
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-26-21 Full episode B&B 26th October 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-26-21 Full episode B&B 26th October 2021


  1. Sheila is more crazy than ever !! And Deacon such a whimp. Oh dear, never a dull moment on the Bold. But lets hope Donna makes a comeback. Thank you Bob

  2. Sheila is literally PHYSCO as hell !!! She needs to be stopped!! She is insane for thinking Finn will leave Steffy and Hope would leave Liam...just like Deacon said....she just wants to ruin lives and marriages...she doesn't care who she hurts. Smh!

  3. "Sheila, you and I together are like a toxic waste dump" I effin love it !!😂😂😂

  4. Run Deacon run! Psyhosheila will cost you only troubles..

    I knew that Eric won't be able to sleep with Queen last night. He can do it only with Donna. I'm curious what's next

    1. I was really hoping that things wouldn't work out with Eric and Quinn and I have to say that I'm happy they didn't! It's great because Eric deserves better than Quinn. Now I want to see her run back to Carter and have Carter shut the door in her face. She did choose Eric over Carter twice and that should be enough for Carter. If Eric had a breakthrough with Donna that must mean something not to mention they both still care about and love each other. Maybe Katie should be with Carter but I just think they're making Carter jump into another relationship too fast. Quinn should just go back to Las Vegas with Shauna. But then again knowing Quibn she'll probably stick around so she can try to go after Brooke again. I'm not sure I see her changing her ways. It will be interesting. It would be nice to see Deacon come clean with everybody about Sheila's plan, but of course that probably won't happen either. I think Sheila is going to end up doing something where either Finn or Deacon will have to stop her. Hopefully they'll just kill her off this time around. They can find a new villain, but maybe that'll be Quinn. Who knows. I guess we'll have to stay tuned. I just don't like it when the writers draw things out too long.

  5. Ughh I really don’t want Donna with Eric, she is no fun! She is dull and boring!!! At least Quinn keeps Eric on his toes!! And there is never a dull moment around Quinn!!

  6. I can't stand Brooke anymore 🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾

    1. Join the club🤣 Brooke is very disrespectful and she is very ckeaky for sticking her nose in other people's sex life. She better watch out before ridge is next with ED. Maybe that should happen. She won't have time to stick her nose in others life's.

      Useless woman!

    2. I am tending to agree. Brooke has gotten to be very annoying with her holier than thou attitude, forgetting everything that she did in the past. I would say the same about Ridge, but he's too cute. :)

    3. I am tending to agree. Brooke has gotten to be very annoying with her holier than thou attitude, forgetting everything that she did in the past. I would say the same about Ridge, but he's too cute. :)

    4. Well, the writers keep cutting and pasting a lot lately, so mayb ridge will get ED!! 🤣 I can’t stand brook, but have to say, I did like what she was wearing today and sadly I think she is right ,that Quinn is the problem, I have been suspecting that for a while??has anyone noticed that they always dress shiela in either snake,crocodile or leopard print tops..very fitting!!

      Funny, Quinn, “I have to find out what he had for lunch yesterday”, and the 👀 on deacons face when Sheila said in her crazy voice, “no I’m not”..he looked scared🤣🤣🤣he better run before she sets those killer bees after him.. and I think mayb Eric fizzled because Quinn was running up those stairs and had to stop to let him catch up..he was probably pooped trying to get to the bedroom before it fizzled, he needs to install one of those residential lifts!! Or keep a bottle of honey on hand at the bottom of the stairs to guzzle like popeye the sailor man hoot hoot..

    5. Well, the writers keep cutting and pasting a lot lately, so mayb ridge will get ED!! 🤣 I can’t stand brook, but have to say, I did like what she was wearing today and sadly I think she is right ,that Quinn is the problem, I have been suspecting that for a while??has anyone noticed that they always dress shiela in either snake,crocodile or leopard print tops..very fitting!!

      Funny, Quinn, “I have to find out what he had for lunch yesterday”, and the 👀 on deacons face when Sheila said in her crazy voice, “no I’m not”..he looked scared🤣🤣🤣he better run before she sets those killer bees after him.. and I think mayb Eric fizzled because Quinn was running up those stairs and had to stop to let him catch up..he was probably pooped trying to get to the bedroom before it fizzled, he needs to install one of those residential lifts!! Or keep a bottle of honey on hand at the bottom of the stairs to guzzle like popeye the sailor man hoot hoot..

