
Friday, December 3, 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-3-21 Full episode B&B 3rd December 2021

The Bold and the Beautiful 12-3-21 Full episode B&B 3rd December 2021


  1. Today show piss me off.ridge got alot of fuck nerves to tell hope she has to leave.i hate his part he plays.get old ridge back

  2. Oh My my Brook is going to be furiou on Ridge

  3. Ok. It's official. I'm a card carrying member of the I CAN'T STAND RIDGE fan club. Bue Felicia...

    But Deacon damn !! Why didn't you bust in and save your daughter. I hope he doesn't leave thinking he's saving Hope from having to move without letting her know what he heard. Bit it's a soap so he probably will run to Sheila without speaking with Hope

  4. Brooke does not admit but she loves sex with Deacon xD

  5. Ridge dosen't have the right to tell Hope to leave Brooke's property. Brooke told Deacon he could be there for Hope. If Ridge donsen't like it then Ridge can leave.

    1. Exactly!!it is NOT his house, just because he is married to brook.. don’t worry, he is that arrogant and self assured, that he thinks by telling hope first, she might backdown and do what ridge wants her to do, or he will give brook an ultimatum , him or hope, which is wrong on so many levels it’s not funny, and brook will choose hope.. the nerve of him!! Brook didn’t give him an ultimatum when ridge forced Thomas on her and hope and moved him into BROOKS HOME!! I can’t believe I am so angry🤣🤣🤣 I need to get a new Bobbie🤣🤣

  6. So what about Douglas Ridge? Looks like all what he thinks about is Brooke and no one else!
    Hope and Liam only have ONE child and Douglas is NOT their kid. Can't wait for Thomas to get full custody of his son. Can't wait for Taylor to come back and be reunited with her children and grandchildren

    1. Chelsea, ridge doesn’t care about Douglas, he is desperate to keep deacon away from brook.. he thinks that by giving hope this ultimatum, that hope will cave in and stay there and stop having a relationship with deacon.. as ridge said, he is not going to “share” brook with anyone especially deacon..

    2. What Ridge doesn't realize, Colly, is that even if Hope does decide to move out, Brooke will visit her daughter wherever she is and will support her relationship with Deacon wherever she is. This will also give Deacon, Brooke and Hope family time together without Ridge being able to bust in and throw anyone out.

  7. ridge had to put his big foot down as usual, finally bill will be in the picture and he will use aj up til he falls

  8. who died and made ridge and steffy GOD

  9. Ridge want to protect children but if they all are out of property that's fine, he won't protect them anymore. Its all about jealousy, that Brooke will get some feelings back to deacon. And its even comming. Slowly. Specially when she will find out that her husband told her daughter to leave. Uhhh🤭

  10. Thanks Bob. Ridge and Steffy are a pain. But Deacon lay off on wanting Brooke trust me we know it will happen

    1. Steffy didn't even do anything on this episode. What are you talking about??? You

    2. Mean Ridge right?? Cuz Ridge is the ONLY one trying to make Hope leave, not Steffy.

  11. They're saying that because today is the first day that Steffi hasn't been running that big mouth about Deacon. That's literally all that has been happening all week! I can't wait till Ridge's ultimatum gets back to Brooke. She is going to blow a f***ing gasket! That's probably what will push her over the edge, Ridge trying to force out her precious Hope😅 Let's finally get some excitement going on

  12. Go Ridge a shame you didnt dump Hope when she went after your daughters husband too
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. Mandy😂😂😂😂 how funny
      Stupid but funny

  13. Ridge has just taken the title of most arrogant 🐷 on the planet..not sure if realises that house belongs to brook??and he really didn’t think this through, well yeh he did, but he is so “secure” in his marraige that he thinks he can do that without discussing it with brook first?? Brooks daughter, brooks house, brooks feelings??

    He claims it’s cause he has to protect the kids?? But he has just thrown them out of their homes?? Yeh right!! This has always been about his insecurities about deacon and brook, and I mentioned before, if she can cheat with deacon on her own daughter, it would b easy to do it on ridge..

    Funny, brook just said to deacon he is welcome there and as she saying it , ridge is kicking hope and the grandkids out🤣🤣 well ridge just dug his own grave!! He thinks this will save his marraige?? He just destroyed it in one foul swoop!! That is not his home, or his daughter!! Bye bye ridge!! I just hope deacon doesn’t leave or worse hook up a plan with shiela.. then ridge will win..

    The nerve of ridge to do that to hope, when he forced Thomas on everyone including hope, he is a jealous, egotistical control freak!!

    1. Ridge bought Brooke that house as a wedding present. I guess he sees it as both of their homes. Nevertheless, it doesn't give him the right to kick Brooke's daughter off the property without first talking to her about it. When Hope asked him if her mom knew about it, Ridge said that he will tell her. No Ridge, you should have told her what you were going to do before doing it.

  14. And Thomas was a psycho then, deacon is not a psycho, the only threat he poses is stealing brooks heart!! And ridge just made that even easier for deacon!!

  15. Hope and Liam has enough money to buy their own house instead of living in Brooke's cabin! Or she just could buy her dad an appartment and see him there.

  16. You are all dreaming ! Deacon is terrible and a con. See how he sweet talks Brooke. Ridge is absolutely right Hope needs to move on. Thanks Bob

  17. Can anyone but me see that Deacon Is being inappropriate?

  18. Liam is against tooo...buttt jus dumping on Steffy stupse smh

  19. Hope should do what Ridge says and get her own home. Ridge thinks that if Hope moves out, she and Deacon can have a relationship without putting the family at risk. He is dreaming if he thinks that Brooke is not going to be a part of Deacon and Hope's lives if Hope moves out. As a matter of fact, it gives Deacon and Brooke more time to bond with Hope as a family and as co-parents (and who knows what else) without Ridge being able to say a darn thing about it.

  20. I think it's great that Ridge finally found his balls!!! Bout damn time!!! I mean are we watching Bold & The Beautiful or Brooke's World??? Still the Slut of the Valley that always gets her way,her way or no way, now her bastard daughter Hope is the same!!! Move on!!!

    1. 😡😡😡😡😡😡🙏🏻

    2. The slut and pshychopath of the pshyciatrits is turning back. Vomit vomit vomit

    3. Margreet im not a fan of brook but i started to be when i see such comments from such pathetic and sick ppl saying all these hateful things about a fictional character while liking another in the show as bad as or worse as brook
      Such a hypocrites
      So i know ur feeling
