
Thursday, February 3, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-3-22 Full episode B&B 3rd February 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-3-22 Full episode B&B 3rd February 2022


  1. Well sorry but I think in the real world a psychiatrist would not get involved in something that they are too close to. Taylor should not be involved in this situation because of her feelings towards Ridge and, as far as that goes, how she really feels about Brooke. The whole situation is just wrong. And I can't wait until the day comes when everything blows up in Steffy's face after all is over and done with. She may end up getting her way for a little while with Mommy and Daddy getting back together but I don't think it will last and I hope it doesn't. I'm tired of all these people causing problems for Brooke on purpose and they've done it for nothing that she has done to them. She hasn't done anything to Steffy and she hasn't done anything to Sheila. Just because Brooke told Sheila the truth about herself and said she would protect Steffy, Finn, in the kids is no reason for psycho Sheila to go off acting like a maniac. And of course I bet Ridge won't think about what happened with him and Shauna because of what happened between Brooke and Bill. Not to mention when that was going on Ridge never did hear Brooke say that she did love Bill and always would but she was committed to Ridge, loved him, and wanted to be with him. It wasn't okay for Ridge to run off and start messing around with Shauna. To be honest I would love to see Brooke come clean with Ridge before Steffy even had the chance to show anybody the footage. But that's probably not going to happen because we'll have to make sure we get to see the problems between Brooke and Ridge and how it all goes between Taylor and Ridge. The usual way things go. I will continue to say that Steffy is acting like a spoiled little child. And Taylor needs to stop trying to pry into Ridge's business.

    1. Ridge did hear he was there to set up a romantic evening for Brooke. He ran off after hearing Brooke saying she would always love Bill! Regardless Brooke is incapable of being faithful. You are missing the core issue here. Ridge can forgive the kiss etc, he will have serious issues with her lying repeatedly and trying to force his 6 yr old grandson to keep quiet.

      Ridge told her he would forgive her anything as long as she was honest. She DOESN’T trust him to keep his word and he can’t trust her AGAIN!!!!

    2. If you had listened the other day, Taylor offered to Brooke that she would get her A REFERRAL, not be her psychiatrist.

    3. Maddy, you always excuse Brooke's behaviour. Sheila may have switched the bottles, but she did not make Brooke kiss Deacon. Deacon put his moves on Brooke, but could not force Brooke to drink and kiss him back. If she didn't want that she could've and should've stopped herself. And yes she was drunk, but now she is completely sober and in her "right mind" is choosing to keep secrets and lie to her husband, and involving her "honest" daughter and a little boy who should not have to keep secrets for her, thats wrong. I do not agree with the forceful nature Steffy is on with this whole Ridge and Taylor business, but to say Brooke has done nothing wrong or hurt Steffy in anyway is a STRETCH. Intentional or not, Brooke's action did hurt Steffy (which go back to her family breaking up with Brooke being the culprit) and yes a lot of Brooke's issues with Steffy stemmed behind her hurting her daughter... Brook has always claimed that Steffy is "like a daughter to her but when the chips were down she never treated Steffy like a daughter. And give an example of what i mean. When Steffy and Hope had issues, Ridge never treated Hope like she wasn't his daughter. He treated them equally. Brooke doesn't have that in her. If 2 biological sisters are at odds, as a parent you don't pick sides, you try to fix it, but Brooke always went the whole don't hurt "my daughter" and Ridge "your daughter" bla bla bla. That was very typical "step parent moves. So again the whole brooke didn't do anything to Steffy is so not true. But with that being said, i don't agree with how Steffy is handling things. I agree, Brooke should be honest with her husband but that's not usually her style. And the Bill thing, yes Ridge did not have to get involved with Shauna, but without excusing it... he was only reacting to Brooke kissing Bill "again" (let's not forget that bill situation was not a first time affair for Brooke). She makes these "mistakes" and excuses them because she didn't mean to and only loves Ridge. But how sway... how do you keep making the "same mistakes over and over again, but the person you claim to love is Ridge. Like i never understood that about her character, especially the fact that people always excuse her wrong doings. It makes no sense.

    4. Yes, Maddy, it does seem unethical for Taylor to "help" Ridge with his marital issues. Definitely a conflict of interest. 🤔

    5. Facts the only one that has really been cheating is ridge it's sad that everyone forgets that he has cheated on Brooke sense he's come back and he still hasn't told the truth that he was missing in Shauna and was willing to make they take marriage work steffy needs to remember if it wasn't for Brooke or hope dear old Taylor would be in jail and not ones has Brooke slept with anyone but ridge i hope everything blow up in steffy and Taylor and Thomas gave and Brooke doesn't take ridge back Shelia needs jail because all Brooke was doing was defending stupid steffy

    6. Lol I guess i've been watching a different show, so Brooke was not trying steal Ridge from Caroline (his wife before she passed) and he turned her down many times. Then when Brooke got involved with a then married Eric (to Stephanie) then soon marries him and had kids with him, then as soon as Ridge started to move on with Taylor she wanted Ridge again while married to Eric. then when Eric left her for Stephanie again, she got involved with Ridge, and didn't know who the father of her second child was (the whole Bridget paternity saga). Or her getting involved with Thorne, while he was still married to Macy (and how Macy then died in the car crash because she found out about Brooke and thornes affair). Or her getting involved with her Sister katie's then Husband Bill. or her "accidental" f' session with Oliver (her daughters boyfriend) at Hope's graduation party. We could go on and on and on... and yes i am not taking away from the men being complete a**es for their infidelities but to say "not ones has Brooke slept with anyone but ridge" is funny.

