
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-8-21 Full episode B&B 8th December 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-8-21 Full episode B&B 8th December 2021


  1. Thoses dam forester wind to much.they need to leave hope alone she a grown as woman.liam wind to much too

  2. Why do they always make Hope look so frumpy? And those bangs have got to go! They hang in her eyes…drives me crazy to even look at them. Lol.

    1. Hope is like her mother- all the Logans are. I don't understand how Ridge could love a slut like Brooke who slept & had a child with deacon her daughter bridgette's husband. Out all Logans.

    2. OMG in my opinion this is the worst episode dealing with this subject so far. Taylor hasn't been around or anything for how long now and all of a sudden she's supposedly concerned and on Ridge's side and wants to support him? Give me a break. And Little Miss Steffy and Thomas basically trying to push him away from Brooke. And for them to blame Brooke for taking Ridge away from them is ridiculous. If Ridge didn't want to be with Brooke at the time he wouldn't have been. This is just another example of where I get tired of people coming down on Brooke and putting the blame on her for everything. This is all just craziness. Hope has a right to get to know her father and find out what's going to happen. Hope is Brooke's daughter and she has every right to want her daughter to stay there. Despite what happened in the past Ridge should be understanding that this is about Hope with Brooke. Brooke isn't doing anything because she has feelings for Deacon. She's doing everything for her daughter and her relationship with her daughter. Deacon, on the other hand needs to stop obsessing over Brooke. His main concern should be his relationship with his daughter. Maybe it'll turn out that all he ever wanted was Brooke and a way of getting her was through Hope. If that turns out to be the case then he a jerk. But in the meantime people need to give all their so-called concerns a break. This is getting so sickening and so old now. And I don't understand why they all think Deacon is a threat to the children. Nobody knows if Deacon has changed or not and the thing is that people are going to have to find out, but until they do they need to give him the benefit of the doubt and quit harassing Hope about it. I really wish the writers would switch to another subject because it gets tiring hearing the same things day after day and how long have we been hearing it now? Too long.

    3. You said it! Took the words out of my mouth!

    4. Maddy....YOU ARE 100% CORRECT!!!!

    5. Maddy absolut richtig.
      Und Steffy manipuliert andere Ehe aber wenn es um ihre eigene geht,dann sind alle anderen Schuld.Sie ist die falscheste und unehrlichste in dem ganzen. Ridge will auch nur Mitleid von seinen eigenen Kindern.Er sollte sich Mal in Brookes Stelle versetzen um zu verstehen.

  3. Steffy is incredibly manipulative…trying to constantly control every move Finn makes. And now she is gonna install Taylor back in Ridge’s life…just - like - that. Lol
    And why do the producers go out of their way to make Hope look so frumpy all the time? Those bangs have got to go! She looks like a sheepdog with that hair hanging in her eyes all the time. I can’t bare to look at her without wanting to swat that hair out of her eyes. Lol

    1. It's just normal for Steffy to act that way with all the worst things Sheila had done to their family- Sheila is evil. I don't think that makes Steffy manipulative. She's just looking after her family.

    2. I agree Sheila is pure evil. But at same point Steffy just needs to stop talking about it. She has made her point about 2,000 times. She needs to have a few other things to talk about before she drives Finn over the edge. We all get it…she doesn’t want Sheila in their lives. And Steffy is totally acting manipulative by talking to her dad about Taylor and suggesting that they become a family again. Not to mention Steffy going on and on about Deacon with Liam. It’s none of Steffy’s business and she needs to stay out of Liam and Hope’s business. I know everyone seems to be a big Steffy fan, but I think she is far too much of a busy body and she needs to mind her business.

    3. Especially talking to her dad about Brooke and Liam about Hope and Deacon. She has enough going on with her own marriage and mother in law to be worried about Hope and her family business or trying to get her Mom back with her dad. I thought that ship had sailed? We're back on Daddy issues again Steffy? Dang I thought you grew passed that 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    4. Well at least we get Taylor back. I always liked Taylor. But I missed many years of episodes. And when I started watching again a couple of years ago, Taylor was off the show. Anyway, glad they are bringing her back. 😊

    5. Lynn, I agree with everything you said. It's like I said, I don't understand why Steffy and Thomas are trying to make this looks like it's Brooke's fault. The point is that Hope is Brooke's daughter and she has every right to insist on her daughter staying there. It's about a mother and a daughter and the relationship. And Brooke certainly isn't doing anything to lead Deacon on or hoping for a relationship with him. I don't like the fact that Deacon is obsessed with Brooke and I'm certainly hoping that that isn't his reason for being there. But everybody needs to understand that Hope has a right to get to know her father even if it doesn't turn out good. I don't see him being a threat to their kids either. So all this crap they're trying to accuse him of is ridiculous. And I have never been a fan of Steffy's because I remember all the evil things she used to do concerning Liam and Hope. She's far from perfect. You're right when you say she needs to mind her own business. And for her to stand there and talk about having their family together again with Taylor was just off the wall because Taylor hasn't been around for how long? I wish the show would give us a break from this whole thing for a while because we've been hearing it for weeks and we basically hear the same things everyday. It's getting old and we could use a change. They could get us back to seeing what's going on with Eric and Quinn or Carter and Katie.

