
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-25-21 Full episode B&B 25th August 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-25-21 Full episode B&B 25th August 2021


  1. Evening All, Good episode, Don't listen to ur dad, Finn... Pleeease! That lady is gonna somehow snatch the baby. Poor Steffy, a woman's intuition is always right. Cnt wait for tomorrow's episode. Stay safe🙂

    1. I think she will snatch AND reveal the truth about Finn's Dad

  2. There will be a huge bang tomorow, when Steffy comes home.
    Bye, Finn. 😂😂😂

    And Eric should do the right thing at last and kick Brooke out.

    1. That should make for some first class Soapy drama! Cannot wait!

    2. when Steffy comes home KABOOM! will be the best part LOL but why do I think Sheila is going to end up dead somehow at the hands of Finn's father

  3. I can't get this out of my mind: wouldn't there have been a resemblance between Finn and his dad that everyone around them would have begun to notice and comment on as Finn was growing up???

    1. Maybe, maybe not. I once knew a little boy who just happened to look very much like his stepfather. People would comment, "oh you look so much like your dad," because they just assumed his step dad was his dad. But there was actually no blood relation, it was just one of those things.

    2. People say they end up looking like their dogs or vice a versa lol

  4. Ohh please finn is as weak as a Liam is to hope😒😒 let the spineless actions repeatedly take place in the new cast same story of a shitty husband...

  5. If Finn let’s her in then the trouble will start. Stuffy is going to come back home today because of the weather as Sheila is in her house holding her baby and now her husband lied already. Hang on!!! Poor Eric I feel sorry for him he doesn’t feel like he is good enough now. Like the old saying goes a man only gets so many erections in his lifetime and he already used all of his up. Poor guy. As far as Brooke she needs to let Eric be happy no matter what happens. It’s none of her business. She needs to focus on her own relationship and stay loyal herself. Slut of the valley fits her

  6. Jack should just be honest with Finn about everything. But we know he won't because it's a soap! I have a feeling Sheila will run away with Hayes, which will lead to MAJOR drama for the newlywed Finnegans

  7. I don’t think that anybody should be wearing tight yellow suits. Except for Jim Carrey lol

  8. My thinking is…. Hayes will end up being Liams child after all.
    The actor that plays Finn is doing a fabulous job lately. For the first year I couldn’t stand him. Now I’m enjoying watching his character. This is a great storyline. I’m loving Sheila being back, finally some drama. The show was getting pretty predictable. Quite boring in my opinion. I just want steffy and Liam together. Let hope have Finn

    1. I still can't stand him and can't see any difference between now and then. Stiff, boring, useless.

  9. Karma's a bitch, Quinn. From too much hotness to none. How oh how will you cope. Can you really care for a man and is that man worthy of your cheats. Humm feel for Stefy. Hope she forgives Finn - grandpa Jack is at fault and should own up to his affair. Kick him to the curb should Finns adopted mum shoud do.

  10. Jack is a coward!! He cares only about himself!! What father asks that of his son, to cover up his affair, put them all in danger!! Stephy will catch them in the act.. great story line.. as soon as she walks in then sees Sheila holding Hayes, they will swap to other story lines till next week!!🤣🤣

    I do sort of feel sorry for Eric, poor old bugger!! But he should have told her long ago.. not let her think it was all her fault, yes she partly to blame but he is just as much.. it is very humiliating for a man to admit, especially when u have the age gap they do, and she went to someone like carter who is the whole package!!

    1. Jack is so wrong! I hope Finn says no and Steffy finds Sheila at her door and runs her off to plot more fiendish deeds! Sheila really is the Queen of dastardly plots!

    2. Ok, they have a gate and security, so how did she get up to the door anyway?

  11. I love Quinn’s jumpsuit, it is perfect for her!! The colours really complement her black hair, porcelain skin and bright blue eyes!! Can u imagine what a baby between Quinn and carter would look like?? It would b stunning!! Bright green eyes I bet , like my daughters!! She has black hair, the most beautiful green eyes and porcelain skin like Quinn!! A mix of Quinn carter ?? Stunning!!

  12. How in the h-e-double hockey sticks did Sheila end up at Steffy's front door with such ease after both Steffy and Ridge talked about installing additional security??? Come on B&B, do better than that! Finn did not even receive a call about a guest coming to the house?

    1. Right? The Forresters get police at their doors instantly in the past and dangerous psychopath who is supposed to still be in prison is just strolling around and they have no time for that? They could a restraining order in a minute with the history there and her showing up at the wedding. Put ole Charlie on the case. Sheila used him before he would be happy to get her back!

  13. Weddings can b organised in a day, but URGENT restraining orders and security can’t ?? That’s soapland!! Sheila should not have made it to the door.., the manager questioning Sheila? he would only know to ask those sort of questions if authorities contacted him!!

    1. I was wondering about that Colly. A very strange scene with the hotel manager questioning Sheila.

    2. Maybe he’s a really a PI 🕵️‍♂️ hired by Ridge? Or Jack?

  14. I think that hotel manager tried to hit on Sheila.

  15. Yes it was Ell, I don’t think he is a PI though bfan, because she was at the hotel before the wedding when they found out she was back?? But maybe jack told him about her on his way out after seeing her, and told him to keep an eye on her comings and goings?? It’s strange cause if the authorities did know, it would be because of the order, and if it was ready , it should have been served to her then??

  16. Hey Hindi, I not sure that he was hitting on her?? But this is soapland!! U never know 🤣 he did ask ask if she was meeting a younger man, and he is younger than her!!🤣

  17. Oh I am SO sorry, it autocorrected your name Hundi , I did not mean to type it incorrectly... very sorry 😊

  18. How did Sheila even get to the front door didn't they hire a bunch of extra security and guards?
