
Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-26-21 Full episode B&B 26th August 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 8-26-21 Full episode B&B 26th August 2021


  1. That face, that look Sheila gave at the end to Steffy's cries is so evil.
    Finn really tried hard but 2 forces against him

    1. Lol right? You know next time Disney is looking for an evil Queen they really should get KB to play her heheheh!

    2. lol exactly! She Is probably the person that stalled the airplane to get Steffy back there

    3. That is Sheila’s I got you bitch look! Don’t f with her cause Sheila when backed into a corner will strike like a viper. Heck, probably with πŸ˜‚

    4. Yup! Sheila knew Steffy would be walking in! She had no shock reaction. Not that Sheila is easily shook. LOL.

  2. Poor Steffy...she was so shocked to see that evil lady holding her innocent son ....I would be LIVID!!!! Can't wait to see how it goes tomorrow!!!

    1. I know, unknown, she is beside herself in shock.. I feel for her... that was the MAIN thing stephy was worried about and did not want to happen!! jack better fix this, poor Finn.. I really don’t like jack..

    2. I was waiting for Sheila to bolt with Hayes as the patio doors are wide open and she kept saying they will never see her again. This kept being reinforced to her by Jack and Finn as well to never come back!

  3. Brooke is the biggest hypocrite like srsly do you want to go down the list of things you have done

  4. Thanks Bob. I am so tired of high and mighty Brooke and Ridge who have slept around more than anyone on the show, well maybe Eric is in there :) Seriously so self righteous. Great end to show

  5. In all this time noone seem to care or ask who Finn's father is? Come on!
    But l did like the shock scene at the end. Finally some excitement!

    1. Totally agree. Not one person has even brought it up! What the hell? Especially since Sheila was with Eric, you'd think at least one of the Foresters would inquire about the father, just to rule Eric out as a potential baby daddy.🀣

    2. Eric had a vasectomy and knew Sheila cheated on him when they were married because she got pregnant. I’m guessing that is why they never thought it would be Eric.

      I think the shock of Sheila being the mum momentarily dominates everyone’s thoughts. The question of Finn’s da will come soon enough. Sheila will like introduce the topic to keep Jack on side.

  6. Have I really seen Eric defending Quinn? Unbeliveable. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Well now that he is impotent he wants to hang on to a younger woman. Before he thought he had options,including Brooke, so he didn't want to close that door by showing Brooke the door.

    2. Right πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  7. I loved Quinn and Eric putting Brooke in her place and Ridge too! It’s about time Eric defended his wife and made some boundaries. Before Brooke would have known about his ED before Quinn did. Quinn was just right reminding Brooke and Ridge they have both cheated!

    Sheila is the queen of evil, loved KB is such a wonderful actress! Poor Steffy walking and Finn just wanted to fall through the floor. Jack better man up and make sure Steffy knows he trapped Finn into letting Sheila be there with Hayes!

    I think Li will know something is up as soon as she finds out what Jack just pulled. Finn was also wondering what’s really going on with his father.

    This is getting exciting!

    1. Bbfan, I was pleased with both Quinn and Eric reminding Ridge and Brooke of their infidelities with each other but I wanted them to come down harder on them. Brooke is the worst hypocrite there is and has no room to judge! I wanted them to ask Ridge how many times he has taken Brooke back after her many infidelities. They just brushed it over.

      I cannot wait for tomorrow's show to see Steffy go at it with Sheila. Sheila is evil.

    2. And Sheila while holding the baby said "you're a looker just like your dad was" or something along those lines. So Finn will question that.

  8. I just cant stand Sheila and Finn's father for forcing it on Finn to save his own skin. Nothings is going to stop Sheila now.

  9. O dear God where is the extra security they hired

    1. Probably shot dead and shoved over the cliff 🀣🀣

  10. Lol πŸ˜‚i love the drama i thought steffyho was going to faint. They are not getting rid of Sheila that easy she going without a fight so steffyho better be prepared to fight!

  11. Brooke's all "How could you, Eric? How could you live your life the way you want to and make your own decisions like the grown man that you are?" πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜…

    1. That hypocrite witch. She cheated on Eric with his OWN SON! And she wants to point out that Carter is LIKE family πŸ˜‚ Bitch done been there, done that... multiple times lol

    2. I loved that comment Ren Chen, hilarious 🀣🀣

  12. Don’t forget that Ridge had a dalliance with Quinn, not too long ago!

  13. Finn done F'd up🀦‍♀️

  14. I loved the way Quinn dealt with that situation!! But Eric should have been the one saying all those things, not Quinn.. I loved what Quinn said about their own infidelities, the look on brookes face and for once she was speechless, for a second or two🀣🀣 and the shock horror when he asked them to leave!! Ridge, r u really kicking us out right now!🀣🀣🀣 and Eric, YES.. 🀣🀣

    Poor Finn!! I really feel sorry for him, he was put under ALOT of pressure, and he is just so desperate to get rid of her.. the looks on their faces when she just walked in so casually!! Poor stephy, a mother’s gut instinct is never wrong!! For a split second, I thought Sheila was going to drop Hayes 🀣🀣 if Sheila smiles that evil , satisfactory smile that she does, it should really open Finns eyes!!

  15. They overreact. Perhaps they don't want Sheila in their lives for many good reasons but she is not a threat to a child.
    I think that Steffy will kick all 3 of them out. Sheila will comfort her son and try to help.
    And make it worse. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. She is a pretty big threat I think, even to a child, she imagines holding him and rocking him, and she is more than likely going to kidnap the baby, so she can raise it , because she missed out with Finn?? I could b wrong?? But I know after the crazy deadly things she has done in the past, I certainly would not risk it?? She has compulsive obsessive disorder, and it’s not a mild form of it.. she was going to leave, then all it took was one little heart emoji to make her think Finn loves her, then , what happened to leaving town.. the way she just walked into the house, after being told to stay put, and so casually, like she owned the place!! Big alarm bells I think??

    2. Speaking of kidnap.... why was Sheila looking at a map with the destination marker on Miami? πŸ€”πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆ

    3. Actually Sheila has stolen, switched babies etc before on Y&R, so kidnapping Hayes to raise him is definitely not off the table here!

    4. I think cause she has jacks number and tracked him going to stephys , so she would know where and b ready to go, cause she is crazy🀣🀣 she cant get there fast enough, can’t stay outside any longer, had her arms out reaching for the baby before he even got to her..🀣 when she wants something she wants it NOW

    5. BbFan101 knows the tea!
      Sheila ain’t one to mess with and Steffy has slapped her twice now(spoiler alert!) Sheila has fought much worse than Steffy!!

  16. Okey now Steffy Liam back soon

  17. Poor Finn!! Jack needs to save his son here. Hope looked really nice today. Great episode
