I rest my case. Eric does not need to be with Quinn. She's jumping to conclusions as to what happened. She has no clue what she is talking about, but she's accusing Donna of everything. Then on top of it she's basically threatening her and not to mention pushing a chair into her. This is the typical Quinn reaction. The woman is mean and she's vindictive and that's not the type of person that Eric really wants in his life. Now more than ever I want to see Eric split up with Quinn. She's making it sound like Donna did something on purpose which isn't the case. I can't stand Quinn and because of the way she is and has been in the past I believe that she deserves to be alone. She needs to go back to Vegas with Shauna
No. Eric doesn't need a mean and vindictive woman in his life. What he needs is a cheating trollop who would not bat an eye to give away 12.5% of his company to his enemy. 🙄
Go Quinn, tell that mindless slapper where to go! Logan women think they own everyone.
Donna needs to get back in her lane and Brooke needs to shut the feck up! I can see Donna running to Eric saying viciously Quinn attacked her and she will have a bruise from the chair on her leg. Eric will comfort and side with Donna and Quinn will be vilified!
If Eric sides with any of the logans again against quinn, quinn needs to tell them all to f off. She deserves to be treated better then a second class citizen.
Bbfan101 I don't understand why you're coming down on Donna so much. She didn't do anything to get Eric aroused. All they did was hug and it happened. Maybe in Eric's subconscious mind he knows what kind of a person Quinn is especially with her cheating and lying and being so resentful and vindictive towards people. Maybe that's why he can't be intimate with her. Stop putting the blame on Donna. And Donna should tell Eric how she was acting and the things she was saying. And she should tell him about the chair. That was uncalled for, but that's Quinn for you. And I wish everybody would leave Brooke alone too. She is only concerned about Eric and his happiness and nothing more. There's nothing wrong with her being concerned and caring at all. And whether anybody likes it or not she is telling the truth. Obviously something is wrong if he can't get aroused with his wife but he can with Donna.
What show are you looking at Maddy? Just a hug? Did you miss all the finger sucking and honey business that happened before the hug? Why do you think Eric didn't want to say anything to his wife about it? Because he knew that she would want all the details leading up to the hug. It seems that Eric is so desperate for sex that he would go wherever he can get it.
These Logans are unbelievable! On one hand, you have Donna pretending to be cognizant of the fact that Eric is married while still telling Eric how much she loves him every chance she gets. Then you have Brooke pushing Donna and pushing Eric to be together and telling Eric that he does not love his wife. And finally, Katie, who makes it a point to invite Carter to meet with her to tell him the news about Eric and Quinn like she can't get them back together fast enough. She wasn't onboard with Eric allowing his wife to sleep with Carter but it's okay to let Carter "go get his woman" because it serves her purpose.
Exactly, Katie says “don’t spend another thought for Quinn, she’s not worth it”, now all of a sudden, she is all but telling him or pre warning him to hold out cause Quinn might b his soon.. cause she wants carter to whisk quinn away as she on as possible..
And Eric today, u could see how frustrated he was with brook, trying to get her to shut up.. she just doesn’t let up, it’s like she has high strength energiser batteries up her Ahole..since yesterday, she has basically stalked him..she was right on his tail when he went home..
After everything she has done and said, NOW she’s worried about how quinn is going to go after Donna.. funny, Eric says, what u don’t believe in honesty, and she’s like well yes, but no!! Can’t stand to even look at her , never mind hearing her screeching voice..
I felt for Quinn’s, cause Eric has thrown her around like a rag doll emotionally for months now.. she was so vulnerable this morning, and my favourite was when she said what is it with Logan woman, u see a married man and go for it!! About time someone said that to them.. I wish she had have said it to brook!!
