
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-14-21 Full episode B&B 14th December 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-14-21 Full episode B&B 14th December 2021


  1. Nothing says "I don't want this moment to end" like a long, lingering hug. Then, Steffy & Thomas walk in the front door totally unnoticed by their parents. Steffy really needs to lock the doors. Seriously, that is a security risk for the children. If she is so worried about Sheila & Deacon harming the children, start by locking the doors!

  2. Just where does Taylor expect Douglas to live with Thomas? Thomas gave his apartment to Paris and hasnt found a new place to live yet.

    1. In the Forester mansion with Eric, Ridge (after he splits from Brooke), & Thomas. Eventually, Taylor will join them. They can all live in that huge mansion as one big happy multi-generational family. That way, Eric does not have to live alone!

    2. Only problem with that is Eric is still with Quinn who for some reason he refuses to get rid of.

    3. Boring. Boring. Boring. Same old lines…I wish they’d move on already.

  3. It was not that long ago that Ridge, Thomas, & Douglas lived in the Forester mansion with Eric & Quinn. Shanna was staying in the guest house. So, not unrealistic that it could happen again...

  4. And of course Taylor scenes had to be interrupted by some CBS news and not that boring Katie Brooke scenes :(

  5. Thank you Bob
    Reminded me of Steam when they hug xxx

  6. Too bad Brooke didn't walk in on that hug... Now, that would have been a great Friday cliffhanger!

  7. So, Douglas needs his dad, but Hope doesn't need her dad? Complete hypocrites on both sides. It's okay for my family, but not yours? Both sides make the same mistakes, but neither side can see what is okay for one side should be as okay for the other. Holier than thou crap, non stop, with these familes. Do as I say, not as I do.

    1. Let Douglas continue to live with Hope. It is a more stable environment right now. Thomas is too busy working & chasing unavailable women.

    2. Nooooo. He is a Forester. So the Logans must have even the Forester's babies? Finally, somebody sees how ridiculous Hope's custody of Douglas is.

    3. Hope and Brooke took Douglas to replace Beth because Hope had to have a child. Does no one remember Brooke drafting papers stripping Thomas of his parental rights and giving them to Liam and Hope… Liam wanted nothing to do with it. Thomas refused and it caused a rift between Ridge and Brooke. Hope then started her fake relationship with Thomas to manipulate him into signing Douglas’ “open adoption “ so Hope could steal custody of Douglas. By the way when Liam and Hope took Douglas they never had a legal right to keep him from Thomas. Brooke was behind that too!

      Taylor was spot on, Douglas is Thomas’s son and why would he want him living in that dingy, dark, horrid cabin.

      On another note, I was laughing Hope trying to punch… em yeah she’s really taking martial arts 😂

    4. But, even Ridge seems to think Douglas is thriving living with Hope. Too bad Ridge is trying to throw Hope & her family off the Logan property. So, technically, Ridge is living with his grandson, Douglas.

  8. Brooke is laughable when she says about peoples " track record" just cant believe my ears 😙

    1. Brooke is an expert on track records! 🏁🏎️🏁 🤣

  9. Same decades old regurgitated Triangle story.
    At some point Ridge should be kicked to the curb by all.

    1. Along with Liam. They both practice the same pattern - triangles!

    2. Thank you at least someone else agrees that Ridge should be kicked to the curb. He thinks everything he says is right, even when he messes up he blames everyone else. So are you thee only one right Ridge??

  10. Interesting how Katie and Brooke think it's important for Brooke to have her father because they know how it feels to have their own father abandon them when they were kids.....and then Brooke made Ridge abandon his own kids so she could have him all the herself. Ironic, eh!

  11. i'm losing my mind where the last time she came everyone hated taylor and called her crazy ??

    1. With Sheila in town, Taylor will be elevated to Mother Theresa status! All her sins will be forgiven & explained away.

  12. Katie says that when it comes to family that forgiveness is important and yet they weren't so forgiving with Flo until she gave her a kidney and even then it was iffy.

  13. OH PLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE Sick already of Taylor/Ridge/kids so obvious no wiggle room

    Thank you Bob

  14. Ridge is a joke! He is telling that Deacon is evil person in front of lunatic who shot Bill, killed Darla, act like a total psycho obsessed with Brooke especially last time when she was here and the and obviously big hipocrite. So she is forgiven over Deacon for what fucking reason? I can't stand it anymore. They are all worth each other

    1. Exactly. Everyone forgot about the fact she shot bill!

  15. LOL. Calm down before you give yourself a stroke.

  16. I'm so over the same story lines can you let holier than thou Brooke and Ridge Forrester stay together and give Taylor a new love interest because no one wants to see this love triangle 📐 with Brooke,Ridge,and Taylor again for the 10,000th time.
