
Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-16-21 Full episode B&B 16th December 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-16-21 Full episode B&B 16th December 2021


  1. So Steffy forgot she got involved with Bill? Liam's father.... So it's on fashion to do this.

    1. Yes! Fashion is the family business! 😂

  2. Ridge's and Brooke's car trip got cancelled.

  3. Yep! I can hear the squealing brakes in Florida! 🤣😂🤣

  4. Taylor isn’t just coming back, what is she coming back from? Why did she leave? How is none of this being addressed?

    1. The reason for Taylor coming back is the exact reason that Sheila & Deacon are back. They all want to have a relationship with their grown "children". Same song, different verse.

    2. The reason why Taylor left is because she nearly killed Bill. Bill told her to dissappear and never come back otherwise he will tell the police. I wonder what Bill will do

  5. Poor winey ridge oh my god shut up boring

    1. Ridge says to Brooke: "I hate being at odds with you because it ruins my day." Then, he proceeds to drop the bomb on her that Taylor is back. As if that is not enough, Ridge has to talk smack about Deacon. Of course, they are going to disagree on those two topics! 😂

    2. Deacon busting in Brooke's place to see if she is ready for her karate lesson. Karate lessons seems more appropriate for Douglas. I think tomorrow Deacon should pop in Brooke's again while Ridge is home & ask if she ready to play Twister. 🤣😂 Then, tell Ridge he was only joking! Wink wink! Ridge's head would explode.

    3. Sean Kanan is a longtime martial artist from when he was young. In 1987, he was cast as the bad guy in The Karate Kid III when he was 21. It’s nice that production is utilizing his talents as part of the storyline which I wonder whether it will extend to be in a fight with Ridge. Do you suppose Deacon and Taylor will get together? That would definitely make Brooke and Ridge jealous.

  6. I would like to see Brook and Deacon together, and Ridge can go off with Taylor!!

    1. Nah…. Brooke and Bill or Eric. But I agree with Ridge and Taylor

    2. An affair with Deacon would be explosive

    3. Robin Dow Web I agree 100% then the whining can stop. Ridge is acting like a little school boy. No mommie I don't want my bestfriend to play with him because he plays better than me...

  7. The fake sincerity couldn't be any more obvious from Brooke. Hahahahaha! Lol!

    1. Brooke to Ridge regarding Taylor, "so when does she go back to this really impressive work?". Also, loved how she refused to even look at new family photos of Taylor & family. 😂

  8. What's with Steffy and her fishnet stockings?? I liked her previous look much better! She looked classy and sophisticated...

    1. Yes, and the coat dress was so short. The whole outfit looked uncomfortable. Who dresses like that to work from home?

  9. I liked how deacon said "I expected u to be at the office" then brooke played it like she joked with him about karate lmao. I like how they all conveniently forget all the laws each of them have broken but because deacon isn't a Spencer or Forrester he can't get away with it nor be forgiven after paying his debt to society. None of them have paid their debts back but alls forgiven. Nope and seems ridge was looking for brooke to throw a fit about Taylor and she didn't give it. Also the way he says there is no comparison but actually there is cuz Taylor shot Bill but Deacon missed each time he tried shooting Quinn. Also Bill was in on the other Deacon manipulation with Hope and Liam's wedding

  10. Taylor left her family for her work. So admirable
