
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-15-22 Full episode B&B 15th February 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-15-22 Full episode B&B 15th February 2022


  1. Finally!!! A really good episode. Great acting by Thorsten Kaye. And all the women's hair looked beautiful. Except Krista Allen so that means 'most" not 'all"

  2. Replies
    1. Sheila never needs to be exposed - her part is irrelevant to the situation - alcohol doesn’t change your personality, it may have just sped time a little of what was going to happen anyway because that is Brooke’s M.O. It’s a soap opera where all secrets are exposed eventually. Sheila is going to gloat about it to someone.

    2. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    3. lol, Unknown are you ok? Is that sarcasm. Of course Sheila's secret will come out, but that wont stop the fact that Brooke still lied to her husband.

  3. Ridge is right. And Brooke didn't go running after him sooo...she's gonna end up in Deacons arms anyway. Same old same old Brooke. She can't keep her lips to herself. And what is up with her face. It doesn't change even when she's crying. Lol.

  4. Steffy need to sit down and shut up. She needs to keep her nose out of her father marriage. And Shelia needs to be exposed for what she did.

    1. Most definitely! And I don't know why I hope that just throw it all out there to Steffi about both of her kids needing paternity test one because she slept with her husband's father and the other one because she slept with somebody else's husband! Also nobody is saying one single word about Taylor being an alcoholic who actually drank and drove and ran over and killed Thorne's wife years ago, and she cheated on ridge, so stop treating her like Saint Taylor and bring up at least a few of her mistakes! Tit for tat

    2. Whatever Taylor may have done is so far in the past that it's a moot point to bring it up now. Brooke and Steffy however, have had recent indescretions. Taylor cheating on Ridge once because she thought her friend was going to die does not make for a compelling argument.

    3. Taylor is not the one who kissed Deacon. Stop making excuses for Brooke. Same old Brooke kissing other men. Just months pass she kissed Bill and tried covering it up

      She dont want Ridge to fight or shout at Bill, now she is doing same with Deacon.
      She's helping Deacon off the floor and pushing Ridge away. That slut knows exactly what she is doing

    4. What is hilarious is Hope saying Ridge loves her mum and always forgives her and no one should interfere. However when it was Steffy, who cheated ONCE, Hope was entitled to break up her marriage to Liam! Hope was entitled to make out with him and rub all over him in the changing room and sleep with him and get pregnant and demand he be with her!!!

      She NEVER recognized or honoured Liam’s DECISION to marry Steffy 3 times, he loved and chose her 4 but trap Baby made Steffy have enough, she was at her breaking point! Hope cheated with Liam but she NEVER owns that! I never hear Steffy throw that in her face! Hope NEVER respected Liam’s marriages to Steffy or his decision, she made excuses to interfere and throw herself at him. She made poor decisions and chose not to be with Liam when he did want to give it a go. She wanted to be in control always giving ultimatums just like Brooke. She was and is an immature spoiled princess. That is utter hypocrisy. Again I don’t see Steffy throwing that in her face and I never hear Hope holding Liam accountable for his actions and choices either.

      So Logan philosophy is we can cheat and be forgiven an million times but you mess up once then you’re out!

      Ridge is right, Brooke literally told him Deacon would part of their lives and in their home and there was nothing he could do about it!

      Brooke could have gone on the romantic getaway Ridge planned for them and let Liam, Hope, Deacon and the bairns she sees EVERY day, who live on her estate, have their own celebration!! She made excuses not to be with Ridge and tried to force him to spend the evening with someone he despises! She didn’t give a rat’s arse how Ridge felt it was as ALWAYS, all about her!!!

      He’s right it’s not just one time, it’s a million and always the promise it won’t happen again, for literally DECADES!!!

      She turns to Bill or Deacon or Nick or Eric or Thorne or whoever always… Ridge is right he isn’t ever enough because Brooke needs men to worship her, to fight over her, always has!!!

      I hope he doesn’t let her worm her way back. And like PP said, she didn’t go after him, she will let Deacon console her now.

