
Friday, February 11, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-11-22 Full episode B&B 11th February 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-11-22 Full episode B&B 11th February 2022


  1. Fuck him up deacon, best his mf ass!

    1. You sound like a road rage type.
      Drive much?

    2. How convenient that Sheila was gone when Ridge got there.

    3. Are you sure Sheila was gone? Maybe she was hiding ... behind a menu... ๐Ÿ˜‚

    4. Yes deacon fuck him up badd I can't till they find out that it was Shelia who switch the drink and she would loose Finn forever agaim

    5. Ha - turned on the tv for light and John McCook is on Fantasy Island. Eric was so young and handsome. I haven’t seen the reboot with the Zoe actress who plays a 75 year old woman with terminal cancer. She and her husband, the Xander actor, go to the island and are made young again. Idk how this turns Kiara Barnes into a regular cast member rather than a guest star.

  2. Taylor is so spiteful and judgemental. You think she makes a good therapist?

    1. Taylor? You mean Brooke, the Queen of spite and self-righteousness. Ridiculous how the writers make everyone so confrontational which is standard for a soap opera but too much on this one and how they make Ridge so weak when it comes to Brooke. Bleh.

    2. Are we looking at the same show? Not once has Taylor judged Brooke. Her main concern is that Brooke's actions have hurt Ridge. Even with Steffy talking about how Brooke slept her way through the Forrester family, Taylor just said that there is a lot of history.

  3. Ridge could walk in on Brooke in bed with his Daddy and still remain with her. Even tho she HAS been with his Daddy. I need a dude like that. Just let me hoe around town and still take care of me .... if I wanted to be a hoe that is ....๐Ÿค”

    1. You probably need to learn Brookes Bedroom techniques.
      ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ†๐Ÿฅ’๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍❤️‍๐Ÿ‘ฉ ๐Ÿ›️ ๐Ÿ™ˆ

    2. I love this comment๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. With a man that hunky and loyal and rich, who needs to hoe?

    1. Right! Rich people don't need lawn tools. They just hire a gardener! ๐Ÿคฃ

  5. Well if Brooke thought NY Eve "alone" was a bummer, how will she handle ❤️ day? ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿธ๐Ÿฅƒ With ๐ŸŽ…? ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ‘ฅ๐Ÿ’‹

  6. Will Deacon end up unraveling Sheila involvement and be the hero?
    Before or after he sleeps with Brooke or Ridge with Taylor?
    Will Ridge have to suck it up when Deacon saves the day?
    Will Quinn and Steffy finally have a girls night just to discuss Brooke?
    Will Finn finally see Steffy for the B"*'# she is?
    So many questions
    So few answers

  7. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

    1. Are you laughing at your own posts? Ugh. You need a new hobby.

    2. No
      Just laughing at the show ๐Ÿ˜†

  8. ๐Ÿคผ๐ŸฅŠ ๐ŸฅŠ๐ŸฅŠ ๐Ÿ‘ฎ

  9. Now Ridge will get drunk and get UNDER the sheets with someone.
    Not the scrawny Taylor.
    Would someone in craft service fix her a plate? ๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍๐Ÿณ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿฅž๐Ÿฅฏ๐Ÿฅง๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿœ๐Ÿ๐ŸŒฎ๐Ÿ•๐ŸŸ๐Ÿบ

  10. Is Shawna under contract?
    All the so called self righteous B&B women, she's the only one who hasn't done the deed. The sexiest woman. The one other women fear. The one who always gets labeled is really the good girl.

  11. Oh Taylor
    Oh Steffy
    Lots of women have tried to take down Brooke.
    The REAL Stephanie, Sheila, Quinn, ...
    You two are amatures.
    Even Bill, Thomas, and more.
    But ๐Ÿ’— will prevail.

