
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-1-21 Full episode B&B 1st December 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-1-21 Full episode B&B 1st December 2021


  1. Whoever’s behind Paris’ wardrobe must be tried a long boring trial

    1. I liked this one, actually.

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣Paris really does dress weird sometimes 🤭🤭

  2. Thanks Bob, can someone rehair Hope? and what has Steffi done to her lips, eyebrows and hair??? so hard looking. the storyline is so boring, what purpose does Carter, Paris, have in the story anyway or Zende.

    1. This is one rare occasion this week when Steffy wears her real hair. She wears a wig for her role. I've only seen 2 other times in her history with the show where she has not wore the wig. The wig is thicker and has a fake scalp. Look closely. Her own hair is much thinner.

    2. I didn’t know it was a full wig, I thought they were hair extensions.. I have seen photos of JMW without any make up at all, and her hair natural, and I have to say, she actually looks more beautiful all natural than all done up.. it’s rare to see actresses all natural without makeup looking more beautiful..

  3. If I were brooke I'd tell him she won't if answer that really. That's straight where it went of course and it's not him or steffy it has nothing to do with them like they think. Not one will hear what they are saying like what about all the harm Thomas has done and he made everyone be around and bill too so why don't they throw that crap back at them. Steffy cheated and her mom shot Bill cuz steffy also cheated with Bill.

    1. I agree unknown, Steffy is the last person to be throwing stones…along with the rest of her dysfunctional family Ridge and at the top of the list Thomas…how many times has he been given forgiveness and second chances…

    2. I especially like the part where Steffy says Brooke & Hope were “has a self righteous sanctimonious streak and when they think their right nothing can change their mind” well, in my opinion that’s the pot calling the kettle black…they need to act like they’re protecting the kids…they’re innocent, probably don’t even care or aware of what Deacon did…lame excuse!

    3. Truth, I forgot to mention that part in my diatribe🤣🤣that line was the most gross understatement.. I am sure the actors must cringe when they read their scripts.. I know I would.. they must think, oh my god I am sick of saying this, and I can’t believe they r making me say this🤣🤣

  4. Steffy is right about whole those hope's fantasy

  5. Ridge , steffy and worst of all Liam, have no right to talk the way they did today.. for them to say deacon hasn’t changed, he is still the same old deacon, confuses me, because they have not even allowed him the opportunity to show or prove anything at all , good or bad!! So to make that very big assumption, is wrong on many levels.. and steffy is really stirring the plot, making liam and her father especially worry with her “theory” about hope hope fantasising having brook and deacon together.. she has just planted the seeds to make her father even more stressed about it than he already thought..

    And it really peaked me off when brook said to ridge that it’s hopes home and decision, and he blatantly said, no it’s not it’s ours..really, so pompous and arrogant.. it is hopes decision, he has no right to say it’s his and brooks..ridge has been saying a lot of things that r way out of line lately.. he cannot handle anyone not agreeing to him or doing what he says or wants, just like brook pointed out to him, about him wanting it his way.. he expected brook to accept and let thomas prove he has changed and even let him move into the house, even though brook didn’t want any of it, but when it comes to hope, it’s a very different story.. at least hope is not forcing ridge to let deacon move in or anything.. and even though the cabin is on the property, while hope is living there, it IS her home, and ridge has no right to kick anyone out of there.. and the other thing that’s really getting to me, is the way ridge manhandles deacon.. not very mature, and brook has had to intervene twice when ridge has done that.. and cudos to deacon for not reacting.. and this has all been concern about ridges fears fears that brook will cheat with deacon..always has been, in ridges eyes, he is not worried about hope, he proved that today when brook tried to explain about how she is trying to support her daughter and ridge blatantly brushed it off, and said something along the lines, that he doesn’t care about hope in all this.. the writers have really turned him into a control freak, and someone very unlikable, who oozes arrogance.. having said all this, I am over this repetitive sl.. all of them actually.. can’t stand steffy either right now.. she has been one of the biggest hypocrites other than her father, pushing to get her own way , like her father.. Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.. I love her, but not lately!!

    1. You're so right, Colly. Agreed on all points.

      I will say though that it wasn't that long ago that Brooke was kissing Bill in the cabin. Ridge knows his wife very well and I don't think his concerns about her and Deacon are unwarranted.

    2. Agree, Colly. I love Steffy AND Ridge, but now now. Just as I didn't like Thomas before, but do now. All part of the soap game.... 🙂

    3. I agree Ell, I have mentioned it a few times , that ridge is only concerned about brook cheating on him with deacon, because if she was willing to cheat with him on her own daughter, how easy would it b to do it to ridge.. ridge knows brook will always let her heart fall off her sleeve..

    4. Well said everyone, I could not agree more! They've turned these characters into unlikeable hypocrites of the highest level! And this repetition makes me want to literally SCREAM!!!

  6. Replies
    1. 🤣🤣🤣.. I know, they make us love them, then they make us hate them🤣🤣

  7. Ppl upset over Paris is obsessively weird and likely unhealthy.

  8. What did Deacon say about socks and underwear?🤣

  9. This entire storyline... 😑Let's hope something majorly exciting happens in the next few weeks so we end the year off with a bang💣

    1. Here’s hoping Lutfiyya!! But the way it’s going, I doubt it!! Sheila has been back for months now, and it was looking good for the first month, then after the fake collapse scenario, it’s been pretty much for crazy Sheila causing havoc.. she should have kidnapped Hayes or done something to steffy by now!!

  10. paris had on a cute outfit today. so im wondering if she and carter mite fall for each other.. as much as i love my steffy she has no room to judge hope and her desire to have her father or þo want her family back together .steffy has fought fòr and spent ýrs longing for her mom and dad to be back together. she hope and ridge and brook have no right to think deacon doesnt deserve a chance þto be in his daughters life. theyve all done some rotton things yet alwaysgranted forgiveness for it and second chances how many times now?? ridge doesnt care about hope hes afraid that if deacon is allowed to be around that he will take brook away from him. hes jelly even tho he says hes not..steffy ridge and liam in office discussiñg the situation passing off judgements from their high horses they riding on.. its not right. hope is a grown woman with a mind of her own same as brook and same as they haz.and when they are set and locked in on something just like hope they imsist they are right and they wont back off of it so they need to stop and grow the eff up and give him his chance to pŕove himself and let hope run her own li
    fe and make her own choices..angry with steffy liam and ridge . glad brook stood up for deacon when ridge tried to physically throw deacon out of hopes home when he had no right to do so.. hes not the master lord and boss..if he so worried about brook falling for deacon then thatt should give him a clue his marriage to brook isntas great ass he would like to make it out to be and maybe brook isnt right one for him to be with.liam good lord all the ish his dad does yet hes a part of their lives and steffy didnt u just jump down hopes throat over her talking to ur hubby giving him advice on parents?? well dont be telling her or anyone else what hope should do about her own father its none of ur business chick..stay out of it. remember how u felt when hope and brook tried to tell u u couldnt have ur mother live with u or be around the kids even her own gra ñdaughter??

    1. Spot on, pammy! You're right. If Ridge is so worried about Deacon wanting Brooke back, he must not have much faith in his wife or his marriage. As I said before, Ridge knows that it does not take much for Brooke to bat her eyes at another man who is giving her attention. And if that's the case, then maybe Brooke is not the right person for him.

  11. Paris and her snooping is so childish. She was hired at Forester creations to work not get up in peoples business. She is such a mismatch on the show.
