I'm so sick of Brooke the slut from the valley and Ridge who wants to control everyone life Liam he needs to go sit down I always laugh watching him he only get a S on his chest when he is surrounded by people who feels the same way he does 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Facebook blocked my acct for 3 days just for saying Brooke a fictional character was a. H0. Lol after all Brooke slept with her sisters husband and got pregnant! Brooke needs to get off her high horse. Ridge was kissing Quinn behind his dad's back so he is also a hypocrite! Let moms see their kids and let Eric live his life but eric needs a woman his age. Quinn also should be able to control sex urges for 5 minutes.lol.i wouldn't sleep with a man just because my husband couldn't have sex.
Okay I do understand that Brooke and Ridge care about Hope and they probably will end up being right about him, but they're getting a little ridiculous with telling people what they need to do. Hope should have at least told Deacon that she would get in touch with him before he left the house. Let's not forget that Liam, Brooke, and Ridge were saying things out of concern and love. They just need to find better ways of saying things and not demanding or telling people what to do. Now it will be interesting to see what Sheila and Deacon will end up doing. The writers could always make Deacon be a changed man and not get involved in Sheila's schemes and prevent her from doing any evil. It probably won't turn out that way, but just saying. When Sheila made the comment that Brooke and Ridge had done scandalous things in their lives, what came to mind is that they never resorted to violence like Sheila and Deacon have. That does make a difference.
If Hope was a child, I would understand that Brooke and Ridge were doing it out of love and concern. However, Hope is a grown woman with a husband and 2 children. This was not about loving or being concerned about her, this was about what they wanted. If they were truly acting out of love, they would support her decisions, with added caution. They would not dismiss what she was saying to them about keeping in contact with Deacon because he is her father despite all the things he did. Ridge and Brooke should just find the nearest cliff.
Agree 💯 I really have grown to hate Brooke and Ridge. They're so bossy and condescending. Especially Brooke. And they are super hypocrites. I skipped most of the show today because they were just pissing me off
Liam, Ridge and Brooke talking about Deacon's past, I feel like telling and yours. Manipulation, lies, deception, attempted murder, betrayal, stealing etc. And Liam, he forgets what his father did, arson, attempted murder, lies, blackmail and yet he is in Beth's life. I agree with Deacon, Hope is a big decision-making girl who doesn't have to have permission from others to see who she wants. Brooke, she didn't mind sleeping with a bad boy like Deacon. And, she never allowed Deacon to have a relationship with her daughter, and she dares say he wasn't there. This is normal, she did everything to prevent this from happening. Hope is too infantilized by Brooke and Liam. Hope, beyond the fact that I've never liked her as a character, it's time she said shit to those who think she's a child to be protected. It's about time she said shit to her mom (she forgave Brooke for sleeping with her then boyfriend anyway). And, she should say shit to Liam, because Bill isn't faultless and has done a lot of bad things. And yet he has a right to be in the lives of Liam and his granddaughters. What hypocrisy. There, Deacon shouldn't be associated with Sheila, evil laughter never smells very good. Sheila is the one who will never change, and who has never contacted Finn. Whereas Deacon really loves Hope.
Spot on hanan..brook talks about deacon taking the low road…like u said, u can’t get lower than a mother sleeping with ur boyfriend!! And brook is only where she is now in life , by taking the low road and taking from the forresters..alimony’s, kids, sleeping with ALL of them, having kids with them to secure her place.. lying,scheming,manipulating to take the company away how many times now!! And deacons low??wow!
Liam also forgot that it was Quinn that wanted to kill him!! His own brother's mother and he has NO PROBLEM being around her?? What a joke!! They all think they are the masters of the world and those little useless people are disturbing their world so they need to get rid of them... Exactly what we are living right now in our world!!
You said it perfectly, Hanan! How dare Brooke?! I'm no Hope fan either but I wish she would have stood up for herself and for Deacon more instead of letting Brooke and Ridge talk over her. And Liam, so laughable. The amount of times he has cheated on Hope, chose Steffy over Hope, left Hope hanging and walked away with Steffy, he has no room to talk about Deacon failing Hope. I don't even know why he felt he had any input in that conversation anyway. His father not too long ago made him cover up a crime scene and he landed in jail for it. None of them are saints.
