
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-10-21 Full episode B&B 10th November 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-10-21 Full episode B&B 10th November 2021


  1. Replies
    1. Jerry Douglas, who played patriarch John Abbott has died. He would have been 89 on Friday. You might know his younger wife, Kim, who is a beauty expert. RIP 🙏🏻

    2. *Kym ... evil auto correct 😖

  2. Nice. Ridge left when Brooke didn't accept Thomas. Now he can leave because he doesn't accept Deacon.
    Shauna is still free. 😂😂😂

    1. Yes, WHY doesn't anybody bring this up?

    2. Because they conveniently and selectively forget these things!! Typical hypocrisy on this show!!

  3. There is something that bothers me when Hope says that "my children must have their grandparents in their life". I agree that Beth, Deacon and Brooke are family. But concerning Douglas, it should not be forgotten that on his mother Caroline's side, he has two grandmothers and on his father's side Thomas, he has Ridge and Taylor. It's nice to have this family reunited, but Deacon and Brooke are by no means Douglas's grandparents. For Brooke, it’s different, as she’s the wife of Douglas’s grandfather on her dad’s side. Yes, Hope is a mother figure to Douglas, but the little one is by no means part of Deacon's family. Douglas already has a family from his mother Caroline and his father Thomas. Liam is not the father, but his uncle, Deacon is not his grandfather, Brooke is not his grandmother, he already has three, a fourth is a lot.

    1. Actually Liam is Douglas' cousin because Caroline is Liam's cousin so he is technically his second cousin

    2. I meant he is technically his second cousin

    3. He’s his first cousin once removed.

  4. Hope is a stupid little girl not a grown woman like the queen steffy that is all I got to say.

  5. Another day of Hope asking Brooke to accept Deacon, and Brooke not responding. This is getting old. Hope, i hate to break this to you but your husband is not going to accept you wanting Deacon in your lives. Ridge the Ape needs to chill out. He's not Hope's father and he has NO say in what she does with her life. Like Hope said, "I DON'T NEED PROTECTION FROM MY OWN FATHER!!" You go girl! Why are the writers trying to put Paris and Thomas together? I said this in yesterday's post and i'll say it again..They have ZERO chemistry! What about a Thomas/Flo/Wyatt love triangle. I could see the sparks between Flo and Thomas. But i don't see anything with Thomas and Paris. And who's that goofy black guy that was talking to Steffy and Paris earlier?

    1. Omg please no! A triangle between them would be better that one with Thomas/Paris/Zende. But I’m sure 100% that in the end Flo would choose Wyatt.

    2. He is Attorney Xavier Prather, winner of Big Brother this season. He will take Carter's place when he leaves the show. He is a real lawyer. I don't know his character's name yet. I just know that he was suppose to show up on the 8th and the 10th.

  6. I can't wait until Deacon does something else and makes Hope look stupid. She is really a whiney baby and gets on my nerves.

  7. stupid emergency alert....what did Hope tell Deacon?

    1. Now here is another video without an emergency alert.

  8. Annika (Hope) delivered an Emmy winning performance today. Great job! I like that they're diversifying her character somewhat by giving her this type of storyline. I also like the fact that she really doesn't give 2 hoots about how Liam might feel. He needs to fall in line. 😂 Can't wait to see his reaction to the news.

    Why can't they find someone who is single for Thomas?

    1. Like how they did when Caroline came into the picture

    2. Thomas and Paris are not a good match. She is ridiculous. I can't wait until she does something to fall out of everyone's good graces. I'm so tired of the endless Paris praising from zende Thomas and Steffi. She's pretty annoying actually

    3. Here here Ell.. it’s about time they allow hope to grow up!! They have always had her as this whinny child like character who says how high, when her mother says jump!! And as much as I don’t like brook, it’s about time she supported hope rather than tell her what she can and can’t do.. and I liked the way brook handled this and how she showed how much she loves her daughter, even down to the tears!! Finally brook!! U put your daughter needs before urself!! Congratulations,There’s a first for everything 🤣🤣

  9. You know when a couple is heading to breakup right?
    They have fewer scenes together and are not shown romantically, not even cuddling on the couch or a simple kiss goodbye on the cheek. They want us to
    forget the image of them as a couple. They are seen more independently or in a working or parental relationship.

