Eric is the problem.... he should have told & insisted that the Logan sisters Brook, Katie & Donna, to shut up and stay out of his/Quinn's marriage or just get out!! But he is weak, no backbone & puts Quinn on the back burner. By no means, I am not a fan of Quinn's but I do take her side on these issues with Eric & the Logan sisters & Ridge as well!
Totaly, Quinn always said she was not an angel and when she was taken for her many bad ones. she always said it and assumed it, that she took no excuses for it. Eric does the same thing as with Stephanie, he always took the Logans side against the one in the time Stephanie and Quinn today. And Donna, she's a hypocrite because to say that she respects Quinn and Eric's marriage, why play with honey and put it on her finger to bring up memories. The honey thing was not innocent. Donna slept with Eric knowing he was once a married man. Donna would have had the same reaction as Quinn if the roles were reversed. Donna and Eric are hypocrites who never assume anything. Quinn reminds me of Stephanie when Eric was playing the part of the Logan sisters. It's the same thing "Stephanie alone has to fight for her husband and marriage against Eric and the Logans" and "Quinn alone has to fight for her husband and marriage against Eric and the Logans".
Wow, good show today. I cannot believe that Quinn. And I honestly don't see how anybody could defend the way she acted. This is what I'm saying about Quinn. She always uses violence and threats. Always wanting to get revenge. That is what makes her different than any of the Logan's. They don't have to resort to those measures. And she's going off on Donna accusing her of doing things that Donna didn't even do. Not to mention pushing her against the desk with a chair and threatening her. Just unbelievable. And I'm quite surprised that things went down the way they did with Quinn and Eric. And if this isn't a reason for Eric to tell Quinn where to go then I don't know what will be. I started laughing about Quinn and the Logan sisters before I watched today's episode. Is Queen would say,those damn Logan sisters,lol. It would just be great if Donna Logan ended up with Eric and Katie Logan ended up with Carter, LOL. And I think we all know that Quinn hates Brooke. In my opinion it would just be the ultimate thing to happened. Quinn doesn't deserve to have either one of those men because they're too good for her. As I said, Quinn will never change her ways and she proved today that she won't. She just went about things the wrong way all the way around. So it should bye bye by Quinn.
Hanan. I just don't see how you can defend Quinn. Okay Quinn might have owned up to the things that she's done wrong and apologized, but she also promised that she'd change and she proved today that she won't change. She didn't give Donna a chance to explain anything but instead she jumped to conclusions which were all wrong. She said terrible things to Donna. Pushing Donna up against the desk with a chair was not necessary. And then to basically threatened her life. I'm sorry but that behavior is just wrong. And yes the Logan sisters have made their share of mistakes too, but they too have also admitted to those and apologized. They weren't vindictive and violent and never seeked revenge. That's the difference between the Logans and Quinn. I don't understand how anybody could condone Quinn's behavior. People can hate the Logan sisters for things that they've done, but they will never be as bad as Quinn. When she finds out something she doesn't like she's too quick to flip out and jump to conclusions which causes her to react in ways she shouldn't.
Ooooooooohhhhhhhh. Quinn is on fire! Loved her scenes with Eric! She spoke TRUTH! Now watch Eric do to Quinn as he always does and choose Donna over her.
Lmao @ Katie backtracking her position on wanting Carter to go after Quinn after he held her hand.
And Brooke. She almost got her sister killed and all she can do when Donna told her that Quinn overhead her talking to Eric was giggle? Really? I hope Donna slaps the beejeezus out of her tomorrow.
Yeah, Brooke giggled. Like she intentionally went over there to speak loud about these things, HOPING that Quinn would overhear it. Sometimes I think they speak openly about secrets because they want them to come out. She deserves a slap and so much more.
I understand Quinn. Ofc she feels betrayed and undesired. The Logans are trash and backstabbers.
