
Monday, February 14, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-14-22 Full episode B&B 14th February 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-14-22 Full episode B&B 14th February 2022


  1. Ridge was getting his butt whooped until Deacon turned his head when he heard Brooke. Then punk ass Ridge sucker punched him. But ole Brooke to the rescue. Of Deacon that is !!

    1. lol i agree. Like i understand that violence is not the answer, but Brooke always sides with the other person against her Husband smh, thats where she always messes up. She is just fuelling the fire. And Ridge is an Idiot for really thinking Brooke was innocent in all this lol.

    2. Ridge knows deep down she’s not innocent, his ego just can’t take her turning to Deacon!

    3. Not concerned about chasity. Brooke didn't go to Deacon's rescue. What is wrong with you people? She stopped a fight and for God's sake, Ridge through a freaking glass or something at him. What did you think she was supposed to do? Stand there and watch and let it go on? You got to love how you people interpret things. SMH

    4. And while you're at it HAVE SEVERAL SEATS!! I don't answer to you for what the hell I post. Go suck a damn egg girl ... and put some pepper on it cuz u need spice in ya life. Now BYE FELICIA!!!

    5. No need to get rude. It's a Soap Opera

    6. Best fight scene ever on a soap opera - they usually look so fake. I wouldn’t be surprised if K Kid III alum, Sean Kanan 🥋, choreographed it. I’m liking Deacon more and more, even though he has poor taste in women & hope he and Ridge remain on the show for a long time.

  2. Deacon let Ridge hit him
    Check his past
    Now he has Brooke at his side
    Thanks Bob xxx

    1. Yeah, he turned around, but he had turned back to Ridge again before Brooke came in. He let Ridge beat him so Brooke would take pitty on him. He knows what he is doing. He still loves her tho I think.

      I just dislike Ridge, Steffy and Taylor so much at the moment. Like they've done nothing wrong. Steffy for sure has amnesia, because I can't count the times she has hurt someone herself.

  3. All I can say, is THANK THE LORD for Sheila and Deacon, they Made the B and B good again!

  4. Yup and for the record SK is a world ranked Karate champion, I’m sure he had to be careful not to damage TK IRL! I’ve missed these lovely dramatic scenes.

    Fan bloody tastic, now Ridge can pull his head out his arse and stop thinking Brooke was some victim and see the lying tarte for what she really is!!!

    He doesn’t even know about poor wee Douglas yet! Wait until he hears about how Brooke manipulated his innocent wee grandson. I hope he finally opens his eyes.

    I wanted to laugh at Hope, she is no innocent either, sleeping with a married man, getting pregnant and demanding he leave his pregnant wife for her!

    Steffy was soooo holding back there. Hope thought she got something over on Steffy, lol what a laugh 😂.

    I’m glad Taylor didn’t back down off Brooke! Seriously Brooke making herself a victim as always, about time someone told her to look in the bloody mirror!! Looking forward to tomorrow. Ridge will be livid Brooke is defending Deacon, use your wits lad, be pathetic and let Brooke rail at Ridge for attacking you!

    1. Bbfan101. But of course miss perfect little Steffy blew off what Hope said about her having her own past. It's the truth. You think it was okay for her to sleep with Liam? They were both drunk. The difference between those two and Deacon and Brooke is they actually had sex and Brooke and Deacon didn't. So it's okay that stuffy did that while she supposedly cared so much about Finn? Give me a break because it's not okay. Steffy is no perfect little angel. And as far as Taylor goes she needs to get out of the profession of being a psychiatrist. The only reason she's there is to gloat. She doesn't have any right to make accusations. She is no better than her spoiled brat daughter and all she cares about is getting Ridge. It's not okay for either one of them to sit there and think all of this is funny and it's okay to break up a marriage and stick their nose in where it doesn't belong. Brooke and Ridge are adults and can handle their own problems on their own. And it's a lie when you say that Brooke was defending Deacon. She was breaking up a fight. What did you expect her to do, stand there and watch especially after Ridge thought he had to throw some kind of glass object at Deacon? This is how you people twist things around. Claiming she defended Deacon when all she did was stop a fight. Nothing wrong with that either. That's what normal people would do. Oh I'm sure that you and others that seem to hate Brooke so much will get to see Taylor and Ridge together for a while but I can guarantee you that it won't last. And Ridge also needs to think about his drunken night with Shauna and stop thinking he's so innocent. And I can't wait until the day comes when he walks away from Taylor again. She needs to get over crap because it's been years. She needs to find herself somebody else. Her and Steffy need to get off their high horses and stop thinking they're so much better than everybody else when they themselves have done enough wrong in their lives.

