
Monday, September 27, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-27-21 Full episode B&B 27th September 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-27-21 Full episode B&B 27th September 2021


  1. Love Kimberlin Brown, as Sheila Carter. She is a wonderful actress, and looks terrific for 60 years old.

    1. How should 60 look?
      I get a lot of soap fans stuff their faces, smoke, sit around all day but that is not normal
      Fat asses and wrinkled faces is not normal 60

    2. Since when does the beach house have a guest house and a gate with a guard?

  2. Great scenes JMW and Kimberlin
    Quinn Eric said go have sex
    He did not say a full affair and spending time together after sex so this part Quinn you are cheating on Eric Thanks Bob xxxx

    1. Eric knew that Quinn was going over to Carter's. He approved of her having an affair with him. The only difference now is that Eric knows about the affair. At no time did I ever hear Eric say that they are only allowed to have sex at noon or evening, nor did I hear him say that they can only have sex once a day or once a week. The only stipulation he gave, which was to Carter, was that he could not have Quinn. Make no mistake, Eric approved of the cheating.

    2. Actually Eric just told her to go, she is doing what he just told her to do!

  3. a pimp/slave master. He can't dictate with whom his wife sleeps with and how long she stays, whether they cuddle or spoon afterwards. Whether they kiss or how intimate it is. That is NOT an open marriage. That's Pimp Slavery. He gave his wife to his negro employee and commanded him to sleep with her or presented him to her. They need to stop trying to spin this story. It is what it is.

    On another note, now everyone will know Eric's wee wee is wack . .🀣🀣. Thanks to his meddling 'son'

    1. Wee wee wack
      Isn't that Liam πŸ˜‚

    2. Eric did not give any stipulations, nor is he receiving any money from Carter for sleeping with Quinn so that takes pimp out of the equation. As for slave master, slavery ended eons ago. At best, Eric is a sick old man who is probably living vicariously through Carter.

    3. Really?? Don’t turn this into a racist thing. It’s a freaking show have some damn respect

    4. B&B needs Jamal the intern! A Black person, at least not a native Black American, would not have signed off on that storyline.

    5. I'm not disagreeing with you all about the racist tones. I just want to say that even if the employee Quinn was "allowed" to boink was white or Asian or native American, the plot is still gross and perverse.

    6. Not concerned. That is BS.

    7. Chasity, regardless of race, carter is not being FORCED to sleep with Quinn.. he has CHOSEN to.. there is a big difference.. Eric had no right to tell carter that he can sleep with her but she belongs to him..but it is Carter’s CHOICE to do what he is doing now..Eric did not put a gun to his head or threaten him to comply, he made a proposal, that carter has now chosen to go ahead with..race has nothing to do with it..

    8. I absolutely see your point, not concerned about chasity, and now you will be bullied by some of those who disagree. You deserve credit because you were not disrespectful of anyone else as they have been to you following your post. Most of these soaps have turned to garbage and I find myself watching less. It’s rarely worth posting a simple opinion lest we be jumped on by those who think they rule Bob’s sites.

    9. Anonymous, no one is bullying chasity,I am not sure how long u have been on this forum for,and what u have read in the past, but I will only talk about chasity’s behaviour toward me personally, I won’t mention her snipes and demands towards others..

      when I first started posting here,I was new,I was attacked by chasity many times, unprovoked..she was not pleasant in her posts to me,and had a go at me for many TRIVIAL things, my posts were too long,she told me I cannot bring my personal feelings into my posts just because I started a post with the words “as a mum”,because apparently this forum is not “dr Phil,nor behavioural sciences,” as she stated and many other demands constantly though SHE “ruled this site”I had never been rude to her or said anything to her prior to all of that to provoked her smart ass behaviour..

      I have always been polite to people on here and respected their opinions, but chasity continues to throw crap out “when u throw a rock” lines, she has been throwing that and more at firstly me and now to others as well for a long time now, just because they dare to disagree with her..she has been VERY rude (unprovoked) to many others on here as well because they dare to defy her… “ I “ won’t be “bullied by her” any longer..

      I tried to comply with her demands and even tried to reply to some of her posts in a pleasant manner, but no, she has a grudge and being childish because I stood up to her once before, and I was not nasty, I just told her I won’t be told how long my posts can b or what I can and cannot say in my posts, i won’t tolerate it any longer..I have had enough of her behaviour towards me..she just likes to stir trouble provoking people, and that’s not acceptable on a forum like this in my opinion..

      I respect peoples opinions for what they r,including hers,always have,and still I replied a diplomatic response until she got smart ass towards me and others..saying her infamous one liners, it is just childish and asking to cause trouble among people.. I am not trying to b rude to u personally,but you seem to think people r bullying,when that is not the case..she did not have to get smart ass, but as I said, she often likes to provoke people unnecessarily,why,because she likes to rev people up..always has since before I even came on here..I have ignored it,but enough is enough..

    10. And if u read her continuous statement “when u throw a rock into a crowd, the one it hit is the one that hollers” , and cannot see that, that statement, is her admitting she is throwing rocks at people on here to make them holler, is trouble making, stirring people up, and how childish that is, then there is something wrong?

