
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-14-21 Full episode B&B 14th September 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-14-21 Full episode B&B 14th September 2021


  1. Lawrence St Victor...dude you need to leave this job. They have turned your character into a stereotypical Mandingo. 1st) They have you shirtless more than 70% of your air time 2nd) The White Boss serves you up to his wife !!! 3rd) Today ... they allow the camera to LINGER ON YOUR CROTCH !!! What part of this is ok ???!!!! None of it !!! Get the hell out of there St Victor.

    At first I was thinking just get back at Massa and go work for Spencer.

    But this is bigger than Massa..this is the. ENTIRE 'outfit's demeaning you as a character and as an actor.

    Get the hell out !! Tyler Perry got many jobs

    1. Tylor Perry also gets rich off of making movies about the African American stereotypes. He's no better, imo.

    2. I totally agree! I get that LSV's acting skills are limited but so are the dude's that plays Finn and they don't objectify him as much. Considering America's history, this storyline is truly disgusting! Eric ordering his slave to sexually satisfy his wife in 2021?! This makes me sick!

      Hollywood is extremely competitive and LSV refusing to do this storyline could have gotten him blacklisted. From what I've seen on his IMDB profile, he hasn't been in much stuff other than B&B so he might be scared to lose his job and being unable to find another one.

    3. I agree with that. Don't quit, but definitely start looking...

    4. Yes, that crotch shot was definitely curious. I am surprised that only one person mentioned it. Maybe it's that "fluid cameraman." lol

    5. I agree with everything u said in the first post chasity, 100%, but I don’t think he should quit till he finds something else.. he has been on bold a long time, I am sure another soap would snatch him up..

    6. Definitely agree that "fluidity" is most likely the culprit

  2. The THREE LOGAN STOGES again. Ugh!

    1. Waiting for Eric's mariage to be over.
      Logan vultures. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Laughing is Brooke or Donna thinks Eric is passionate, lol. As is Donna would be faithful he has ED. Almost fell off my chair when Brooke and the sisters where talking about being faithful other than disagreeing over finances and dinner (ok Brooke)

    3. I am sick of Brooke because she has been with every man on the show except for 4. They need to stop this Logan shit. Let America be happy with Quinn. Ridge is a big fool fool he must have forgotten she is a whore. Sick of the Logan sisters. Katy needs to concentrate on getting her a man that Brooke want take from her

  3. It's a bit too late for Quinn to develop a conscience now after she cheated behind Eric's back!!

    1. Oh please that happened once. She and Eric were legally separated and divorcing after , when she and Carter fell in love, so she could do what she wanted.

      Eric with the exception of Quinn cheated constantly his whole life! He had many many extra marital affairs as have Brooke and Donna. Katie didn’t but she’s no angel either and is encouraging her sister to go after a married man. Katie also forgave Brooke over and over for sleeping with her husband/partner Bill.

      Quinn didn’t set out to cheat, Eric pursued other women relentlessly because he wanted them πŸ˜†! I love the Logans and Eric forget everything that doesn’t make them appear angelic.

      Hearing Brooke go on was nauseating coming from the biggest cheater ever! She’s never been loyal to anyone but herself! Donna wasn’t faithful to Eric and had an affair with him while he was married as did Brooke .. Katie tried to steal him from Quinn but he wasn’t interested lol! Those three are total gold diggers.

  4. Quinn and Carter will leave LA for Genoa city.

  5. Well that was an exciting episode thanks Bob xxx

  6. What is w you people talking about slaves??? good grief already. Very touching scene w Carter and Quinn, and Eric, i wish they would let things work out and not go the orgy route i will stop watching till its done if that happens. Thanks Bob

    1. You are so right. It had nothing to do with slaves and it was very touching between Carter, Quinn, and Eric.

    2. "You people" enuff said ...🀷🏽‍♀️

    3. @ifnothingisgoingrightturnleft Agreed!

      The scenes were touching. This ED business is taking a toll on all the characters involved. Looking forward to how it turns out.

  7. Quinn and Carter won't resist the temptation.

  8. Slavery completely ended in 1865. You can look up the date.

    1. Brilliant....and ALL Racists wear white sheets

    2. Slavery was illegalized in 1865 but it continued for several more years.

    3. I'm sorry but this storyline is just sickening. It's bad enough that Eric even suggested it, but what's even worse is knowing Quinn and Carter, they'll let it happen. I guess I'm just sick of TV anymore because you have to see all this stuff about sex. But this is just off the wall craziness, in my opinion anyway. I don't think it's hard to tell where things are going with this storyline. Most likely Donna will be the one to make Eric so he can be intimate again. Hey I'm all for it if it would get him away from Quinn. As far as I'm concerned let Quinn have Carter and Eric can have Donna. As for the crotch shot that somebody mentioned, I noticed it too. Once again my reaction was yep of course we got to bring something like this into it. I'm sorry but these shows could leave things to the imagination. I mean they don't have to get so far into detail. But as I said I still don't like this story line at all and I hope they move it along. It would be nice if Quinn and Carter did what they said about it not being able to happen, but the way things go I kind of had my doubts. SMH