    2. She was acting superior
      Definitely not a professional therapist

    3. Maddy, did you hear Brooke say to Ridge that it was all her, that Deacon didn't do anything? That's called defending someone's innocence. Brooke stopped the fight by running to Deacon and shielding him from Ridge's attack because she knew Ridge would not attack Deacon while she was shielding him. That's called running to Deacon's rescue. You may not want to admit that Brooke sided with Deacon against Ridge but don't try to dismiss her defense of Deacon.

    4. Just who are you calling YOU PEOPLE, Maddy? That is very offensive.

    5. @Maddy lol you really love ths Brooke character. you ride so hard for her.

  5. This was very childish of Ridge when he knows Brooke is loose-legged. Her legs open and close like a supermarket. But the fact that he won't listen to his wife shows the state of their merriage. Although I don't think Taylor Steffi and Thomas should meddle like this. It's none of their bizz! Steffi needs to check herself. She is full of herself and full of confidence her father will leave his wife. But she didn't even speak to her father after her sneaky way to find out what really happens. If I was in Brooke's shoes I would press charges against Steffi Thomas and Taylor.

  6. Can Steffy and Taylor be any more smug?? Hypocritical witches!! If Ridge leaves now, it will only be because Brooke went to Deacon’s aid. He was completely ready to forgive her. Taylor and Ridge will never last if they do end up together for some brief period. The Logans ALWAYS win!! Good!!!

    1. Lynn, thank you. As I said Steffy got drunk and actually had sex with Liam. And she supposedly cared about Finn so much? But Steffy seems to think it's ok for what she did. Same with Ridge And his drunken night with Shauna. Was it ok that he got drunk and because of alcohol he wasn't himself? I'm sick of Steffy and Taylor thinking they are so perfect. And I like how people say that Brooke defended Deacon when him and Ridge were fighting. She freaking broke up a fight like any normal person would. It's bad enough that Ridge thought he had to throw something glass at Deacon. Oh knowing Ridge he will run to Taylor. That's another thing. How come people think it's ok that he runs to other women when there's a problem? Ridge really needs to look at his behavior with things too. But anyway, if he does run to Taylor it won't last because as he said Brooke is the love of his life. I can't wait for the day to come when he does walk away from her. He also shouldn't be ok wuthvthe fact that Steffy and Thomas had Charlie go through the camera footage. Charlie should have said no too and stayed out of it. There's got to be footage showing Sheila putting that champagne in the house. They never did show us how she did it, did they? It'll all come out.

    2. Agree, Maddy. And I'm on Brooke's side in this, also, I came to this a couple of years ago and I have only seen portions of the goings on and heard about lots of it. I used to like Steffy, but don't really now; however, if it were my parents, I have Steffy's attitude. In fact, I know I would...

    3. For the millionth time, Mad Maddy, Sheila did the champagne switch at the restaurant where Brooke ordered the ‘non-alcoholic’ bottle.

    4. i don't agree with Steffy pushing this agenda, but i've also watched Brooke do things like this, with her sisters when they want something. It doesnt excuse it,but lets not pretend that Brooke is above it lol

  7. I’m not sure that I have ever seen anything quite as hypocritical as these two Forresters. Both ave disgusting morals, Steffy didn’t even the father of her children, DISGUSTING slut! Her mother isn’t much better.
    From the time Hope was engaged to Liam Steffy chased him like a dog on heat. It was well and truly time for Hope to show her how it felt to fight as dirty as she does. At least Hope had no question about the paternity of her child!

    1. You mean the child she has from sleeping with a married man? I love you and Maddy forget Hope wasn’t married to Liam, Steffy was. Hope came back from Milan set on breaking up Liam’s marriage. By the way he wasn’t pining for Hope or with Steffy beck Hope wasn’t available. Liam said More than once, that Steffy is the love of his life!!! He chose her, he pursued her! Hope wasn’t engaged to Liam when they were young. Hope was a teenager, a minor actually! Liam and Steffy were in their 20’s. Hope was using her V card to try to force a proposal out of Liam. Liam chose a grown woman whom he loved and who loved him. Once mature enough for marriage and commitment. Hope was a little girl wanting to play house and as she said not be a slut like her mum. Too bad she didn’t stick to her principles and is a mini me.