It was fabulous, but the laughter at the end doesn't smell good, but it really doesn't smell good. And how Deacon looked at Sheila laughing like she was crazy, I laughed
King Ridge makes a proclamation that you are not good enough for the family and tries to banish Quinn, Sheila and Deacon to the lion's den, I don't think so. I see an uprising amongst the peons.
Epic end to today's episode 😁(That laughter 😳) Can't wait for Sheila and Deacon to team up to rattle up everyone, it's been a long time coming, it's what I've been waiting for 😬
Me too Lutfiyya 🤣🤣 she really does have an evil laugh..i wonder if any of her friends and family have told her that?? I hope they rev up the action now!!I like deacon, but he is easily led..
The chemistry of Sheila and Deacon was epic. Liam, a hypocrite, Bill has the right to see Kelly and Beth and yet Bill has done a lot of dirty things. but Deacon a crook who did no direct harm to his daughter and that he always loved her, has no rights
Ell I don’t think they have even filed the marriage certificate yet?? I think that might b purposely done cause Sheila came back because they got married,and it will turn out they r not??won’t go down well with Sheila?? And yes, hanan,I think bill has done a lot worse than deacon over the years.. the only reason deacon tried to shoot Quinn, was because she set him up and tried to kill him by pushing him over the cliff and left him for dead..other than that, deacon hasn’t done anything compared to bill.. I loooved the closing scene too bfan.. it made me laugh, the way deacon looked at Sheila 🤣🤣🤣
Bfan I was thinking the same thing yesterday..I too thought that hopes actions with Finn were odd considering Sheila shot her own mother, but they r both in the same predicament now, explains a lot!!
That laugh was crazy 😂 and Deacon's look 😂 I can't wait what they'll do. Together or not.
For sure that situation will bring Hope and Fin closer together, special that Hope is keeping fin's secret about the message from sheila. Steffy'll go crazy when she will know about it.
Brook acts like the matriarch of the forrester family because she thinks she is and that’s why she can’t stand Quinn’s portrait above the fireplace..she constantly telling Eric to take it down..she wants hers up there when Eric passes away, and her and ridge take the forrester mansion for themselves..ridge is so insistent on getting rid of Quinn because Eric says he doesn’t want to b lonely for the rest of his life, so if he dies and still married to Quinn, they worried it will end up hers.. they not worried about Eric..
This is beyond ridiculous!! But I'm not surprise, Bell is a twisted man so what comes out of his brain can't be "normal" Here they are so horrified and terrified because Deacon is out of prison but they are ALL living with Quinn around then?? Did Liam forgot that she wanted to kill him with a sword??? That SHE kidnapped him by manipulating Deacon? No wonder why he tried to kill her, she pushed him off the cliff to murder him! He went to prison but she is free?? She is Mrs Forrester and is allowed to be seen in society while she is a criminal?? So there is free pass for some person and not for others? Steffy killed her cousin, never was worried, but she hates Sheila because she shot her mother decades ago and went to prison for it, but does she condemn her mother because she shot Bill just because she had a "pulsion"?? And Taylor never went to prison for her crime! And Sheila didn't repport Steffy when she shot her. She could have because even if she hates her, it was a crime in front of the law. This is not a defense on Sheila, it's just facts. Finn is the only one whom can decide what to do with Sheila, and not being forced by Steffy's hatred, that's not love, that's submission! Before being so judgemental, they should all take a look in their mirror, and especially Ridge because he think he is a Saint but he also has memory loss! He forgot that he made Nick accused of murder only because he was jealous of him!! He didn't care if his half brother was going to spend the rest of his life in jail. They all thing they deserve second or more chances but not Sheila or Deacon ?? Why?? Because they are "better"?? certainly NOT. You go Hope, Deacon is your father and your relation is no one else business!
Totally agree, double standards, and i just keeps laughing reading the hate comments about hope and brook while these people love steffy Taylor thomas and quin,,, how hypocrite these fans are… all the characters are the same, but at least brook never kill anyone
Apart from the constant shrieking and yelling, and throwing their weight around, all brook and ridge r doing is provoking enemies into attack mode..Sheila and deacon and possibly even Quinn will join forces to bring all of them down..