Elle And now what did Katie do that was so wrong? Wow, it just amazes me how many people have so many bad things to say about the Logans. Katie was only telling Carter what was going on because she knew how much Carter cared about Quinn. There's nothing wrong with that. It seems that too many people can't let go of the past and love to continue to come down on the Logans. There's a difference between the Logans and Quinn. Quinn is very vindictive and she will always go for revenge. That's something the Logan's don't do. And all of the Logans have every right not to like Quinn because of what she has done to her Eric. Quinn would have been a lot smarter if she would have talked to Eric about what she overheard instead of running and trying to start crap with Donna and being so mean about it when she didn't even know what actually happened. Quinn is never going to change. What is she going to do when she keeps trying to get Eric to be intimate with her and it doesn't work? With any luck she'll be out the door and off to Vegas
Colly You make it sound like Katie told Carter about Donna and Eric hoping he would want Quinn back to get her out of the way so Donna and Eric could be together. Well you got that all wrong. So many people need to let go of the fact that they think the Logan's are out to cause trouble for people because that's far from the truth. As I said in another post Katie told Carter what was going on because she knows Carter cared about Quinn. It has nothing to do with wanting her out of the way. The nice thing about it is though that I think Carter isn't going to care anything about wanting Quinn back and he shouldn't. She basically used him for sex because if she cared anything about him and loved him like she said she did she wouldn't have gone back to Eric knowing the problems that they were having. And I can't believe that you actually feel sorry for Quinn. What about everything that she has done? All the lies about the situation with Shauna and Ridge. Trying to cause problems between Brook and Ridge. Keeping everything he was doing from Eric. And then going and cheating with Carter because she felt so alone and not wanted. Give me a break. She should have had the conversation with her husband and yes Eric should have said something to her about what was going on, but it's no excuse for her to go out and cheat with another man when she's married. You married somebody For better or for worse. Then to sleep with Carter again even if Eric did try to push it. That doesn't sound to me like the love that Quinn claimed she had for Eric or the fact that she said his problem didn't matter to her. If all of that was true she never would have went along with the thing with Carter. The whole thing was disgusting in my opinion anyway. I just think too many people need to take a look at the differences between Quinn and the Logans because, as I said, Quinn is a liar, a troublemaker, she goes out for Revenge, and she's very vindictive. The Logans may have made mistakes in the past, but they didn't do it because of any of the things like Quinn did.
Maddy Katie didn't just happen to run into Carter and told him the latest news about Eric and Quinn, which was not her business to tell anyway. She summoned Carter specifically to tell him that things may be happening between her sister and Eric, which would make Quinn free for him. Katie hated the fact that Quinn was sleeping with Carter but now that she wants things to work out with Donna and Eric, she wants Carter to take Quinn back. Very hypocritical of her.
Rena Sofer "Quinn" was truly breathtaking, brilliant and to kill everything. First by this fragility, this sadness and humiliation at the beginning of the episode, I felt it all. I really like the friendship between Shauna and Quinn, the chemistry between the two actresses is felt and seen a lot. And then, the strength, the determination and the dark side but not too much in his eyes towards Donna. Frankly, the episode was Rena who tore it all up and the rest, all in her shadow.
And, yes, the Logan’s have spread erics personal business to, Pam, Charlie, and now carter.. we all know what Pam and Charlie r going to do!! Spread it to everyone.. ridge will b so pissed at brook for that.. she knows to say nothing to Pam.. even though she didn’t say anything about his Ed she still all but told Pam Quinn betrayed and disrespected Eric.. that alone is bad enough.. so there will b problems brewing with ridge and brook, then we all know which way brook will turn?? Bill of course.. these Logan woman need to get a new hobbie!!
They went around telling everyone about Eric's ED, now they're going around telling everyone that Donna brought out a "reaction" in Eric. Clearly, they don't have enough to do.
I totally agree, to her alone, it was an episode, and the others, they were her shadows. I didn't like Quinn at first, but then RS really evolved her character, she's half angel half demon whether we like her or not. Quinn has a lot, frankly RS is an asset
Almost wish Quinn didn’t take it quite as far with Donna. Talking to her sure, but pushing the chair up to her probably not a good idea. Katie - dumb, lol. Get the hint Carter is into you. You are cheering on Quinn to him. He is there for you. Take a chance on a man that could be decent for you (not a used one like Ridge who was a leftover from Brooke or Bill who has hots for Brooke); Carter doesn’t as far as we know!!!
Prev, Katie is trying to push carter to Quinn so her sister can have Eric..I have lost any little respect I had for Katie.. she been complaining about bills feelings for her sister, and that she wants a man that is hers only, and in the next breath, she is manipulating to get carter, (who she just told to stay away from Quinn), to now to basically saying hold out cause he can have Quinn soon!! I think she has been the most hypocritical of all of them!!
