
Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-7-21 Full episode B&B 7th September 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-7-21 Full episode B&B 7th September 2021


  1. Sheila is evil i hate that woman, she destroys her own son's marriage, she doesn't care, she doesn't care about her son.

  2. Thanks Bob well i see Steam rolling in soon xxx

  3. Doesn't Paris have needy children, homeless or other to fill her time?
    Geometric pattern 🙄🤦

    1. 😂And I wouldn't take fashion advice from social worker Paris, she needs an image consultant herself! Lol

    2. i cant believe zende just stands around letting her talk about finn without walking out or enlightening her that he is married

  4. Hope for future was supposed to be boho chic not formal prom dresses.

  5. I identify with Sheila. I get her. ❤️

  6. The test results should come back normal as Sheila just dropped to the floor on purpose but of course something will be wrong. She will need a blood relative to save her. The only perfect match will be Finn and then will need help from Hayes as well with special consideration granted despite his age as Sheila will die otherwise, lol.

    Let her die!!! But no Finn won’t hear of it and Jack will of course root to let her die, but Li will help Finn do the “right thing” and save Shiela.
    Stupid soap operas. I’m just guessing

  7. Finn is not Sheila son. He is too weak.

    1. Well he was raised by li and she seems like a honest woman but that darn jack sure is soft so we can't blame Finn

  8. Sheila is a trained nurse. She has a trick to alter her BP, maybe a med

  9. oh for craps sake, they don't know Sheila is faking?? good grief

    1. And Finn is a doctor? Anyone who has seen someone legit unconscious (or even legit sleeping) could tell she is faking. Because faces fall asleep too🤣

    2. And she has smiled and pulled smug facial expressions many times , without knowing if he is looking at her or not, and it appeared he was this last time and she smiled, and no one picks it up🤣🤣

  10. Ridge is going to get rid of Sheila!!! I see another murder coming lol

    1. Bfan I think it will b jack, cause he has other issues with her also, and he seems like he could happily do it, and when he finds out about this stunt?? He did say to the grave!!

    2. Lol Colly, oh aye he did. I think it will be a murder mystery or Sheila will fake her death again!

  11. I hope someone murders her, and for real so she can't come back again. If Finn is stupid enough to fall for this shit, maybe he should die

  12. While in her deliriums (even if she has to fake it), Sheila may spill her & Jack's family secret. Time for DNA tests again with no Vinnie around to screw up the test results!

  13. I HATE SHEILA!!! UGHHHHH!! Finn is too damn naive.

  14. I do feel for Finns character, he is a good guy!! But I think it would b very naive of Finn to ignore, reject or disbelieve the information he has been given by his “wife” and the “victims” who suffered at her hands.. the “facts” r that she did do these things, she has both been jailed and incarcerated to a mental institution, diagnosed as a homicidal psychopath, and has murdered and attempted to murder not just one, but many people, including those from y&r, and even admitted it to finn and then tried to justify it “she had to do it” because Stephanie and others were not kind to her and treated her badly!! Does that justify murder??

    We r talking murder and attempted murder and psychopathic behaviour… it’s not about taking just anyone’s word, it’s about facts, and he has no way of knowing if Sheila would try to shoot stephy, his wife and mother of his child.. as stephy said, and Finn already knows as a doctor and also agreed, that homicidal psychopaths don’t change.. with all these serious facts and information from her victims, he has a responsibility to keep his wife and his family safe, not just his own son, but he will b endangering kelly too.. it’s not just a normal situation and Sheila doesn’t just hate on people, she kills or tries to kill them or anyone that gets in her way, so it’s not just an ultimatum, stephy has justifiable and serious concerns for her and her families safety.. I know I would not want Sheila anywhere near my children or husband, and I don’t think any sane person would… but it’s a soap, and this story line is much better than we have had in a while lol

  15. It's horrible of me but I wish Sheila would kill Paris.