Omg!!! Sheila and Deacon: devils united! This is the best way to f@#& up B&B. Can someone put a d@#& in Brookes mouth! That floormob is the last one to judge anyone's life. She wants to controle everyone's life when she can't controle her own life. It's better is the writers go back to the murder that Quinn probably committed. They stopped at a point where they were sure that the death of the man with the blue diamond was strange. Or Did I miss something?
The foresters are all happy with Finn but he is to me a weak asswipe! He can't even speak up hin mind! He is talking about it with not one but two different women. But none of them is his wife! Foolish boy! If Steffi finds out she will let go of him and run straight back to Liam.
No wonder why Hope understands Finn that well. She is a sneaky little spoiled brat. That's why! I hope Deacon breaks his promise to her. She asked for it.
Sheila and deacon will have an sexual relation. Why don't Finn and hope get married so both Sheila and Deacon have nothing to look for at the forester family.
I'm so sick of Brooke the slut from the valley and Ridge who wants to control everyone life Liam he needs to go sit down I always laugh watching him he only get a S on his chest when he is surrounded by people who feels the same way he does 🤣🤣🤣🤣
ReplyDeleteFacebook blocked my acct for 3 days just for saying Brooke a fictional character was a. H0.
DeleteLol after all Brooke slept with her sisters husband and got pregnant! Brooke needs to get off her high horse. Ridge was kissing Quinn behind his dad's back so he is also a hypocrite! Let moms see their kids and let Eric live his life but eric needs a woman his age. Quinn also should be able to control sex urges for 5 minutes.lol.i wouldn't sleep with a man just because my husband couldn't have sex.
Okay I do understand that Brooke and Ridge care about Hope and they probably will end up being right about him, but they're getting a little ridiculous with telling people what they need to do. Hope should have at least told Deacon that she would get in touch with him before he left the house. Let's not forget that Liam, Brooke, and Ridge were saying things out of concern and love. They just need to find better ways of saying things and not demanding or telling people what to do. Now it will be interesting to see what Sheila and Deacon will end up doing. The writers could always make Deacon be a changed man and not get involved in Sheila's schemes and prevent her from doing any evil. It probably won't turn out that way, but just saying. When Sheila made the comment that Brooke and Ridge had done scandalous things in their lives, what came to mind is that they never resorted to violence like Sheila and Deacon have. That does make a difference.
DeleteIf Hope was a child, I would understand that Brooke and Ridge were doing it out of love and concern. However, Hope is a grown woman with a husband and 2 children. This was not about loving or being concerned about her, this was about what they wanted. If they were truly acting out of love, they would support her decisions, with added caution. They would not dismiss what she was saying to them about keeping in contact with Deacon because he is her father despite all the things he did. Ridge and Brooke should just find the nearest cliff.
DeleteAgree 💯 I really have grown to hate Brooke and Ridge. They're so bossy and condescending. Especially Brooke. And they are super hypocrites. I skipped most of the show today because they were just pissing me off
DeleteWhy are Hope’s clothes so dang ugly?? Ugh.
ReplyDeleteCan anyone tell me why they do not show abbey and devon babys face on the young and the restless?
DeleteBecause it's a doll and not a real baby
DeleteAnd why are you talking about that in B&B's page?? Go on Y&R and this baby is NOT Devon's, he is Abby and Chance's
DeleteLiam, Ridge and Brooke talking about Deacon's past, I feel like telling and yours. Manipulation, lies, deception, attempted murder, betrayal, stealing etc. And Liam, he forgets what his father did, arson, attempted murder, lies, blackmail and yet he is in Beth's life. I agree with Deacon, Hope is a big decision-making girl who doesn't have to have permission from others to see who she wants. Brooke, she didn't mind sleeping with a bad boy like Deacon. And, she never allowed Deacon to have a relationship with her daughter, and she dares say he wasn't there. This is normal, she did everything to prevent this from happening. Hope is too infantilized by Brooke and Liam. Hope, beyond the fact that I've never liked her as a character, it's time she said shit to those who think she's a child to be protected. It's about time she said shit to her mom (she forgave Brooke for sleeping with her then boyfriend anyway). And, she should say shit to Liam, because Bill isn't faultless and has done a lot of bad things. And yet he has a right to be in the lives of Liam and his granddaughters. What hypocrisy. There, Deacon shouldn't be associated with Sheila, evil laughter never smells very good. Sheila is the one who will never change, and who has never contacted Finn. Whereas Deacon really loves Hope.
