
Monday, December 6, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-6-21 Full episode B&B 6th December 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-6-21 Full episode B&B 6th December 2021


  1. Ooooh Ridge. Your marriage is gonna be over now. Hope and Liam are moving out and you cannot come into their home to tell Deacon to leave. Ha! Just watch Hope, Liam, Brooke, Deacon and the kids become closer as a family.

    1. Yup πŸ‘, ridge will lose everything because of jealousy.. he just wont quit

    2. Don't worry, Taylor will be back soon, he'll know where to cry!
      Taylor will be thrill to comfort him by trashing Brooke, her favorite activity. She does that so well and poor Ridge will do the fault and once again Brooke will be blame. It seem so long that we didn't hear someone says "it's Brooke's fault"...

  2. Well Taylor is back right? So they had to set it all up.
    Leave Logan's to do them and Forester will be busy with Finn, Jack and Shelia.
    Now can we get Thomas a lady?
    Not a hand me down, slept with half of his cousins kind of gal.

  3. Ridge threatened by an "Unemployed Ex-Con ..." it's true and I love it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Which is my question, how come he's not looking for a job??

    2. I think he told not long ago that he didn't get some job..

  4. Loved how Brooke stood up for her daughter...if only Ridge would have stood up for his son in the same way

  5. And, again, ridge just took pompous, arrogant, control freak to another level!! He really does think that when he says jump, everyone will say how high.. he just dug his own grave, well and truly.🀣🀣 about time someone put him in his place.. I can’t believe he thought brook would agree with this.. is he that “secure” in his marraige that he thought brook would say, yeh ok honey, let’s kick the very little grandchildren out of their home, because u feel threatened by, of all people, deacon🀣🀣

    I love how she pointed out it is her home.. ridge kept saying to hope it’s his home, his rules, his decision, he thought he could do that without even talking to brook.. if that’s the epitome of cocky, arrogant, controlling?? He says to hope it’s about safety, then admits it’s about him and how he feels, then tells brook it’s about safety.. I am getting dizzy with all of his flip flopping excuses.. so he thinks he can also tell brook, who she can see in her life?? And the thing that really agitates me the most is how far down that big nose of his, that he refers to deacon as things like, it, or kid, or thing, clown, etc.. he is sooo above everyone!! I am also happy brook pointed out ridges demands when it came to Thomas.. I would b embarrassed if I were ridge, carrying on how he is and what he is doing.. he is just making himself out like a little mouse scared of the big bad cat, and all he is doing is squealing and screeching.. give it a rest dude!!have some dignity.. hope and liam will move out and so will ridge!! Smart move for someone who is supposed to b a mature intelligent ADULT🀣🀣

  6. And I forgot, the nerve when brook said my daughter, after saying she supported him with his son Thomas, he says, your daughter with deacon!! Wtf, his son with Taylor, who he hurt brook flip flopping with.. oh ridge u have turned into a nasty man..

  7. Did anyone notice that Hope referred to her mom as Brooke instead of mom today? It was when Liam came to the cabin.

  8. The script is simple. Deacon forses Ridge out of his marrige with Brooke and he runs back to Taylor.

  9. It looks like Liam and Brooke coordinated their outfits today. Anybody else notice the matching tops?! πŸ˜‚

  10. Well poor acting today
    And Scott you need to dump logan characters if you want any chance of becoming an emmy winner again This Hope character has stifled your incredible acting skills
    Thank you Bob xxx

  11. remember brook fell apart when her house was empty and started drinking a her an aj were going to aa, ridge would not kick steffy out

  12. I noticed when hope called brook brook. Lol I think brook messed up this time! Maybe ridge will see what a real tramp she is.

  13. Did Brooke seriously say she supported Thomas?! She didn't want him living in "her house".

  14. This house where Hope & Liam live right now is so ugly