    6. I think they intentionally make hope look frumpy and then make Steffi look slutty in the skin tight mini skirts. They can't just wear normal appropriate clothes. Hope wears granny frocks and Steffi wears hooker outfits. Hope is a little wishy-washy, but lately Steffi is a nosy bossy bitch. I can't stand her. She's going to drive Finn away with her constant griping. I guess the only man who can stand her is dipshit Liam😅

    7. Maddy you r spot on about everything u said 💯.. I am not a brook or hope fan, but I agree with everything you said..

  4. hi all thx bob ugh i want taylor to come back with ridge.

  5. thx Bob. this is so boring, same ole drama. Steffi is a pain. whatever

  6. Is Taylor coming back or is this a tease? I love Taylor and ridge. Brooke belongs with Bill or Eric.

  7. Steffy is a hypocrite to speak that way about Brooke when she herself slept with her husbands father and almost thought he got her pregnant. Even long before she and Liam ever got together, she was trying to seduce Bill away from Katie.
    Every man in the Spencer family except for Will has had Steffy, so in my eyes, Steffy has no moral hi-ground over Brooke.
    On top of that, she is dictating who her husband can talk to, she is trying to dictate Hope and Deacons relationship, she is telling Finn and Hope that they can’t have a relationship with their parents or have them in their lives, while she wants her parents together….HYPOCRITE
    And Liam, with all that your father has done to people, you still allow him in your children's lives, he gets chance after chance, so why cannot Deacon?
    Taylor literally SHOT Bill, but she is allowed around the grand kids, and we have to listen to Steffy going on and on about Sheila shooting her mom, like really???
    HYPOCRITES abound!!!

    1. Gutterflower, I loved your comment. You're right on the money. To listen to Steffy run her mouth was ridiculous. I'll bet if the tables were turned and this was one of Ridge's kids living on their property and something coming up that Brooke didn't like that he would not ask his kids to leave like he is telling Brooks daughter to do. Ridge is just being a total jerk especially when Brooke has every right to feel the way she does about her daughter. She's supporting her daughter because she doesn't want to lose her daughter and that's how it should be. I'm getting real tired of listening to Steffy, Ridge, and Thomas with this Taylor coming back. Give me a break. But anyway, your post was excellent!!

    2. Gutterflower, you took the words right out of my mouth. Steffy needs to mind her own business. She has no right to tell anyone how they need to live. She gets on my nerves so bad! And another thing, if any man told my daughter she had to move off my property, oh there would be 90 kinds of hell to pay. We have been tortured every day with the same old drama. There are more characters on this show that we would like to catch up with.

    3. Hope slept with Liam and Wyatt at the same time and thought she was pregnant and didn’t know who the daddy was. She also pursued Liam and got pregnant with Beth while he was married to his pregnant WIFE Steffy!! Brooke has slept with everyone else’s husbands, boyfriends, lovers etc! She slept with two of Bridget’s husbands and got pregnant with Hope from Deacon! She slept with a Hope’s prom date, a teenager! She slept with her sister Katie’s husband, Bill! Brooke has cheated on Ridge how many times and you wonder why he’s paranoid about Deacon?

      Brooke slept with Eric’s SON Ridge the whole time they were married, both times and she thought Bridget was Ridge’s daughter for how long?? Brooke slept with Thorne and Ridge and Nick at the same time , half brothers… she tried to sleep with her step son Thomas but he rebuffed her and that is why she despises him so much!! Of course she always resented Thomas, Steffy and Pheobe because Ridge had the gall to get his WIFE pregnant!!! How dare he LOL? 😂🤣😂

      Brooke never welcomed Thomas into her home and she and Hope manipulated him into giving Hope partial custody and allowing her to adopt him! She lied and misled him to get a replacement for Beth!

      Steffy cheated twice, which was wrong but to compare her to Brooke is laughable! How about when Hope and Brooke thought she murdered Thomas in the acid, they would have taken it to their grave and Brooke lied to Ridge acting like Thomas abandoned his son!

      Brooke took Bill’s side against Ridge and Katie to help him get try to take Will from Katie.

