
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-24-21 Full episode B&B 24th August 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-24-21 Full episode B&B 24th August 2021


  1. Evening All, Thank you Bob! Jeez poor Eric, figured as much. Aaaand seems like Sheila will kidnap Lil Hayes, let's wait and see how it all goes down. Take care & Stay safe 🙂

  2. Kimberling Brown is soooooo good in her portrayal of a demented person. Her pretending that she was holding Hayes in her arms and that mischievous smile was epic! Especially with the sinister background music.

    So Eric has ED after all. And he knew this before asking Quinn back. He even said it was the reason for asking her back. Very selfish. What is he up to? Is he testing her loyalty?

    Thanks Bob.

  3. Just before Eric confided in his medical condition, Quinn said "it's okay, we can handle it together!" How

    1. I thought that too. lol. Dirty minds think alike.....

  4. If Eric really loved Quinn he would share his wife with Carter. 😂😂😂

  5. I guess Quinn will be seeing Carter on the fly.

  6. Replies
    1. Why is Eric selfish??? ED is treatable. The only issues with using Viagra is if you have cardiac issues; then the alternative is Cialis. He certainly has the ability to see a healthcare provider to find out what his treatment options are (and certainly would of). Common this is Eric, the man has basically cheated on everyone woman he has ever been with. As if he would be satisfied without ever having intercourse again, lol.
      There is something else up. He is holding back on Quinn. I don’t believe he has ED. He is lying to her; waiting to see if she remains “loyal” and doesn’t seek having sex outside of the marriage.
      After all he could still provide satisfaction for her even if he did have ED!!!!

    2. Must you apply every single scenario to your personal life. Give it a rest

    3. @previously employed It is for those very reasons you mention... waiting to see if she remains loyal... doesn't seek having sex outside of the marriage..... is why he is selfish. If his ED is real, he should have told her before asking her to move back in but he was only thinking of himself and what he wanted. However, if his ED is just a lie to test Quinn, he is all the more selfish because HE WAS GOING TO DIVORCE HER and Quinn was moving on with her life. He kicked her out of his home and business and, all of a sudden, wants to test her loyalty? That's not only selfish but manipulative and cruel. Is it that he is so bitter that he cannot let go of her cheating on him even though he was the one that pushed her out in the first place? Eric is coming off as very wishy washy at this point. He put her out the house after the reveal of her part in trying to break up Ridge and Brooke, then he asked her to move back in but was very cold to her. Then he finds out that his coldness caused her to find comfort in Carter's arms so he threw her out the house again only to ask her to move back in again to "test" her? Quinn is better off without him. She should have stayed with Carter.

  7. Selfish a$# Eric. I knew he had ED. Quinn must feel like a fool. On another note, I LOVED Steffy's pant suit. And it looked great on her. I want one ....😥

  8. Steffy is me leaving my newborn for the first time. Just couldn't get out the door kept reminding his grandmother of things I knew she knew. 😂

    And yes Eric is a jerk... he should have told her before. Let her make up her own mind about whether she wants to come back or not under those circumstances.

  9. I think Eric knows she was with carter all this time, and he is feeling “inadequate “.. he might b comparing himself to carter and it’s inhibiting his abilities in the bedroom??

    As a mum, I almost, note ALMOST felt sorry for Sheila yesterday and today... with her mental health issues, she is always vulnerable... Jack is a coward... doesn’t deserve his wife or son...

  10. Quinn and Carter look better together anyway.

  11. When you throw a rock into a crowd, the one that hollers is the one it hit. Having said that, we are here to share our thoughts on the show, plots, characters etc. Not to hear about anyone's PERSONAL issues that may be triggered by a plot scene or character. Can we please keep that in check. Because once again, this is not Dr Phil nor WebMD nor Behavioral Sciences. Thank you!!

    1. I do not know if there are any rules to posting on this forum but in watching the show, at times we cannot help but compare it to things that happen in our own lives. I don't see a problem with that. Maybe you can just scroll past it if you don't want to read it.

  12. Chasity, does ur comment apply to Scarlett diva also?? There was nothing wrong with her comment.. nor mine... it did not hurt anyone , nor was it offensive or inappropriate... I didn’t come on here to cause trouble, but it seems that you are intent on trying to cause trouble .. I don’t see it anywhere that u r the administrator, or that u have the authority to tell others how long there posts r to b or what they can or rather, cannot say in them??