  10. Hope just go buy your own house and have your own visitors.

    1. Yes I was thinking🤔 dang it's about time you left the nest Hope😂😂🤣🤣

    2. The way these soaps play out makes me wonder about the real live of the writers.😂😂

    3. 🤣🤣 I know, I have often thought the same things!! Writers do naturally or unnaturally in bells case, put part of their personalities into their writing Donna pouring honey on herself and seductively licking it off, I am sure was one of bells fantasies and had to bring it to life and see it in action🤣🤣 that’s probably why the show has lost a lot of all the the things like fashion shows and funny scenes.. it’s all about sex and almost nothing else since bell took over from his father.. but like I mentioned previously, I know ratings were not good and there was talk of the show being axed, and since then, they are bringing old characters and sl’s in a similar form of the past, that were probably times the shows ratings were at its highest, and now reintroducing them back in an attempt to raise ratings again??

  11. Replies
    1. Haha, don’t give her any ideas, she might dye it that colour green on that emoji next??🤣🤣 we’ve had bright pink, yellow🐝 , now🥕orange, and that barf 🤢 green might b next!! She even matched a piece of decode to her current colour..

  12. I think Liam will jack up and use Beth, to not allow deacon back in and steffy will get in liams head about it.. so between ridge,steffy, and liam, it’s going to make it difficult for hope..I see problems arising and a break up of both steffy and liams marraige, cuz I think Finn will try and do what hope did.. but Sheila is seriously wacko and dangerous, and will never change, but Finn will think she has changed.. Sheila keeps saying she is depending on them to defend them.. a steam reunion is on the way.. it will b a battle of steam trying to stop Finn and hope from their parents to protect the kids..

    Ridge was way out of line, how dare he say I’m sure the kids will agree with this terrible decision!! They are little kids, wtf ridge, and implying hope is not a good mother.. and that is what he was implying..he is that desperate that he would use the kids against her..his parenting skills in the past between swapping women all the time, is way more questionable than deacon.. he even admits he wasn’t good to his kids growing up, and that he wasn’t there for them, and he regrets it.. and he has done just as bad things as deacon, if not worse.. but typical, king ridge is always redeemable, and has to b in control of everyone around him..he is not worried about hope and the kids, he is worried about brook cheating on him with deacon.. no man in brooks past that she has slept with, with the exception of his elderly father, is allowed anywhere near her, cause he knows what will happen..and that’s really what he is concerned’s been the main problem in their history, always cheating, especially brook.. she is a serial cheater..

    As for this whole paris Thomas thing, what r the writers thinking??there is no chemistry whatsoever, even zende has more chemistry with her!!it’s odd, she doesn’t have any chemistry with any of the male characters..I could see some with carter?? But then again, every woman on the show has chemistry with him, for good reason!!

    1. 💯 agree Colly! Everything you said. I know it's been said a lot, but I will reiterate that Liam's dad and Steffi's parents are WAY more questionable role models than Deacon. Bill, Taylor and Ridge have committed LOTS of atrocities, so I don't believe Deacon is a danger. Ridge is just jealous. And Steff and Liam need to keep theirs mouths shut, because they don't have a leg to stand on. Pot meet kettle😜

    2. Yep, Ridge is jealous.
      Agreed Colly.

  13. Who did Paris bribe to be in this show?:)) She is out of this picture. She lacks personality and appearance.

  14. The Paris storyline. Please. Its terrible. Can you guys stop pushing this whole inclusivity crap. I mean the tranny storyline bombed years ago remember?

    1. I'm all for inclusivity. But this is overkill. And yes making Maya a dude, that killed the character

    2. The excessive praise of Paris feels so contrived...It's like the show is trying extra hard to be inclusive of a Black woman. It seems tokenistic...
