
Monday, October 18, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-18-21 Full episode B&B 18th October 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-18-21 Full episode B&B 18th October 2021


  1. Katie will get some 'chocolate':))

  2. How does Zander get sexy everyday while Paris loses more of her initial appeal by the minute?

    1. Justin B that's what I don't get it means and to I don't get it I was thinking the same thing about Paris 😂😂😂

  3. They are setting up competition between Katie and Donna for Eric. When did Zende suddenly decide they were a couple ? He was Mr I don’t want anything serious ha.

    1. He went from wanting Zoe to wanting Paris to wanting to take it slow to wanting her to move in to having the best girlfriend ever! My head is spinning.

  4. I think your right bfan, I think Katie will do to Donna, what Brooke did to her, and she just finished saying to bill about how hurtful it was to b second fiddle to Brooke, now she is going to do what Brooke did.. as for zende, he did say that he wanted to slow things down, and now that he is ready to move forward, she has formed a major crush on finn, and looks like she is headed to a hook up with Thomas now??

    1. Now that Quinn has broken Carter's poor heart and has decided that she wants to stay married to Eric, I see more of a Quinn vs Donna for Eric and Quinn vs Katie for Carter. They are pushing Katie and Carter to become close and I am sure Quinn is gonna get her panties in a bunch. She knows what Carter is like in bed. Imagining Carter with another woman (Katie) knowing that she isn't getting any action from her husband will hurt like hell!

    2. Yep, that’s exactly what will happen, Quinn will get jealous and want carter back but it will b too late, or carter will hurt Katie by taking Quinn back, which I really hope doesn’t happen..

  5. What’s also evident,is Zoe said paris always had to have what she wanted and inserted herself into every part of Zoe’s life, and now I can see what Zoe was saying, Zoe worked at forrester, now Paris is working there, and not just as the consultant for the foundation, but giving input on the hope for the future line, moved into the CEO’s home, babysat her kids, fell in love with her husband, Zoe was almost married to Thomas, now Paris will fall for him too.. then Thomas and zende start designing gowns for her and then talks her into becoming a forrester what’s the bet,that Paris gets so overwhelmed with having two jobs social worker/model,and then struggles to decide which one of the three men she now has feelings for,that she turns to Carter,and then they hook up and get married??then she has accomplished a mirror image of Zoe’s life..she wants, then takes Zoe’s entire life in one foul swoop!! Talk about looking up to your big sister!!

  6. Quinn, how dare you! If she knew all along that she couldn't give up her marriage, why did she agree to sleep with Carter knowing how he felt about her? Today, she gave credence to everything that Ridge, Brooke and Katie said about her. I'm upset!

    And Carter, sorry to say, but this is his fault. Quinn told him that she did not want to leave him but he insisted that she return to Eric because Eric could give her everything she wanted. I feel sorry for him but he brought it on himself.

    Pleeeaaassseeee!!!! I am so tired of these people bad-mouthing Quinn every chance they get. They need to get over it! Geez!

    1. Agree on everything u said Ell..and what hippocrites.. I found it very amusing when Donna said to brook about Quinn wanting to b the matriarch, and them not accepting her into the family, and Donna said Quinn wants everything, status, being the matriarch of a dynasty, and the spite in her voice and on her face, because that’s what Donna wants, to go from receptionist/babysitter, to b the matriarch of the dynasty and so does brook.. brook wants Quinn portrait gone so hers can go up there.. when Stephanie died, she was on good terms with brook, amd told brook it’s her turn to b matriarch..that’s all that matters to brook, not Eric, not anyone, just her own self was not long ago she tried to trick ridge into giving her equal ceo with him, and to push steffy aside... she did that “special” photo shoot and it came up in the magazine as an “apparent”error, saying her and ridge r co CEO’s.. when he pointed out the error, she tried to talk him into it by using sex!! That’s what she uses to get everything she wants..her mission has always been to b the matriarch, and she won’t stop till she is..

  7. I liked the other Zende more. This Zende needs to learn more about acting. He is a nice looking guy, but the other Zende had the sexy look, moves, voice. Total package I give a 10+ on a scale from 1-10.

    Quinn hurt Carter very bad. But Carter souldn't have expected anything else from that awful woman. He IS better than that. He just used his heart to think. And that's is not a crime. It's not getting the 1st price either. Now that Carter is in mourning about Quinn Thomas will take over the shirtless scenes??? That's bad! That's really bad!. His body compared to Carter or even Finn is a no thanks to me... But I'm sure there are a lot ladies who would like a date with him.

    The Logan sisters Brooke and Donna looked like candybars in the pink and purple dresses. Like they tried to take 40 years away. Mission failed! And Katie has big balls marching in Carter's apartment like that. She is totally gonna dive into bed with Carter and than Bill will through with his dollars to get Carter out of the way. That's what he said to Katie. He will not let anything or anybody get in the way of getting his Katie back...

    Now B&B writers, can I get a job to?, 😜

    1. The new Zende is a Harvard grad, he is more polished than the old one. Brings a different feel to Zende.

    2. I think it's a matter of taste. I liked the rough diamond kind of way the old Zende acted. This Zende's way of acting is really just acting. But the old Zende gave me the feeling that I was watching a real life soap. The same I think about the actors playing Nicole and Paris. Paris is just acting and you can see that. But Nicole gave me the same feeling that Zende gave me.

  8. The contest is about to begin ! I wish Katie would land up with Eric. Both decent caring people. But the Bold has other ideas I guess. B

    1. Eric is old enough to be Katie’s da and impotent. Why would you wish that on her? think Katie would suit Carter. He would bring out her playful wild side like Wyatt. Katie is loyal and would give Carter the love and balance he’s looking for.

    2. Bbfan101 I totally agree with you about Katie and Carter

  9. Katy and carter perfect couple ,i hope am right!

  10. Yep bfan, I think Katie and carter are perfect for each other.. they both want the same thing.. what Katie said to bill about what she wants, she pretty much described carter!! She want a man that’s hers and only hers, and someone loyal, and loving and who treats her with love and respect she deserves, and carter would give her all of that..