Donna doesn't outright tell Eric she wants him, or anyone else that she wants him. No she is sneaky... She is a lover yeah, but also a betrayer, she just does it differently and sneaky. She says she doesn't wanna come between them and their marriage, but her actions says otherwise.
Eric will prob choose Donna, because who is Quinn to tell him who to see and who not to see, that is gonna be his argument. And then Quinn will try to talk with Carter, but he is prob in bed with Katie at the time... or about to...Hell is gonna break loose soon.
@Lutfiyya, certainly, but Eric will do as with Stephanie "go back to her every time". Eric got married to Lauren, Sheila, Brooke, Donna and many other women, every time he was done with his marriage phobic crises, he went back to running with Stephanie. And there he will do the same, he will go with Donna, but when he gets bored of sex all the time with Donna, he will go running after Quinn. Eric's story with Donna was all honey and sex, he had nothing in common except that. And later, he quickly went back to see Stephanie. It's funny because at the time she told him "I know you eric, when you are fed up with only having intimate relations, you will come back to see me" and that's what happened
@Malin; totaly, but we all know when he's done with Donna and honey sex, he's gonna run after Quinn. As with Stephanie, and his many marriages with other women younger than his wife (Stephanie at the time), he was constantly running alongside Stephanie.
Elle, Quinn didn't speak the entire truth because she didn't tell Eric how she pushed Donna up against a desk with a chair or how she threatened her. She conveniently left that part out. And the problem is Quinn is jumping to all these conclusions which are nothing but wrong and she has the nerve to tell Eric what he thinks he should do? This is all typical Quinn behavior and it has to make people laugh when she said a while back that she would change her ways. She isn't going to change and she proved that. And Katie was actually being nice about Quinn to Carter. I don't understand why people can't see things as they are. Katie knew that Carter had feelings for Quinn and the only wanted him to know that if he wanted to he could probably still be with her if she left Eric. Even though she said she wouldn't push him to be with Quinn because of the kind of person Quinn is she still was thinking about what Carter might want. And so what if Brooke giggled when she found out that Quinn knew what happened. Brooke makes no secret how she feels about Quinn. But she wasn't happy with what Quinn did and yeah she'll say something to Eric about it and she should. Quinn's behavior was uncalled for. She's just mad that she can't do it for her husband like Donna can do it for him. She didn't have a right to accuse Donna of coming on to her husband and trying to come between their marriage because that is not what was going on at all. I actually hope Eric takes a good look at this side of Quinn and put it together with the past and realizes that he doesn't want to be with somebody like her.
@Maddy Eric was just as untruthful to Quinn about the whole situation with Donna. I don't know why people are thinking this situation with Eric and Donna was so innocent. Donna was coming on to Eric by telling him how she never stopped loving him, by dripping honey all over her finger then allowing him to lick it off. If she is so respectful of Eric's marriage as she says she is, she would not have allowed all that to happen.
And of course, any woman would be angry to know that another woman is arousing her husband. Who would be okay with that? And who would be okay with having that information and still want this woman to be around her husband. That is not normal so don't try to make it out like Donna was some innocent bystander when Eric just happened to pass by and then "whoops", up it went. That was not the case. There was a lot of foreplay that went into that happening.
Someone referred to poor Donna as a Michael Jackson lookalike. I can sooo see the resemblance especially after she started hyperventilating following the verbal attack from the physcho Quinn lol. I have to say though how can Quinn get so possessive about Eric after an innocent embrace when she deliberately was unfaithful in the marriage before she had Eric's blessings to sleep with Carter
Well, maybe Eric should have reccognized his wife and protected her against the Logans, when they were attacking her marriage to Eric. Every chance they got they were trashing her, and he didn't say anything. Not saying her cheating on Eric with Carter was okay, but they were both starving for attention at the time when it happened.
@Malin, totaly, the same thing he always do with Sptehanie too in the past, he never protected Stephanie, verbal, physical insults, because she lost her house to another and her right to be present at FC. he lets the Logans do it and Quinn and Stephabie are big bad guys. I've always said that Stephanie and Quinn might be strong on the outside but fragile on the inside so that no one would hurt them and use that fragility against them.