Agreed! And can I also say how disappointed I am in Carter? He seems to have moved on rather quickly. Didn't he learn his lesson from his last 2 entanglements? Sheesh. Take some time to heal, would you.
Go Quinn!! The Logan sisters think they can destroy everything they want...Why does Donna don't go after Thorne, Deacon (her sister liked her so why doesn't she), Bill (both sisters liked him so I would say get you're chance), Carter or Rick? I think Donna should watch out and Quinn has every right to threaten her...
Quinn is ridiculous! She is fine doing Carter everyday and has told pretty much everyone she loves Carter. But when Eric gives Donna a hug and feels something stir in him, Quinn gets mad at Donna? Give me a break!! I’m not a huge Donna fan because I think her character is boring. But she is a heck of a lot better match for Eric than trailer park trash Quinn. And just how is Donna supposed to never see Eric again?? She works at Forrester and will see Eric every single day!! Lol And off topic, what happened to Wyatt and Flo? They seem to be mostly written out of the show.
I think the point Quinn was trying to drive home to Donna is that she should find another job and get the heck out of dodge! 🤣🤣
I also don't think Quinn is being ridiculous at all. She was prepared to walk away from Eric completely until he flipped the script and tore up the divorce papers. She then vowed to stay by his side, even through his ED. The Carter business was Eric's idea and Quinn was doing it because it was what Eric wanted. She's been on a roller-coaster ride with Eric for months now doing his every bidding only for Donna to now step in? Quinn has every right to step to Donna.
The actors are filming new films,always in LA so this is why we haven’t see them a lot lately. They also said that will come back soon. But we have to be patient… I Miss them a lot and I can’t wait to see them get married and have a baby.
Donna didn't do anything wrong cuz is always Brooke who push Donna to talk to Eric. Shut the f*ck up Brooke! Everyone has enough of you. Eric alone wants to see Donna everytime.
Queen makes me laugh.. run to Carter, couldnt stay her hands off him was good, but when Eric has 'intimme' moment with Donna that is problem. Nothing special even happend between them, they were just talking.. better be understanging wife and let Eric sleep with Donna as he allowed you sleep with carter.
I'm for team Quinn. All them Logan sisters are trailer trash and gold diggers with no self-esteem or morals about themselves. Brook been with almost or all the Forrester men! What does that tell you..
Please.. all of them have sick past. Queen is not better than them cuz she go on Ridge before. Only Brooke is queen of sluts, she's the one champion 👍🏾😉
No matter what...the PSYCHOS on this show will never change!!!!! Happy Halloween. But I liked last Halloween when that creepy Hope manniquin and Thomas locked lips. Haha. Lol. 🎃☠️
Yes Quinn and Carter had their affair. Although it was not right , Eric played a part in that. He said he forgave Quinn for what she and Shauna did to Brooke and and Ridge. Yet he never wanted to be intimate with Quinn. He told her to leave when Cater confessed about their affair. All of the Logan women have slept with each other men. Brooke did the most . After all Eric asked Quinn to come back. Quinn did what she needed to do. Eric need to step up and decide who he really wants. Carter is again setting himself up . Dollar Bill will not accept what Katie is doing.
To break Quinn's heart it requires she has one... She think it's ok to sleep with another man but Eric can't just "feel" something for another woman? Yeah... like always, 2 standards. Only vilains are allowed to do the worst in this soap
Quinn at her best, if only Eric could see that ! But I forgot she is allowed to threat, to kidnapp, to plot to kill... Some character got free pass to do whatever they want
Quinn ist eine verrückte noch schlimmer als Sheila.Ein wahrer Teufel Eric gehört zu Donna.Eine Killerin, Vergewaltigerin,Entführerin, Gewalttätig,Lügnerin und Betrügerin. Eric verdient besseres.
And "you people" still think Quinn is a beautiful woman??? Look @ the wrinkles in her face and the typical which look. The only think missen is the hat and the broom. Make-up does make dreams come true.
Eric is the biggest fake! Why didn't he tell his ugly wife the first time. Not that Donna's skinny but looks good.
