
Thursday, January 6, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-6-22 Full episode B&B 6th January 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 1-6-22 Full episode B&B 6th January 2022



    1. Taylor, along with others, have stated why she was away so long. They've also stated that she does regular video calls with them. If she had another family, I'm sure Thomas and Steffy would already know.

  2. Steffy is so obnoxious and self-absorbed. She has no ability to see anyone else’s point of view. She is becoming a character that is hard to like.

    1. Lmao I love steffy. I don't see how she is self absorbed but to each it's own. The one that's hard to like is Brooke.

    2. She can't even tell Ridge what really happened with her and Deacon!! Smh!!

    3. To me Steffy is just wanting to control everything and everyone. She thinks her opinion is all that matters. Today when she reacted to Hope with her snide comment and expression about Ridge being gone on New Year’s, it just solidified what I already thought of her. The only ones who are forgivable are the ones in HER family. Everyone else is pond scum. I just see her as very hypocritical. The funny thing is, I really used to like Steffy.

    4. Steffy is fiercely protective of her family and those she loves and just stood in defence of her dad at the thought of Brooke having an issue with him being away on new years eve. It wasn't too long ago that Hope stood up for her dad very strongly against anyone who didn't support him being back in her life. She even threatened to leave the cabin. Was Hope being obnoxious and self-absorbed by refusing to see anyone else's point of view?

    5. Elle, very true! Steffy is sick of Brooke playing victim and bringing unnecessary drama to everyone’s lives. Hope is tired of it as well.

    6. I am so sick of Steffy running her mouth. She automatically started asking Hope questions about Brooke and if something was wrong. Why doesn't she just mind her business? And then listening to her about her mother and that whole conversation when her mother showed up. It was nauseating. It's just getting old with the way Steffy has been acting. And I also get sick of her thinking she always has to bring up Sheila to Finn. I mean how many times has the poor guy heard her run her mouth about Sheila? I chose not to read any comments on here today because I'm sick of everyone always trashing Brooke. Not to mention I get tired of repeating myself. Just wish everyone would see how people are always trying to start crap for Booke. We all see how Sheila hasn't changed with her ways. The whole story will come out about Brooke sooner or later and I only hope it doesn't cause problems between her and Ridge. Especially when it would happen because of psycho Sheila. Deacon is going to put the whole thing about the champagne and leaving it on the bar when Sheila was there. I'm surprised we haven't heard anything about the person it was being saved for and them not ever getting it. Deacon will probably end up being a hero for figuring it out and maybe Taylor will have a part in it too because I know she saw how Sheila was acting about Brooke. But of course I'm sure in the meantime if Ridge finds out about Deacon he's going to run to his kids and Taylor and let them know everything going on. Something he doesn't need to be doing. Then they'll all have something bad to say about Brooke. But that may also be the time that Taylor thinks about Sheila and the way she was acting in her office. The kiss with Deacon and Brooke should have never happened, but at least he was decent enough not to try to make it look like he slept with Brooke. Book should just tell Ridge about the kiss. And we can't forget that Douglas saw what he saw. And yep we all know he'll be furious. But none of the stuff about Deacon putting her to bed has to be brought up. Nothing happened and nobody knows about it. He should have left though as soon as Brooke was in bed. He's not innocent because of the fact that he has these fantasies about being with Brooke. After all she is married and does love her husband and he's supposed to be focusing on a relationship with his daughter. Brooke isn't blaming him for anything that happened. She just doesn't want him coming around all the time to be constantly reminded of it because it's bad enough that she can't get it off her mind now. Not to mention there's no reason why Deacon should be coming there as much as he has been. Like I said it's supposed to be about him and Hope so he doesn't have to make a point of seeing Brooke all the time

    7. I agree with Lynn. I used to like Steffi but no longer. She has become such a snide little bitch. At least Hope acts friendly and nice. Steffi just acts like she has a stick up her arse unless it benefits her. And if I were Finn, I'd tell her to lay off trashing my mom constantly. They won't even be talking about Sheila and out of the blue Steff just starts bitching about her.

    8. Steffy never trashed Li Finnigan who is Finn's mom and had been his mom for 3 decades! Finn doesn't know Sheila from a can of paint ffs!
      Wasn't Hope and Liam badmouthing Taylor a couple of episodes ago? Forgetting that Douglas is Taylor's grandson... Still wondering if Douglas had seen his real grandma Taylor.

