
Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-9-21 Full episode B&B 9th November 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-9-21 Full episode B&B 9th November 2021


  1. 🗣️I'm so confused how are you going to put restrictions on a grown woman and tell her who she can associate with and she stands there like she is in TIME OUT!

    1. Agreed. It’s ridiculous that Hope continues to allow people to dictate her every move. She isn’t 15 years old! Deacon is here to stay. So obviously at some point Hope will develop a backbone.

    2. I can understand a little why Hope isn't pushing the issue. She knows that her mom and Ridge can make things really bad for Deacon so she's treading lightly and trying a soft approach instead. I do hope however, that she maintains communication with her dad even despite Ridge's objections.

    3. @Lisa T ikr ridge not hopes father and he really should take a chill pill. He should worry about his own children

    4. Ridge is a jack..... him and Brook are so messy but yet is always the ones to be the first to say who can associate with whom they see fit I get upset bcuz you are a grown woman listening to this crap

  2. Brooke needs to go bill and leave boring as ridge. Alone for good

  3. Sometimes I like Katie and sometimes I don't like her and she's unbounded hypocrisy. Madam Katie, seems to be forgetting her not so glorious past. She judges Quinn when she's no better. She forgets that she slept with Nick who was at the time married to her niece, she got pregnant as a result of this betrayal. Then, when she had her depression, she gave Bill and Brooke permission to be together because she thought she was dying. When she was CEO of FC, she asked Bill to fire Steffy because her husband was too close to Steffy. When Katie worked at MS, she then asked Bill to fire Brooke because Bill was once again too close to Brooke. And then she passed out to prevent Brooke from marrying Ridge. Katie doesn't have a moral lesson to teach Quinn. Paris is useless, and I find it really absurd that she has views on another person. This girl wants to have the attention of others. When will Thomas have a real girlfriend who knows how to be there for him and whom he shouldn't share with a new triangle.

  4. nnnnnooooo thomas cut his hair..he looked so good with the long hair...he had that bad boy look without looking out of character. i wish he would of kept it long...

    1. I know. That guy could do a man bun and especially now when Lame Liam did a buzz cut. I could see Hope and her boho chic chiccing on Thomas long hair.

    2. agree with you! loved the long hair

    3. The long hair on Thomas looked good. His hair now looks great. The man bun?? UGH. 😏🙄

    4. I agree J, I have never been a fan of the man looks to feminine on males.. It was sort of ok when he wore it out.. but I like it shorter for him..

    5. And notice liams buzz cut is exactly the same length, shape style as finn when he first got his buzz cut.. remember when his dad was trying to get him to let Sheila come in the house and hold minute it was how he always had it and the next scene it was exactly how Scott clifton has cut his.. mayb a bit of insecurity on Scott’s part.. he has never had his hair like that, not even when he was in prison.. it looked good on tanner, but on Scott it looks exactly like a prison cut

    6. Agreed...Thomas looked so good with long hair! Much better than his short hair...the bun really suited him too :(

  5. Paris using kids to gain affection of a man. Oh boy
    Isn't that orange hair cultural misappropriation? Ask an Irishman

    1. Her hair was carrot 🥕 orange and the same colour as the chair she was sitting in.. talk about taking matching home decor to a new level🤣🤣

    2. How was she using a kid to gain affection, by being nice to a child that obviously likes her. She is not thinking about Thomas, it is He who can't get her off the brain. And, I happen to like the orange hair. I too love to try different colors

  6. Brooke - "but Hope wants him to stay. He's her father."
    What about when Ridge wanted Thomas to stay because he is T father?
    Duh and Brooke couldn't speak to Ridge in private for the sake of dignity and respect of their privious agreement.and for their marriage of course.
    Brooke wants herself some Deacon.
    Deacon, don't dwell on Brooke's bedroom days. She's menopausal and dried up now.
    Why are Deacon and Ridge both saying grandkidS. Ridge should point out that Douglas is his flesh & blood and not to cross that line!
    Deacon praising Brooke the mom who cheated with her daughters husband? The mom who has 4 kids, and another grandkid she never sees. She has children that might have used her support during their divorces and career my best. Oh boy!
    Does anyone agree with anything I said? Just curious.