Brooke is evil. When she cheats it's innocent of love. But when someone else cheats its a sin. She desires who is evil or innocent after they cheated. Like a sort of cheaters judge. Please writers, change the character of Brooke fast. She is confused after all those weddings with whom she is currently married. Cause she commands everybody in B&B how to live and who to share the bed with. Send her of to vacation for let's say 15 years with cognac Ridge
Lawdy I think it's so dang funny @ Quinn feels away lmao not her fault dawna can make eric pop in many ways it's called take it self back to Vegas Quinn ur time is almost up bye lmao
ReplyDeleteI rest my case. Eric does not need to be with Quinn. She's jumping to conclusions as to what happened. She has no clue what she is talking about, but she's accusing Donna of everything. Then on top of it she's basically threatening her and not to mention pushing a chair into her. This is the typical Quinn reaction. The woman is mean and she's vindictive and that's not the type of person that Eric really wants in his life. Now more than ever I want to see Eric split up with Quinn. She's making it sound like Donna did something on purpose which isn't the case. I can't stand Quinn and because of the way she is and has been in the past I believe that she deserves to be alone. She needs to go back to Vegas with Shauna
DeleteNo. Eric doesn't need a mean and vindictive woman in his life. What he needs is a cheating trollop who would not bat an eye to give away 12.5% of his company to his enemy. 🙄
Deleteyeah Quinn!!
DeleteYes Quinn
Deletevery disturbing what is going on with Eric and Donna i love my Quinn and Eric
DeletePatch up things with Quinn and Eric please
DeleteGo Quinn, tell that mindless slapper where to go! Logan women think they own everyone.
ReplyDeleteDonna needs to get back in her lane and Brooke needs to shut the feck up! I can see Donna running to Eric saying viciously Quinn attacked her and she will have a bruise from the chair on her leg. Eric will comfort and side with Donna and Quinn will be vilified!
Don't forget Katie. What a piece of work!
DeleteIf Eric sides with any of the logans again against quinn, quinn needs to tell them all to f off. She deserves to be treated better then a second class citizen.
DeleteI don't understand why you're coming down on Donna so much. She didn't do anything to get Eric aroused. All they did was hug and it happened. Maybe in Eric's subconscious mind he knows what kind of a person Quinn is especially with her cheating and lying and being so resentful and vindictive towards people. Maybe that's why he can't be intimate with her. Stop putting the blame on Donna. And Donna should tell Eric how she was acting and the things she was saying. And she should tell him about the chair. That was uncalled for, but that's Quinn for you. And I wish everybody would leave Brooke alone too. She is only concerned about Eric and his happiness and nothing more. There's nothing wrong with her being concerned and caring at all. And whether anybody likes it or not she is telling the truth. Obviously something is wrong if he can't get aroused with his wife but he can with Donna.
What show are you looking at Maddy? Just a hug? Did you miss all the finger sucking and honey business that happened before the hug? Why do you think Eric didn't want to say anything to his wife about it? Because he knew that she would want all the details leading up to the hug. It seems that Eric is so desperate for sex that he would go wherever he can get it.
DeleteYou tell her, Quinn!
ReplyDeleteThese Logans are unbelievable! On one hand, you have Donna pretending to be cognizant of the fact that Eric is married while still telling Eric how much she loves him every chance she gets. Then you have Brooke pushing Donna and pushing Eric to be together and telling Eric that he does not love his wife. And finally, Katie, who makes it a point to invite Carter to meet with her to tell him the news about Eric and Quinn like she can't get them back together fast enough. She wasn't onboard with Eric allowing his wife to sleep with Carter but it's okay to let Carter "go get his woman" because it serves her purpose.
And the hypocrisy continues!
Exactly, Katie says “don’t spend another thought for Quinn, she’s not worth it”, now all of a sudden, she is all but telling him or pre warning him to hold out cause Quinn might b his soon.. cause she wants carter to whisk quinn away as she on as possible..
DeleteAnd Eric today, u could see how frustrated he was with brook, trying to get her to shut up.. she just doesn’t let up, it’s like she has high strength energiser batteries up her Ahole..since yesterday, she has basically stalked him..she was right on his tail when he went home..
