
Thursday, September 9, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-9-21 Full episode B&B 9th September 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 9-9-21 Full episode B&B 9th September 2021


  1. Finn should pack up Shelia & Paris.... move on with them! That really is about as smart as he really is!! Steffy, just tell Finn & Paris to pack up & get out when he returns home. You're better off without either one of them!

  2. Finn is weak! He's letting his wife tell him what to do and his mother manipulate him. He maybe good looking but he's spineless.

    1. He is not even good looking.
      And he will choose his mummy over his (almost) wife.

    2. He is definitely as dumb as he looks.... Stand up for yourself man !!

    3. Steffy should let Finn have a relationship with Sheila but not with Hayes. Then Finn will see Sheila for who she really is. The writers need to let Steffy and Finn be together happily after all.

  3. After what Paris did with Eric, carter and Quinn I can't believe what she doing with finn and steffy damn hipocrite but I guess that's what is normal these days

    1. Now we see why Zoe didn't want her neat her...she sticks her nose in everyone business and course nothing but problems ...Zende should get rid of her ass

  4. Doses Finn remember that he already has a mom, that the name is Lee? The writers only get worse, that story line is absolutely ridiculous.

    1. Agree. Sheila is so over the top, it's just stupid. And Finn is a total idiot. No way could this simpleton have made it through medical school and fall for this obvious manipulation. This storyline is just making me angry. And then Paris, I don't even have the words how sickening she is in all this. So tired of this story already.

    2. Same here can we get a whole new storyline because this one sucks. Paris was so high and mighty when it came to her Zoe Carter and Quinn but now she so hung up on a married man who's wife was nice enough to let you move into her home and not the 🔥🔥🔥🔥 guesthouse. Well we see her actual true colors.

  5. Well damn....but you're right 🤷🏽‍♀️

  6. Paris and Finn never had to live through what the Forrester did so they don't have the same fear. Unfortunately it will take Finn actually experiencing it to get it.
    Paris.... I have no words for Paris. Just can't wait till Steffy hears her.. during her ridiculous shpeeeel about knowing how Finn feels and how Steffy is wrong.

  7. Everybody is focused on Paris. I think this will kill Finn. Sheila is going back to a mental hospital. And after that back to jail. She should be caged like a dangerous animal. Cause that's what she is. Finn, he is just a little B.... He can't even speak.

    Quinn needs to stop talking with Carter about her feelings or devorce Eric and hook up with Carter. She acts like a teenager when she really is in her granny pants already.

    She and Brooke should create a clothing line for senior ladies the age of 60+. That will put both of them in their place...

    1. Um, Unknown, I don't know how old you are or what gender, but chances are that you have nothing on Quinn and Brooke as far as fashion goes, nor for age or for looks. They look pretty good. Maybe you should look in the mirror.

    2. Rena Sofer is 55 so hardly in the 50 plus category and we wish we could look as good as she does at any age lol!

    3. Brooke is a lot older than Quinn. Rena Sofer is only 52 and fabulous.

    4. J you start okay but you end like you are in a position to judge about me. I am not that childish as both Brooke and Quinn are. And I mean their characters, not the person acting like Brooke and Quinn! It makes me think that you forgot it's fixion! Well let me tell you:

      So when I say something it's not about Rena or Kathrine. And people like you are perfect? Go send you spouse to look in the mirror! 😉

  8. One thing people are overlooking Sheila is a Master Class Manipulator she has hooked Finn with words
    Brooke hooked liam to Hope both manipulators
    Quinn is another and so is Bill
    These are powerful people
    Steffy is too but she is also in family mode.
    Paris is a young manipulator like Hope and Thomas
    But Sheila is the master
    Finn is just an average guy a Doctor who dont know about powerplay
    I still think Steam will return but in the mean time Finn needs advice off his mom not his birth one

  9. At this point, if I were Steffy, I would tell Finn that I cannot keep him away from his mom and him wanting to get to know her however, I will have no part of it! And that would be the end of the Sheila problem.