  12. What will be most agonizing? What will be most satisfying?
    Eric, Katie, Donna, Bridgette, Bill and Quinn find out.
    Wagers? I'll hold the money. Venmo

  13. Bad story line here unless they're going for the beaten up Devon to have Brook come sweetie I'm so sorry about this and them get together. Decon knows how to fight and he could beat Ridge into a pulp and or kill him with his hands. I think that is the reason it showed him teaching Hope a few moves. Was showing that he could if he wanted to when it got to this story line. But I'm sorry, Ridge is whipped, by Brook . Because who only blames one person in an affair. It takes two to tango.... And if she could remember all that then it was on her to tell Fecon to leave, not plant a smaller on the lips. Ridge is looking for a way to save his pride by staying with Brook but blaming it all on Decon. I'm guessing it's going to end up with Hope and Brook defending Decon after Decon let's Ridge take his anger out on him.

  14. I’m utterly disgusted! Ridge is the world’s biggest idiot! Really, you know Brooke and yet it has to be all Deacon’s fault because your enormous ego could not take knowing your wife was making out with someone you dispose, someone she forced you to accept in your own home!

    What a load of bullocks weeks of repeat miserable arsed Brooke all to prop the Logans. ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

  15. Once a hoe always a hoe Brooke. You don't need a husband. Stay single and hoe around all you want. Chances are you'll do it again cause writers keep repeating same ole storyline.
    At least Shauna made Ridge happy. He enjoyed her company until Quinn interfered. Ridge with Brooke is depressing. She never smiles and she's not making Ridge happy.
    Thanks for not showing any Paris footage. Hope she's finally gone.
    Time for new storylines.

  16. Ridge don't listen to nothing.he here's what he wants.i hope on Monday episode Devon press charges on ridge. New taylor is boring as fuvkasa.

    1. You mean Deacon? Devon is wrong soap. You peeps know that a hoe is a garden tool and that Brooke is a Ho, right?

    2. Right! Brooke is not a hoe (garden tool), but a ho as in ho, ho, ho! She is attracted to men who wear Santa hats! ๐ŸŽ…

    3. Good one! ๐ŸŽ…๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜

    4. urban dictionary defined what Brooke Logan is...๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  17. Someone needs to bring up Brookes manipulation of Douglas. Brooke did that while she was sober. And dragging Hope and Liam into it was wrong.

    1. And that Hope and Liam agreeing to the coverup was equally wrong. That will be their downfall when Ridge realizes about the conspiracy to the coverup.

    2. They were all too happy to leave the room without even discussing what she was going to say to Douglas

  18. Replies
    1. Why? Because Sheila is enjoying Brooke's misery? They have to show that so that someone can figure out why Brooke drank that night. Douglas & Charlie need to crack the case, so we can all move on ...


      At least, Shelia has finally stopped reliving swapping out the champagne bottle label.


    2. Any bets that we'll see it again? lol

    3. They are not utilizing Sheila talent

  19. Brooke acted the way Steffy n Thomas said and Ridge acted the way Bell writes in fav of logans

  20. I can NOT stand Steffy and now Thomas. Taylor is becoming a B**** TOO!! I like Ridge & Brooke together. I hope he stays with her so Steffy, Thomas & Taylor can sit and cry about it!!!!

    1. Ikr I love them together as well. Everybody's forgetting about all the good times that they share are far better than the bad that they both put each other through.

    2. Brooke is a serial cheater for decades now and still is, that isn’t Love!!! She totally disrespects her husband and marriage, hurts him over and over again and his family should just ignore that??? Really??? She never changes and always plays the victim, I just can’t help myself. Fantastic then be single and sleep with whoever, stop cheating on your spouse!

  21. Its always been Brooke
    I cant stand her but Ridge is her soul mate
    But i also believe Steffy and liam are as Steam

  22. I don't care how many people are hating Brooke and calling her names (we all know she deserves it, btw i like her even if KKL plays the slut).
    She really screwed up again but obviously Ridge only wanted to blame Deacon and didn't hear Brooke.
    We all know she is a good liar, but she explained the night exactly how it was (this time haha). She didn't blame Deacon for the drinking or the kiss.
    I hope they are not doing the triangle of brooke/ridge and taylor again, it would be so boring and let's be honest even if he turns to taylor the chances this time it would stick for long are under 5%.


