
Monday, November 15, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-15-21 Full episode B&B 15th November 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-15-21 Full episode B&B 15th November 2021


  1. Sheila can have moments of truth and for once, and I would almost have sympathy for her. I agree with her, Finn should know that Jack has always been her father from the start. Brooke talking about respect for marriage, honesty, loyalty and blah blah blah. And she dares to say that Quinn never had one for Eric. I laughed during Brooke's speech. She should look at herself in a mirror, because Brooke's motto when she slept with Eric, Bill or Deacon "I thought his marriage was over with his wife, it was over between them." Can't wait for Brooke to come back down from her queenly throne because she's tiring

    1. You said it all๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ‘Brooke should not tell Quinn about how unfaithful she is when she was unfaithful in different relationship with different men.I don't understand why ridge take her back thou after cheating on him so many times smh ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฝ‍♀️๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„ tired seeing brooke in the picture with her deceitful ways.

    2. Spot on hanan!! Except, I don’t think it’s a good idea to let Sheila in because she has not changed a tiny bit, and she has shown she is as psychotic as ever.. so I am fully with steffy on this one!! Mayb allow him to spend a lunch with her once off so he can ask the rest of the questions he needs answers too, but that’s it!!

  2. Way to go Brooke. Donna is a better wife for Eric. Tell him like it is. And Finally Quinn sees her selfdestruction.
    That she is no good.

  3. Brooke needs to be shown the door she has done the most damage then ANYONE

  4. I cannot wait for Brooke to cheat with Deacon is all I'm gonna say about that.

    Quinn needs to stop blaming herself for what happened in her marriage. I hate that she's doing that. Quinn had been faithful and loyal to Eric for many years. If it weren't for Brooke's constant interference in her marriage, Quinn wouldn't have retaliated by trying to get her best friend and Ridge together. And BTW, the same thing Eric got so mad at Quinn for doing is the same thing he is allowing Brooke to do in his own marriage. Quinn needs to walk away and stop blaming herself for the demise of her marriage.

    1. Is true that eric let Brooke way too much interfere in his marriage. But what about the time when Queen had feelings for Ridge long time ago? This was also faithful and loyal? Anybody remember that?

    2. I remember Ridge pursuing her relentlessly trying to set her up and she refused to sleep with him and gained his respect. Of course that is all forgotten.

      I’m laughing over Brooke gushing over Donna and how she’d never cheat or look at a younger man. She slept with Owen while married to Eric who wa much younger then. Lol.

      Brooke calling anyone else a gold digger is a laugh since all the Logan sisters are the biggest gold diggers out there.

      Brooke is a piece of work, she walks in Eric’s house, is stroking his arm and chest, telling him to dump his wife for her sister. What a hypocrite!!!

    3. I remember Ridge being the aggressor in that situation. And they shared what? One kiss? Quinn may be evil (or used to be), but you cannot accuse her of being unfaithful. We all know who holds that title. And watch her be unfaithful again soon.

    4. So one kiss mean nothing when it came from Queen but if is kiss from Logan that is inappropriate ;) don't forget queen's naked shower front of ridge's eyes and many other sneaky meetings.. she shouldn't be defended like she is na angel, nobody here is. Didn't i mention last time that queen of cheating is Brooke?

  5. Annnnndddd....maybe an affair between the father and birth mother?

  6. Soooo the Logan sisters think that getting a 'reaction' from another woman's husband is normal day to day common courtesy, and even worse when it's the Boss Man! Brooke and her comment... 'it wasn't a planned seduction' Give me a break!