  7. I would love to see Brooke get jealous of Deacon with Shiela, lol. Then I’d Finn and Hope supposedly get together be the true Brooke and sleep with Finn!!! Watch Steffy snap. There will be a new war, possibly an outright villain. Quinn can be the hero and do away with Brooke and save the day. Eric will be ever grateful and she can tell him to go to hell!!!! She deserves better than a man who is now again himself flitting with another woman (he is back to his old ways).
    Next have Charlie realize that Pam isn’t committing to him fully. Thought he wanted to marry her at one point. Speak up Charlie.

  8. The writers been cutting pasting a lot of sl’s, so mayb ridge will get it, karma🤣Had a feeling Eric would fizzle.. I don’t like brook, but I think she might b right, I suspected as much, and I liked what she was wearing..

    Funny, Quinn “I have to find out what he had for lunch”.. has anyone noticed wardrobe always dresses Sheila in 🐍,🐊 or🐆 prints!!very fitting!!finn is so naive,sick of hearing him say, “I hope she is telling the truth”,how many times has he said that now.. should have known she never tells the truth three times ago now🤦‍♀️

    I think Eric fizzled cause Quinn was running up those stairs and had to stop to let Eric catch up!!he needs to install one of those residential lifts!!or keep a bottle of honey on hand at the bottom of the stairs, so he can have a big guzzle, like “popeye the sailor man,hoot hoot”💪with his can of spinach!!wow, now I am showing my age!!

  9. Did they really have to go down this long and ridiculous road of Eric having faux ED to having Donna curing him with a bottle of honey (a slap in the face to persons suffering with this condition, if you ask me) just to have it determined that Eric does not love Quinn anymore? Quinn and Shauna's attempt to break up Bridge's marriage and Eric's disillusionment with Quinn which led to her affair with Carter when Eric pushed her away, were sufficient to come to this conclusion. The way they went about it was stupid and did none of the characters involved any favors.

    I'm liking the rapport between Finn and Hope. It's nice to see them interacting with each other apart from their respective families. I hope the writers don't mess up their friendship. Finn needs to wake up though. He needs to realize that Sheila not only gave him up but refused to have any relationship with him his entire life, even after she admitted that she was always following up on him and his life. He needs to stop thinking that she's good or believable or misunderstood. And especially with Hope questioning the legitimacy of Sheila and Deacon's relationship, it should have opened his eyes somewhat to the possibility that Sheila is not to be trusted since Hope can be considered to be the least judgemental person in this situation.

    1. I agree: however, everyone forgets that Quinn was reacting to Brooke’s unwarranted and vicious attacks on Eric and Quinn’s marriage! Brooke acted like she owned Eric and physically attacked Shauna and told Quinn to leave town etc because the mansion would always be Stephanie’s house and Brooke was the Forrester matriarch! Brooke did everything she could to undermine amd destroy that marriage, unprovoked, then played the victim when Quinn had enough and retaliated!

    2. Yup! 💯% correct, Bbfan.

  10. I am sick of Brooke, the woman who slept with every man and boy and cheated on all of them, slept with Eric’s sons while married to him , talking crap about Quinn!

    Brooke talking about others cheating is the most hypocritical thing ever! Look up serial cheater in the Dictionary and Brooke Logan’s bio will be there 😂!

    Donna is a dimwit! Eric is the same old philandering fool he ever was! He was a serial cheater too! The Logan coven are beyond ridiculous with their recreation of history especially as Donna slept with Owen while married to Eric please! Donna took Eric for his money and shares of Forrester not mention his perpetual infatuation with Brooke 🤮. Gold diggers from the valley have a cheek talking about anyone else!

    Eric does like dumb blondes amd Donna is certainly that! You see the Logans want all the men the Forresters, Spencer’s and Carter!

    1. If Brooke were to take a long walk off a short cliff, it would make me very happy.

      I hope that Carter does not go and get himself involved with Katie. She may be the least annoying Logan but I cannot stand her.

    2. Bnb fan If you are sick just stop watching, hypocrisy not a nice thing, since you love steffy and Taylor but hate brook who has the same qualities

  11. Why are the videos have been removed plz
    From 10/26/21 plz
