
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-7-21 Full episode B&B 7th December 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-7-21 Full episode B&B 7th December 2021


  1. Haha ridge you didn't get your way .steffy she make my head hurt hate to those dam forester.they all babies they wined to much

    1. There wouldn't be a old and the beautiful if the characters didn't whine, make up their minds and then whine some more... After which someone overhears them and then they whine to that person, to please not tell anybody.. But the person does and then they all whine again..

  2. Replies
    1. Pity not in the person of one and only Hunter Tylo

  3. I hope Taylor comes back and gets Ridge back and Brooke and Deacon get together 🤞🏽

  4. Steffy is setting the scene for Taylor return
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  5. i get tired of Deacon and his look what we created between him and Brooke. SEX, BABY is what you created dude. I do like Deacon hes got great body language
    Thanks Bob

  6. Ridge is done with Brooke power tripping! He bought that bloody house, everything Brooke has she made on her back with the Forrester and Spencer men!

    Brooke gave Ridge an ultimatum with Thomas and he walked he will do the same now, especially with Taylor back in town. I think Brooke wants an excuse to hook up with Deacon again. I wanted to laugh at Brooke, “working through tension “ is that what we call it now 😂 ?

    Poor Liam almost escaped the dismal cabin and Brooke’s iron hand… sooooo close but Hope cannot live without mummy. She is still on a training lead.

    Again Deacon and Sheila, what a duo!

    1. Bfan I do agree that hope and Liam should get their own place, but it’s the way ridge went about it that I don’t like.. hope is family, and brook is right, u shouldn’t throw family out of their homes forcefully because they won’t do what u asked them to do.. if brook asked ridge back when Thomas was there, to kick him out, he wouldn’t like that! And when brook mentioned that, ridge didn’t like it, and accused brook of comparing.. it should have been talked about first and suggested, and let hope decide.. not out right demand her to leave.. he went about this badly..

    2. Agreed Bbfan. There is definitely a double standard here with Brooke after all the lip service she gave to Ridge about Thomas and not wanting to be supportive of Ridge wanting to believe in his son. For months, we had to hear about how she could not trust Thomas. The shoe is on the other foot now. Ridge does not trust Deacon and has a problem with him being in their lives however, Brooke is believing in him, even if it is for Hope's sake.

      I also agree Colly that Ridge had no right to just go over to Hope's and kick her out. Brooke may not have liked Thomas staying at the house but she did not kick him out. Ridge is insecure about Deacon and Brooke. It has nothing to do with Hope. As such, he needs to seek assurance from his wife about her not falling for Deacon again rather than try to control everyone and everything. The more control he tries to exercise, the less he would find that he really has.

  7. oh cripes was that was pretty obvious the ending

  8. wow what a twist....yeah taylor is coming baby and she isgonna rock the boat


    1. Taylor isn’t the original one she’s been played by someone else she use to be the other Billie on day’s of our lives can’t wait to see how her acting will be like

  9. dat huis is door steffie toendertijd gekocht

  10. Ridge, Liam, Thomas and Steffy think that Deacon is so dangerous to be around the kids, but they are fine with Flo, the lady that helped sell Beth, being around the kids. I wouldn't be surprised if Liam and Steffy asked Flo to babysit for them. If Thomas thinks that Deacon is so dangerous, why hasn't he removed Douglas from the cabin? Steffy accused Hope of wanting her family together (Brooke and Deacon) and was putting her down for it, yet she is hinting about Ridge and Taylor getting back together. Why does Deacon and Hope having a relationship upset Steffy so much? Deacon has no interest in Kelly since she is not his granddaughter. Steffy can always tell Liam not to have Kelly around Deacon. Thomas can do the same with Douglas. Ridge is only concerned about Deacon because he thinks that Deacon is going to take his Logan.

    1. Yep, everything steffy whined about, like hope not interfering in her marriage hope wanting a family reunion, and now steffy is doing the same, but worse..

  11. Taylor isn’t the original one she’s been played by someone else she use to be the other Billie on day’s of our lives can’t wait to see how her acting will be like

  12. Liam sold it to steffy, I can’t remember if she paid money for it because I think bill still owns the houses, but let the boys live in them?? When Liam left steffy for hope steffy wanted the house..