  24. I can't stand Steffy. She bad mouths Brooka about her betrayals but does she remember she's been pregnant twice and both times needed a paternity test. That's the pot calling the kettle black. Also, she is so judgmental and unforgiving of everyone.......Brooke, Quinn, Sheila, Deacon, Hope. And finally, she refuses to acknowledge that Ridge loves Brooke not her mom.

  25. So sick of Brook today's story was boring all week and this is how it ends boring so sick of Logan's the trash from the valley why Brook can't ever get what's coming to her

  26. Ridge is so dumb when is he going to wake up how many times is going to let Logan make ass out of him

  27. Geeeez Ridge is such a jackass! Always Accepting 'his woman' going around kissing other men every quarter, it's ridiculous. It must be so awkward at get-togethers, I mean sitting around a table where your wife has kissed almost every single man there, gross!!! Have some self respect man. Enough is Enough

  28. Brooke, as usual the victim, if she told Ridge she have been day dreaming about her AFFAIR with Deacon every since his RETURN, maybe Ridge would NOT BLAME Deacon for the kiss!!! ALSO, if she REALLY wanted to be HONEST, she could tell him how she SUDDUCCED Deacon that started the AFFAIR between her and Deacon when he was married to her Daughter, Brigette. Just Saying!!

    1. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  29. Stephy is trash herself and always working on others problems ! Brook and ridge will never end ! They always prevail ! Ridges kids are terrible ! Thomas 2 or more years ago was a better person ! When thomas left to be with bill spencers niece he come back terrible ! The foresters are trash on ridges kids

  30. Taylor has never been seen w an actual patient. Who would go to a shrink who probably is crazier than her patients? She's an alcoholic who killed Darla, who was married to an actual Forrester. No jail time for the affluent, of course! She tried to kill Bill. He said if she didn't leave LA he'd put her crazy ass in jail. Does he know she's back? As for Shauna-how MANY CHARGES would she and her pal presiding over that debacle of a wedding have faced if not for the Forrester power & money? Denise Richards isn't any better than all the hoes on B&B. Just ask her former friend Heather Locklear. Heather is such a beauty and good actress. Dirty Denise looks like she's been "rode HARD and put away wet"-as they say in Texas. Hard whorish face and a very few things listed on her "acting credits". Biggest claim to fame is being dumb enough to have married Charlie Sheen. Two of a kind! Sean Kanan is STILL HOT AS HELL. Is he available? Love Scorpio men! At least Paris wasn't on. When does anyone work at Forrester? Does the company run itself? The previous actor who played Thomas was so gorgeous. The current actor's looks suited the character when he was in his "crazy phase". I used to enjoy it when the male Forrester employees would go workout w/O shirts instead of doing their jobs. Don Diamont used to treat us to HIS workouts too. Didn't care for his character on Y&R. But-Dollar Bill? He was BORN to play Bill! If soap characters used condoms there wouldn't be as many paternity tests needed. We all know soap characters are mainly hoes anyway. How boring would it be if they had characters who actually had morals? C'mon-.we watch them to see what kind of scandal is coming next! That new wig on Dr Drunk is worse than the long one. It makes the actress look unattractive. I've seen her in movies and am surprised how unglam B&B has made her look. She's almost unrecognizable in this role!

  31. BTW-have viewers forgotten Steffy's 1st pregnancy? She got on her motorcycle and killed her baby. No woman would go for a ride on a motorcycle while pregnant unless she wanted to lose her baby! As for Sheila-a counter number should be on the screen listing how many men she had children with! How does she pay for everything? She doesn't work yet always has money! Hoping Deacon kicks fat, unkempt Ridge's probably saggy butt! Would enjoy MORE flashbacks of those HOT HOT HOT sex scenes w Deacon & Brooke!

    1. Deborah, I didn't watch B&B back then. Who was the father of Steffy's first pregnancy?

    2. Unknown it was her HUSBAND Liam!!! Seriously ???

    3. Oh and Hope was trying to break up Liam’s marriage and take him for herself… that backfired. Steffy didn’t purposely kill her baby. Many women ride motorcycles when they are pregnant, they ride horses, go rock climbing, etc. I doubt you would accuse them of deliberately killing their unborn child!!!