Hanna, Stephanie also handled things the wrong way. She would make threats she was mean, and she was vindictive. Maybe people defend the Logan's because they don't act that way. And I also see the truth about people in their actions. The Logans have never threatened anybody or tried to ruin anybody's lives like Stephanie did and like Quinn has done. It does make a difference in the way people choose to react and handle situations which may be a reason why Eric didn't defend Stephanie or Quinn. All the hatred I see for the Logan's in the comments just amazes me. But nobody stops to think how the other people acted when certain things would happened. Violence, threats, and trying to ruin people's lives are not the way to go. All qualities that Stephanie and Quinn have shown. Not to say that none of the Logan's haven't done their share of wrong, but they never resorted to those kind of tactics
@maddy, you say the Logan’s havnt used violence or tried to ruin anyone’s lives?? Not sure what you’ve been seeing over the years?? Not so long ago, brook slapped shauna, has home wrecked almost every married person on the show, by manipulating, lying, and using sex.. she destroyed her own daughters marriages, both of them and even had a kid with one of them, (hope), then slept with that child’s virgin teenage boyfriend, claiming she thought it was ridge, (like she couldn’t tell the difference), wrecked her own sister Katie’s relationships and marriages several times now, and took the company off Stephanie and eric and ridge how many times now?? Their is almost no man, marriage she hasn’t slept with or broken.. Donna, home wrecked stephanies marraige, taking eric from her, then cheated on him, then took the company from him.. Katie may not have home wrecked but she has also taken the company from forresters.. it’s called Forrester creations NOT Logan creations as far as I know?? Having said all that.. Donna was inappropriate looking at eric the way she did while seductively licking honey off her finger, allowing him to do it, and when he said can I hold u, she jumped in excitement and yes, yes, yes, I have been waiting for this for so long, and reminding him how much she loves him every opportunity she gets.. I would never tell a married man I love him, let alone let him lick honey off my finger while google eyeing him.. Quinn says it how it is, yes she took it a little too far, but let’s not forget that when Quinn confronted her, Donna said slyly, while walking to the desk “I assume Eric told u the good news), as if that’s not baiting.. Quinn says it how it is, Donna and brook use sex and manipulation as their weapons.. so with all the above, which is just a dent into most of but not all of, brooks climb to success, then I think it speaks volumes??
Forget Quinn man I hope Eric throws carter in her face and tells her to go throw him out of the office if she expects him to do the same to Donna and see how she reacts. I dont like brook but Donna hasn't disrespected their marriage not fr
You must have missed the episode where Donna told Eric how much she still loves him. You probably also missed the episode where Donna poured honey on her finger and had Eric lick it off. You don't "innocently" state that you will not get in the way of a man's marriage while at the same time telling him how much you still love him. Donna presented herself as another option should he decide that he wants to leave Quinn. For a split moment, Eric stood up against Ridge, Brooke and Katie concerning his marriage to Quinn. Now that he knows he has another option (Donna), he is back to protecting the Logans and disregarding his wife. That right there is the power of what Donna did. Brooke and Katie were vocal about not wanting Quinn in Eric's life. Donna, on the other hand, was quite manipulative and conniving about it.
I'm still amazed at the performance of RS, frankly this woman is really good at what she does. I see some people say, yes, but, she slept with another, I totally agree with that. And that was really ugly what she did. But where is Quinn's reasoning. It was because Eric, asked Quinn to choose between him and Carter, and if she chose Eric, she had to cut ties with Carter, which she did. But then, why when Quinn asks that he cut ties with Donna, it would be inappropriate and over react. Eric shared something intimate with one of his ex-wives. One, sticking honey on her finger and playing sex memory games with her ex-husband and the other, putting his ex-wife's finger full of honey in her mouth, clearly wasn't innocent. I would have reacted the same as Quinn. Donna says she is respectful of the married man Eric. Where's the respect in that she didn't have to play honey stuff knowing it was something she shared with Eric. And Eric, didn't have to do that because he always let the Logan sisters be condescending, bad, mean from the start.
