
Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-4-21 Full episode B&B 4th November 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 11-4-21 Full episode B&B 4th November 2021


  1. I loved the scenes today with Hope and Brooke. Kudos to Hope for speaking her truth to Brooke about Deacon. Hope is a grown woman who's a mother and a wife...she doesn't need anyone's permission to have a relationship with her own father. If Liam and Hope can allow Douglas to be around Thomas after all the messed up things he's done, why can't Hope be around Deacon. How Hope spoke up to Brooke about wanting a relationship with her father, Finn needs to do the same thing with Steffy. I'm tired of him going to other women about Sheila instead of talking to his own wife. I know Steffy has made her mind up about Sheila but Finn needs to stand up for himself.

    1. I agree about Hope making her own decisions. Like she said, she may be let down and get hurt, but she needs to find out things for herself. And this is where I say that I don't see why so many people have a problem with the Logans. Brooke was totally honest with her daughter about everything and it was a good thing to see a mother and a daughter talk like that. And I know Brooke is not going to continue to tell her to stay away from him. And Sheila really got to me when she said that her and Deacon were forced into this. Nobody forced the two of them to behave the way they have. I expect Sheila to be Sheila, but I was hoping that Deacon would turn out to be somebody that did change. I guess time will tell. I also wasn't impressed with Quinn's interpretation that Donna came onto Eric on purpose because that is not what happened. They shared a hug and things happened with Eric. Donna didn't pursue it or try to seduce him or anything like that. She's even said that she would not come between Eric and Queens marriage. Quinn is just evil. She handles things in the wrong way. She's mean, vindictive, and seeks revenge on people. When Eric made the comment about his commitment to his vows I had to wonder what about Quinn's commitment to her vows. I don't care what the issue was she should have never cheated on Eric in the first place especially when she claimed to love him so much. It'll be interesting to see if anything intimate can happen between the two of them. I'm actually hoping it doesn't. Maybe you should try running back to Carter and he'll just tell her that he's not interested anymore. That would be the ultimate.

    2. You don’t understand why people hate the Logan’s? That’s sick

    3. I agree anonymous.. Sheila is a very different person to deacon.. I think brook can’t handle deacon being around because SHE can’t deal with all of HER own guilt and feelings where he is concerned.. after seeing the scene where he asked brook to always tell hope he loves her, this seems to b more about how brook feels, not hope.. deacon has always been a good guy who just makes bad decisions and easily led by women.. I agree that Sheila is not to b trusted as she definately still as crazy and dangerous as ever.. but deacon really loves hope..she deserves to try and have a relationship with him, because ridge is no saint either..

    4. Brooke wasn’t totally honest, she lied she was the seducer of Deacon back then. She withheld a lot of info about the good side of Deacon from Hope. Brooke is still making herself a victim and blaming Deacon for the whole affair! She says she’s ashamed but she isn’t owning the truth just a version that paints herself in the best possible light and still vilifies Deacon.

    5. Eric’s commitment to his vows are laughable…how many mistresses has he had over the years, how many times did he chase anything in a skirt? He was flirting with Donna, telling her loved her, sucking honey off her finger and rubbing on her getting aroused…lol. Tell me how that’s not an emotional affair? Donna thought he would leave his wife for her because she was his mistress years ago and left his wife for her.

  2. From the moment Hope asked Brooke why she doesn't want her to have Deacon in her life, I said to myself "she's ashamed." Then Brooke goes and admits to being ashamed. I loved the scenes between mother and daughter today and I loved being reminded of the softer side of Deacon. I especially loved Brooke admitting to Hope that Deacon had a difficult life. Makes me wonder if they're paving the way for a Breacon reunion. With Ridge being gone for a while, I can see the possibility of this happening.

