
Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-14-21 Full episode B&B 14th October 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-14-21 Full episode B&B 14th October 2021


  1. Thanks Bob xxxx
    Eric is lonely so Quinn must be spending most of her spare time with Carter.
    Nothing to do with a pact and now she dont like Katie spending time with him
    Well tough Quinn make your mind up

    1. I don't think Quinn's upset about Katie spending time with Eric. She's upset because of Katie villifying her to her husband. It's as she told Eric, noone seems to get how much she loves Eric.

      She did not have much of a choice in the matter of being with Carter and she could have refused Eric's suggestion but what was the alternative? Stay at home with Eric while he looks for ways to try and convince her to be with Carter? Or maybe up with his manipulations to get her and Carter alone together? Quinn and Carter have genuine feelings for each other and Eric used that to manipulate them into being together.

    2. *put up with his manipulations.

  2. Ridge has a nerve barging into Carter's place uninvited

    1. Carter has a good deal of nerve himself- bumping uglies with Eric's wife. Ridge is behaving quite sanely and being a great and loving son. I can't wait to see Katie's portrait above the fireplace. That thingy hanging there now, is unsettling.

    2. I find what Quinn and Carter are doing is disgusting-they SHOULD have refused but no they are too selfish. Yeah knock it off Quinn, being Eric' wife is only important to you for his fortune...BTW, IMO Ridge has every right to be concerned for his father!

  3. quinn do not answer Eric questions he did not ask her about chriesh moment he sak if he is enough for her to give up cater I think she should just let him go Carter is who she really want

    1. Eric asked Quinn if being his wife was enough for her to give up her feelings for Carter. Quinn answered by telling Eric that her feelings for him (Eric) were all that ever mattered.

  4. Now I'm wondering if Thomas set this up to get closer to Paris?

  5. Ridge can't vex he had the hotts for quin also he didn't study his dad then

  6. I actually know a couple that has a similar situation. The wife no longer wanted to have sex with her husband, so she allows him to have a girlfriend. It took me a while to get use to, because the wife and the girlfriend are now good friends. Sometimes they hang out together and sometimes the 3 of them do things together. Not my cup of tea, but other people's relationships aren't up to me🤷

  7. So over the eric Quinn carter sl..but I have to say, Quinn looked stunning today.. I loved what she was wearing, and she has such a beautiful face and hair.. I can see hope getting jealous when Douglas bonds with Paris, and I see zende not happy that Paris will live with Thomas but not him.. and I see not a triangle but a square coming on..

    Trouble between steffy and Finn and hope and Liam.. then hope will want Thomas, Thomas will want Paris, Paris will want Finn and Finn will want hope?? Then a steam reunion..

    1. I am not sure about Hope and Thomas. I had so much hope for a union between them ever since Thomas came out of the hospital but it seems it is not meant to be. I also hope that they do not do yet another switcheroo couple putting Liam and Steffy back together and Finn and Hope. These ladies already shared one man, let's please leave it at that. Lol.

    2. Lol, Ell, but u know it’s coming🤣🤣 I too have been wanting a Thomas and hope union,but I don’t think it’s going to happen..and it’s not going to happen because we want it to happen..that’s what the writers do..they read what we want and go the opposite direction..I have a feeling ,they r headed towards a Paris and Thomas hook up..and Paris is great with kids,and I can see hope getting jealous without even realising it,because she is so used to being the centre of his world,and I think Paris will get close to Douglas,so between Thomas and Douglas getting so close to paris,I can see hope getting her nose out of joint..Liam will notice it..I just soooo do not want a steam reunion or like u said a switcheroo!

    3. Colly 😂😂😂😂

  8. I really do not want to see stem union please writer leave Steffy and Finn alone let them happy together Hope and Steffy had enough for sharing one man so many times Also.dont care about Paris who she is going to be with not Finn

  9. What boggles my mind is that Quinn keeps saying how much she's in love with Eric and wants to be married to him and how much their marriage matters to her then why in the hell is she still sleeping with Carter??🤷🤷🤦🤦🤦

  10. Noooo, It says the content is no longer available, the video has been removed (it says the same about all octobers episodes for me and here in sweden we are sooo long after so I have to wait for 1.5 month before we get to this) :(