After everything she has done and said, NOW she’s worried about how quinn is going to go after Donna.. funny, Eric says, what u don’t believe in honesty, and she’s like well yes, but no!! Can’t stand to even look at her , never mind hearing her screeching voice..
I felt for Quinn’s, cause Eric has thrown her around like a rag doll emotionally for months now.. she was so vulnerable this morning, and my favourite was when she said what is it with Logan woman, u see a married man and go for it!! About time someone said that to them.. I wish she had have said it to brook!!
Colly, Brooke is the worst of all of them! Totally agree with everything you said.
DeleteAnd now what did Katie do that was so wrong? Wow, it just amazes me how many people have so many bad things to say about the Logans. Katie was only telling Carter what was going on because she knew how much Carter cared about Quinn. There's nothing wrong with that. It seems that too many people can't let go of the past and love to continue to come down on the Logans. There's a difference between the Logans and Quinn. Quinn is very vindictive and she will always go for revenge. That's something the Logan's don't do. And all of the Logans have every right not to like Quinn because of what she has done to her Eric. Quinn would have been a lot smarter if she would have talked to Eric about what she overheard instead of running and trying to start crap with Donna and being so mean about it when she didn't even know what actually happened. Quinn is never going to change. What is she going to do when she keeps trying to get Eric to be intimate with her and it doesn't work? With any luck she'll be out the door and off to Vegas
DeleteYou make it sound like Katie told Carter about Donna and Eric hoping he would want Quinn back to get her out of the way so Donna and Eric could be together. Well you got that all wrong. So many people need to let go of the fact that they think the Logan's are out to cause trouble for people because that's far from the truth. As I said in another post Katie told Carter what was going on because she knows Carter cared about Quinn. It has nothing to do with wanting her out of the way. The nice thing about it is though that I think Carter isn't going to care anything about wanting Quinn back and he shouldn't. She basically used him for sex because if she cared anything about him and loved him like she said she did she wouldn't have gone back to Eric knowing the problems that they were having. And I can't believe that you actually feel sorry for Quinn. What about everything that she has done? All the lies about the situation with Shauna and Ridge. Trying to cause problems between Brook and Ridge. Keeping everything he was doing from Eric. And then going and cheating with Carter because she felt so alone and not wanted. Give me a break. She should have had the conversation with her husband and yes Eric should have said something to her about what was going on, but it's no excuse for her to go out and cheat with another man when she's married. You married somebody For better or for worse. Then to sleep with Carter again even if Eric did try to push it. That doesn't sound to me like the love that Quinn claimed she had for Eric or the fact that she said his problem didn't matter to her. If all of that was true she never would have went along with the thing with Carter. The whole thing was disgusting in my opinion anyway. I just think too many people need to take a look at the differences between Quinn and the Logans because, as I said, Quinn is a liar, a troublemaker, she goes out for Revenge, and she's very vindictive. The Logans may have made mistakes in the past, but they didn't do it because of any of the things like Quinn did.
DeleteKatie didn't just happen to run into Carter and told him the latest news about Eric and Quinn, which was not her business to tell anyway. She summoned Carter specifically to tell him that things may be happening between her sister and Eric, which would make Quinn free for him. Katie hated the fact that Quinn was sleeping with Carter but now that she wants things to work out with Donna and Eric, she wants Carter to take Quinn back. Very hypocritical of her.
Rena Sofer "Quinn" was truly breathtaking, brilliant and to kill everything. First by this fragility, this sadness and humiliation at the beginning of the episode, I felt it all. I really like the friendship between Shauna and Quinn, the chemistry between the two actresses is felt and seen a lot. And then, the strength, the determination and the dark side but not too much in his eyes towards Donna. Frankly, the episode was Rena who tore it all up and the rest, all in her shadow.
ReplyDeleteQuinn show wasn't worried about losing Eric when she was getting it on with Carter but now Eric is getting hot for Donna she is all upset.
ReplyDeleteWhy would she worry when Eric gave his stamp of approval? He was sitting at home every night waiting for his wife to return home.
DeletePsycho Quinn
ReplyDeleteHaha you go Quinn, you tell that botox filled Michael Jackson lookalike to stay the hell away!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd Eric's ED seems to be the topic of discussion on everyones lips, how inappropriate 😑Stop It! & leave the old guy alone.