    1. I completely agree, and Hope hearing the word "shame" is hard to bear and hear. If Bridget was there, it would have made even more impact. The three women linked to Deacon bringing back painful memories. It has been several times since Taylor has been mentioned his final months. So when Taylor returns in December, I wouldn't be surprised if it led to a Tridge family reunion, and Brooke got closer to either Bill or Deacon. This will put an end for a while to the Bridge couple, who are getting ridiculous and annoying. what shocks me is that two years ago when Deacon was in LA. Brooke didn't seem to have any memories of Shame when Deacon helped Brooke with her alcoholism and the same for Brooke who was there for Deacon. Writers are not logical in dialogues.

    2. I too loved the scenes with brook and hope.. and it was good to see brook admit and owning what she did in the past..and it appeared as though she really listened to hope and might do a backflip now..

      U might be right Ell and Hanan ?? if ridge is gone for a while, brook cant b alone for very long, so they might reunite? But if deacon continues this ploy with Sheila, it’s going to blow up in his face, and he is going to lose the last chance he has to have a relationship with hope.. and with Taylor returning??

      It seems like the writers have gone back and looked at all the old material throughout the years, where ratings were good with and now they r bringing back all the old cast and hook ups and sl’s that were popular back in the day, and now bringing them all back now to try and improve ratings?? They are showing a lot of flashbacks, like Sheila when she first came back, now deacon.. so it seems like they r looking at all the old material and bringing it back but slightly different??

  3. It felt good to hear Brooke admit sleeping with her daughter’s husband was her biggest betrayal. And the old episodes with young Deacon and young Brooke, both so hot, was nice.

  4. Its all about Logan entitlement
    Hope wants what Hopes wants
    Brooke lied
    She went after Deacon
    She had no respect for her daughters marriage
    She wamted Deacon when Ridge chose Taylor.
    She lied about whos baby she was carrying and tried to palm it off on the Forrester but a shameless Brooke acted as if her baby was some kind of meant to be Yep until a destiny moment came over the baby monitor

  5. Bridget no better learnt from her mom
    Got pregnant by a married man Owen then worked on getting Owen as her baby man not just father

  6. Katie did the same with Nick and Bridget too
    Hope did with Liam
    They act like victims when they are the seducers

    1. Didn’t brook take nick from Bridget?? I thought brook took both deacon and nick from Bridget?? I have been watching on and off , so I might have missed it.. so did Katie take nick from Bridget?

    2. Yes Colly. Katie guilted Bridget into allowing her to spend her "final" moments with Nick on the beach or an island somewhere. I cannot remember the specifics clearly but Katie was her usual manipulative self back then. I cannot stand her.

    3. Actually Katie and Brooke both took Nick Brooke kept him for a minute lol ! Mandy 100% with the above! Logans feel entitled to whomever they eye and want. Brooke so lied , Deacon didn’t seduce her she chased him, Bridget’s husband, and stole him from her own daughter.

  7. Would love to see Brooke with Deacon again!!!! This was a nice story back then!!!

  8. I can’t believe Eric is resentful towards Quinn about letting Donna go..everyone on the show, and in comments r saying it was “innocent” and “just a hug” and Donna “did nothing wrong”?? That confuses me, because, she poured honey on her finger and licked it off while looking at him with seductive eyes and when he asked to lick the rest off, she jumped and said yes,yes!! And letting him hold her twice, she said “yes,yes,I have been waiting for this moment for so long!!”, and Quinn and no one else knows about the honey licking no one can say it was innocent.. that is not innocent.. when Quinn approached Donna, yes, she took it a bit too far, but as Donna was walking towards the desk, she slyly said, “so Eric told u the good news”, rubbing it in and knowing that comment would get to Quinn..she is telling him constantly, in one breath, I love u, ur the love of my life, then says I won’t come between u and ur marraige..

    Then, when Eric “chose his wife” of how many years now, Donna was shattered, not because she got fired, but because he chose Quinn, and she was under the impression he was going to choose her!!, It was not a competition, he has been married to Quinn for years now.. and she reacts like that, but didn’t want to come between the marraige??BS..