    5. Why Brooke never stays out of the bs between her and hope they're also adults

    6. The next time I need to have a private conversation, I’m going to find a closet inside a busy restaurant. LOL

    7. Yes Shelia need to be exposed and steffy need to shut up im sick of hearing her mouth

  5. Why didn't Brooke leave with Ridge
    No she stayed with Deacon
    Then she will end up making love having sex with him and Blame Ridge for leaving her.

    Stop blaming Sheila for the indiscretion
    Was sheila there when Brooke kissed Bill

  6. Does this mean we have to continue watching Brooke cry for the next several months?

    1. Yes we will. It's probably the Botox that makes her face look so stiff. So writers have to keep her drama storyline going. Brooke looks depressing.

  7. We know alcohol kills any common sense, so give Brooke a break on drinking in the first place she didnt have an idea and as of yet NO one has figured it out. I actually feel sorry for her this time, Steffi acting like spoiled child

    1. The problem isn't the kiss, it's that she lied to her husband about what happend and tried to get a child to continue to lie for her.

    2. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Which was Ridge’s point, she didn’t tell him!! He found out because Douglas saw and told his father and Auntie about it or Ridge would NEVER have known! Her lying over and over again and then saying she didn’t want him to hurt Deacon is why she didn’t tell him!! Brooke chose to lie and keep lying if she had been honest from the beginning he would have punched Deacon, forgiven her and moved forward it was Brooke’s lying and cover up, then choosing Deacon that clinched it!

  8. I believe that the Ridge & Brooke "DESTINY" train has definately jumped track along time agp, time to move on and stop watching her do as she pleases and cry and cry and cry OH JUST FORGIVE ME THIS TIME, I will never do it again I LOVE YOU!! Ugh makes me sick! Also what happened to Wyatt isn't it about time he marry Flo

    1. Not to mention Brooke lied and cheated and manipulated to steal her destiny from his fiancΓ©, wives etc! Why do Brooke supporters forget she met Ridge at his engagement party to Caroline Spencer!! He was taken but that never stopped Brooke! All the bitching about Steffy going after Hope’s teenage crush on Liam and she is evil forever but Brooke can steal another woman’s fiancΓ©, husband etc in the name of Destiny??? Make up your bloody mind of it is forgivable and understanding for Brooke that has to apply to Steffy too!! You can’t have it both ways! Hope was the same!

  9. Ooh my that gave me a headace .ridge Pooh my good he needed to be knock down a peel stood.brooke needs to be with someone other than ridge .seffy ooh my god headace with her too give the fans different people with Brooke and ridge .when is Sheila going to get caught

  10. Dear God...... Steffy is a piece of work..... She has done worse things than Brooke. Such a brat.

    1. Not possible. No one is worse than Brooke, and all these characters are messy. Brooke takes the trophy.

    2. Steffy faked a pregnancy and miscarriage? Or kept a wife who was kidnapped and presumed dead’s being alive from her husband who loved and grieved for her or threatened the wife to stay dead so she could have her husband?? Or cheated a million times and stole other women’s husbands including her sister and tow of her daughter’s? Got pregnant with her son in law?? I must have missed those episodes… there are books worth of Brooke’s dirty dealings, watch the episodes with Amber etc where Brooke did terrible things to try and break them up!

      Steffy is a rank amateur next to Brooke!!

    3. Steffi has become my least favorite woman on the show, well right behind Paris. And it is not because I love Brooke, because I don't. I just find Steffi totally unlikeable.

    4. She is unliked by you guys... do not speak for the rest of us. Fans of the show have been divided for decades when it comes to this.

    5. Thank you Charmaine!!! All the things they accuse Steffy of are what Brooke has done for decades yet she is a victim!

      B&B has always polarized the fan base even more since Bell Junior decided to rewrite history to prop Brooke and the Logans!

      I felt sorry for Brooke back at the very beginning, a struggling student and woman who had been attacked etc. However, as soon as she decided to steal another woman’s fiancΓ©, I lost all respect for her!