OMG Lutfiyya, 🤣🤣 I have actually made that same comparison!! 🤣🤣 especially the nostrils!!
DeleteAnd, yes, the Logan’s have spread erics personal business to, Pam, Charlie, and now carter.. we all know what Pam and Charlie r going to do!! Spread it to everyone.. ridge will b so pissed at brook for that.. she knows to say nothing to Pam.. even though she didn’t say anything about his Ed she still all but told Pam Quinn betrayed and disrespected Eric.. that alone is bad enough.. so there will b problems brewing with ridge and brook, then we all know which way brook will turn?? Bill of course.. these Logan woman need to get a new hobbie!!
DeleteThey went around telling everyone about Eric's ED, now they're going around telling everyone that Donna brought out a "reaction" in Eric. Clearly, they don't have enough to do.
DeleteQuinn can tell Donna to stay away all she wants 🤔🤔 but the fact remains that Eric gets a hard-on 🦴for Donna and not Quinn.😆🤣😂😂😂😂
ReplyDeleteGo Donna my goodness get some backbone
ReplyDeleteI totally agree, to her alone, it was an episode, and the others, they were her shadows. I didn't like Quinn at first, but then RS really evolved her character, she's half angel half demon whether we like her or not. Quinn has a lot, frankly RS is an asset
Jeepers you guys are hittin hard. I hate Quinn ...
ReplyDeleteAlmost wish Quinn didn’t take it quite as far with Donna. Talking to her sure, but pushing the chair up to her probably not a good idea.
ReplyDeleteKatie - dumb, lol. Get the hint Carter is into you. You are cheering on Quinn to him. He is there for you. Take a chance on a man that could be decent for you (not a used one like Ridge who was a leftover from Brooke or Bill who has hots for Brooke); Carter doesn’t as far as we know!!!
Prev, Katie is trying to push carter to Quinn so her sister can have Eric..I have lost any little respect I had for Katie.. she been complaining about bills feelings for her sister, and that she wants a man that is hers only, and in the next breath, she is manipulating to get carter, (who she just told to stay away from Quinn), to now to basically saying hold out cause he can have Quinn soon!! I think she has been the most hypocritical of all of them!!
DeleteAgreed! And can I also say how disappointed I am in Carter? He seems to have moved on rather quickly. Didn't he learn his lesson from his last 2 entanglements? Sheesh. Take some time to heal, would you.
DeleteQuinn sucks. She only wants Eric when someone else wants him
ReplyDeletecrazy quinn is back
ReplyDeleteGo Quinn!! The Logan sisters think they can destroy everything they want...Why does Donna don't go after Thorne, Deacon (her sister liked her so why doesn't she), Bill (both sisters liked him so I would say get you're chance), Carter or Rick? I think Donna should watch out and Quinn has every right to threaten her...
ReplyDeleteLoved Quinn’s comment about brook and Katie, “I thought they were going to talk him to death”🤣🤣
DeleteQuinn is ridiculous! She is fine doing Carter everyday and has told pretty much everyone she loves Carter. But when Eric gives Donna a hug and feels something stir in him, Quinn gets mad at Donna? Give me a break!! I’m not a huge Donna fan because I think her character is boring. But she is a heck of a lot better match for Eric than trailer park trash Quinn. And just how is Donna supposed to never see Eric again?? She works at Forrester and will see Eric every single day!! Lol
ReplyDeleteAnd off topic, what happened to Wyatt and Flo? They seem to be mostly written out of the show.
I think the point Quinn was trying to drive home to Donna is that she should find another job and get the heck out of dodge! 🤣🤣
DeleteI also don't think Quinn is being ridiculous at all. She was prepared to walk away from Eric completely until he flipped the script and tore up the divorce papers. She then vowed to stay by his side, even through his ED. The Carter business was Eric's idea and Quinn was doing it because it was what Eric wanted. She's been on a roller-coaster ride with Eric for months now doing his every bidding only for Donna to now step in? Quinn has every right to step to Donna.
The actors are filming new films,always in LA so this is why we haven’t see them a lot lately. They also said that will come back soon. But we have to be patient… I Miss them a lot and I can’t wait to see them get married and have a baby.