      End of the day, why does Hope need to live in that cramped, dingy cabin when she and Liam, both trust fund brats who make tonnes of money can easily afford a big, bright, lovely home with a garden for the bairns to play in!! Grow the hell up! She is so selfish, she didn’t even notice that Liam was excited to get out on their own! Hope was always a spoiled brat and that hasn’t changed!

      I don’t like that they are making Steffy so bossy. However Hope had been talking behind her back to Finn the whole time and keeping secrets. By the way Liam went to Steffy at her office , NOT the other way around so how about we call Liam out for running to Steffy to whine?

    4. Bnb fan we watched the show you know
      Its funny how you always tell lies and try to manipulate the facts
      Just like your beloved steffy 😂😂
      A hypocrite double standards who hate brook and love steffy while they are exactly the same
      And Taylor btw slept with more men then brook during all these years
      You make me laugh all the time

  8. Where was this open minded, all the family, embracing Brooke when Thomas was moving in?

    1. As I recall, Brooke relented and let Thomas move in, and they didn't harp on it endlessly for 2 friggin weeks. I'm not a Logan or Forrester lover , but anyone with eyes and ears can see the hypocrisy spewing from Ridge and Steffi. They've both had many affairs and screwed lots of people. Hell both of Steffi's kids were involved in whose the daddy storylines. They shouldn't be throwing stones.

    2. Actually Brooke did nothing but bad mouth Thomas from the moment he got there. She only let him move in so she and Hope could make a grab for wee Douglas! She threatened Ridge and spewed vitriol for weeks at Ridge about his evil son. She was jealous Thomas fancied Hope after rejecting Brooke when she attempted to seduce him!

      Brooke was NEVER supportive of Ridge’s children and always demanded he give the Logans absolute loyalty. She demanded Ridge put Brooke and her children first as proof of his love for her. She used emotional blackmail and still is!

      I don’t like Ridge’s high handed attitude, he should have spoken to Brooke first.

      Steffy cheated exactly two times. It was wrong but to be fair what about Hope getting pregnant with Beth while Liam was married to Steffy who was carrying their daughter? Hope pursued him from the minute she returned from Italy. Or Hope sleeping with brothers Wyatt and Liam at the same time?

      Brooke is in a league of her own with cheating. Brooke who is all about family hid the paternity of Thomas from Ridge and faked a pregnancy and miscarriage to keep him from his wife and son!

      Brooke did everything in her power to destroy Eric’s marriage to Quinn from day one and when Quinn retaliated, she lied and said it was out is the blue! Brooke physically attacked Shauna when she was staying with Quinn and Eric. Brooke pursued Deacon and Nick and Ridge and Bill and Thorne and any other man that caught her eye regardless that they were already married to someone else!!

      Bill pursued and blackmailed Steffy NOT the other way around . Liam also came to Steffy and she told him to go home to Hope! I love how Steffy is the one accused of everything! Those two pursued her!

    3. Hypocritical of EVERYONE to just forgive Thomas when he should be in jail. He will ALWAYS have an evil streak

  9. Saint Bill & Liam having lunch at the only restaurant in town & talking smack about Deacon. It wasn't that long ago that they were both in prison. Pot meet kettle!

    1. I agree, Bill is the last person to be giving advice…every bad choice Deacon might have made Bill did and then some…”Pot meet kettle!” LOL

  10. Brooke and Hope got on my nerves today and everything Steffy said was true, Brooke is a hoe like if she sleeps with Deacon she really is the biggest hoe even at her age. She been good these yrs but shes a pos if she does exactly what everyone has been wondering she would do.

  11. Funny how steffy was just cauught up in a situation with Liam and Finn and judging Brooke hello steffy you sleep with son and dad and cheat on a good man with liam!! They are just control freak their way or a highway!!

  12. Agree with Steffy the logans have ruled the men too long
    Steffy hates Brooke and Hope
    They took Liam and makes it all about trap baby Beth
    What logans want they whine until they get it or someone helps to get it for them.
    Liam is in love with Steffy and its gona show when she comes down on him and the logans
    Ridge loves Brooke
    They cant help it
    Brooke loves Ridge and any other man that looks her way
    Hope hates Ridge now
    She has wanted she wanted from him
    He supported her getting Liam off Steffy
    He said he didnt but that day Steam needed to talk and Brooke pushed her to butt in and Ridge stood there like a faithful puppy to Brooke
    He attended the wedding and Hope insisted Steffy attend too
    Steffy is strong but enough now its Forrester time to take back
    Thank you Bob xxx

  13. Wtf, Liam so lame, running to his dad to complain about the situation. They are all really manipulagtive. If they dont get what they want, its like the end of the world. Just let people be.

  14. Steffy, really?? You haven't created chaos??? Hilarious!!!
