
Friday, October 22, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-22-21 Full episode B&B 22nd October 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-22-21 Full episode B&B 22nd October 2021


  1. Looks like the dry season is over.

  2. Lol!!! Was that episode for real???

  3. Brooke encouraging her sister to go after a married man, shameless!

    Besides Quinn will eat Donna up for breakfast lol. Stay in ur lane Logans👀

    1. Brooke never let a little thing being married keep her from sleeping with and stealing any man or teenage boy. Donna is a Logan so apparently she is also exempt from Brooke’s hypocritical, sanctimonious sniping at Quinn, Carter and any other female 😂

    2. Lutfiyya I'd rather see Donna with Eric than Quinn. Quinn has lied and schemed too much and for her to go along with what Eric wanted with her and Carter was shameful. If she meant it when she told Eric that he was enough for her no matter what, she would have never slept with Carter.

  4. I haven't watched that much since Monday and so much the better. The episode is not very well written or well composed. Sheila / Finn / Steffy's SL has lost its momentum, it's getting too long, poorly done. Same for Deacon / Hope / Liam's copy pasted Finn's and so bad. Brooke, I can't stand his hypocrisy anymore. She accused Quinn of encouraging Shauna, but if memory serves me well. It was Ridge who started wanting Shauna long before Quinn knew about the kiss. Brooke hadn't liked that Shauna could be close to Ridge, but there. She encourages her sister to want a married man. It’s so hypocritical. And what is this episode ending, so old-fashioned, ugly and really disgusting. Donna is getting ridiculous and really has no self esteem for herself

  5. Seriously!! Donna throwing herself at a married man ??? If that weren't disgusting enough ... then he licks some honey from her finger and like a scene out of Seinfeld "It moved"

  6. eric is more than remembering his ED is gone hahahahaha

    1. I would certainly hope that Hope and Finn would have enough common sense to realize that Deacon and Sheila are scheming. I mean come on. Hopefully they'll tell Liam and Steffy about it and they'll try to make them see what's going on. But of course that won't happen and we'll have to watch to see how things unfold.

  7. Donna is pathetic! No way did Eric lick her finger and tell her that he's more than remembering. Come next episode, the dream will be over.

    Deacon needs to get as far away from Sheila as he can. You can tell he was just going along with Sheila's scheme. I hope that Finn and Hope picked up on it.

    1. Yes Donna is a Logan sex goddess and magically cured Eric’s ED where medicine failed! Buwhahahaha 😂 😆

    2. Ikr! Eric apparently wasted his money on all the doctors he claimed to have seen and who told him his ED couldn't be cured. What did Donna put in that honey? 😂😂

  8. Science says honey has strong medicinal properties🤣🤣all sorted!!

    1. Dying here 😂 😂 😆

    2. They have to be pretty strong if one lick of Donna's boney finger cured Eric's ED. Talk about potency for impotency. 😂🤣

  9. Charlie 🤣🤣🤣that man makes me laugh..B&B would not b the same without him and Pam..I love their characters,especially Charlie!! I think your right Ell, it’s a day dream..and as for the sl’s with Sheila,deacon,hope,Finn, I hope they see through it, it’s so obvious..conjugal visits, really🤦‍♀️ Steffy, Liam, Hanan said, they r really going off track with Sheila and steffy.. it started out good, now it’s just getting stupid and boring..just get straight to the action..brook, u shit stirring , conniving’s obvious she is starting rumours with Pam to get back to Quinn..all she is doing is putting her sister up against Quinn, and we all know Donna is no match for Quinn, she will gobble her up for breakfast!! Come on writers, get a grip!! Sigh..

    1. Love Pam n Charlie as well, I’ve missed them. Totally agree, it’s a daydream 😶‍🌫️ Quinn is going to go off on Brooke and her dim whit sister Donna. This is hysterical to watch! 😄

    2. Also ,Charlie mustn’t b getting much action, the way he was trying to gobble that honey up straight from the bottle in one foul swoop, while Pam watched on!! Can u tell I am frustrated by the sl’s..

  10. Loved Deacon's facial expressions. lol

    1. Hope and Finn’s were brilliant as well!

    2. I know🤣🤣🤣 especially when she said about the conjugal visits🤣🤣but the whole way through..🤣 I would b pulling worse than that if I had to pretend to be in love with a psychopath!! And hope looked like she was going to 🤢🤮

    3. Deacon is the best. I was laughing so hard every time Hope asked him a question and he looked over at Sheila.

      I agree with you Colly. Hope's expression was priceless!

  11. Good to see Pam back. I guess Honeybear is up for the occasion.

  12. Stupid crap! Ok so here's the deal, my prediction, Eric's obviously going to hook back up with Donna because she woke him up, so Quinn is going to be sad because she will no longer have a relationship with him, and will try to go back to Carter but he would have moved on with Katie, Quinn and Katie will get into heated arguments over Carter, and Bill will get into a fight with Carter because he can't accept the fact that Katie moved on from him

  13. Near the end of the "honey bear" scene between Donna and Eric, did anyone else notice the background music? It sounded just like the instrumental section of music entitled "The Orgy" from the original movie soundtrack of "Conan the Barbarian" with Arnold Schwarzenegger. It is a brilliantly lush composition by Basil Poledouris.

  14. yup here we go. brook got all pissed at quinn for interfering with her and ridge by trying to get ridge and shawna together now here she goes doing same thing to quinn and erics marriage by pushing donna into telling eric how she really eric gonna fall for donna agaain and kick quinn to the curb. who then gonna run back to carter.. problem there is will carter take her back or is he and katie gonna fall for each other? damn it hope and finn are grown ass people and if they want to have relationship with their parents then by gosh they have that right. reguardless of their pasts .. people can and do change and its not up to their spouces and families to decide for them. why do i see this kelly mommy and daddy time leading steffy and liam back together and the shiela and deacon ordeals bringing hope and fin together to fall for each other ??

  15. I think u r spot on about everything Pammy 1169, except, I don’t agree with allowing Sheila to have a relationship with Finn, because since she has been back, she has well and truly shown she has NOT changed..not one bit!! I am with steffy on this one 💯.. even deacon has picked up she is becoming obsessed and that’s it’s funny she shows up on the day he married steffy!! When she was on the couch having an imaginary conversation which Stephanie, said it all..

  16. I am so sick of brooks sanctimonious attitude. She has no right talking about Quinn when she has slept her way through the forester family and still can't keep her faithful. I like Quinn she is a fighter and I can relate to her.

  17. Shelia and Deacon 👍😂😂😂😂😂😂

  18. The actor who plays Deacon is one good looking guy: he never seems to change...With age, he gets better!
    Thank you for posting, Bob!
    Melody Fox (aka the Princess of Rock)