    9. Maddy, well said! And I agree. Not sure why everyone in the comments always trashes Brooke. For sure she isn’t an angel, but sick of all the constant Brooke trashing.

    10. They are all horrible people, not one of them are redeemable. There’s no need to defend one and attack the other…the only characters who seem to have a soul are the “villains” go figure.

    11. Maddy you literally said Steffy talks bad about how Sheila hasn't changed and that Sheila proved she hasn't by doing a terrible to Brooke all in one paragraph. Steffy in this case is like the one person who tells everyone not to go into the haunted house but the group doesn't listen and they all end up dead!
      By the way I truelly believe the bottle swop story was actually meant for steffy (pill swop) but because JW is pregnant they decided to forgo it. think about it... why would Sheila single out Brooke when it's steffy who has constantly told her to stay away from Finn.

    12. It’s so funny you say that Steffy is blah blah, Brooke has always been that way. It’s her way or else we spent months listening to her rant about Thomas and years hearing her rant about Taylor ( you steal a man from his wife then verbally assault her through eternity to try and keep him away from her) about Quinn about Steffy about whoever and that is just fine. She helped manipulate Thomas into giving partial custody of Douglas to Hope so they could replace Beth. She demanded he give up his son entirely and give him to Liam and Hope to adopt to replace Beth. She drew up legal papers and demanded he relinquish all a parental rights etc. She has always only cared about herself and her wishes and screw everyone else!

      Stop vilifying Steffy and making a saint of Brooke. She so the same selfish self centred brat she has always been!

  3. Uhh...Did Sheila say she's gonna prove to Finn she's a changed woman? Lol. 😂🤣
    She is psycho.

  4. Well see Logan work their victim on others
    Now guilt ridden Ridge
    Brooke wont tell the truth Logans never do.
    Remember when Hope let Thomas touch her in her manipulator to grab custody of Douglas

    1. I don't think Ridge feels guilty at all even though Brooke tried very hard to make him feel badly about not being with her. Ridge's concern is whether Deacon was with Brooke but she refuses to answer his question. 😂

    2. Elle, I agree. Brooke is shifting responsibility and hiding the truth from Ridge, yet again!!! I can see her calling Douglas a liar in an attempt to protect her secret and there being a huge rift between her and Ridge & the family over it.

    3. Ridge knows Brooke’s history of cheating and doesn’t trust her, rightfully so. She is clearly deflecting and he knows it!

  5. Whats happened to the powerhouse with a sense of humour She is being written so cold

  6. EasElle, Brooke was not trying to make Ridge feel guilty and she even said she wasn't blaming him for anything. I don't know why anybody can't give her a break. First of all she has a problem with alcohol. Second she was drinking alcohol without even knowing about it. Which of course got her tipsy. And speaking from real-life experiences alcohol does change how a person behaves. I've seen it. Brooke is blaming herself and she is feeling guilty. She's not blaming Deacon either. It's just the fact that she's not going to be able to get those off her mind and she doesn't need Deacon constantly being around to make it worse. He shouldn't be around as much as he has been anyway. He doesn't need to see Brooke so much and he only does it because he wants to be with her. He needs to put all his focus on his daughter and realize that Brooke is a married woman and she does love her husband. The kiss should have never happened, but it did. As I said in another post she should just tell Ridge about it. Even though she doesn't know about Douglas the truth is going to come out. And of course Ridge is going to be mad and he'll probably blame or go after Deacon. Like I said the truth will come out and hopefully it will be Deacon that puts it together along with maybe Taylor for seeing how Sheila was behaving about Brooke. But I really wish everybody would stop saying that Brooke is trying to blame everybody else because that's not true. She is blaming herself

    1. Oh poor poor Brooke. Spare the violins Maddy! Brooke always playing the victim and always keeping secrets! Nothing new there is it? Brooke long kissing session with Bill some time ago had nothing to do with booze right? Still played the victim and blaming on somebody... One night Ridge was away and Brooke made it like it was a big deal! And yes she is blaming Ridge for not being there on NYE while telling him she is not just to justify herself by drinking vodka forcing Deacon to join her but making sure of her and Deacon keeping it a secret between the 2 of them! Your way of thinking Maddy doesn't add up!

