
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-2-21 Full episode B&B 2nd November 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-2-21 Full episode B&B 2nd November 2021


  1. Thanks Bob. Donna will sure be disappointed but I cant see Eric letting her go. What did Steffi plaster her hair with how ugly and what was she wearing. Clearly now i see Finn and Hope together after today.

    1. Its like she is going for the dua lipa look🀣🀣🀣

  2. Hope you look gorgeous today with a new hairdo

  3. So Donna admitted to being scared for her life during her situation with Quinn but, in the same, breath she's saying that it's the first time in a long time that she's hopeful about a reunion with Eric. Clearly, she wasn't scared enough. I would be hightailing it out of there so fast, Eric wouldn't ever see me again. πŸ˜‚ At least not in a hurry. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Way to go Brooke and Katie encouraging their sister to hold out hope for a married man. They are salivating over the fact that Eric cannot perform because he no longer loves his wife that they are equating it with the assumption that he must love Donna because she was able to get him aroused. The fact is that since his problem is not a physical one then any woman can get him aroused.

    Steffy needs to stop making demands of her husband. As Finn said, they need to be united where Sheila is concerned. That doesn't mean Steffy barking orders and he following like a mindless idiot. She's going to push Finn away if she keeps that up. Also, Finn needs to be bold enough to strip down and discuss his feelings about Sheila with his wife. I understand that he may feel a little scared knowing how strongly Steffy feels, but he can't continue running to another woman to share his true and heartfelt feelings. That will eventually cause a problem.

  4. No to steam!
    No to steam!
    No to steam!
    Let steffy be alone if things fall apart with Finn... but no steam!

    Bell can try all he wants to show how connected steffy and Liam are. He can push a stadium of issues between Finn and Steffy but nothing will justify Steam to me. Plus Bill might be available soon. 😏

  5. Why can’t they throw Steffy and Liam’s deranged parents in their faces? Why can’t Quinn compare her meddling in brooks marriage, to Brooke meddling in hers? Why dont the logans etc ever have to be confronted by their hypocrisy? But get to go around and spew hate unchecked?

  6. I for one love Steam
    They are the love story
    Lope is the obligation
    How the logans compliment themselves on going after married men
    Thank you Bob xxxx


  8. I actually have a feeling that Eric is going to do what Quinn wants him to do which will really make me mad. She is just showing her true colors. She had no right to jump to the conclusion she did, she had no right to lose control and push a chair into Donna,and definitely no right to threaten Donna. She's always got to fly off the handle and act like a deranged maniac. If Eric goes along with what Quinn wants I guess I really don't care what ends up happening to him. You don't give somebody an ultimatum. Donna didn't do anything wrong and it isn't her fault that Eric ended up getting aroused. The problem is that Donna needs to tell Eric exactly what Quinn did and said. That probably won't happen and with any luck maybe Brooke or even Katie will let him know what she did. He needs to know exactly what Quinn did. If that doesn't make him feel differently about Quinn and want to get rid of her then I don't know what will. They're making Eric out to be too ignorant and needy in my opinion. And as far as the Steffy, Liam, Hope and Finn situation goes I'm getting tired of it always being brought into the conversations. It's just getting old and they need to move the story line up along. I can't believe that at least Hope doesn't have her doubts about Sheila and Deacon being honest. Finn doesn't need to be running to Hope to talk to her about the situation all the time either. He needs to talk to his wife about it even though Steffy won't change her feelings which She has every right not to. But Hope and Finn will have to find out things the hard way. And Hope dud look nice today. Steffy looked plastic to me because her face was so shiny. Didn't like the hairdo either

    1. Not necessarily. The scene of Quinn by herself drinking after Eric left and she was replaying their conversation in her mind, we saw tears in her eyes. It could be that Eric told her he is no longer in love with her and wants a divorce. When he went to see Donna, he also told her that he did some self-examination. So it could be that he realized that he is no longer in love with Quinn.

    2. Steffy seems to have a new look in every episode

  9. This soap is a vicious circle of doom and disaster…every storyline is challenged with every character being a hypocrite…In my opinion, I see Eric doing exactly what Quinn wants him to do with Donna…keeps the storyline and soap going on and on…at this point to me it’s more than being aroused with Donna…it’s a known fact, elderly men can have PD…but there are ways to overcome it…Eric is rich! He can get the help he needs if it’s all about performance in bed…Quinn is not a nice person given all her drama in this soap from the beginning…why would anyone want to be with her? Face it Quinn is a nymphomaniac, calculating and deceitful…she’s with Eric not for love but for money…most people who marry for money could careless about sex…Quinn’s biggest downfall is that she’s a “nymphomaniac” and stands to lose Eric…I call that “justice” she’s doing it to herself!

    1. And how will you then qualify Brook? Loving father, father's sons, sons in law (see she had Hope with who again?), brother in law....She is the worse....