      No one is saying Steffy is perfect and honestly, Bell is throwing her under the bus to try to boost Brooke, Hope and Lope! To me Brooke is a totally unlikeable character who abused her6 yr old step grandson in an attempt to perpetuate a lie to her husband! It was so asinine that Ridge wouldn’t have just gotten angry, punched Deacon and then moved on with Brooke.

      Again Logan fans have been screaming about how everyone interferes in Brooke’s marriage, how of Ridge can forgive her for all her cheating etc no one has a right to say anything. Why does that ONLY apply to Brooke??? You make nasty comments about Steffy for making 1 mistake and how Hope is so much better blah blah, guess what, if Hope hadn’t thrown herself at, done everything in her power to break up and sleep with a married man, Steffy and Liam would still be happily married. Overcoming that obstacle and raising children together.

      I’m always stunned that saying Hope had him first justifies everything she does in perpetuity! That isn’t how it works and doesn’t make her behaviour right!

      Brooke went after a man that was engaged that is how she met Ridge! He wasn’t hers to take and oh yeah she had a boyfriend at the time as well!

      You are hating on Taylor for doing Doctors Without Borders, seriously??? They do amazing work around the world at great personal peril! Did Taylor make mistakes yes, I see her as doing penance and working to redeem herself sacrificing her own life and giving back.

      When has Brooke EVER done that for one second? Everything she’s ever done has been for herself with NO regard for who got hurt as a result!

      Again Logan fans will defend Brooke, Hope etc to the death.

      Forrester fans will defend their characters.

      Others aren’t either camp. Some see logically… agree with Charmaine, don’t speak for all of us!

    6. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» There has never been anything to like about the character, Brooke. TPTB always wrote her as a sanctimonious, in-your-face, holier-than-thou, sanctimonious, abrasive, slut from the valley, hateful, confrontational, jealous bee-otch so I’m always floored when fans cheer for her and think her and the other Logans’ behavior is acceptable. Taylor was drop dead gorgeous, accomplished and caring. In time, they have added scenes and storylines which go against how the characters of Taylor, Steffy and Thomas would be and that is frustrating but added for dramatic effect because c’mon fans, it is rare for most of this to happen in real life. Soap operas are incestuous by nature because of the limited cast. They have to have breakups so that Brooke can have another dozen marriages before her character kicks the bucket. We will keep watching until they cancel our soaps.

  11. I just want to see what Deacon's next move is... i mean he been saying he wants Brooke, so is he going to fight for her? And i am curious if Hope might encourage it because she was all for it when they were all hanging out like one big happy family lol. All these Adults secretly want their parents together.

    1. I think Brooke will turn to Deacon and/or Bill because she needs comfort and can’t be alone for a second. Simultaneously she’ll be trying to con Ridge into giving her a 10 millionth “second chance”. “Just one more time I swear 😒 “ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      Hope will argue that Deacon with his Karate skills could beaten Ridge to a pulp but instead allowed him to hurt him ( true enough and imagine the sympathy points with Brooke) showing great restraint. That Deacon defended Brooke blah blah and Hope would like her parents together she just doesn’t want Ridge to be with Taylor! So Hope will be torn over triumphing over Taylor and Steffy and wanting daddy and mummy together! πŸ˜‚

  12. Actually she’s not only a brat, she’s a slut.
    It’s time Hope threw her many indiscretions back in her face. She’s needs to ask her that if she’s gets pregnant again will she need a paternity test for the THIRD time. After all didn’t she blame sleeping with a married Liam on alcohol?
    Steffy is every bit as bad as Brooke!! Yet she has the gall to stand in judgement of Brooke!

    1. Many as in 2? Sure Hope cheated with Liam that many times while he was married to Steffy and while Hope was married to Liam’s brother Wyatt! Lol oops! Pot meet bloody kettle! Liam was married to Steffy when Beth was conceived, he wasn’t married to Hope or free to be with her! His wife made 1 mistake and Hope was entitled to sleep with him and break up his marriage while spouting that sure Brooke cheated many times on Ridge but they are destiny and he always forgives her so no one should interfere!