      At least Steffy didn’t FAKE a pregnancy and miscarriage like Brooke to trick Ridge into leaving his wife and being with her!!!

    4. Steffy went on that motorcycle ride because she was upset over Hope trying to steal her husband!!!

    5. Oh, wow! A lot of history between the triangle.

  32. All of the self righteousness, one question, well maybe two:
    Does Brooke know Taylor tried to kill Bill?
    Does inspector Baker know Taylor shot and tried to kill Bill?

    If Taylor was so good, so honest, all about the truth, why hasn’t she ever confessed?
    Steffy keeps reminding Finn how Sheila shot Taylor, did she ever tell him how her mother shot and almost killed Bill, Liam’s father, Kelly’s almost daddy but now grandpa?
    Did she tell him how SHE covered it up? How that’s the real reason her mother stayed away.

    Steffy talking about Brooke and the Forrester men when every Spencer man had your sour prune……such a JOKE. As I always maintain, HYPOCRITES !!!

    1. ๐Ÿ’ฏ! Steffi talks about Brooke, but she's slept her way through the whole Spencer family! They're both ho's. And Taylor is absolutely NOT Ms role model. She is sketchy as shit

    2. Be sure and add Hope in there, she was sleeping with Liam and Wyatt at the same time!

    3. Gutter, did Brooke tell Chief Baker she shoved Thomas over the cliff when he was lying in a coma and she begged Ridge not to tell the police what happened? Did Brooke come clean when they thought Hope had murdered Thomas by shoving him in a vat of acid? No, she lied to Ridge, saying Thomas had abandoned Douglas and Forrester and all manner of vicious things. If Thomas hadn’t returned she would have continued lying to Ridge forever, making his son a monster so she could suspicion off of Hope!!! That tells you how much she “loves “ her husband. Her making out with Bill because Ridge left her when she made ultimatums regarding his own children and he didn’t give in, gave her permission to cheat. Brooke making demands, telling Ridge it was her house and that Deacon would be there whether he liked it or not, that isn’t love! She demanded Hope forgive Liam, placing all the blame with Steffy ( what a bloody laugh). Brooke is always controlling, Ridge always has to meet her demands no matter how selfish they are.

      Honestly, NYE is Brooke’s fault. Ridge had set up a romantic trip for them and she blew him off. She wanted time with Deacon, and she got it!!!

    4. Did Brooke know Bill had Ridge thrown out of a helo in an attempt to kill him? Oh yes she did! Did Brooke betray Ridge and Katie to help Bill keep his son from her own sister, Yes she did! Did Brooke sleep with and make out with the man who more than once tried to murder her husband??? Yes!!! Sooooo did Brooke’s son pay for drink driving and killing Steffy’s twin sister Pheobe?? No Brooke helped hush that up. Stop trying to make her a bloody saint she is sooooo far from! How about Eric deliberately running Deacon over with his car after he eloped with Bridget? No one has clean hands on this soap!

    5. Steffy was married to Wyatt when she was sleeping with him, so what is your point? Hope was married to Wyatt and sleeping with Liam too but she is such an innocent (cough cough) .

  33. Personally I think tht someone in this soap will die.. I think maaaybe it might b would Taylor and Brook fight about then. Mayb bond over thier loss? This going back n forth is boring and very old... Decon? Nahh not tht important, bit who knows..something major has to happen..someone will die.

    1. Please let it be Paris! ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

  34. Thank you very much for posting new episodes on this website. Your blog is the only place where I can watch the show. Whenever I want to watch it somwhere else it turns out that the content is not available for my location (I live in Europe).

  35. After reading all the comments and from my experiences. You know what you are doing when your drinking it’s just that you don’t care of the consequences as long as you enjoyed yourself at the time. As far as Brook and Ridge goes everyone has to remember the saying “Love Wins”. No matter what has happens, if they really do love each other they will stay together and make it work

    1. I might believe that is Brooke didn’t fall in and out of love every other day! Brooke has slept with and cheated with and on so many men in the name of Love! She seduced Deacon and had an affair while he was married to her daughter Bridget in the name of love… please. Brooke has NO concept of love.

