
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-30-21 Full episode B&B 30th November 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-30-21 Full episode B&B 30th November 2021


  1. Ridge and Liam and steffy back off.iam glad hope standing up to there ass.brooke needs to do same with crazy ass ridge.

  2. Ridge is right. This is not gonna end well. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  3. Ok so lets remember Brooke has never been shy at seducing
    She seduced Ridge when with Caroline and with Taylor Ashley and Caroline
    She seduced Deaken yep Brooke went after her daughters husbands Deaken and Nick

  4. I'm totally loving seeing Hope stand up for herself and Deacon.

    I had to laugh at Ridge when he was talking about Deacon to Liam and Steffy... "He's getting into Brooke's head. He's making her believe in him again." Oh please, Ridge. You should know your wife by now. Deacon had her at "hello." She was blushing and everything.

    Nice moment between Brooke and Hope at the end when Hope thanked Brooke for defending and supporting her. Now watch Brooke take Deacon away from Hope too and make this all about her (Brooke) and Deacon and their "destiny."

    1. Today was a good episode. I loved the fact that Hope stood up to Steffy and Liam and the fact that Brooke stood up to Ridge. I'm getting tired of listening to the same old thing though. I'm tired of everybody thinking that Deacon is such a threat to everybody and even if he turned out to be all he has to do is be told to leave. Hope has every right to give him a chance. I'm getting real tired of listening to Ridge, Steffy, and Liam. They act like Deegan is this big bad monster or something. I was thinking about it and maybe he'll be the one to step in when Sheila does something wrong. She'll be up to no good soon.

    2. Absolutely agree. This storyline is so stale and boring. So far, Shelia has been back for months, and yet nothing exciting has really happened. It's been a total letdown
      Instead they throw this ridiculous storyline front and center?! I find it hard to believe that anyone would really exhaust this much time and effort and bitching about Deacon. I used to like ridge and Steffi, but this story hasade me hate them. And if I was hope I'd tell Liam to f*** off. Not only was he ganging up against her with his ex, but he didn't even go after here when she left! He stayed behind with slutty, I mean SteffiπŸ˜…

    3. Elle, I don't think Brooke would take Deacon away from Hope. No need to bring up Bridgette because this doesn't involve Bridgette's daughter. If Brooke and Deacon were to get together it would be more of a family. I'm not sure they will get together though.

    4. I don't think Brooke will take Deacon away from Hope, if they were to get together. Deacon is Hope's father, she would probably be happy with them finding back to each other. It would make her feel more legit, having both her mother and father together, I think.

  5. because of Deacon Ridge will leave Brooke and go back to Taylor.

  6. Ridge is soooo worried.. this has never been about hope, where ridge is concerned.. ridges is only worried about losing brook to deacon.. that was so obvious when he was grabbing at straws to get brook to side with him, by bringing up the biggest betrayal.. trying to force brook to side with him.. but all it did was show his insecurities, and at the end when he said that he is starting to wonder if deacon is really back for hope, implying that he thinks it’s brook he is really after!! I used to like ridge, but lately they have turned him into a pompous ass arrogant beep beep beep…

    And the same with steffy, I am not liking her either at the moment.. she went off at hope for interfering in her business and marraige, and she just did the same thing, but even worse.. I am loving seeing hope stand up for herself for a change, instead of doing what everyone tells her to!! And Liam had the nerve to say about his father, contradicted himself all in one sentence.. and hope is right, Liam should trust her and her judgment.. deacon is nothing like Sheila.. he is just easily led.. and I was happy when ridge told him to prove he has changed by leaving, and deacon said, no that’s what people expect him to do and he is not going to just up and leave hope again.. and I think brook can see that he has changed.. my worry is that ridge hired Justin to follow him and find evidence he hasn’t changed.. and if he keeps going to Sheila, it will give ridge ammunition..

  7. hehehehhehehe, love it :D Deacon is 'hot' in my books, Ridge is 'old'

  8. They keep saying it's not gonna end well... I think the reason it might not end well, is because they are so opposed to Deacon being in Hope's life. If it's not gonna end well, it's because someone does something to Deacon or he gets pushed into doing something he doesn't want to do, and that could have been avoided if they just let it be, and tried to support Hope, and be there for her. They should just keep an extra eye on Deacon, that's all. Then I think nothing bad is gonna happen.

  9. i think ridge is going out of the bold and the beautiful becaurs he going on a world trip with his family in rl

  10. Wow, ridge should look at his own clown of a son, Thomas. Thomas is WORSE than Deacon.