She's demanding he send Donna away without a job for ever. Donna has been around alot longer than Quinn has and so has carter. He didn't send carter oit without a job as he had every right to do and she screwed Eric. Donna wasn't trying to arouse Eric it just happened and she was happy yo send him home to his wife so they could have sex. She doesn't want to interfere in his marriage as brooke does she just wants him happy .
Donna was happy to send him home to his wife? She didn't seem happy to me when Eric thanked her and announced that he was leaving the office immediately to go home to Quinn. Matter of fact, she was far from happy.
Quinn also is not demanding that Eric send Donna away without a job forever. She is demanding that Donna no longer work at FC or be a part of their lives. Donna is free to get a job and live anywhere else in the world.
Quinn doesn’t know about donnas 🍯 pot antics slash manipulation, imagine if she knew that..and let’s not forget Donna baiting Quinn when she confronted her, as Donna was walking to the desk she made the comment, “I assume Eric told u the good news”,in a very slap her in the face way,if that’s not rubbing her nose in it!!!And yes Ell,Donna looked like she was going to burst into tears when Eric left to go home to Quinn..and when he asked her if he could hold her, she said,yes three times and I have been waiting for this for so long!!Yes,just waiting to pounce like Quinn re enacted,which was hilarious by the way??The way Quinn had her hands like kitty cat paws, oh I laughed..and brook the biatch,giggling when Donna told her that Quinn overheard her,as much as I don’t like Donna,u could see she was highly distressed and shaken up,and when she told brook it was her fault,the look on her face was that she wasn’t happy at brook,and all brook cared about was her satisfaction that quinn heard much for her concern for her sister that she put in that position..smh as for Katie, what a back flip??and so obvious!!
Eric is in the wrong to me, wish they would have scripted he and Quinn to work this out its a common thing to happen work it out and leave the extra sex crap honey bear out of it.
I don't blame Quinn! Who wants a husband that doesn't have your back when it comes to 3 golk digging whores who slept with the majority of the Forrester men!NEED I SAY MORE!!
Donna looked like a deer caught in a trap in Eric's office. I think Quinn just sealed her divorce because there is no way Eric is going to go against the Logans. Even thought Quinn had a right to be mad, Brooke and Ridge is going to turn this around against. They are going to spin it to big, bad Quinn attacking poor innocent Donna. Donna is not innocent as Eric likes to claim and neither is Eric. She was trying to lead him on with the honey bear fingers and looked disappointed when he went home to his wife. Donna claims to only want what is best for Eric, but according to the Logans, that it Donna and not Quinn.
Wow, some funny comments today! Especially about the honey fingers, honey bear, honey sex lol...Thanks for the laughs everyone, even though it wasn't a funny episode...much needed
anyone gonna mention that tension between Katie and Carter. Ohmy I wanna see where that Leeds it would be so good for them to not be with toxic people like Bill and katie
Always make others either do something OR look bad to make these logans come out on top Quinn jus had to do something to make what Donna And her sisters justified in trying to destroy "her" marriage Unbelievable!!
Eric is the problem.... he should have told & insisted that the Logan sisters Brook, Katie & Donna, to shut up and stay out of his/Quinn's marriage or just get out!! But he is weak, no backbone & puts Quinn on the back burner. By no means, I am not a fan of Quinn's but I do take her side on these issues with Eric & the Logan sisters & Ridge as well!