      Brooke pushed her teenage daughter to try and get married! Who the hell does that? I’m sorry your first real boyfriend isn’t your property for life or your “destiny “. Brooke has rationalized Hope trying to interfere and break Liam and Steffy’s marriage multiple times. Hope is the reason Steffy took off on the motorcycle and lost her first baby with Liam!!

      Hope was trying to break up a happy marriage because her mummy was encouraging her! Hope is a bloody homewrecker who’s only living child was fathered by her ex while he was Married and his wife was pregnant with their child!!! Hope married Liam’s brother and was sleeping with both men. She had a miscarriage and she would have had to paternity test that baby for sure! She is no better than Steffy.

      Cut the shite about Steffy. Hope has chances to be with Liam and was throwing a tantrum and chose NOT to be with him. She did that! It wasn’t fate or Steffy or anyone else! Like Brooke it’s always someone else’s fault. And this last time, Liam didn’t chose Hope, Steffy said enough, Hope you want him for your trap baby here is my husband and oh yeah may as well use my wedding ring too!

      Liam sought out Steffy and had no issue believing Hope was cheating on him, you know why? Because she slept with him while he was married to Steffy and rationalized it. So she could do that to him too. The fact is Liam was trapped with Beth, he didn’t want to be with Hope. He is just spineless and Brooke and Hope were exerting pressure for him to leave his wife and daughter and be with Hope. Again Steffy ended up saying enough I’m not putting Kelly through what her father did to Thomas, Pheobe and Steffy.

      By the way, can you imagine all the your stepdaddy is actually your big brother, and your sister is your daddy’s ex wife etc???

      Who is your new daddy today? Mummy cannot make up her mind.

      Brooke paternity tested her children too and she slept with her husband and his son at the same time, she also slept with brothers one was her husband so she was cheating on her husband multiple times l, like LONG ongoing affairs l, but you never want to bring that up. Or like Hope knew who Hope’s daddy was, her own daughter’s husband!!!

      Want to talk about hypercritical slags, let’s look at the Logans they all cheated with married men, and stole them from their wives, then cheated on them, end of story!!

    2. I can list at least 10 times that Steffy had lied to Liams face,
      can you list 3 lies from Hope to Liams face ?

    3. Lies of omission too? Hope was sneaking around the whole Deacon was in jail, she also went to Finn behind Liam’s back and lied about what she was doing. She kept secrets for her mum and for Finn about Sheila etc from Liam. She never told him about shoving Thomas in acid and being prepared to lie about it forever to cover her arse when she thought she had killed someone. She lied for her mum , she knew Brooke shoved Thomas over the cliff, etc. Hope is no angel.

    4. Bb fan101. You’re hilarious!!🤣🤣 and ill informed.
      Have you conveniently forgotten that Steffy slept with Bill when he was married to Katie.
      With Hope, Liam made it very plain he was annulling his marriage as fast as he could because Steffy slept with Bill.
      Class act Steffy! In actual fact GROSS Steffy, but she’s running true to form.
      Don’t even bother to compare Hope to her mother, they are two entirely different people. If you want to use that as your argument then you need to look at Taylor, who tried to murder Bill because Steffy slept with him.
      Steffys husband needs to leave that dictatorship that is amusingly called a marriage and run for the hills. She will cheat on him, actually she already has. She doesn’t know the meaning of the word loyalty!!
      She is so much like Brooke that it’s not funny, now that’s the more accurate comparison between people.
      Steffy didn’t give a damn about the baby she killed, or she wouldn’t have got on that motorcycle, but Steffy does what Steffy wants.
      Furthermore get your facts straight because Hope was engaged to Liam when Steffy chased him like a dog on heat. Hope took off her engagement ring and placed it on the mantle at Liam’s place.
      Yes unknown you’re correct Steffy has consistently lied to Liam over time.

    5. Steffy slept with Bill once, on a night she was distraught over Liam making out with Sally more than once and had told Bill to leave and he refused! She was drunk and it happened once!!!! Steffy never slept with Bill while he was married to Katie!!

    6. Who is ill informed? Don’t even go there, Maursa all all the other Logan lovers who excuse their constant bad behavior. The Logans are written to be arrogant b-words.

    7. Liam CHOSE to marry Steffy four times actually although Hope thwarted the fourth time by getting pregnant with trap baby Beth while Liam and Steffy were still married. Hope NEVER respected Liam’s decision to be Steffy or their marriage, EVER!!! Liam married Steffy three times that tells you something, he loves her and wanted to be her husband!!! Hope and Brooke can pretend it isn’t true but it is. Kelly was conceived in Love, Beth was born conceived out of Hope’s desperation to take Liam from his pregnant WIFE!!