ReplyDeleteSpot on hanan..brook talks about deacon taking the low road…like u said, u can’t get lower than a mother sleeping with ur boyfriend!! And brook is only where she is now in life , by taking the low road and taking from the forresters..alimony’s, kids, sleeping with ALL of them, having kids with them to secure her place.. lying,scheming,manipulating to take the company away how many times now!! And deacons low??wow!
DeleteLiam also forgot that it was Quinn that wanted to kill him!! His own brother's mother and he has NO PROBLEM being around her?? What a joke!! They all think they are the masters of the world and those little useless people are disturbing their world so they need to get rid of them... Exactly what we are living right now in our world!!
DeleteYou said it perfectly, Hanan! How dare Brooke?! I'm no Hope fan either but I wish she would have stood up for herself and for Deacon more instead of letting Brooke and Ridge talk over her. And Liam, so laughable. The amount of times he has cheated on Hope, chose Steffy over Hope, left Hope hanging and walked away with Steffy, he has no room to talk about Deacon failing Hope. I don't even know why he felt he had any input in that conversation anyway. His father not too long ago made him cover up a crime scene and he landed in jail for it. None of them are saints.
DeleteLoved the chemistry Sheila and Deacon
ReplyDeleteIt was fabulous, but the laughter at the end doesn't smell good, but it really doesn't smell good. And how Deacon looked at Sheila laughing like she was crazy, I laughed
DeleteThank you Bob xxx
ReplyDeleteKing Ridge makes a proclamation that you are not good enough for the family and tries to banish Quinn, Sheila and Deacon to the lion's den, I don't think so. I see an uprising amongst the peons.
ReplyDeleteEpic end to today's episode 😁(That laughter 😳) Can't wait for Sheila and Deacon to team up to rattle up everyone, it's been a long time coming, it's what I've been waiting for 😬
ReplyDeleteMe too Lutfiyya 🤣🤣 she really does have an evil laugh..i wonder if any of her friends and family have told her that?? I hope they rev up the action now!!I like deacon, but he is easily led..
DeleteWell, at least Steffy remembers that she and Finn are married! 👏🏻👏🏻 "Steffy Forrester day" should be "Steffy Forrester-Finnegan day!
ReplyDeleteLiam's worried about Deacon failing Hope. How many times has Liam failed Hope?
Deacon looking at Sheila like she's a crazy person. 😂😂
DeleteThe chemistry of Sheila and Deacon was epic. Liam, a hypocrite, Bill has the right to see Kelly and Beth and yet Bill has done a lot of dirty things. but Deacon a crook who did no direct harm to his daughter and that he always loved her, has no rights
That was priceless, I enjoyed the closing scene immensely!
DeleteEll I don’t think they have even filed the marriage certificate yet?? I think that might b purposely done cause Sheila came back because they got married,and it will turn out they r not??won’t go down well with Sheila?? And yes, hanan,I think bill has done a lot worse than deacon over the years.. the only reason deacon tried to shoot Quinn, was because she set him up and tried to kill him by pushing him over the cliff and left him for dead..other than that, deacon hasn’t done anything compared to bill.. I loooved the closing scene too bfan.. it made me laugh, the way deacon looked at Sheila 🤣🤣🤣
DeleteMe either. I really hope they don't set up a romance between these 2. I just think Sheila's too cray for any man.
DeleteThis explains a lot about Hope’s reaction to what Fin. Is going through. The rest, what a bunch of hypocrites!!
ReplyDeleteBfan I was thinking the same thing yesterday..I too thought that hopes actions with Finn were odd considering Sheila shot her own mother, but they r both in the same predicament now, explains a lot!!
DeleteThat laugh was crazy 😂 and Deacon's look 😂 I can't wait what they'll do. Together or not.
ReplyDeleteFor sure that situation will bring Hope and Fin closer together, special that Hope is keeping fin's secret about the message from sheila. Steffy'll go crazy when she will know about it.