ReplyDeleteTotaly, Quinn always said she was not an angel and when she was taken for her many bad ones. she always said it and assumed it, that she took no excuses for it. Eric does the same thing as with Stephanie, he always took the Logans side against the one in the time Stephanie and Quinn today. And Donna, she's a hypocrite because to say that she respects Quinn and Eric's marriage, why play with honey and put it on her finger to bring up memories. The honey thing was not innocent. Donna slept with Eric knowing he was once a married man. Donna would have had the same reaction as Quinn if the roles were reversed. Donna and Eric are hypocrites who never assume anything. Quinn reminds me of Stephanie when Eric was playing the part of the Logan sisters. It's the same thing "Stephanie alone has to fight for her husband and marriage against Eric and the Logans" and "Quinn alone has to fight for her husband and marriage against Eric and the Logans".
DeleteWow, good show today. I cannot believe that Quinn. And I honestly don't see how anybody could defend the way she acted. This is what I'm saying about Quinn. She always uses violence and threats. Always wanting to get revenge. That is what makes her different than any of the Logan's. They don't have to resort to those measures. And she's going off on Donna accusing her of doing things that Donna didn't even do. Not to mention pushing her against the desk with a chair and threatening her. Just unbelievable. And I'm quite surprised that things went down the way they did with Quinn and Eric. And if this isn't a reason for Eric to tell Quinn where to go then I don't know what will be. I started laughing about Quinn and the Logan sisters before I watched today's episode. Is Queen would say,those damn Logan sisters,lol. It would just be great if Donna Logan ended up with Eric and Katie Logan ended up with Carter, LOL. And I think we all know that Quinn hates Brooke. In my opinion it would just be the ultimate thing to happened. Quinn doesn't deserve to have either one of those men because they're too good for her. As I said, Quinn will never change her ways and she proved today that she won't. She just went about things the wrong way all the way around. So it should bye bye by Quinn.
DeleteHanan. I just don't see how you can defend Quinn. Okay Quinn might have owned up to the things that she's done wrong and apologized, but she also promised that she'd change and she proved today that she won't change. She didn't give Donna a chance to explain anything but instead she jumped to conclusions which were all wrong. She said terrible things to Donna. Pushing Donna up against the desk with a chair was not necessary. And then to basically threatened her life. I'm sorry but that behavior is just wrong. And yes the Logan sisters have made their share of mistakes too, but they too have also admitted to those and apologized. They weren't vindictive and violent and never seeked revenge. That's the difference between the Logans and Quinn. I don't understand how anybody could condone Quinn's behavior. People can hate the Logan sisters for things that they've done, but they will never be as bad as Quinn. When she finds out something she doesn't like she's too quick to flip out and jump to conclusions which causes her to react in ways she shouldn't.
DeleteMaddy I couldn't have said it better than that 😃😹
DeleteExactly maddy at least the logens never killed anyone
DeleteEric really loves all that female attention!
ReplyDeleteOoooooooohhhhhhhh. Quinn is on fire! Loved her scenes with Eric! She spoke TRUTH! Now watch Eric do to Quinn as he always does and choose Donna over her.
ReplyDeleteLmao @ Katie backtracking her position on wanting Carter to go after Quinn after he held her hand.
And Brooke. She almost got her sister killed and all she can do when Donna told her that Quinn overhead her talking to Eric was giggle? Really? I hope Donna slaps the beejeezus out of her tomorrow.
Yip, Eric will again choose a Logan over his wife, did it back then with Stephanie and now with Quinn...sad
DeleteYeah, Brooke giggled. Like she intentionally went over there to speak loud about these things, HOPING that Quinn would overhear it. Sometimes I think they speak openly about secrets because they want them to come out. She deserves a slap and so much more.
DeleteI understand Quinn. Ofc she feels betrayed and undesired. The Logans are trash and backstabbers.
Donna doesn't outright tell Eric she wants him, or anyone else that she wants him. No she is sneaky... She is a lover yeah, but also a betrayer, she just does it differently and sneaky. She says she doesn't wanna come between them and their marriage, but her actions says otherwise.
Eric will prob choose Donna, because who is Quinn to tell him who to see and who not to see, that is gonna be his argument. And then Quinn will try to talk with Carter, but he is prob in bed with Katie at the time... or about to...Hell is gonna break loose soon.