      Steffy NEVER killed her baby , Hope bears a huge responsibility for that after once again trying to break up Steffy and Liam’s marriage. Hope broke up Steffy’s engagement to Liam too so if one is whining about that, they are even there! Hope was a bloody teenager and should never have been contemplating marriage at that age and most certainly wasn’t mature enough to handle it!

    8. Talk about blinders on!
      Is there anything Steffy has done that you’re prepared to hold her responsible for?
      It doesn’t matter how often Steffy slept with Bill, she slept with a married man, isn’t that exactly what you’re saying Hope did?
      It only shows how you are prepared to forgive Steffy for the exact same thing you’re ranting about Hope doing!
      Anyway love you keep living in your biased little world🤣🤣

    9. Bill wasn’t married. Hope slept with a married man too! You have no issue with that! Steady he admitted and shown remorse. Hope never has. She isn’t sorry she slept with a married man! She gives her mum a free pass who cheated a million times but demonizes Steffy who did it once! Hope slept with Liam when he was married to Steffy so what on earth would make her think he would not turn around and sleep with Steffy when he’s married to her? What a hypocrite!! Hope actively pursued Liam , Steffy didn’t she was happy with Finn! She sent Liam back to Hope, he wanted to restart his life with Kelly and Steffens even after he knew Hope hadn’t slept with Thomas!

      Talk about blinders!

  8. Bob..important question for you..first off, don't know how i found your site but sooo glad i did. i get it & have it in my 'favorites' on microsoft edge..since i do not know the name' of this site i cannot access it from 'crome' or 'firefox'...if i want to google it on those sites, what do i put in the search bar? just know i love & i am so grateful for you & your what do i google to access it elseware. thank you so much...

    1. All u put in is bold and the beautiful blogspot

    2. unknown- I use voice with Google and just ask for the full episode of the bold and the beautiful along with the date.

    3. Now this blog can be found by searching for "bob klod B&B". But if it does not appear, then you can write the full name of the soap opera instead of the abbreviated one, and you can also add the word "blogspot". Or you can enter what you wrote above.

    4. I found this by typing in, "how to watch bold and beautiful for free." 🤣

  9. So much fighting going on!!
    Happy Valentine's Day B&B 😱😘

  10. Brooke and Steffy both had a father and 2 sons, and paternity tests and kids

  11. Who said Eric has a hard 🍆🥒
    He's over 70
    More like a 🍌🌶️

    1. “Travis” posts it every day lol it’s spam.

  12. And men fighting over menopausal chicks is juvenile

  13. Oh my! Maybe it is just me, but I wasn't feeling the love ♥️ today on B&B! Fighting - physically & verbally - what a shameful Valentine's Day. Not even one person received flowers. If Bill is trying so hard to win Katie back, today was the day to have flowers arrive at work for her.

  14. When it all comes out, will Charlie get fired?

    1. Brooke should sue Charlie, Steffy and Thomas for invasion of privacy. I would like to see Brooke get so fed up with the Forresters/Malones that she dumps Ridge and leaves Forrester Creations. She could get a job with a publication company as a ghost writer and spill the dirt on the Forresters.

    2. No, they won't fire Charlie! I bet Pam made him a batch of lemon bars for Valentine's Day! ♥️ 🍋 💛

    3. Since FC is paying for the security camera and Steffy is Co-CEO she can legally look at the footage! And yes by all means let Brooke sue them, just another redirection from her own bad behaviour! I’m sure that would endear her to Ridge!

  15. This is all because of Sheila doing.ahhh ridge was getting his ass whip . Brooke needs to be with someone one other ridge.dont like ridge he here's what he wants wants .give the fans what they wanted see Brooke with bill or deacon .I hope sfetty happy ruining a marriage.i hope karma bites all the Forester in ass I hope it gets sfetty first

  16. Steffy said that Ridge was going to kick Brooke out. LOL, it's Brookes house. Her daddy dearest will be freeloading at her house with mommy dearest. After the way he tried to bust up Eric and Quinn's marriage, I don't think he will be welcome at Eric's. Maybe Thomas can move in too and they can be the new version of The Waltons. No wonder Finn stays at the office so much. Talk about secrets, Taylor is still keeping the secret that she shot Bill and left him for dead. Maybe Lt. Baker should get an anonymous tip so he can investigate her.