      I love Steffy is called controlling, hypocritical, bitchy etc. Have you ever seen Brooke? She demanded that Ridge disown his children and claim hers. Throw Thomas out and agree to stealing his son for Hope as a replacement child when she lost Beth! Brooke ranted and spewed vicious, bitter diatribes for weeks straight about Quinn marriage to Eric ( before she ever did anything) walking in her house making demands, screaming in her face how worthless she was, she wasn’t good enough etc. Then going Eric ranting about how it was a betrayal of Stephanie to be with Quinn and he should throw her in the street etc. Coming from someone who more than one really betrayed Stephanie by sleeping with and stealing her husband in her need to possess Ridge that is height of hypocrisy. How about demanding a pregnant Steffy just GIVE her HUSBAND Liam to Hope since she got pregnant with a married man and needed him more than his wife and their daughter!! But as usual in Brooke’s illogical brain Hope wanting Liam meant she had every right to pursue a married man, sleep with him, get pregnant and then shove her engagement ring in his pregnant WIFE’S face!

      I love how everyone is defending Brooke blaming it all Sheila, while Bill pursued Steffy, set her up and faked a seduction scene to sell the lie and destroy her marriage to his son so he could have her. Remember when Steffy purchased the cliff house? Bill and Justin set it up so Wyatt would run to Liam and report falsely that Steffy slept with his father again? Or how Brooke was drinking so anything is forgiven but when it was Bill getting a distraught Steffy drunk and pressuring her for sex and to leave Liam, Steffy is this and that. Or Liam sought Steffy when things went wrong with Hope ran to her, she told him over and over that there has to be an explanation, to go home to Hope and work things out etc. instead HE lies to his wife about where he is. He drinks loads and then sleeps with Steffy declares his undying love for her and how he misses his life with her and Kelly and never should have been with Hope, begged her to have the future with him, her and Kelly as a family again. But oh yes it was all Steffy.

      Brooke can cheat a million times in the name of love or not being able to control herself etc. Sheila didn’t make Brooke lie to her husband. Sheila didn’t make Brooke have Deacon stay and start drinking the Vodka because she was having a tantrum when Ridge was stuck on the tarmac. Brooke chose that. Deacon even tried to talk her out of it. Brooke chose to make out with Deacon and keep drinking.

      Brooke decided to manipulate poor wee Douglas to lie and involve Liam and Hope as well! That was ALL Brooke’s decisions and fault. Stop blaming Sheila to rationalize Brooke’s terrible behaviour yet again!

      Ridge take your head out of your arse and see your wife for the whiny trollop she is! She will never change and I’m sorry, blaming “love” isn’t an excuse to endlessly be unfaithful to your spouse and expect them to forgive you and take you back, That isn’t love, it’s abuse!

    2. Oh how Brooke was justified in vilifying Thomas because he kept Beth being alive a secret from Hope. How is that ANY worse than Brooke keeping Ridge’s WIFE Taylor being alive a secret so she hang onto him? How about her threatening Taylor who had been kidnapped and escaped evil Prince Omar? How about Brooke then faking a pregnancy and miscarriage to hang into Ridge who was still married to Taylor or hiding Thomas from Ridge so she could keep him at her side??? Brooke has no right to say Anything to Thomas or about him! She helped steal Douglas from Thomas!

    3. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  36. K , now Sheila.., no- just got out of jail- deacon but wait, nah just got out of jail not gonna let slick ridge do that! No, now oOoOO but it's all Sheila's fault no matter the bona'fide fact of brooks whor'ish disposition . It's Paris pre'ho's fault. Who da hell is her mama "I'm gonna tell Forrester on U" ass ..,
    I'm so confused ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿง๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿฅฑ๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿ‘น๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘️๐ŸŒ™

  37. Walk lightly and carrying a big stick perfect words for Sheila.

  38. Reading the comments on this page is more entertaining-- and takes longer-- than actually watching the show!

  39. Thomas was very funny and cute in this episode