    Eric admitted to Donna he still loves her, so that is no different to Quinn having feeling for carter.. when eric told Quinn to go to carter and tell him the agreement was over, Quinn was very understanding and did what eric asked and didn’t look back, nor did she resent eric for asking her to cut ties with carter.. she did it and she didn’t resent eric for it.. and eric has the nerve to say she was over reacting, when he did not tell her about the honey licking, or that he still loves donna.. So imo, donna is NOT innocent, Eric has not been truthful enough, he is letting Quinn think she overreacting over “just a hug”, and now resenting her for it?? She gave up carter for him, and now, she has lost carter for good.. and Eric is going to resent Quinn and it will grow until he realises he wants Donna and leaves her..

    He should not have torn up the divorce papers, because “he doesn’t want to be alone”..he has always throughout their marraige , put Logan’s first and always will, even though they have tried to come between them the entire time they have been together, and let her believe she was the problem, when it was ED... now he has destroyed any happiness she would have had, and expects her to give up intimacy which she was willing to do, cause he won’t try anything else, “that is not honey”, has emotionally dragged her through the mud for months, and has the nerve to tell her she is overreacting over something that is NOT as innocent as he is leading her to believe!! If eric told Quinn that he licked honey off of Donna and admitted he loves her, imagine that!! Eric is a 🐷, Donna is, well, Donna..

    1. Brava Colly! Well said! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. 👏👏👏👏 Agree completely and well stated!

    3. She was shocked because Eric chose her and divorced Stephanie… and even though she cheated on Eric with Owen, she and her sisters selectively forget that and how could he tell Donna no, when he’s always caved to the Logan women before.

      Quinn is no saint and doesn’t pretend to be. Donna likes the challenge of taking a man from his wife then gets bored and looks for someone younger.


    1. Quinn didn’t cheat on Eric with Ridge! By the way Brooke and Donna both cheated on Eric with other men while married to him. Katie tried to take Eric from Quinn for herself and failed. Brooke slept with Eric’s son Ridge and pregnant thinking all the time Bridget was Ridge’s daughter. She had an affair their whole marriage, both of them. Donna slept with Eric and stole him from his wife Stephanie with her honey trap, then married Eric, slept with Owen, and divorced him taking 12% of Forrester which she sold to Dollar Bill and the millions in alimony from Eric. Donna is a gold digging tramp. She was actively pursuing Eric with Brooke and Katie pushing her on. I don’t want to come between your marriage but… I’m going to play with honey to remind you of our sex romps, and wear provocative outfits to the office and tell you how much I’m in love with you and that you don’t need to stay with your wife when you have me spreading myself out before you, oh and I make wee Eric salute!! Ha ! Eric is no angel either, sick of hypocritical bullocks. He was the biggest philanderer out there please.

  10. I really do not like BROOK she is so judgemental of others but when someone brings up her past here come the fountain of tears and when did a grown man and woman need permission to associate with someone I really like Eric he is always putting everyone's feeling ahead of his.

    1. You know Quinn called Eric in his crap and he knew she was right. Eric cheated so many times on his late wife whether with models or the pleathora of other women. It’s about time he mans up. He is only thinking of himself really or he would never have pushed Quinn away while blaming her, torn up the divorce papers, brought Quinn back all the while hiding his ED. Those were all very selfish , nothing altruistic there. His wife is asking he do what Eric made her do!

  11. Als Donna und Katie zusammen waren konnte man sehen, wie unterschiedlich die Gesichter waren. Donna voll mit Botox, Katie hatte noch normale Bewegungen im Gesicht. Nichtsdesto trotz ist Donna ein guter Schauspieler. Ich mag beide Schauspieler sehr.

  12. When Donna and Katie were together you could see how different their faces were. Donna full of Botox, Katie still had normal movements in her face. Nevertheless, Donna is a good actor. I like both actors very much.