  7. Who the hell does ridge thing he is. He has made so many mistakes, he acts like he is mr. Perfect. He has no right to judge deacon

    1. You are so right. Hope should tell him she will never speak to Ridge again.

  8. Another sweet moment between Hope and Deacon today. She should just ignore Ridge and continue to see her dad. Ridge isn't her father so he really can't enforce any rules about Hope seeing Deacon.

    Why is Carter so quiet? If he doesn't defend Quinn tomorrow, I'll be hella 😠😠 Katie needs to shut her trap. Given her history, how is she any better than Quinn? Whenever Bill wanted to leave her for Brooke or Steffy, she would use her heart issue to keep him shackled to her. She certainly wasn't concerned about his happiness, as long as he stayed with her. But here she is telling Quinn that all she cares about is Eric's happiness. Hasn't Eric told her time and time again that he is happy with his wife? Yet, she and Brooke couldn't accept that. Instead they used their own sister to break up his marriage, got her believing that she had a chance with Eric and insisting that she tell him how she felt. And now, Katie has the audacity to stand in judgment of Quinn?? 🙄🙄

    1. Totally agree, Quinn should have said back to her. So I guess you think you're do much better than me,even though you slept with my son, your son's half brother and your ex step son but you want to talk the moral lane... That's a laugh!

    2. Well said Ell!! And spot on @antiquesandmore, Katie can try to justify the way her and her sisters have tried to come between her Eric from day one all she likes, the fact is the Logan’s have no right sticking there nose where it doesn’t belong.. and it has always annoyed the hell out of me , that they just rock up to Quinn’s home, any time they like, uninvited, to bad mouth her in her own home, and they don’t even knock , like they own the place.. smh..🤬🤬 and what’s worse, is Eric let’s them do it.. Quinn can’t even kick them out, cause Eric won’t allow it!! They think they can just do as they please and that they r entitled.. I don’t give a damn if they were around long before Quinn.. the fact is that Quinn is Eric’s wife, and while they are married it is her home, so just rocking up badmouthing her in her own home, interfering in her marraige, is not acceptable.. Eric has always allowed them to do it, and they will always b higher priority to him than Quinn.. she should never have gone back to him.. and Katy is only being nice to carter because she wants him..

  9. Oh please.. everybody here have made mistakes in the past and were hypocrite at least once, everybody cheated, lied, used, judged and many other stuffs. All of them. nobody is perfect, they react for situation which happened lately. if they could look at themselves by view of past, nobody could talk anything right now. This is the bold and the beautiful we talk about. come on.

    I love that words game between katie and queen today.

    1. Ok about cheating and sleepinh with someones guy is only one champion here i can say. No one can beat Brooke. That's a fact

    2. And I am pretty sure Katie comes in second place..

    3. Yes, I loved Katie's line about 'roasting marshmallows' lol

  10. Katie and Quinn acting like 2 high school girls fighting over some immature and pathetic. Katie, i see why Bill cheats on you. Eric needs to kick Quinn to the curb. He doesn't want Sheila but he'll settle for that Sheila wannabe. Thomas and Paris have zero chemistry. I don't know what the writers were thinking trying to put these two together. I'm glad Thomas finally cut his hair, but what's the deal with the orange hair Paris? Halloween is over. Ridge the Ape needs to back off and leave Deacon alone. I want Deacon to hit Ridge so bad.

  11. I had to fast forward raggedy ann and Thomas storyline. Just keeps getting dumber.

  12. Replies
    1. @soapking, WTF, your comment regarding Douglas and the child playing his character, is VERY, immature of u and outright mean🤬🤬..he is a young kid!! if he at that age, read ur comment, he would take that very personally and it would make him sad.. children at that age r not equipped like adults to deal with such things said about them.. I find your comment highly offensive on behalf of the child playing him..please b conscious of what u write about young children🤬🤬 sometimes kids in his position do try to go on sites to see if anyone has written anything about them, so let’s not b unkind or mean to children🤬🤬it appears that he is more mature than u!!

    2. I totally agree Colly...That was a cruel comment about this child actor. He's so adorable and is doing great...Leave him alone and stop your trolling

  13. Katie is frustrated because of Brooke and talks about Brooke when she is blaming Queen.
