
Friday, November 12, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-12-21 Full episode B&B 12th November 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-12-21 Full episode B&B 12th November 2021


  1. Great episode today!! Everybody's outfit is on point, Thomas looks totally handsome with short hair, and we have a winner for Most irrelevant question of the year: Is Deacon my father?? (Dr. Finn)

    1. So, when did they change actors for Finn's dad?

    2. No he is stil the same only he shaved his mustache

    3. I didn't recognize him at first

    4. 🀣🀣🀣M_nd, correct!! That was hilarious πŸ˜†

    5. This storyline is getting really old. I am so sick of listening to everybody talk about Hope's father. I'm also sick of hearing about Sheila all the time and how Steffy keeps bringing her up. And if Finn wants to get to know Sheila he should be an adult and say so instead of telling Steffy that he will stay away from her. Now he'll probably get caught talking to her. No,I don't think Steffy should keep bringing her up or maybe not even keep telling him he can't see her, but he is sneaking behind her back. That's not the way to go. They are both causing problems with their relationship. The writers are just dragging this out too long.

    6. I agree with u maddy, except for Sheila, she hasn’t changed , she is still as psychotic as ever..

  2. Is it fair that Liam having a relationship with his father but not Hope

    1. Absolutely NOT!! Bill is far worse than deacon, but Liam is a a#%hole, and only carrying on like this cause he is scared of ridge.. and ridge is carrying on like this cause he is scared of deacon, and that brook might do what she normally does!!

  3. Is Liam for real? "What message is sent to the kids when one day they see you in pain because of something Deacon did." Ummmm, didn't he have Hope in pain not too long ago because he slept with Steffy? Then again when he ran over whatshisname and covered it up resulting in him going to jail? He has probably caused the most amount of pain in Hope's life. Much more than Deacon ever did.

    1. Also, everyone is going to experience pain. It's part of life. It's totally ridiculous for him to act like he can shield his children from ever knowing pain. And what Elle said. Liam's caused this family mucho pain, as have Bill and Steffi. I wanna know what Deacon has done that's so heinous. Being a con man is better than an oversexed serial cheater in my opinion.

    2. Ikr, I was thinking the exact same thing when he said that ell.. what pain did it cause Beth and Douglas when bill got Liam locked up for covering the scene, making him look guilty!! If it were not for Thomas, Liam would b in maximum security prison god knows where.. how woukd that have been for how ever long, and it would have been all of their childhoods,visiting Liam and their “grandfather bill” in prison all their young lives, but deacon can’t b part of their lives.. and it’s ok for Liam, to hurt hope by sleeping with steffy?? SMH..

      And who the hell does ridge think he is, “daddy issues”.. I am really starting to dislike his character.. is it fair to stop hope having a relationship with her father because it rehashes brooks biggest betrayal.. sorry but that’s on u brook, and hope should not have to miss out because u feel guilty every time u look at deacon!! Mayb that’s what u need brook, to remind u of how selfish u r..

      Brook deeply betrays one daughter to which she had another, then won’t let her other have her father because u feel guilty??smh and ridge, all u r worried about is that I’d brook would go to the lengths of betraying her own daughter to b with deacon, then how easy would it to betray u with him.. that’s all u r worried about..🐷🐷

    3. Oops meant is that IF brook was what I meant, not I’d..

    4. And, ridge has the nerve to call hope selfish for wanting deacon around because it would cause brook pain from remembering her big betrayal.. and he calls hope selfish? Brings a new meaning to insecure and arrogant!

  4. And for Liam to justify letting his father into his life , because it made him rich and changed his life, but basically saying that what does deacon have to offer?? LAME suites him perfectly!!

  5. Sorry correction, he said what does being deacons daughter offer her!! If that’s not putting her down and insulting her, I don’t know what is.. but lame is a very rich spoiled brat “spencer” so that’s ok??

    1. Liam sounded very shallow when he said that. The thing about Deacon is that he shows actual remorse for the things he has done in the past and therefore has a deep desire to change and do right by Hope. Bill never shows remorse for the things that he does and never learns. Instead, he's very arrogant and always tries to justify his wrongdoings. And that's the difference.

      Liam needs to remember that his father wanted his wife and also landed him in jail.

    2. Right? We want to have human and family relationships because we value those people, not because of what they can "do" for us. Liam's line of reasoning is so twisted.

  6. Woah! Is Steffy gonna walk through that gate and see him?
    I hope so..

  7. And ridge, pushing to go to the cabin, so he can get stuck into hope, he was itching to go down there.. he has no right to interfere..he is going to push hope so far she will leave, and I really don’t think he cares if she does, as long as deacon is not around brook..
