
Monday, November 29, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-29-21 Full episode B&B 29th November 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-29-21 Full episode B&B 29th November 2021


  1. Deacon is just trying. Ridge is just jealous and fears what could happen. And Steffy is just undermining Hope and Liams marriage. Wasn't she the to tell Hope to but out with Finn and her marriage? Now SHE has to but out of the marriage of Hope and Liam. Deacon is no danger anymore like Sheila.

    1. Seems like Steffy is more worried about Deacon now that Sheila.

    2. This whole thing is getting old. Everyone needs to leave Hope and Deacon alone. Let her see what will happen with her dad, good or bad. And I think Steffy needs to worry more about her son and what Sheila may do. All of these people just need to move on. We hear the same old crap every day. Repeat, repeat. And Steffy and Liam need to give it a break with talking about things with each other so much all the time. They don't need to be so judgemental of Deacon right now. Focus on Sheila more.

    3. I don't think Brooke will say anything about Deacon leaving. She doesn't want to alienate her daughter which I think is a smart move. There comes a time when parents need to let their kids grow up and live their own lives. Just like any other adult Hope will learn what the real deal is with Deacon without anybody so-called help. I really wish we could watch something different for a change because we just hear the same things over and over. They need to give this a break for a little while

  2. In a certain point of reasoning they are all right. Deacon always disappointed Hope, and he's never looked for Hope in years. Steffy, Ridge and Liam, not quite wrong and they are right that Deacon is a nest has problems and clothes itself the problems. Hope must see Deacon alone without her forcing others to see him. She says bluntly to Deacon, be patient, they'll accept you. She's totally wrong about it. She cannot force others to accept a man who brings up bad memories in others. Hope is a big girl and she will learn her lesson when Deacon breaks the trust she blindly gave him. She will be able to blame only herself. But, where she takes the risk, is that she does not have all the information of Deacon's still existing link with Sheila. And when she learns that Deacon is advancing on her side. Knowing Sheila, she will not like it and will surely punish others. Ridge, Liam and Steffy must let Hope see Deacon without controlling her and she will pay the consequences of Deacon's problems. Brooke made me laugh when she said she can't control Hope and tell her she can see or can't see. Brooke forgets that ever since Hope first laid eyes on Liam, she told her outright what to do, if she could sleep with him, etc.

  3. Now Brooke has a problem. 😂😂😂
    She won't throw Deacon out so Ridge will probably leave her and Hope will probably use the chance and try to reunite her parents.
    Drama! 😂😂😂

  4. Thank you guys for the i dont need to watch the BS of Finn and Hope and their parents

  5. None of this is any of Steffy's business. And how long has it been since we've seen Wyatt and Flo? A couple of months? I guess the writers don't have any ideas what to do with them.

    1. Actually, Bell explained what had already been made known on social media, that the actors were busy with other work projects and for this reason they had to pause it. But last month he revealed to Soap opera Digest that: the two actors are still part of the show and that they will soon be back because he included them in the plots that begin at the end of December.

    2. Kelly and Douglas spending time with Deacon with clueless Hope is absolutely her business!

  6. Liam should grow fucking pair of balls and tell his ex wife to stay out there business.brooke should give Deacon a another chance and kick ridge to curb for good.thats why I watch the show I skipped serton people on the show hate ridge and steffy and Liam starting to act like a bitch.

    1. I agree it's none of Steffy's business. But, it was Liam who wanted this discussion, it is again him who runs towards Steffy. beyond that they are ex-husband and ex-wife, and that they are co-parents. Liam said Steffy was his best friend. it's up to Liam to go confide in his wife. However Hope did not hesitate to tell Finn to have a connection with Sheila, she gave her opinion on the affair of Finn and Steffy. each one must mind their personal affairs and not the other way around. Hope and Steffy were both hypocritical. as long as it does not concern children, everyone must stay in their place

    2. Ridge is ridiculous with his telling people what to do. And Steffy can let Hope find out things for herself. And Deacon needs to get off his fantasies about Brooke.