  4. Why does everything have to boil down to ethnicity? The term 'negro' is so outdated and derogatory. Carter is a BLACK man not a 'negro" as you so arrogantly put it

    1. I’m sure chastity is black, youcant whitesplain race to us…everything boils down to race, because there are issues we recognize as minorities that go over your heads, they make us extremely uncomfortable, while it never phases you until you’re called out on it…you just want to have a good time, but it’s at our expense as always

    2. @Unknown, I agree. Sometimes I swear that we are still living in the slave days or post slavery when blacks had no rights. The way it has been in this forum since this Eric/Quinn/Carter storyline, you would think that black people are still looked down upon even though the US has had a black President and currently have a black Vice President; even though there are many black people who are multi-millionaires and billionaires. Yes, racism is still alive but it is not only just against blacks and it sure does not mean that the black community is not accepted by many whites. The fact that there was a black President should have been proof of that.


    4. For gods sake, chasity, GROW UP many times r u going to use that line, or any of your other one liners? They seem to be your go to when people don’t agree with u, i would b curious to know how old u r??

      the fact u used the word “negro” completely contradicts your fanatical rantings.. the post u posted when this all started, u said”why isn’t this all over talk shows/media” etc, something along those lines, that kind of behaviour is what starts riots..
      if carter was a white man, doing this story line, I think u would be bored, have nothing to say?? That is the way u r coming across..people have mixed feelings about this story line for VARIOUS reasons, and everyone has their own opinions and that is ok..

    5. I agree...and am shocked that such a derogatory word is still being used...How is it that such comments are approved on here? Carter is Black or African American...Please educate yourself 'Not concerned with chastity'

    6. Well said Ell.. a very mature response..

  5. You muscled in on the point I made yet you cannot even articulate clearly. What exactly is your point? Your comment made very little sense to me. Furthermore you cannot assume anyone's ethnicity on here unless you know them personally

  6. Brooke/ Kelly is 59
    Quinn/ Rena is 56
    All these old hags act like they still get it on. They were dried up before Eric.

    1. Rena is 52 years old lol not 56. Katherine Kelly Lang is 60 years old. Do your research before you post.

    2. Who cares how old they are? Why does this make any difference at all? I'm just curious why so many people want to argue about the age of the actors.

  7. Getting worked up behind a post from someone no one knows is the epitome of stupidity.

    1. Same as getting worked up by a fictional story.

    2. Yes. Just as foolish as referring to a black person as "negro"

    3. Ell, just ignore the buzzing in the room.. not worth the effort 🀣🀣

    4. Speaking of epitomes, coming from someone who constantly contradicts themselves, and also telling people not to bring their personal feelings here, then does so themselves, becoming so upset and distressed over what they don’t like and then shoots themselves in the foot using a term that completely contradicts their opinion, and has the nerve to tell someone else they r the epitome of stupidity??LOL

  8. Another boring repetitive day. The only thing different was Sheila. She is a psycho bitch. Steffy needs to kick her ass and have her thrown in jail. She is so delusional, and her shpill is also repetitive. It's the same thing every time 'ai wanna see my boys, I wanna hold my grandson". God, write some new dialogue!!! I feel like ripping my bloody hair out listening to this shit!!!

    1. So true!! A lot of the dialog in B&B is so repetitive...

  9. 🀣🀣 I know, it’s seriously getting so repetitive , it’s doing my head in..the only interesting part of that was how she went to force her way into the nursery.. wow!! If that does not spell crazy!!I would have just decked her right there and then!! It’s not like she doesn’t have grounds to..

    1. Sheila is acting like she has every right even though her own son told her that she has none. Sheila is crazy. She keeps singing the same old song "I just want to hold my grandson one last time." By now, Finn should realize that this b&*WS is obsessive, at the very least.

  10. To those of you who seem to be getting upset by watching this show, perhaps you should stop watching it and engage in other shows and activities that bring you happiness. It would be like if I, an animal lover, were to tune into a hunting channel on a daily basis, and then rant about how they keep killing animals.

  11. I wonder if carter was a white character, would the people who r jumping up and down defend a white mans character in that situation?

  12. What has the race or creed of characters have to do with anything? The issue here is the racist term used by someone. Their use of the word "negro" is just as offensive as the other"n" word

  13. A healthy debate or discussion is acceptable. Using this platform to incite racial hatred is NOT

  14. πŸ‘€ Damn the posts were heated yesterday. At the end of the day, it's a show tackling various touchy subjects, switch off for a couple of months till there's a change in the storyline or just enjoy the show.
    Sending you all much love πŸ’œ

  15. Waiting for a response from a blind poster ???? Dumb. It will never happen. I comment on the show. PERIOD. If someone catches 'feelings' from another person's opinion. Again. Dumb. Weak. Empty. Speaks volumes. Keep it going.

  16. And once again. When you throw a rock into a pack of wolves, the ONE WHO HOLLARS IS THE ONE YOU HIT.

  17. πŸ€” we have gone from a crowd,to a crown,to a pack of wolves🀦‍♀️🀦‍♀️ I think it’s time u took off mommas high heels till u r old enough to fit in them as u r making to much clatter in the house..

  18. I wonder why Sheila did not contact her son earlier. She had every chance, he is a doctor. But now suddenly when her son marries someone from the Foresters she is there. Why doesn't Stephanie think of that!

  19. Steffy and Sheila play their roles very good πŸ‘
