
Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-11-21 Full episode B&B 11th November 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-11-21 Full episode B&B 11th November 2021


  1. The writing about Douglas having to meet Deacon as his grandfather disgusts me. Liam and Hope can do whatever they want with Beth so that she can see her grandfather. Sorry, I have nothing against Hope being a mother figure to Douglas since her mother Caroline died. It bothered me a bit how she secured joint custody of Douglas using Thomas' feelings for her. Thomas is not innocent, either, but hey. We're not going to go back on it. But, it's like I'm given the impression that Hope gave birth to Douglas and that Liam was the father. It's like this Thomas and his family are not Douglas family. And that Caroline's mothers are nothing to Douglas. Liam is not Douglas' father and Thomas is. It's up to him to have this conversation with Hope in order to say yes or no, she makes Douglas meet with a guy who is not his grandfather. I'm sorry, but this nonsense bothers me

    1. Hope adopted Douglas so he is legally her son.

    2. @Angmid36 What I understood she got shared custody but not adoption. when Thomas had signed the papers it was only for shared custody. Even so, Hope doesn't have the right to make any decision whatsoever without Thomas. Deacon is not Douglas' grandfather.
      and then it's as if the writing says that Douglas only has the Logans and Sharpe as a family. While Caroline's mothers, Thomas's parents and Thomas's sister are the little one's legitimate family and they exist, they are not dead. the writing is reminiscent of the fact that Dougla has Liam as a father. while legally, Liam has no rights

    3. i agree if this happened in real life which never this gonna happen in real life thomas would ve reacted about this.hope is totally annoying
      mayne sje belongs with finn and lame with steffy

    4. Hope is legally Douglas' mother. I disagree about the writing making it seem like Liam is Douglas' father for the simple reason that they always show scenes of Thomas and Douglas together. Matter of fact, we see more scenes of Thomas and Douglas than Liam and Douglas, or even Hope and Douglas for that matter. Because Hope is Douglas' mother by law, it will make Deacon his grandfather by law.

    5. Douglas is very well aware of who is his family by blood and who isn't. He lives wirh Hope and loves her as a mother and what do you nitpickers expect? To send Douglas away every time when Deacon visits his real grandchild? To tell him that he is NOT his grandson and should back off? Or is it better for a child not to make the difference and give him the feeling of acceptance and love from everyone? Douglas will know that Deacon is not related to him as he knows that Liam and Hope aren't either and so what? He loves them anyway and they love him That's only that matters and if Deacon can fit, why not.

    6. Well said Hundi!! I have always been of the belief that the more people that love my children , the better.. and not all family dynamics are what’s considered to be “normal”.. and like u said, Douglas is very aware of who r his “blood” relatives and who are not.. as long as he is loved and accepted by all of the members of the extended family is all that matters!!

  2. I am all for forgiveness, and I truly think Deacon has changed, BUT, Hope is moving waaay too fast with this. She needs to tell her father that they have to start slow, so the rest of the family can get used to the idea. She can have dinners with him, they can do some fun things together which they didn't when she was growing up, have long talks, get to know eachother. I know, they have spent a long time writing letters to eachother while he was in jail. But bringing the kids into it, is a bit too soon at the moment. If I was Hope, ofc I would love to forgive my father and have a connection with him, but I would also wait with bringing him close to the children. I know, he never hurt a child as far as I know, so Hope isn't endangering them by letting him connect to them.

    On the other hand, as Hope said. What about Bill? He has done a LOT of questionable stuff over the years, and he still gets to have a connection with the kids. And Thomas... He even terrorized Douglas, his own son, to get to Hope. I know, he wasn't in his right mind at the time, but he was obsessive about Hope, even before the head injuries, as far as I can recall.

    They just need to let Deacon in, little by little, let him prove himself to Hope, by spending time with her alone, maybe have dinner with Hope and Liam, so Liam can get a sense out of Deacon as well... etc etc...

    1. That's true. Why Hope can't meet Deacon alone somewhere outside? Not just bring him home directly..

    2. @Malin, I grew with everything u said..hope should also discuss this with Thomas as well, before committing to any formal decisions about the kids.. and it would b smart of hope to go slow and let the dust settle first..the way she is doing it now , is not helping her cause.. I feel deacon has changed, and I think it is fair for hope to try and have a relationship with him, but she going about it the wrong way..

      And I am happy that she brought up bill, and that Liam admitted that what she said was fair!! About time!!

    3. Oops, I meant agree, not grew 🤣

  3. I don't know why I watch this crap. I remember when Ron Moss' character Ridge kept flip flopping between Brooke and Taylor for decades. So I checked out
    And it looks like I am about to do the same again. There is no substance to this show AT ALL. It's all about people trying to control other people's lives. Endless dialogue about why someone else should not be doing something. Unimaginative, uneventful, unnecessary, disappointing, ridiculous, dumb, stupid, lacks entertainment value

    1. I've been thinking the same. It's the same hypocrites spewing their vitriol every damn day. I used to enjoy the show, but lately it just pisses me off

    2. Agreed chasity!! Since bell took over from his father, the show has been all about what u said.. that’s why I think that they have looked back in the past to when ratings were good and trying to bring that back..?but he is not going about very well.. only time will tell? But yet we keep watching..

    3. I know🤣🤣 but sometimes we get wrapped up in it and forget that 🤣🤣 well I do🤣

    4. In comparison to another Soap Opera, Y & R, they may have storylines that we don't like or some that we prefer more than others. But they HAVE storylines. This one does not.