    I WILL say what I choose to , wether u like it or not.. my name comes up , so u r more than welcome to skip my comments if u wish, and u cannot say it’s impossible now, because I conformed to ur request to keep it short and sweet.. but let it be clear, that U, DO NOT tell me what I can and cannot say in my comments!! Nitpick if u must, but be sure to include everyone where your dislikes and orders r concerned, as it’s apparent that as soon as I say something that gives you the slightest opportunity to throw ur weight around only arises after my comments, amusing... good day chasity!!

  13. She mentioned one comment about her being a mom and it directly correlated to her very next sentence of her opinions on Jack. Calm down and don't bring that crap from the other day here. First day on the internet? Scroll past her comments and move on. You are not a moderator.

  14. unknown, i am truly sorry that this is causing u or anyone else distress... I feel terrible, that certainly is not my intent.. chasity on the other hand is intent on continuing to cause trouble, there was no need for that, and u urself noticed it.. I will not be told what to do like a little child!! If u were in my shoes I am sure u would feel the same way??

    I am also over it to b completely honest.. I won’t react any further, as I would just like to b able to b a part of this forum, without drama, or anyone making inappropriate comments and telling me what, how, who , , what not, etc, it’s ridiculous, and childish, and I can’t win no matter what I say or do.. I kept it short and sweet like requested and others can bring personal into it, but I can’t even say the words as a mum..

    It’s very frustrating, not just for me, but for everyone on here.. I did not come on here and be disrespectful to anyone, nor try and cause arguments or try cause trouble.. I am not interested in BS, I only ask that others respect me as I do others, nothing more nothing less , please don’t worry any further, as I am done with all this bs.. I am done reacting to childish crap... try have a lovely evening/ day, where ever in the world u r .. :)

    1. Don't let it upset you, Colly. You can skim over those kinds of comments as well. Just ignore them.

  15. Hi does anyone know where to watch Wentworth series on this website as I’m in Australia can I wat h it on blog cause it’s been taken off here


    1. Grow up child.. u seem to love exploiting ur shiny word “behavioural science” it’s getting boring now, find a new complex word for ur vocabulary 🤣 or better yet just don’t talk at all!

  17. People are coming here for comfort and's ridiculous and the wrong place for that. There are no 'feelings' here. It's comments and that's it and I don't need to be a moderator nor an administrator to say that. Period

    1. Just keep scrolling, just keep scrolling, what do we do? We scroll, scroll, scroll (same tune as Finding Nemo)

    2. We also don't want to read about what you don't want to hear... like you said this is not a forum to vent your personal feelings. Go get comfort and counseling elsewhere. Period.

  18. Soooo how much do we bet that Steffens is going to walk in on Sheila holding her infant son and go mental! Jack is being such a twat, endangering his own grandbairn all so he can hide his affair and Finn’s paternity!

  19. I love what Quinn was wearing!

  20. Scarlet, not sure who your comment was directed at, but if it was me, please know I meant nothing I’ll towards u in mine.. the opposite actually.. I told chasity there was nothing wrong with urs or mine.. I hope u didn’t miss understand what I was trying to say.. I actually thought the same thing when I read ur comment 🤣🤣, it was sweet, I was like that too when I left my baby for the first time🤣🤣

    1. It was aimed at 'not concerned about chastity'. He/she tells us not to express our personal feelings while doing so themselves. I was just pointing out the hypocrisy.
      I fully intend to continue expressing my personal feelings and why scenes make me laugh or cry or whatever...
      Definitely not aimed at you Colly. I look forward to hearing and seeing the ace es from your perspective through the personal feelings you express in the comments. 😘

  21. What a background music.. scary lol

  22. I don't care what the writers are up to but if they plan on making Eric lying about all this to get back at Quinn then that makes him just as bad or worse. Eric has not been a little angel during the years of B&B and a small run down of his wife Stephanie they all hold so much up on a pedestal is just as bad as Quinn or Shela. He deserves whatever Quinn does to him now because he had her out of his life, just leave her the heck alone, but no....I thought she should have stayed with Carter anyway Take a look at this. I remembered how she did and the writers seem to forget there are people that have seen all this.