  9. Its only a matter of time Queen and Carter will give in..

  10. The absolute hypocritical rubbish coming out of the Logan sisters is unbelievable! Brooke who has been forgiven for cheating million times, seeping with her son in laws, brother in laws, Donna who cheated with and on Eric and Katie that was cheated on by Brooke and Bill numerous times… have got to be kidding. I mean Liam cheats on Hope and Brooke says he must forgive but Quinn cheats once ans Eric shouldn’t forgive her. Then they are the three gold diggers in the room talking about Quinn… she had a successful business before she met Eric.

    They were Disgusting!!!

    1. It’s funny bfan, everything they were saying , apart from the betrayal from Quinn, is the opposite, Quinn is the one stuck , and being disrespected, and stuck in the marriage etc.. not Eric!! The way he disrespected Quinn and carter , I would have left with carter and never came back.. he will drive her to carter anyway the way he is treating her.. carter would never treat her the way Eric is.. and this story line is crossing major boundaries, on many, many levels..

    2. I could not believe what I was hearing from these 3 trollops. Are they for real? They don't have a clue about what is going on with Eric and Quinn but sit there judging Quinn. And Brooke is the worst of all with her history! Would love to see the look on their faces when they find out what is really going on.

    3. Bbfan101 that's all they do is have everyone cheating on this show. Well actually with other shows to. But anyway, it would be nice to have them have at least one marriage that lasted without any cheating or anything else going on. Marriage is supposed to be a sacred thing between two people and this show and others turn things into garbage. I would skip watching this storyline all the way around if it weren't for missing something else. But then again it might not matter because you can probably go back a week afterwards and still basically know what happened, LOL

  11. Donna wants to get out from behind the reception desk and babysitting, and become the matriarch and try to get to where her sisters r at, but she screwed that up when she had the chance, by doing what she accuses Quinn of, AND took his company away from him.. the hippocritical S*#% coming from your unclean mouths.. of course ur not going to find a successful multinational fashion house owner on a dating site 🀣🀣🀣 what a stupid and hilarious thing to say.. writers u have out done yourselves🀣🀣 as for Brooke, don’t even get me started..

    1. And to hear Donna refer to Eric as the love of her life. Yeah, right!

  12. The Logan’s need to pull the halo’s out of their A*#%+*…

  13. Double, bubble toil trouble sang the three Logan witches to Eric. So B&B did their own version of Macbeth today.

    1. Buwhahahah, it put me in mind of Scottish play as well!

  14. This is why humanity has come to its decline, because it always puts sex and hatred first...

  15. I hate Brooke,Katie and especially Donna. Honey bear why Donna ent move her ugly botox lips self. I love Quinn for Eric

  16. Just as I said, probably Quinn and Carter are going to go along with this and I still think it's sickening. And I disagree with anyone that thinks Quinn and Eric should be together. They are married and she cheated on him. What he suggesting is just wrong. One thing I get tired of on the show is how they have to repeat the same things over and over basically. And hey if Donna can get Eric back to his normal self then I don't see a problem with that. I would have a problem with it if he decided to stay with Quinn and Donna ended up getting hurt because that just wouldn't be right either. If Donna and him can get together so what. Maybe they'll bring good old Shauna back in the picture and she'll get with Eric. Who knows, time will tell. To be truthful I wish they'd get this whole storyline over with.

    1. Donna cheated on Eric when they were married and slept with him when he was married to Stephanie. She was a total gold digger ! She left Eric and took Forrester with her! She got a big fat alimony cheque and went in to the next one! I’m sick of the writers changing history.

      Eric cheated loads of times and he still gets taken back. I do think it’s disgusting to treat his wife and Carter with such disrespect.

  17. They all forget that Eric dated their mother, Donna just sick all the sisters... are dating sexing fantasising about the ex of their mother the high skool love of their mother... πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ this sickness started right there... Brooke thinks my mother couldn't have you because of Stephanie back then... now I'll try it nope stick with one of your "son's " shit it's not biological son, well give sis a go then... πŸ‘ πŸ˜…πŸ˜’πŸ₯΄πŸ€¦πŸ»‍♀️🀦🏻‍♀️

  18. LOL, yes, the love of donnas life who could have been her father if he married her mother instead of Stephanie!! This show is so full of sick crap, always bordering incest!! And brook just can’t help herself can she, gotta call him late at night knowing Quinn would b right next to him..

  19. I just love and enjoy how the logens pisses off hypocrite people in here
    Makes me start loving them πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Tell me about it...such hypocrites🀣🀣🀣🀣

  20. The baby gives Brooke too much power. Om sick of her