Delete💪 Quinn 😍❤️🥰
ReplyDeleteDonna didn't do anything wrong cuz is always Brooke who push Donna to talk to Eric. Shut the f*ck up Brooke! Everyone has enough of you. Eric alone wants to see Donna everytime.
ReplyDeleteQueen makes me laugh.. run to Carter, couldnt stay her hands off him was good, but when Eric has 'intimme' moment with Donna that is problem. Nothing special even happend between them, they were just talking.. better be understanging wife and let Eric sleep with Donna as he allowed you sleep with carter.
Rena Sofer was magnificent today. What a good actress 👏
ReplyDeleteI'm for team Quinn. All them Logan sisters are trailer trash and gold diggers with no self-esteem or morals about themselves. Brook been with almost or all the Forrester men! What does that tell you..
ReplyDeletePlease.. all of them have sick past. Queen is not better than them cuz she go on Ridge before. Only Brooke is queen of sluts, she's the one champion 👍🏾😉
DeleteNo matter what...the PSYCHOS on this show will never change!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Halloween. But I liked last Halloween when that creepy Hope manniquin and Thomas locked lips. Haha. Lol. 🎃☠️
Hanan. Agree!
ReplyDeleteThanks Bob. Love Quinn!
ReplyDeleteGo Quinn take her down
ReplyDeleteThanks Bob xxx
I agree to Hanan and J..I have always loved Quinn even when she was bad.. but as u say hanan, she has really evolved since being with Eric..
ReplyDeleteYes Quinn and Carter had their affair. Although it was not right , Eric played a part in that. He said he forgave Quinn for what she and Shauna did to Brooke and and Ridge. Yet he never wanted to be intimate with Quinn. He told her to leave when Cater confessed about their affair. All of the Logan women have slept with each other men. Brooke did the most . After all Eric asked Quinn to come back. Quinn did what she needed to do. Eric need to step up and decide who he really wants. Carter is again setting himself up . Dollar Bill will not accept what Katie is doing.
ReplyDeleteLoved Quinn’s outfit today!! So stylish even in casual wear!! For her age, she looks stunning in everything she wears!!
ReplyDeleteAgreed. She's beautiful.
DeleteGenau richtig!!!
DeleteTo break Quinn's heart it requires she has one...
ReplyDeleteShe think it's ok to sleep with another man but Eric can't just "feel" something for another woman? Yeah... like always, 2 standards. Only vilains are allowed to do the worst in this soap
You say this like Eric's innocent.
DeleteQuinn at her best, if only Eric could see that ! But I forgot she is allowed to threat, to kidnapp, to plot to kill... Some character got free pass to do whatever they want
ReplyDeleteBelieve me, Eric is very aware of who Quinn is.
DeleteQuinn ist eine verrückte noch schlimmer als Sheila.Ein wahrer Teufel Eric gehört zu Donna.Eine Killerin, Vergewaltigerin,Entführerin, Gewalttätig,Lügnerin und Betrügerin. Eric verdient besseres.
ReplyDeleteAnd "you people" still think Quinn is a beautiful woman??? Look @ the wrinkles in her face and the typical which look. The only think missen is the hat and the broom. Make-up does make dreams come true.
ReplyDeleteEric is the biggest fake! Why didn't he tell his ugly wife the first time. Not that Donna's skinny but looks good.
Brooke is evil. When she cheats it's innocent of love. But when someone else cheats its a sin. She desires who is evil or innocent after they cheated. Like a sort of cheaters judge. Please writers, change the character of Brooke fast. She is confused after all those weddings with whom she is currently married. Cause she commands everybody in B&B how to live and who to share the bed with. Send her of to vacation for let's say 15 years with cognac Ridge
Donna is so beautiful and elegant...Such expressive eyes...
ReplyDeleteEverybody got their own taste. Donna is not mine.
DeleteWell said Colly
DeleteLawdy I think it's so dang funny @ Quinn feels away lmao not her fault dawna can make eric pop in many ways it's called take it self back to Vegas Quinn ur time is almost up bye lmao
ReplyDeleteIt is the first time Brooke was right: Eric is better with Donna.