@Elle so true
Delete@Lutfiyya, certainly, but Eric will do as with Stephanie "go back to her every time". Eric got married to Lauren, Sheila, Brooke, Donna and many other women, every time he was done with his marriage phobic crises, he went back to running with Stephanie. And there he will do the same, he will go with Donna, but when he gets bored of sex all the time with Donna, he will go running after Quinn. Eric's story with Donna was all honey and sex, he had nothing in common except that. And later, he quickly went back to see Stephanie. It's funny because at the time she told him "I know you eric, when you are fed up with only having intimate relations, you will come back to see me" and that's what happened
Delete@Malin; totaly, but we all know when he's done with Donna and honey sex, he's gonna run after Quinn. As with Stephanie, and his many marriages with other women younger than his wife (Stephanie at the time), he was constantly running alongside Stephanie.
DeleteElle, Quinn didn't speak the entire truth because she didn't tell Eric how she pushed Donna up against a desk with a chair or how she threatened her. She conveniently left that part out. And the problem is Quinn is jumping to all these conclusions which are nothing but wrong and she has the nerve to tell Eric what he thinks he should do? This is all typical Quinn behavior and it has to make people laugh when she said a while back that she would change her ways. She isn't going to change and she proved that. And Katie was actually being nice about Quinn to Carter. I don't understand why people can't see things as they are. Katie knew that Carter had feelings for Quinn and the only wanted him to know that if he wanted to he could probably still be with her if she left Eric. Even though she said she wouldn't push him to be with Quinn because of the kind of person Quinn is she still was thinking about what Carter might want. And so what if Brooke giggled when she found out that Quinn knew what happened. Brooke makes no secret how she feels about Quinn. But she wasn't happy with what Quinn did and yeah she'll say something to Eric about it and she should. Quinn's behavior was uncalled for. She's just mad that she can't do it for her husband like Donna can do it for him. She didn't have a right to accuse Donna of coming on to her husband and trying to come between their marriage because that is not what was going on at all. I actually hope Eric takes a good look at this side of Quinn and put it together with the past and realizes that he doesn't want to be with somebody like her.
Delete@Maddy Eric was just as untruthful to Quinn about the whole situation with Donna. I don't know why people are thinking this situation with Eric and Donna was so innocent. Donna was coming on to Eric by telling him how she never stopped loving him, by dripping honey all over her finger then allowing him to lick it off. If she is so respectful of Eric's marriage as she says she is, she would not have allowed all that to happen.
DeleteAnd of course, any woman would be angry to know that another woman is arousing her husband. Who would be okay with that? And who would be okay with having that information and still want this woman to be around her husband. That is not normal so don't try to make it out like Donna was some innocent bystander when Eric just happened to pass by and then "whoops", up it went. That was not the case. There was a lot of foreplay that went into that happening.
Someone referred to poor Donna as a Michael Jackson lookalike. I can sooo see the resemblance especially after she started hyperventilating following the verbal attack from the physcho Quinn lol. I have to say though how can Quinn get so possessive about Eric after an innocent embrace when she deliberately was unfaithful in the marriage before she had Eric's blessings to sleep with Carter
ReplyDeleteHaha, she does, doesn't she... And I mean that in the nicest way possible 😊
DeleteWell, maybe Eric should have reccognized his wife and protected her against the Logans, when they were attacking her marriage to Eric. Every chance they got they were trashing her, and he didn't say anything. Not saying her cheating on Eric with Carter was okay, but they were both starving for attention at the time when it happened.
Delete@Malin, totaly, the same thing he always do with Sptehanie too in the past, he never protected Stephanie, verbal, physical insults, because she lost her house to another and her right to be present at FC. he lets the Logans do it and Quinn and Stephabie are big bad guys. I've always said that Stephanie and Quinn might be strong on the outside but fragile on the inside so that no one would hurt them and use that fragility against them.