  7. Liam is whining idiot,How Bill is better than Deacon?Because Bill is rich?

  8. I agree. Ridge is being a total asshole, Liam is spending way to much time with Steffi and he is being a dumbass, and Steffi is a bossy bitch. I can't stand any of them. Steffi needs to stay in her lane, as does Ridge. And Liam's dad is the meanest criminal of them all, except for Sheila, so his opinion frankly doesn't matter. Deacon has never killed anyone or covered up a murder. As far as I recall he's never done anything violent. And he did his time, so they all just need to cut him some slack. I definitely have no concerns about him being around kids. My god Steffi and Liam act like he's a damn pedophile or something. There overreaction to his presence is so stupid and ridiculous. B&b needs to do better than this. There are far worse people in their lives to be concerned about.


    1. Deacon still shoots and harass Quinn. even if she is not all white in her past. Deacon shot a woman. Deacon has a connection to Sheila. Hope has to learn this on her own. and when Deacon does his deacon, have problems. Hope will realize that the others were right. Hope also got into Sheila's business between Finn and Steffy. and she banned Taylor for an act that Bill did not sue. Beth was not yet born. Hope outright rejected Taylor from a party Eric threw at his home and she didn't want Taylor living in Steffy's house. a house that doesn't belong to Hope. and Steffy came to terms with her mother leaving so as not to create a drama and all of that reluctantly. When steffy doesn't want a deacon in her life, to Hope it's unfair, but when Hope deprived Steffy of her mother, it's fair. As much, Steffy should focus on Sheila and not Deacon. But Hope, was hypocritical about something to Steffy and her family

    2. Quinn’s past not all white 😂😂😂😂
      What a funny sentence

  9. Ridge is on edge because he knows the connection Deacon and Brooke shared ! None of this is about Hope it's all about Ridge jealousy!! And Liam is the last person to judge with a father like Bill !! Steffi needs to stay in her lane because she have both her parents in her life and I think she is only about protecting her dad's feelings.

    1. Just like Hope is panicking Liam will turn to Steffy again!

    2. Bbfan sure he will when hope kicks him out he runs to his doormat 😂😂😂

  10. Well said Dezzi and Hilary...totally agree. Everyone seems to be forgetting Bill's crimes...

  11. Steffy is concerned that her daughter who spends part of her time with Hope and Liam and her nephew Douglas, who lives with them full time will be around Deacon. She has a right to be concerned about what Hope does when it could put her child or nephew at risk!!!

    Hope refused to let Beth and Kelly spend time together if Taylor had any contact with Kelly yet it’s okay for father to? She has no issues with Finn and how psychotic mother being around Kelly and Hayes and encourages him to have a relationship with her!!! She was keeping secrets with Finn from Steffy, she goes to lunch with Finn and talks smack about his wife! Hope is such a bloody hypocrite! How dare she say anything about anyone else?

    I agree Finn and Hope can do as they like as adults. The problem is that Hope is good with him being around the children and despite what she says, only Beth her child! Kelly and Douglas are not but her famous bad decisions impact them directly!!!

    1. Hope did bring up to Liam about how Bill is around the kids after Bill actions got Bill and Liam sent to jail recently. Yet Liam dosen't want the kids around Deacon. If Taylor and Bill can be around the kids so should Deacon be allowed to be. The only one in my opinion who shouldnt be around the kids is Shelia. And how can you say Douglas is not Hope child. She may no be biologically related to Douglas but she adopted him and has been raising him as her so, So I guess you think that an adopted child dosent count as being someones child.

    2. Angmid36
      Yeah its the hypocrite steffy fans logic
      So Douglas is not hope‘s child but when steffy adopted beth she was definitely her child and the selfish hope took her away she should have left her with steffy to raise or what a selfish women
      This is the logic they go with always false facts and excuses when it comes to steffy and her psycho family

  12. Steffi needs to shut her trap! She gave Hope a whole study about why she should not tell her husband what he should do yet she does the same to Hope with Liam.

    Ridge needs to go cry about Hope and her father with a bottle of cognac!