If me love Sheila one more time me join bold and the beautiful
ReplyDeleteFinn and Hope are gonna get together!! Both of their parents are gonna get together too. Just my prediction!!! Thank. You Bob Klod
ReplyDeleteOooh...yes!!!! Just in time for Halloween! I'm loving the return of past villians!
ReplyDeleteBrook acts like the matriarch of the forrester family because she thinks she is and that’s why she can’t stand Quinn’s portrait above the fireplace..she constantly telling Eric to take it down..she wants hers up there when Eric passes away, and her and ridge take the forrester mansion for themselves..ridge is so insistent on getting rid of Quinn because Eric says he doesn’t want to b lonely for the rest of his life, so if he dies and still married to Quinn, they worried it will end up hers.. they not worried about Eric..
ReplyDeleteWhich is even more ironic given Eric isn’t Ridge’s biological father! Thorne is his first born son.
DeleteI know bfan, but that’s what will happen.. ridge is the favourite and so is brook in erics eyes, always has been!!
DeleteSo we remember that ridge is not a forrester oly when it suits us 😂😂
DeleteThis is beyond ridiculous!! But I'm not surprise, Bell is a twisted man so what comes out of his brain can't be "normal"
ReplyDeleteHere they are so horrified and terrified because Deacon is out of prison but they are ALL living with Quinn around then?? Did Liam forgot that she wanted to kill him with a sword??? That SHE kidnapped him by manipulating Deacon? No wonder why he tried to kill her, she pushed him off the cliff to murder him! He went to prison but she is free?? She is Mrs Forrester and is allowed to be seen in society while she is a criminal?? So there is free pass for some person and not for others?
Steffy killed her cousin, never was worried, but she hates Sheila because she shot her mother decades ago and went to prison for it, but does she condemn her mother because she shot Bill just because she had a "pulsion"?? And Taylor never went to prison for her crime!
And Sheila didn't repport Steffy when she shot her. She could have because even if she hates her, it was a crime in front of the law.
This is not a defense on Sheila, it's just facts. Finn is the only one whom can decide what to do with Sheila, and not being forced by Steffy's hatred, that's not love, that's submission!
Before being so judgemental, they should all take a look in their mirror, and especially Ridge because he think he is a Saint but he also has memory loss! He forgot that he made Nick accused of murder only because he was jealous of him!! He didn't care if his half brother was going to spend the rest of his life in jail. They all thing they deserve second or more chances but not Sheila or Deacon ?? Why?? Because they are "better"?? certainly NOT.
You go Hope, Deacon is your father and your relation is no one else business!
Totally agree, double standards, and i just keeps laughing reading the hate comments about hope and brook while these people love steffy Taylor thomas and quin,,, how hypocrite these fans are… all the characters are the same, but at least brook never kill anyone
DeleteApart from the constant shrieking and yelling, and throwing their weight around, all brook and ridge r doing is provoking enemies into attack mode..Sheila and deacon and possibly even Quinn will join forces to bring all of them down..
ReplyDeleteOmg!!! Sheila and Deacon: devils united! This is the best way to f@#& up B&B. Can someone put a d@#& in Brookes mouth! That floormob is the last one to judge anyone's life. She wants to controle everyone's life when she can't controle her own life. It's better is the writers go back to the murder that Quinn probably committed. They stopped at a point where they were sure that the death of the man with the blue diamond was strange. Or Did I miss something?
ReplyDeleteThe foresters are all happy with Finn but he is to me a weak asswipe! He can't even speak up hin mind! He is talking about it with not one but two different women. But none of them is his wife! Foolish boy! If Steffi finds out she will let go of him and run straight back to Liam.
No wonder why Hope understands Finn that well. She is a sneaky little spoiled brat. That's why! I hope Deacon breaks his promise to her. She asked for it.
Sheila and deacon will have an sexual relation. Why don't Finn and hope get married so both Sheila and Deacon have nothing to look for at the forester family.
What would be de odds Sheila and deacon are the biological parents of Finn 🤪🤪🤣🤣 that would be some stories unfortunate 🤔 😕 😐
ReplyDeleteShelia and Deacon team up ... yes I can’t wait to see this drama😂😂😂😂 Shelia that laugh and Deacon eyes looooool😂😂😂😂😂😂