DeleteHanna, Stephanie also handled things the wrong way. She would make threats she was mean, and she was vindictive. Maybe people defend the Logan's because they don't act that way. And I also see the truth about people in their actions. The Logans have never threatened anybody or tried to ruin anybody's lives like Stephanie did and like Quinn has done. It does make a difference in the way people choose to react and handle situations which may be a reason why Eric didn't defend Stephanie or Quinn. All the hatred I see for the Logan's in the comments just amazes me. But nobody stops to think how the other people acted when certain things would happened. Violence, threats, and trying to ruin people's lives are not the way to go. All qualities that Stephanie and Quinn have shown. Not to say that none of the Logan's haven't done their share of wrong, but they never resorted to those kind of tactics
Delete@maddy, you say the Logan’s havnt used violence or tried to ruin anyone’s lives?? Not sure what you’ve been seeing over the years?? Not so long ago, brook slapped shauna, has home wrecked almost every married person on the show, by manipulating, lying, and using sex.. she destroyed her own daughters marriages, both of them and even had a kid with one of them, (hope), then slept with that child’s virgin teenage boyfriend, claiming she thought it was ridge, (like she couldn’t tell the difference), wrecked her own sister Katie’s relationships and marriages several times now, and took the company off Stephanie and eric and ridge how many times now?? Their is almost no man, marriage she hasn’t slept with or broken.. Donna, home wrecked stephanies marraige, taking eric from her, then cheated on him, then took the company from him.. Katie may not have home wrecked but she has also taken the company from forresters.. it’s called Forrester creations NOT Logan creations as far as I know?? Having said all that.. Donna was inappropriate looking at eric the way she did while seductively licking honey off her finger, allowing him to do it, and when he said can I hold u, she jumped in excitement and yes, yes, yes, I have been waiting for this for so long, and reminding him how much she loves him every opportunity she gets.. I would never tell a married man I love him, let alone let him lick honey off my finger while google eyeing him.. Quinn says it how it is, yes she took it a little too far, but let’s not forget that when Quinn confronted her, Donna said slyly, while walking to the desk “I assume Eric told u the good news), as if that’s not baiting.. Quinn says it how it is, Donna and brook use sex and manipulation as their weapons.. so with all the above, which is just a dent into most of but not all of, brooks climb to success, then I think it speaks volumes??
DeleteYikes what a show Quinn put on... serves her right. Hope Eric gets rid of Quinn
DeleteEric laps it up and he still in love with Brooke
ReplyDeleteThanks Bob xxx
Forget Quinn man I hope Eric throws carter in her face and tells her to go throw him out of the office if she expects him to do the same to Donna and see how she reacts. I dont like brook but Donna hasn't disrespected their marriage not fr
ReplyDeleteYou must have missed the episode where Donna told Eric how much she still loves him. You probably also missed the episode where Donna poured honey on her finger and had Eric lick it off. You don't "innocently" state that you will not get in the way of a man's marriage while at the same time telling him how much you still love him. Donna presented herself as another option should he decide that he wants to leave Quinn. For a split moment, Eric stood up against Ridge, Brooke and Katie concerning his marriage to Quinn. Now that he knows he has another option (Donna), he is back to protecting the Logans and disregarding his wife. That right there is the power of what Donna did. Brooke and Katie were vocal about not wanting Quinn in Eric's life. Donna, on the other hand, was quite manipulative and conniving about it.
DeleteBill will eliminate Carter and Quinn will eliminate Donna
ReplyDeleteI'm still amazed at the performance of RS, frankly this woman is really good at what she does. I see some people say, yes, but, she slept with another, I totally agree with that. And that was really ugly what she did. But where is Quinn's reasoning. It was because Eric, asked Quinn to choose between him and Carter, and if she chose Eric, she had to cut ties with Carter, which she did. But then, why when Quinn asks that he cut ties with Donna, it would be inappropriate and over react. Eric shared something intimate with one of his ex-wives. One, sticking honey on her finger and playing sex memory games with her ex-husband and the other, putting his ex-wife's finger full of honey in her mouth, clearly wasn't innocent. I would have reacted the same as Quinn. Donna says she is respectful of the married man Eric. Where's the respect in that she didn't have to play honey stuff knowing it was something she shared with Eric. And Eric, didn't have to do that because he always let the Logan sisters be condescending, bad, mean from the start.