    1. That should totally be brought up,
      Instead of just pretending that none of that happened and Taylor is Perfect in every possible way lol! If she's such a perfect shining example of a mother and wife, why the hell has she stayed away for literal years? She's as bad as the rest of them 😂

    2. A house Ridge bought and paid for!!!!

    3. At least Steffy lives in a house she earned and bought herself! Hope still lives with Mummy in house Ride bought and paid for!

  17. Brooke held her own with Taylor
    Steffy isn't considering the damage she is doing to her relationship with Hope and their joint parenting?
    How did Ridge and Brooke know where Deacon lives?
    Did Steffy forget she had a good man but she slept with Liam despite loving Finn? Then lied

    1. What damage is Steffy doing to her relationship to Hope? Joint parenting about Kelly is Liam - not Hope and Douglas is not Hope and Liam's kid! He is Steffy's nephew and Taylor's (and Karen Spencer)and Ridge's grandson! Can't wait for Thomas to get full custody of Douglas his son!
      It takes 2 to tango and Liam was the one who came to steffy... and using her love for him to destroy her and Finn in their early relationship.
      As for Brooke and Taylor - nothing new to me. Narcissist Brooke having the same conversation over and over for 3 decades. She is as mentally sick as Sheila!!!
      I heard the B&B will get back to their roots. Well I hope so - Oh I wamt it to be a real family business - the Foresters and designers. None of the Logans is one and I want Kristen and Felica back!!!!

    2. Yes, Chelsea ... maybe that’s why Hunter Tylo refused to return. Bell has changed her character so much making her more and more like confrontational Brooke. That would be sad as much as Bell obviously loves the Logans, he has made Brooke such a haughty unlikable bully. We don’t want another Brooke, although her pretentious ‘sweet’ daughter is becoming a mini-me thanks to Mommy Dearest.

    3. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 so sick of Logan love fest! I see articles about Brooke being the heroine of B&B!!! I fall over laughing yes a sanctimonious, self centred narcissistic bully home wrecking slut is such a great protagonist!! She set out to blow up Ridge and Caroline from the minute she met Ridge and his mansion lol!! She dumped the cop boyfriend who was there for her all along because, well, he was a poor copper instead of a millionaire playboy !!!

      Brooke was just another hookup for Ridge who thought she was Caroline lol! 😂😂😂

      Brooke attacked Ridge’s relationships from the beginning being the wee gold digger she was. When she couldn’t get him she went for Eric that way she got money, the posh lifestyle and was close to Ridge to keep her campaign to steal him from his wife!

      Remember Ridge could have married Brooke but chose his “doc” instead. He chose to marry Taylor! Brooke never accepted his marriage to other women and did everything she could to break them up! From the start. She chased all the men, needed to be adored by all and be centre of attention. She spews hate and shade to all others but Hope! She ruined Bridget’s life how many times?? Brooke wanted Liam for herself but since he wasn’t interested had to kee him for Hope just to stick to Taylor and Steffy!! Logan triumph blah blah! For Brooke fans, she actually threw that in Taylor and Steffy’s faces so don’t pretend that isn’t the heart of her encouraging Hope to ruin other people’s marriages in the name of destiny!

  18. I do really like the way that writters and producer reveale the Strong Side of some actors, Ridge and Steffy neither Taylor. They're on their legacy to fight ( Ridge) for his Ego and Brookes( he should stop for once, She doesn't desserve his respect), Steffy's involve because of her father, She and Thomas love Ridge. Taylor is concern because of Ridge, the father of her Yes they are on their legacy to bite After the Logans

  19. It's about time someone handed Ridge his arse in a fight he only got the upper hand because he sucker punched him. This is exactly how he behaved when he found out about Steffy and Bill he rewrites what happened in his head and tells himself it must be rape or something sinister and not that the people he loves are fallible even when they are straight up confessing that they are then he goes and assaults whoever else was involved.

  20. Jeepers this fight really got all you guys going haha ! Love the Bold. Thanks Bob. Brenda

  21. Well f the kiss or the hurt Ridge might have or the sorrow. How about the kid who witnessed it all like it's not confused and to much info for such an emotional f up kid growing up with all these stupid so called adults

  22. Replies
    1. There are two videos here. The top video is on the same video hosting as the other February episodes. It is not in full screen because the full version is being deleted. This video can be viewed in full screen by following the instructions on the blog's FAQ page with another soap opera. And the bottom video works for some people, while others receive a playback error message. I do not know what the reason for the error is. When a new blog with old episodes appears, this episode with a different player will also be on it.

  23. Bob cloud its a old episode not from 14 feb, where can i watch from 14 fen??