      The hypocritical spoiled tarte is Hope!

    2. I don’t know about you, but I find the need to have 1 paternity test deplorable! The need to have two is pure gutter behaviour, which is Steffy through and through!
      Wasn’t it only fairly recently that Steffy trying excusing sleeping with a married man on alcohol? lol oops🀣 🀣
      One mistake? She slept with Liam’s father for God sake!! So her mummy arrives long enough to shoot him and disappears out of her children’s and grandchildrens lives again. Mother of the year award goes to Taylor. Don’t stay put long enough to help your concrete slithering slut of a daughter.
      Hope has a very long way to catch up to Steffys behaviour and the most ironic or is just funny is Steffy andTaylors hypocrisy!
      Everyone is having a lot to say about Sheila being a dangerous lunatic because she shot Taylor, but it’s ok for Taylor to shoot Bill.

    3. And it’s okay for Brooke to shove Thomas off a cliff and leave him to die?

      Brooke had to paternity test RJ and Bridget she was sleeping with her husband’s son, that is just as bad as Steffy in Bill worse actually because Brooke was chasing her son in law and slept with him loads of times! She also was sleeping with her husband and his brother again many times! How is she not a slut? Did you forget Bill having Ridge thrown from a helicopter into the sea in an attempt to kill him? Brooke defended Bill!!!

    4. Sheila is a criminal ... a homicidal maniac on two soaps for decades. No comparison.

  13. I feel Steffy true feelings for Hope are coming through and Brooke defends Deacon as the underdog but drunk or not Deacon was going after Brooke and should have sensed it and called her daughter New Year
    Thank you Bob xxx

    1. Hope slept with her husband and did everything she could to break up their marriage including getting pregnant with Liam’s baby and tormenting Steffy through her entire pregnancy!! Yet Hope defends all of Brooke’s cheating and lying over the years! Hope throws Steffy cheating with Liam in her face well guess what Hope cheated too, she slept with Liam she was married to his brother and thought she was pregnant and either brother could be the father! She is NO room to scold Steffy!!!

  14. Steffy should screw Deacon
    Upset the world order

    1. Why not?! She screws anything she can, why not Hopes father, I mean she did Liam’s father!

  15. So who is the worse drunk: Ridge for marrying Shauna or Brooke for kissing Deacon?
    Same storylines for 30 years. Why can't Brooke for once say:'l respect your decision, l messed up, I will take time to reflect and I'm letting you go'? without always begging, pleading and crying like a desperate looser.

    1. The difference is, Brooke has betrayed Ridge for decades by sleeping with other men, then making out with them later on etc. There is only so many times he can turn a blind eye and give her another chance. He nailed it, her behaviour makes him feel like he’s not enough for his wife. No matter how much he gives her ( the house and estate that she and Hope and her tribe live on was bought and paid for by Ridge and gifted to Brooke as a wedding gift), all the infidelities he’s put up and there have been many for decades, how much he loves her or whatever he isn’t good enough for her because she always has to either sleep with or make out with another man. Brooke and her ego will never be satisfied with just one man loving and worshiping her!!

      Ridge is tired of being hurt over and over again. It’s literally, always just a matter of time before Brooke does it again! It never ends. He said he has his breaking point. Again if Brooke had been honest he would have forgiven her but she lied again and again and he found out because Douglas told what he saw.

      Brooke is only sorry she got caught!

  16. I think Sheila was high on something..

  17. Good acting, wow poor Ridge, I feel for him. pity its all started by Sheila who know exactly where to knock Brooke crashing down. Deacon is not innocent at all. Thanks Bob for keeping it all going !

  18. They keep talking about Taylor being a good psychiatrist but she still can't see that she-devil is up to her psycho ways again. And of course Steffi and Thomas are full of their mom, but stil they are crossing a line.

    Brooke should press charges against those 3 and she should let Eric fire Charlie.

  19. Me enjoying these comments more than the actual show...
