
Monday, November 8, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-8-21 Full episode B&B 8th November 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-8-21 Full episode B&B 8th November 2021


  1. Quinn is such a hypocrite! She’s professing her love to Carter again and talking about how she and Carter shared a connection like no other!! And all this after she demands that Eric fire Donna and never see her again because Quinn is so threatened by Donna. I cannot stand Quinn. The people who defend her on these posts make me laugh hysterically!

    1. Quinn deserves to have Donna take Eric away from her. Quinn will end with with nothing. Eric will be with Donna and Cater will be with Katie.

    2. I think Quinn is looking for a way out, in case Eric won't be able to be with her sexually, or in case Eric chooses Donna, then she has a way out, and think she can maybe be with Carter.

    3. Eric has treated Quinn horribly for quite some time now. Quinn may not be right in what she's doing but it's about time that she stands up for herself and not let Eric continue to walk all over her. It's nice seeing Eric on the receiving end for a change. Let him see what it feels like to not have control. What's laughable is that he demanded that Quinn stop seeing Carter and be loyal to him even though it meant that she had to give up her sex life. Well now Quinn has demanded that he do the same.

    4. Elle, the difference is that nothing happened between Donna and Eric. They didn't have a sex life in this situation. Not to mention that Quinn accused Donna of things she didn't do. And she doesnt have a right to even see Carter. She walked away so why is she there? She's probably hoping that he will take her back if Eric continues to be unable to perform. Too bad and I hope he does get involved with Katie. Quinn is vindictive, a trouble maker, and always seeks revenge. I think she cares more about sex and her standing as a Forrester than she does about Eric. She doesn't deserve Carter or Eric.

    5. I agree Elle... About time the shoes on the other foot.

    6. I agree Ell.. maddy I am not sure why u always think Donna did nothing wrong?? She constantly telling him he is love of her life, then Is pouring honey, which she used as a sex aid with Eric when they were married, onto her finger, and looking up at eric with seductive bedroom eyes, and saying, I do this, and again, seductively lick the honey , and then allow Eric to lick off the rest , all the while excited, sailing, yes, of course?? Do u not see anything wrong there? All she had to do, when he asked is say, I have some honey and it brings back memories.. then when he asked twice to hold her, she should have said, that is not a good idea, and that he is married,.. but she literally jumped and got all excited and said the words, “I have been waiting for this for so long now”.. but then says she is not trying to come between his marraige?? Do u not see anything wrong with any of the above??

      Eric was not completely honest about how it happened.. if there was nothing with the honey and bedroom eyes, and constant telling I love u then why not tell Quinn, when she specifically asked him exactly how it happened so he understands?? He left all that out.. why?? Because he knows it was wrong… he is letting her believe it was “just a sweet innocent hug”?? If I knew she did that with my husband, I would definately not think that was innocent..using a sex aid that she used when they were married.. she didn’t have to show him with bedroom eyes included..

      And for Donna to get so upset and say “it’s over, he chose Quinn”?? Again, if she was not trying to come between them, she would not have had that expectation or been so devistated, because it was NOT a competition, he has been married to Quinn for many years.. regardless of the affair with carter, or anything else, no Quinn should not have cheated, but at the end of the day, their marriage is theirs and has been for years, not Donna or anyone else’s competition for him there..

      But I will say that what Quinn did today was very wrong.. if she expects Eric to stay away from Eric, she should stay away from carter.. but she made a very good point, that life would b easier if the Logan’s kept out of her marraige, but they have tried to sabotage her marraige from day one.. Katie tried to take Eric from Quinn at one stage.. now Donna.. they don’t have a right to him just because they think they do..?

    7. Oops a few mistakes in my comment, but u get the gist🀣🀣

    8. And add to that, he told Donna he loved her, he missed telling her that part too!! At least Quinn was fully honest with Eric about her feelings for carter.. Eric tells Donna he loves her but doesn’t tell Quinn, then tells her she is overreacting.. I wouldn’t want my husband anywhere near an ex wife he still loves!! So man up Eric, and tell Quinn the whole truth..?instead of resenting her for something she has every right to feel, tell her everything, not that it was just a sweet little hug??

    9. You are so right, Colly! Donna did not even tell her sisters about the honey licking!!! All she told them was that they hugged. She's trying to make it look like she did nothing wrong and both her and Eric are hiding that part of what happened between them... and that was a HUGE contributor to Eric having the "reaction" that he did. Donna isn't innocent. And she needs to quit talking about Eric chose Quinn. They are married! Quinn is his wife. Why is she even thinking that there was a choice in the first place?

  2. Woof woof leave him alone Booke like a muder dawg for she Yung. and Quinn ohh please she could get what she wants but poor Eric no honey 🐻🍯 for him.thats y Katie taking huh man from yuh .

  3. This episode gave me a headache. Hope, stop asking Brooke to give Deacon a chance to be in your life when you know she's against it. Go have a relationship with your father and stop asking for everyone's approval! Quinn is just as much of a hypocrite as Brooke. Quinn doesn't want Eric to be around Donna but it's okay for her to be around Carter. She's trash.

