
Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-16-21 Full episode B&B 16th November 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-16-21 Full episode B&B 16th November 2021


  1. Jack's secret comes out this week...i can't wait! Eric and Quinn are getting annoying. They need a break or a new storyline.

  2. love Eric and Quinn i hope they stay together, today was so good between them, and shtf soon in Jacks life thanks Bob

  3. Please keep Quinn and Eric together. I don't want her going to the way she was when she tried to kill poor Liam. We definitely do not want two Sheilas in the same show. And finally Steffy showed a little support today!! Can't wait for these storylines to end!!


  4. Quinn and Stephanie are very strong and temperamental women and they are not saints, this is an undeniable fact and cannot be contradicted. They made mistakes and never hid that they had a dark and extreme part. They have pushed the limits with those they love. However, when it comes to Eric, he really needs to stop putting Brooke and her sisters before family or before the women he's married to (Stephanie and Quinn). Brooke and Donna especially, they insulted Stéphanie a lot for choosing, unusable and obsolete for the family or the company. And the same, when it comes to Quinn and the fact that she is cheating on Eric. Brooke and Donna, each cheated on Eric and should definitely not point the finger at Quinn. While they are not better. And Eric, really has to open his eyes and have balls when it comes to Brooke and her clan. Sheila, I love to hate her, but she's right that the secrets sooner or later show up. But, I feel that Sheila is going to use Jack's pain to come to her end, it's too predictable. Katie, it looks like an acne teenage girl giggles at the popular school boy. Finn and Steffy, it feels good to have a sincere conversation and the fact that they are calmly discussing Sheila. For once, B&B has to show several characters at the same time and not just one.

  5. Hate Quinnhoe. Hypocrital, self-righteous, always blaming everyone but not herself for her deeds + always playing the saint one

  6. I love quinn and eric together and brooke needs to remember her past and leave them alone

  7. I don't like Eric but that was a sweet moment between him and Quinn.

  8. Quinn has always taken responsibility for her own actions, which is a lot more than I can say about the Logan’s.. but Eric really needs to put his foot down with them, because they r relentless in breaking them up.. “defending” Quinn is not enough.. that is her home, and they should not b popping in day and night trashing her in her own home.. her home is supposed to b her safe place.. but how can it b when u have 3 cats scratching at your door day and night..

    As for jack, I am not liking him at all!! And what’s with his hair today? He looked like a rooster with that big odd piece sticking up at the back.. it was like he hadn’t brushed his hair.. how did lee let him out the door like that?🤣🤣

    And it was good to see steffy so understand and supportive of Finn today.. it was good that he was able to explain without her losing it.. will b interesting when the truth comes out!!

  9. Please take Sheila out.......she is a disturbance....

  10. Hi! Does anyone know what the piano music Eric plays at the end of the episode is? Not the song, which is ''It had to be you'', but just the instrumental? Thanks in advance.

  11. Love Eric and Quin together. really want them to stay together and Brooke needs to but out and honey bear needs to roll..
