
Thursday, September 30, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-30-21 Full episode B&B 30th September 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-30-21 Full episode B&B 30th September 2021



    1. Just imagine, the slut of the valley berating someone on their morals! So laughable and frustrating at the same time.

    2. The slut won't be sorry for Eric but she'll be totally devastated because she still has nothing in her hand to make Eric leave Quinn.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. As if Quinn doesn’t know Eric!! She has been married to him for quite some time now. Current as well. When was the last time Brooke was married to Eric?? He doesn’t share the same details with her about his life that he does with Quinn, the nerve of her assuming she knows what Eric would be like or want etc. Then for Ridge to out up with that attitude from Brooke about Eric even (after all she has done with Eric - sleeping with him and having children with him, cheating with Ridge while married to Eric - did they both forget that she is a piece of work)???

    4. This whole story is taking up way too much time. I find it pretty unbelievable that people like Brooke and Katie care so much about Eric's sex life. I mean my God, they're absolutely tore up over this!! It would be hilarious if it wasn't making me so damn 😑 I'm ready to start pulling my hair out! There has been to be something more interesting going on in LA for these people to worry about

    5. Yes, she did my head in..the nerve of her!!after her history with Eric!!far worse than Quinn, far worse..Quinn cheated once,I am not condoning it,but she had far better reasons for what she did than brook ever many times and with who did brook sleep with while married to Eric and least it wasn’t with a son,brother,son in law,daughters boyfriends and husbands, and sisters husband etc etc etc and etc!!

    6. I think carter is the only man brook hasn’t slept with on this show lol..

    7. Give her time, she'll get around to them lol

  2. Eric had sex so much n his cheating didn't help his old self he should be done anyways. He always in some young woman face falling in love as he always saying following his heart. I never liked Eric he is a weak man. If he wasn't rich he wouldn't have women after him. Look at Brooke Dad.😏lol

    1. Surprised Eric never got an STI or most of the people on this Soap.

    2. Omg l laughed so hard at your comment! Spot on!

  3. I agree Ridge and Brooke are something else. They were no ways perfect but now meddle in everyone elses lives. BB

  4. Oh gosh! Have to wait till tomorrow for Eric to give it to Ridge!!

    1. If.
      Eric should have given it to Ridge a long time ago.

    2. With Eric, that's a big IF, Hundi. I should rephrase and say that I HOPE he gives it to Ridge tomorrow.

    3. Ridge probably won't shut up long enough for Eric to say anything 😜

  5. Great scenes with Eric and Katie. Quite touching

    1. Yes, they were. I can't with Katie though. Here is Eric trying to tell her something and all she can do is blame Quinn and shout about how ungrateful Quinn is after ALL that Eric has given her.

    2. Really. She kept saying she didn't understand, but she wouldn't shut up long enough for Eric to say anything. I was ready to backhand herπŸ‘‹

  6. Lucky for Brooke that her eyes didn't fall out πŸ˜‚

  7. Eric's old dick is worn out!
    Brooke, Donna and their Mother.
    Bill step mother Margo
    At least a couple of models
    Who did I miss?
    I thought he'd be hounding after Li after Jack lied.

  8. This is basically the nightmare that any man with ED must fear the most! Everyone in the family and community digging into it and talking about it, and confronting him about it! Good times🀣

  9. This whole storyline about Eric’s ED is way to far blown out of portion…B & B needs to shift gears fast…shit happens, work it out…more important scenarios to write about…again, doesn’t marital vows mean anything anymore? In “sickness & in health” it’s not the end of the world for crying out loud…besides, Quinn & Carter admits being in “love” so wrong on many levels…just an excuse to have sex with each other…why don’t they be totally honest and share their true feelings about each other with Eric? I’m sure that will change Eric’s mind real quick…why do they keep telling themselves having sex together is what Eric wants…the truth is they’re both selfish and guilty and taking advantage of Eric…I have an idea get divorced and move on Eric, Quinn is not worth the sacrifice!

  10. Yep, it is @Gobbo!! Like I said before that that’s what they might b trying to bring awareness of, but it’s getting a bit ridiculous now!! I thought Eric would have been more furious at ridge for having Justin spy on his wife!! I would b furious if one of my kids did that to me.. yes he can say it was coming from a place of love, fair enough, but that is not excusable for going that far ,all because your father told u to mind your own business..

    they say Quinn and carter r being selfish, but lying to ur wife, making her think u don’t want her and the marriage is dead, just because u were too embarrassed to tell ur “wife” u have ED, then ask for a divorce when she turned to someone else, fell in love with them,then tear up the divorce papers at last minute cause u don’t want to b alone and lose a younger woman, because u r worried u won’t find another “younger” woman with ur situation,then refuse to try other ways to b intimate and continue to push her away, then disrespects her on many levels, then pushes her towards a man that he knows she has strong feelings for,knowing she would not do it if it was anyone else, taking advantage of those feelings to put her in this position now!!

    Throwing her around like a rag doll emotionally!! And none of that is going to matter because they r still going to make her out the bad one?? Yes, I am disappointed that Quinn gave in, but, I don’t blame her with all I just said taken into consideration!! Hopefully, we will see Sheila tomorrow..that’s what b&b do, get u right at the edge of a story line, then change to the other!! Thank god the Sheila one will b interesting..

  11. My issue is BROOKE has been with each FORRESTER man but yet she always trying to pass judgement on someone else THE SLUT FROM THE VALLEY πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

  12. That bitch Brooke needs to worry about her own life and how she slept with all the forresters a son in law a brother in law and various other men and she has the nerve to judge Quinn that's sickening

    1. Exactly! She is the biggest hypocrite on the show

  13. Don't put Katy with Eric. She is way to young for him. She needs to be back with Bill she keeps him grounded. Plus this will put a wedge between Katy and Donna. Where he heck is Bill anyways. He has not had much air time since he was released from jail. Agree with everyone about Brooke her nose is growing to long for her face. Lt Eric handle his own problems. He did a great job today. Good actor.