  13. Where are Quinn and Eric?? Haven't seen them in a while...

  14. I am not a brook or hope fan, by any means, never have liked them.. but I have to say, ridge and steffy, who I do love, have turned into unlikable people of recent.. ok get why steffy is adamant about Sheila, for sure.. but she did ask hope to stay out of her business and marraige, then turned around and did worse.. and I think kicking hope out of the cabin was very extreme.. he said to brook, I did something, “for the whole family”, bs, he is insecure and jealous.. that’s it.. who kicks grandchildren out of their homes, including their own.. Douglas is ridges grandson, and not only is he kicking him out too, I have not heard ridge mention Douglas once!! And I thought brooks idea of a schedule was good!!

    U know if ridge was smart, he would follow the old rule of keep ur friends close but keep ur enemies closer!! If they move out, like Ell mentioned, brook will b over hopes place getting closer to deacon and ridge won’t see it or b able to step in and stop it.. I get they r married, and it is his home too, but he wants to call all the shots, he won’t compromise, it is his way or the highway as we just mentioned, and ridge keeps bringing up the hurtful betrayal memories in desperation to get brook to cave, then when brook says she supported Thomas reluctantly, he basically says that doesn’t count?? Hypocrite.. he is a control freak and he expects what he says goes, end of story.. well it doesn’t work that way.. and the nerve of him, when brook said she is my daughter, he says ur daughter to deacon, as though hope has no place?? And yes ridge did buy brook that house, but it is hers , and has been for a long time, and ridge can’t say it’s his when it suited him..

    As for Sheila, her jealousy of deacon is getting the better of her.. I think she will try to do something to steffy or brook or even ridge, and deacon will swoop in and save the day!! Then no one can question he has changed then.. they will all owe him one🤣🤣 Sheila is trying to seduce deacon so she can get him to side with her and work with her to get at the steffy.. deacon should really keep away from her.. plus let’s not forget ridge has justin on his tail.. don’t mess it up now deacon.. can’t he see that his success is driving her mad!! Don’t rub it in her face deacon or she will do something to ur precious brook!! She is jealous of brook, it’s obvious..

  15. Yeah...he bought the cliff house for Liam to live in and then Steffie bought it from Bill. It is ridiculous that 2 adults and 2 growing children are living in that little cabin. I was hoping they would move to see a different set

  16. Steffy forgot that Ridge let Hope down more than once by always chosing HIS children over her, he hurt her so bad that she stop calling him dad!

  17. Brooke always threw Ridge’s children with Taylor in his face and did everything in her power to keep him away from them. How dare he be father to his children with his WIFE when he could play daddy to her kids with multiple other men! RJ is the only who is Brooke and Ridge’s child.

    I don’t like the way Ridge is acting, it’s high handed and controlling. However, Brooke never ever supported Thomas, Steffy or Pheobe! She was jealous of Ridge having one second of their time. Rick, Bridget (Eric’s children) Hope and RJ always got more of Ridge’s time and attention. Brooke cannot forgive them for being Taylor and Ridge’s children!

    The fact is Hope never stopped going behind Steffy’s back with Finn. She was stirring the pot. Hope demanded that Taylor stay away from Beth and Kelly and Douglas!!! Hope had no worries about Liam being around the children when she thought it was he who had shot Bill!!! Deacon also shot at and tried to kill Quinn, so how is he better than Taylor?

    Steffy has a right to say who is around her daughter and Thomas HIS son!!! I do think she needs to stop being a harpy about Sheila, Finn gets it… but that doesn’t take away the longing to know his birth mum.

    I’m so sick of Brooke and Hope referring to Douglas as Liam and Hope’s son, he’s NOT!! They might want to forget Thomas is his father but it doesn’t change it.

    Hope and Liam are loaded. They have more than enough to buy a home and be independent of mummy!!!

  18. Steffy bought the house when she was pregnant with Kelly. She wanted Bill out of there. Remember the whole Justin set up when she went to sign the papers and staged affair for Wyatt to report to Liam?

  19. Brooke war richtig ihre Tochter vor dem Rauswurf von Ridge zu schützen.Er denkt nur an sich.Steffy die alte manipuliert ihren Vater gegen Brooke.Wenn das Brooke mit Thomas gemacht hatte,nach all dem was er getan hat. gab ihm auch ein Heim.Es ist Hopes Entscheidung mit wem sie Kontakt haben möchte.Brooke sollte Hope das kleine Haus schenken,dann hätte sich das erledigt.Ridge das Baby weint sich bei seinen Kindern aus.Und wenn es Probleme gibt kommt wieder einmal Taylor zum Zug.