  4. Replies
    1. What u talking about I love the bold and never miss 1 episode

  5. hope must leave the kids out of it for a while and the only one that have contact with deacon is liam and hope together and not alone, then he can prove himself


  6. Totally surface comment: WTH is with the hair all of a sudden? Buzz cut, curtain bangs, heartbreaking loss of man bun? Let’s talk about what’s important here!

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 u forgot the worst of all, Paris’s attempts to slowly going through the 🌈!!

    2. But I admit that I do really like hopes hair.. I think that cut suites her and her face shape, it actually brings out her eyes more because I used to focus on her eyebrows all the time, especially the one that almost reaches her hairline.. but I think anima is beautiful and this complements her..

  7. What are u talking about I love the bold and never miss one episode it’s getting exciting

  8. the hair is awful with all the young people just about the story lines are all have thought out dragged out or just a mess

  9. I just hate that the writer SUCKS! When Steffy said how can Hope trust Deacon and not all of us who love her etc...uhmmm, I'm sorry did u forget YOU SLEPT WITH HER HUSBAND? Then not only BILL GOT SECOND CHANCE but uhhmmm HELLO LIAM U DID TOO DUMB ASS! The writer makes this show so damn unrealistic it's stupid. Everyone is in each other's business. They cheat over n over yet seem to just forget. They're all hypocrites. They tell grown ass adult's what they can and can't do or who can be in there life. WHAT FAMILY IS LIKE THIS? SO UNREALISTIC IS SICK!!!

    1. Exactly. I am so sick of the constant hypocrisy on this show. The writing seems like it's coming from people who have never watched the show or know any of the characters. It really sucks ass. I seriously don't know why I am still watching this shite.

  10. I am so pissed at ridge, I used to like him, but now I am starting to hate him.. steffy too! I used to like her, but now, she is just being a biatch!! She had the nerve to tell hope to stay out of HER marraige, and if she want a relationship with deacon it’s on her but to leave Finn and her marraige out of it.. and yesterday and today🤬 and to say she doesn’t want kelly to go there anymore, but bills fine??I get why she won’t let Sheila back, but stay out of it like u asked hope to do..

    And ridge sicking Justin onto deacon.. again, way out of line..I would b furious if I was hope and it will b interesting to see what brook thinks of that??even steffy had a split second 👀 of r u really going to do that? He is doing it so if deacon goes anywhere near Sheila, he can go running to hope and brook and say, it’s not safe cause of kids with Sheila in the picture.. I just hope deacon stays away, but he won’t cause he has nowhere else to go..but it’s not going to look good and it will give ridge and steffy ammunition.. not liking them at all anymore..

    1. Justin went from being Bill's lackey to Ridge's lackey. It has made the whole storyline of his attempted takeover of SP pointless.

  11. I'm otherwise not a huge Brooke fan, but she looked sensational today.

  12. I think the repetitive dialog and plots are a combination of covid-distancing among cast members, ever-tightening budgets amid tv's ratings/market share slide and ... really unimaginative writing. Lettuce 🥬 not forget that their latest attempt at soapy drama was a racist, sexist horror show that made a mockery of ED. I've been giving it a pass and am slightly ashamed that I'm still watching despite the recent horror show. Thanks for being right there with me!

    1. Emphasis on Racist, Sexist and unimaginative

    2. I agree @MsSmythe,with covid they could only do dialogue, and even though I could see they were trying to bring attention to men facing ED, after it played out, they really did mess it up in a big way..but it seems like they have looked back in the past when sl’s were giving high ratings and reintroducing them and the characters back now, mayb in an attempt to raise railings now?? I’ve mentioned this many times, but also, since young bell took over from his father is when it went down hill and became just about sex, cheating etc.. I am sure he is writing about his own fantasies and bringing them to life on the show..

  13. Steffi needs to keep her mouth shut! Who does she think she is to make decisions about Hope's life. She irritates me more by "knowing" how Liam will react to the fact that Hope accepted her father in her life. She has her own husband who has concerns and other thoughts about his contact with his birthmother. Steffi always acts like she is the queen bee when she is not. To me she is just a copy of Brooke. Nasty! (who sleeps with her father-in-law) Steffi also still thinks she has the same rights as when she was Liam's wife. The odessity that she has is brutal. With her father in her life who's not a saint.
    Although I also think Hope's decision to want her father in her life is stupid. He will fail again.
    But yet again I like the way Hope pointed out to Liam that the latest stunt of his father put them both in jail. Priceless!
    Ridge needs to know his place. He chose to be the father figure to Hope. That's a good thing. But to command her like that is not his place anymore. She is grown. You don't like it? See ya! Hope should move out! Like last year.

  14. Does everyone on the soap forget that Dollar Bill Spencer is also a criminal🤔🤔🤔

    1. Seriously. This show just seems to pay no attention to history, recent or ancient. It complete bullshit that they are all painting this picture of Deacon Luke he's some dangerous psycho but Bill and Thomas are ok? WTF

  15. And I am so glad Hope finally said something about Bill Spencer this episode 🙂

  16. Ridge,Steffy, Brooke and Liam All need to take chill pill and allow hope to make her decision about her father on her own

  17. See lames reaction when hope mentioned about moving out.. he was freaking out?? Why? Doesn’t he get paid enough by his redeemable billionaire dollar bill , to buy their own place? Typical.. he sure has his priorities straight??

  18. FINALLY Hope brings up Bill and all his wrong doings. What about Thomas??? We are all supposed to believe he's rehabilitated???

  19. Better when they finally move out from this house with dead animals on the walls.