    2. Maddy, you need to take a closer look at Brooke and read between the lines of what she says.

      One side of her mouth: I don't blame you, Ridge.
      Other side of her mouth: I wanted to spend NYE with you and you were not here.

      One side of her mouth: I blame myself. I don't know what happened.
      Other side of her mouth: I can't allow Deacon and his "influence" in my home.

      Brooke is laying blame on Ridge not being there on NYE and on Deacon's "influence." She says that she is to blame but it's her way of getting others to sympathize with her.

    3. Totally agree Chelsea and Elle which is why I said boo hoo… Brooke days she doesn’t Ridge then guilt trips him please. Considering their history that is just ridiculous that she demands he be there when he planned a romantic weekend for them and she is the one who refused to go and demanded he stand up a Prince who is a high value client in the business??? That was all on Brooke!!! She is still lying and hiding from Ridge!

    4. Listen, if you've been watching these as long as I have, Brookes no angel, but neither is ridge, steffy or Taylor, or pretty much any of them. How many times have they all been married each? So saying they made vows seems obsolete to me, they've all made them many times. I mean, it's a soap

  7. Steffys marriage isn’t a partnership it’s a dictatorship!!

    1. Steffy n Finn filed it later they have worked it into the dialogue! Again we are in Soapy time here hence the hair going from long to short to long again in weeks! It shows passage of time! They SOARAS children from 6-16 in a month.

      Steffy and Finn are married and I don’t hear you harping on about how Hope got pregnant with Beth while Liam was still married to Steffy or how they were caught making out and on the point of having sex while his pregnant wife walked in on them etc! Hope is no bloody angel either, aside from the wee bairns none of them is!!

      Brooke is so protective of her marriage after ruining how many other peoples’ including her own? She actively encouraged her daughter to steal someone’s husband using her destiny rationale. He was your first love so you own him forever just like Ridge n me. Never mind if he’s engaged or married to someone else he always belongs to you as a Logan we have a right to all the men! 😂

      Steffy is being a bit obnoxious with her harping about Sheila. But, to be fair she has seen first hand the danger of letting Sheila in and Sheila has shot others including Stephanie, Taylor, and Brooke! She has also kidnapped and swapped babies etc. She is deranged and Steffy has every reason to keep her out of their lives. I feel bad for Finn as he really wants a connection to his birth mother but he also knows she isn’t a safe person.

      The thing about Deacon is Brooke lied so many times about him manipulating her or seducing her etc when it was the opposite she pursued him because Ridge dared to be with his wife and children and She couldn’t be without a man to worship her for five seconds. The fact Deacon was marrieds to her daughter didn’t stop Brooke from getting her conquest! She never cared that it would destroy Bridget and has spent the last few decades cultivating this victim image to mitigate her betrayal as usual! She demonized Deacon to cover her own guilt and bad behaviour and is doing it again because she never takes responsibility for her own behaviour!!!

      Quit harping on Steffy and look at the cold lying cow who is blaming her husband and Deacon for her behaviour. Fair enough Sheila gave her booze but she should know is she’s buzzed and Hope n Liam should have picked up on it please. She chose to drink more to sit in her lingerie amd flirt and drink with Deacon and to make out with him. She is choosing to lie by omission to her husband and her first and only thought was to keep it a secret. If she came clean, Ridge would blame Deacon and probably punch him but now when it comes out through poor wee Douglas, it’s going to be much worse because Ridge won’t believe it was just making out or that nothing more happened when they were in bed together, otherwise, why hide it?

      Liam is soooo dismissive of Douglas, fantastic step parenting! Thomas needs to take his son back and I agree with previous poster, Bill is his great uncle by blood! Nothing to do with Hopeless and Lame! Douglas and Liam are actually cousins once removed!

  8. Ok,so Taylor really didn't have any idea Sheila would go after Brooke?! Please! She knew it and ST it into motion.🤔🤫🤐

    1. How do you think Taylor encouraged Sheila to switch the alcohol? She is concerned Sheila is so angry with Brooke, because a cross Sheila never ends well for the object of her wrath. Taylor asked Sheila to promise not to do anything to Brooke.

  9. They had the wedding , but never filed the paperwork...

  10. Brooke act very good as a trouble alcoholic woman