    1. I wish Hope woukd quit asking for permission to see her father too. She's a grown woman and can do what she wants. Hope needs to stop trying to push the thing about how Brooke had to have feelings for Deacon. She's old enough also to realize that what happened was a in a moment thing. It may bother Hope, but it's reality and Brooke has told her that she doesn't regret having her. Hope needs to let that all go. Let her be involved with Deacon and find out things for herself as to what he will do.

    2. Only thing is, Maddy, is that I would probably do the same. My mother and I were very close and if she raised me without my dad (she didn't--he was there), and I knew that she was so dead set against it, I would plead with her to understand.

    3. I agree but I think Hope wants a relationship with her Father minus all the drama and demands from Brooke, Ridge and Liam. If she wins Brooke over, Ms control freak will make Ridge and Liam come in line!

      Deacon was looking at Brooke like, I dare you to lie to our daughter in front of me! They were in love and had an ongoing affair it wasn’t just a one time thing. Brooke was needy because Ridge chose his wife over her. She cannot be alone and she pursued Deacon, seduced him no the other way around. That is what really hurt Bridget and she did the same thing with Nick, she just had to have him too. I think Hope wants her mum to honest and she’s still hiding the truth.

    4. @J - I 100% agree, same here. Its not that hope is 'immature' she just wants her mom's approval, that's all. She obviously is aware she can have a relationship with her dad if she wants - she's grown - its just wanting that understanding from her mom, whom she loves so very much!

  4. "Leave him alone!" Oh my. This is gonna be soooooo good. Hope they don't disappoint.

    Quinn, you've already broken Carter's heart by choosing Eric. What's the point going to see him just to rehash the past? Just leave him alone. I wonder whose side is Carter going to take? πŸ€”

    Doesn't Katie ever do any work? She's becoming a busy body just like Brooke! 😠

    1. Lol Brooke was going to push back on Deacon but when Ridge said no she flipped because she’s got to be in control lol.

      Katie has always been a self righteous busy body.

    2. Katie was actually one of my fav Logan sisters, but lately she's become a pain in the... Lol

  5. I can't wait see Carter to throw Queen away for good when she starts sucking and she'll be picking her jaw off the floor when she hears that Carter will be with Katie LOGAN πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½

  6. this is like katie's 4th lunch in a day LOL

    1. @Valentina - Tell me about it - I work from home since the start of Covid and still cant afford that luxury.. Haha.. I need a job at FC ! LOL

  7. So hypocrite quinn tells eric that she being his wife is the incredible gift and now carter gave her an incredible gift
    Then call the logens hypocrites

  8. Yes Ell, I know, she has been at the restaurant with carter, then brook, then Donna!! How does she keep up with work?? Must b all that strength carter said she has!!

    And even though I can’t stand brook, I was impressed with her today!! The πŸ‘€ on ridges face 🀣🀣🀣 he was not happy..he is going to try and keep deacon away because he is insecure.. how would he like it if everyone tried to keep away from steffy??I used to like ridge, but the writers r making him unlikable lately..and he is not a psycho or dangerous like Sheila, so as u said maddy, hope should not have to ask permission to have a relationship with her dad.. and Liam, u annoying puppy dog, trying to please everyone, and only have a backbone when u have someone strong in front of u calling the shots.. in one breath, he says, “I don’t want to b that guy who tells his wife what to do”, the next, I will do everything to keep him away..a#%wipe!!

    As for Quinn, although I like her, I am not liking her today.. spot on anonymous,she is being a hypocrite.. if she is asking Eric to cut ties with Donna then she should b doing the was erics choice to keep carter on at forrester, but Quinn should b staying completely away..what is apologising to carter going to do, nothing.. leave the poor guy alone..

    1. Agreed on all counts, Colly.

      I really did not understand Quinn going to see Carter today. Their conversation was pointless.

  9. What gets me with Stephanie and Liam is they've, forgotten the illegal crazy stuff their parents have done! Taylor shot Bill and all the crap Bill has done makes deacon look like an angel.

    1. You forget Brooke pushed Thomas over a cliff which caused massive brain trauma and lot of his issues after!

  10. Also, Bell needs to rewatch some of The Bold and Beautiful Episodes before he writes. What makes Quinn so much worse stepping out with someone than Donna or for that matter why are the Logan's always being the moral patrol team when they've all been awful, especially Brooke. Not to mention, Quinn looks far better than the Barbie wanna be Donna... πŸ˜‚

    1. Aaahha all too true ! They conveniently forget anything that paints them in a bad light shades of Elizabeth Bennet telling Mr Darcy that they should only remember the past as it gives them pleasure lol! Bell and the Logans have selective amnesia πŸ˜‚

  11. What must be the woman over here have a bad personality irl. Always bashing the Logans, but the bad Stephanie, Steffy, Taulor and Quinn witches are praised.

  12. Whatever happens to Hope & family from this point on.... is all on Hope !!

  13. Ridge can you stop being pathetic? Deacon is nowhere near the level of Thomas. Thomas should be in jail but he had daddy ssving him.

  14. Do we all remember how Donna cheated on Eric her "honeybear"?
