
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-27-21 Full episode B&B 27th October 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 10-27-21 Full episode B&B 27th October 2021


  1. Sheila is certifiable!

    I feel sorry for Donna because when Quinn finds out what is going on between her and Eric.... Lol.

  2. Replies
    1. Indeed it is. The look on Eric's face when he realised this was priceless

  3. Where is Sheila getting all the money for hotel room, food ect...

  4. So Donna is acting a typical Logan and like we said Steam props to give Hope story with Finn propping too
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  5. 1. Yes Sheila is obsessing and I feel sorry for Finn and Hope.
    2. Can Quinn do for Eric what he did for her. Can she stay home while he sleeps with Donna?????
    3. Steffy banning Sheila reminds me of when Hope wouldn't let Taylor anywhere near the family after Taylor shot Bill. Basically Another recycled story line.

    1. 2. Why should Quinn do for Eric what he did for her? She is "capable of", he wasn't. She should better leave that narcissistic selfish bastard. He has never deserved her.

    2. Agreed Hundi. People are conveniently forgetting that Quinn did not just decide to sleep with Carter after her husband's ED, it was Eric that insisted and also manipulated the situation by sending Quinn to Carter's place with the note. Quinn said no. People seem to buy into Eric's warped idea of doing what he did out of love for Quinn but can't seem to accept that Quinn went along with it out of love for her husband in order to keep his condition private.

      The storylines will continue to be repeated because their ratings have not been unduly affected. This is because we complain of recycled storylines but continue to watch the show. If the ratings are not being significantly affected, why change anything?

  6. Guess some people can't be rehabilitated. Didn't somebody tell Sheila and Deacon that they have to earn people's trust back...which takes time. These two belong locked up for good.
    And since Shauna didn't go back to Vegas where does she live now? And does she have a job? Hmmm. Just wondering. Maybe I missed a show or two.

    1. I've never seen Shauna do anything. But go to see her son Wyatt at SP Spencer publications? Anyway there and Eric's and quinns house and then only other place is visiting her daughter, and quinn whoever at the Foresters building where everybody else works lol

    2. Tobad it wasn't really her sleeping with carter, why. Not that would have been a good couple

  7. Donna is so pathetic. Brooke talks shite about Quinn cheating on one side of her mouth while pushing her sister and married Eric to cheat with the other! She’s such a home wrecker.

  8. Deacon's facial expressions are priceless. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. ๐Ÿคฃ๐ŸคฃI know!! Especially when she was pretending to come on to him and at the end when she was talking about the photo she made..if,after yesterday and today,he has not realised she has seriously lost it and he should run, then he deserves what ever he gets..

  9. I think Steffy looks so much better with her own hair. The mermaid hair extensions just looked obvious and ridiculous. I couldn't pay attention to anything but that hair๐Ÿ˜œ

    1. Me to! Both Steffy and Liam had a bad hair day. Liam looks like a baby chicken๐Ÿ˜‚

    2. Yeah, you're right. Liam's hair looked stupid lol

  10. Well,looks like Donna has two talents, cause if he gets movement from a “bear hug”, after such a serious conversation?? I think they r trying to point out that not all cases of ED are just a physical issue, but that an emotional/mental issue can also cause it to happen..

    I am so tired of hearing Finn say, “I would like to hope/think sheilas not lying and telling the truth”, how many times he gonna say that!! If he didn’t learn three times ago now??he is so naive..even hope can see through it..

    Brook, conniving bfan said yesterday, she has tried to come between them from the moment she found out about them, and I said it before and agree bfan and Ell, that brook just wants the mansion to stay hers, so one day she will b the matriarch and her portrait will b up there..

    Deacon, run mate, run as fast as u can ,like the gingerbread man!!the ๐Ÿ‘€ on his face when she “came on to him” and with the photo she made, priceless..

    1. Right now, Colly, the only thing making this whole Sheila psycho *&tch storyline bearable is Deacon's facial expressions and the comments he makes toward her. Lol.

  11. Oh Shiela is back in the house!! Full wack job. Deacon’s getting more than he bargained for. Wonder what’s to come /if he can actually get away. Will Hope try to rescue him or better yet Finn to show undying support for Hope?
    Erics punishment should be have an affair with Donna and while being in then suffer priapism when finished and stuck going back to Quinn that way. Guess she’ll find out whatcha been doing to
    “not her” mr. I’ve got ED, lol

    1. I am beginning to get a tad bit concerned about the sudden frequency of Steffy/Liam scenes as a loving family. Something is telling me that by the end of it all, Sheila will end of killing the one person she is doing all of this for - Finn! That will leave the door wide open for Liam to be all over Steffy, coddling and supporting her. I really hope that I am wrong about all this.

      I fully agree with Eric's punishment! Lmao.

    2. I too have been disturbed by Steffi and Liam spending so much time together. Looks like history will repeat itself for the millionth time. This relationship swapping is giving me whiplash

    3. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ that was good

  12. I'm disappointed that this is the way they dealt with ED. First the fucked up racist trope of ordering his Black employee to stud himself out and ordering his wife to shtup elsewhere, as though their bodies aren't their own. now the magical, immaculate lubricant and ED is dispelled - and Quinn is as usual blamed. Yeesh.

    1. Yup! They did such a disservice to persons struggling with this condition in the way they handled this ED storyline.
