiful’ And She Comes Bearing A Surprise For The Forresters

  20. OH NO PLEASE !!!! How many children did this woman had ????!!!! This is so stupid !! But I am not surprised, what else could they do except bringing out old stuff from the closet. They have ZERO imagination !
    Didn't she came back to make peace with everybody ? She was working at Il Giardino and was showed as an idiot. Now she is Evil again ? And don't forget that she died in front of Lauren's eyes. She must be immortal because she came back from the dead, apparently she was hiding somewhere having babies with every men she was meeting ! Did I say stupid ? No, it's beyond stupid ! What a bunch of bad writers...

    1. Okay this is a soap coming back from the dead is like a staple for every soap.. no one ever really dies lol

    2. Sheila left wanting to finish off Quinn!! 2 birds with one stone!
      She now gets to expose Carter and Quinn πŸ™πŸΌπŸ€žπŸΌ

  21. I bet Sheila is Finns mother. Wonder if hes Eric's son

  22. James Warick and Sheila hed a daugther, not a son. Finn's father Jack is his biological father.

  23. What a really lovely episode. Absolutely loved it. I like Li Finnegan. Hopefully she stays long enough to protect Steffy from any hate from Sheila.