    1. And not let him see Hayes until Sheila is gone!

    2. I agree. Steffy needs to set some boundaries with Finn because telling him Sheila is evil and that he needs to walk away from her is not enough. He doesn't get it and he has to see for himself who Sheila really is.

    3. Facts ...would tell I totally support your relationship with your birth mom , but that would be sacrificing me and your son. Because if I see my wife terrified of a woman I just met yes she gave birth to me but I have a whole other mother who raise me into the man I am . Your father till you she came out of a mental institution and Jail and yet as a medical professional they have Finn looking so dumb !! The writer need to do better

    4. Spot on dezzi!! He’s known Sheila 5 minutes and should have but didn’t see her manipulations, and being an ER doctor, does he know how those machines work?? Obviously not!! Another episode?? bahaha!

  10. Well, so much for thinking that Steffy finally found "the one". Was too good to be true. Get rid of him girl. He comes with Sheila and you definitely don't want that. Finn will have to find out for himself what kind of hell Sheila will raise.

  11. This storyline is just pissing me off. Finn is dumb! Sheila is a manipulative psycho path. Paris is just a sleeze.

  12. Tell me about it !! Between Paris and Shiela don't know who is worst right now .

  13. Finn is even more blind than I thought, if Sheila telling steffy about the text, then saying , sorry I didn’t mean to cause more trouble between them.. and to expect steffy to not lose it, come on.. he is a doctor, and he can’t tell the machines were tampered with and she didn’t have the pulse monitor on?? Come on, Where did he get his medical degree.. And Sheila begging him not to leave while holding his hand and staring at his wedding ring.. and smiling while steffy berates him about the text, he kept looking at Sheila, he didn’t pick up that evil smile.. seriously, this is getting rediculous.. from the scene after they kicked her out of the reception, to her saying in her rant on the lounge that her grandson is a forrester and she is now a permanent fixture in the forrester family, and she’s going to embrace it!! She cares only about her obsession with the forresters!! Where was she the rest of Finns adult life while she “was thinking about him everyday”..??

    Steffy, just leave, take the kids with u and tell him he can have the relationship with his mother, but he cannot stay at the house while doing so and Sheila is not to come to her house or have contact with Hayes.. then mayb he will figure it all out, what he really wants, a mother of 5 minutes that he knows is a homocidal psychopathic maniac, with murders, attempted murders, kidnaps, jail terms, mental asylums etc, or his wife and son?? It really is that simple.. he knows he can’t have both, and he admits why steffy has serious concerns, and is TERRIFIED, so what happened to the conversation they had the very night before?? Has all of what steffy said slipped his mind..

    He needs to look into ALL of her history properly before he makes a decision that big.. for all viewers and fans who don’t know all of sheilas past, go onto Wikipedia and search Sheila carter, then go to storyline’s, it tells u every storyline, what happened, what she did etc.. makes for fun reading.. I just did it lol.. and wow, I found out stuff I had no idea of!! After reading that, she should not even b out of an asylum!!🤣🤣🤣

  14. fars is of course she is betraying steffy who invites in her home she should talk to steffy not stick to finn every hour of the day she is acting irrespectfully towards steffy when she shows in the room of finn and she is trushing stefffy in every occasion she is worst then zoe and she is hugging him in every occasion she is obviously throwing herself
    at him

  15. I think that Sheila will try to kill Steffy, she will shoot Steffy and then Finn will realize that his mother is manipulative psycho path and evil.

  16. People, stop attaquing people cause they don't share the same meaning as you! That makes the world a better place. Change the world start with yourself!!!

  17. Steffy should try to tell to go ahead and be your birth Mom, but Hayes won’t be leaving my house and Sheila will not be allowed in my home ever! If she can make it happen, but I don’t know if that’s even possible🤷‍♀️

  18. How could the sound exactly when erik listening outside t door as inside lol