      Quinn had a difficult life and she was accepted in Forester Creations because she was brillant! She fighted for her son and her. Remember she didn't even want to cry on herself when Eric discovered her affair with Carter and she was ready for divorce...
      If you don't like Quinn you certainly have to hate Brook...

    2. Your argument about Quinn wanting to be with Eric for his money is inaccurate. I seem to remember Quinn specifically saying that she wanted nothing out of her divorce to Eric. She told Carter that she was already successful before Eric and will continue to be. This was why Carter put in the clause in the divorce for FC to keep her jewellery line because even though Quinn wanted nothing, he felt that FC should at least keep her jewellery line.

    3. Right because Donna didn’t marry him for the 12.5% shares of FC she sold to Bill or the millions in alimony that set her up for life please! Donna cheated on Eric with Owen when she got bored of her old honey bear and wanted a young stud πŸ˜‚

      Eric shut Quinn out and was so cold emotionally and physically for ages and made her think it was her fault. Then having pushed her into Carter’s arms and finding out she didn’t want anything from in the divorce realized he just couldn’t be alone and has to get her back. Then shoved her into Carter’s arms then yanks her back again. The turns to Donna to play honey games and get wee Eric to wake up. Can’t you see he used Donna, again… she lapped it up envisioning herself back in the Forrester estate playing lady of the manor lol. Honestly from three total gold diggers the Logan coven are so hypocritical!

  10. That's why I don't like Hope, because she has a double standard. When she thought it was Bill's shooter Liam, it didn't seem to bother her and put all the blame on Bill (Bill isn't innocent either with what he's been doing for years). She allows Bill to be present in front of Beth, when he has numerous attempted murders, arson, blackmail etc. But, when the story changed to make Taylor finally the shooter (Bell changed that story to destroy Taylor, because Steffy had an app to track his mother and her phone outside of Bill's house. The facts were changed so that Bill blackmail Steffy into choosing her mother or her marriage to Liam). Oh dear, Miss Hope, thinks Taylor is unstable, that it is very serious her act, that it was bad, filthy and Taylor is a danger to her unborn baby. She demanded from Steffy that Taylor be banned from family celebrations (Taylor has just as much right to be at Eric's house, much more than Hope), Hope wanted Taylor to move out of the cliff house (that is none of her business). besides, it was not her house) and that she could not approach her daughter, otherwise, Kelly would not be able to see Beth. Hope doesn't find it dangerous for Liam, an unstable one like him, to be by her side who has memory loss and rushes at people (I always thought Liam was the real shooter, and I'm sure of it even today. Too much inconsistency in the story). And Bill, who's a thug disguised as a businessman. I don't apologize for what Taylor did, but she did it on bad information Ridge gave. And yet, Hope wasn't horrified by Liam's cover-up about the cause of the crash (even though it was an accident). And there, she finds it normal to give Sheila a chance to be in Finn's family. Kelly and Hayes are not in danger so with Sheila, it's you come into her life, but you don't know if you come out dead or alive. she is unstable, lying, manipulative and does not take any remorse for her actions, and she does bad things for herself

  11. I love the Quinn character, but the reality is, that as we get older, we do (hopefully) become a little less hypocritical. We all get our lessons as we go along and by the time we are well into our years, we have experienced grief and heartbreak and plenty of it. We grow to slightly begin to know what really loving another human The Eric thing wanting Quinn to not take an oath of celibacy is. Let it be. It is. That's a believable thing. But Quinn doing this is not really a believable thing, because her character did seem to be a thinking being. An open mind would allow her husband to do as she did. Sometimes that's the only choice we really have in order to be at peace with ourselves. Now somebody bring a hot guru onto this show🀣

  12. ridge is leaving the soap for a couple of months i think that brooke and bill come back together again.

  13. considering that Steffy has her own bad in her background she needs to get off her high horse and stop acting like a self righteous bitch

    1. That's HER husband. I would feel the same way she did towards Hope.

    2. Nothing wrong with feeling that way but Steffy did not need to say what she said to Hope in the manner in which she said it. First of all, she needed to address her husband and ask him what was going on. That would have led to some open discussion. Her reaction to the very little piece that she overheard will only serve to put Finn in defense mode. He might even get angry at her for lashing out at Hope when all Hope was doing was empathizing with Finn. Let's also remember that Finn came to see Hope, not the other way around.

  14. Quinn's days are numbered!!! Eric will deforce her. Maybe not now as many of us think. But he will!

    Steffi acts like she is finn's mother and I don't even get why hope is letting Liam and Steffi spend so much time together using Kelly as an excuse πŸ€” in the real world this is not possible. You can not go for ice cream with your babymother, knowing you had sex with her not that long ago. And be okay with it... It's not mature but disrespectful and stupid

    Eric grow some balls now. Maybe you will have an erection seeing the first hole in the tree.

  15. Omg I'm laughing so hard right now @ Quinn how does the shoe fit on the other her side gooooo back to Vegas quinnnn