ReplyDeleteShe's demanding he send Donna away without a job for ever. Donna has been around alot longer than Quinn has and so has carter. He didn't send carter oit without a job as he had every right to do and she screwed Eric. Donna wasn't trying to arouse Eric it just happened and she was happy yo send him home to his wife so they could have sex. She doesn't want to interfere in his marriage as brooke does she just wants him happy .
DeleteDonna was happy to send him home to his wife? She didn't seem happy to me when Eric thanked her and announced that he was leaving the office immediately to go home to Quinn. Matter of fact, she was far from happy.
DeleteQuinn also is not demanding that Eric send Donna away without a job forever. She is demanding that Donna no longer work at FC or be a part of their lives. Donna is free to get a job and live anywhere else in the world.
Quinn doesn’t know about donnas 🍯 pot antics slash manipulation, imagine if she knew that..and let’s not forget Donna baiting Quinn when she confronted her, as Donna was walking to the desk she made the comment, “I assume Eric told u the good news”,in a very slap her in the face way,if that’s not rubbing her nose in it!!!And yes Ell,Donna looked like she was going to burst into tears when Eric left to go home to Quinn..and when he asked her if he could hold her, she said,yes three times and I have been waiting for this for so long!!Yes,just waiting to pounce like Quinn re enacted,which was hilarious by the way??The way Quinn had her hands like kitty cat paws, oh I laughed..and brook the biatch,giggling when Donna told her that Quinn overheard her,as much as I don’t like Donna,u could see she was highly distressed and shaken up,and when she told brook it was her fault,the look on her face was that she wasn’t happy at brook,and all brook cared about was her satisfaction that quinn heard much for her concern for her sister that she put in that position..smh as for Katie, what a back flip??and so obvious!!
DeleteEric is in the wrong to me, wish they would have scripted he and Quinn to work this out its a common thing to happen work it out and leave the extra sex crap honey bear out of it.
ReplyDeleteI don't blame Quinn! Who wants a husband that doesn't have your back when it comes to 3 golk digging whores who slept with the majority of the Forrester men!NEED I SAY MORE!!
ReplyDeleteDonna is no angel! What kind of nasty women pushes up on someone else’s husband and pours honey on herself? That is pure ho behavior
ReplyDeleteDonna looked like a deer caught in a trap in Eric's office. I think Quinn just sealed her divorce because there is no way Eric is going to go against the Logans. Even thought Quinn had a right to be mad, Brooke and Ridge is going to turn this around against. They are going to spin it to big, bad Quinn attacking poor innocent Donna. Donna is not innocent as Eric likes to claim and neither is Eric. She was trying to lead him on with the honey bear fingers and looked disappointed when he went home to his wife. Donna claims to only want what is best for Eric, but according to the Logans, that it Donna and not Quinn.
ReplyDeleteWow, some funny comments today! Especially about the honey fingers, honey bear, honey sex lol...Thanks for the laughs everyone, even though it wasn't a funny episode...much needed
ReplyDeleteanyone gonna mention that tension between Katie and Carter. Ohmy I wanna see where that Leeds it would be so good for them to not be with toxic people like Bill and katie
ReplyDeletei like donna calling quinn eyes crazy, bye quinn eric is pushover
ReplyDeleteAlways make others either do something OR look bad to make these logans come out on top Quinn jus had to do something to make what Donna And her sisters justified in trying to destroy "her" marriage Unbelievable!!
ReplyDeletecrazy quinn she takes carter to bed and now so crazy
ReplyDeleteEric is not good for quinn at all ,she schould leave him