    7. What about Brooke pushing Thomas over a cliff and nearly killing him? He was in a coma then got a tumour that caused his mannequin hallucinations! Or when Hope shoved Thomas into the vat and left him for dead and Brooke lied saying he ran off and abandoned Douglas and Forrester? I think jail for Brooke appropriate since she didn’t call emergency services after sending Thomas to meet his death off the cliff. That’s attempted murder! She rationalised it as always!

      Brooke is a serial cheater, she literally cheated with every single person she’s ever been with. She’s cheated on and lied to Ridge so many times she scared this is the last straw!

    8. I know this is probably an unpopular opinion, but it was only a kiss. They're all acting like Brooke and Deacon were shooting a porno. Yeah, he stayed the night and shouldn't have, but if what we saw is to be believed, no sex happened. I mean a kiss isn't that big of a deal. But, we know from the EXACT same storyline with Bill that it's treachery of the 1st order. BTW, I can't believe they are even going to whip out the video proof again, just like with Bill. Fresh ideas people!! These writers have no imagination. All that being said, I hope Brooke and Ridge split up forever. I'm so sick of their love story🤮

    9. It’s not the kiss, it’s Brooke lying about it and manipulating Douglas to keep her secret.

    10. Yes, as far as we know, it was just a kiss. A kiss between Brooke & Deacon - a man that Ridge despises. That is the problem. If it had really been Santa Claus, Ridge told Douglas that Santa would be a lucky man getting to kiss Brooke. But, Deacon kissing Brooke is going to anger Ridge.

    11. Charmaine chick you gave a couple of nice long mouth fulls to maddy about brooks behavior in pastand currently present.. 👏👏👏👊👊😘 all of it well said truths thank you...seems so many brook lovers just keep forgetting all the bad crap the woman has done .she never seems to receive any real consequences for her actions either. she just cries her crocky tears and everyone 4gives the golden hair goddess. i still think her ass should receive punishment for nearly killing thomas by shoving him off the cliff yet she got away with attempted murder and assault and battery when she slapped shawnna and quinn and thomas all 3 smdh. 🤬its not fair and now this bs of trying to silence douglas from telling the truth of what he saw . and who just to cover her own ass in light offact shes not being completely truthful with her hubby a man she claims is the love of her life then has the nerve to even make snarjy remarks about how shes sure taylor and steffy are just waiting in the wings to take ridge back to reunite their own sweet family being all hateful and sarcastic .. brook definitely needs to finally lose ridge and get knocked off that bossy hipocritical high horse. that hope kid had alot of nerve to demand taylor and steffy to respect brook and ridges marriage yet brook never respected taylor and ridges marriage AND WHEN RIDGE FINDS OUT THE TRUTH OF NEW YEARS AND WINDS UP BACK WITH TAYLOR AND THEIR KIDS LÈTS JUST SEE HOW MUCH RESPECT BROOK AND HOPE GIVE THEM...

    12. @Maddy, I like how you continually make excuses for Brooke's filthy behaviour then try to villify others for disapproving of it. The only thing that has blown up in anyone's face is what is happening with Brooke now and what will happen with her and Ridge's marriage because of Hope's insistence that, not only should she have a relationship with her father, but also that he should be free to come and go as he pleases at Ridge and Brooke's home. Not that I have anything against Hope wanting a relationship with her dad but I am loving the irony of her going to Taylor and Steffy to demand that they do not interfere with her mother and Ridge's marriage when that very marriage is about to implode as a direct result of Hope's own actions. Bringing Deacon back into their lives blew up in Hope's face big time, and she is going to have to live with that for the rest of her life.

      Taylor is not trying to get involved in Ridge and Brooke's situation, she is just showing concern for Ridge and his marriage. And btw, Ridge was the one that came to her after leaving his wife at home. Methinks he already senses that something is off with Brooke and that is why he paid Deacon a visit. He was baiting him to see what information he could get.

      Noone is causing problems for Brooke. Brooke decided to stand with her daughter against her husband in letting Deacon back in their lives. Then she turns around and kisses him on NYE while her husband was out of town. You can blame Sheila or Brooke being drunk all you want but the fact is that from the minute Deacon came back into their lives and told Brooke how grateful he was to her for all she did with their daughter, it started going to her head and she suddenly became very involved with Hope whenever Deacon was around playing the perfect little family unit. You may think that Brooke did not want to kiss Deacon but I believe that she did. And as soon as Ridge walks away from her, who do you think she will turn to? Then, who would you blame? The alcohol? Sheila?

  2. Sorry Taylor, your new "hair cut" has aged you! The long wig was far more flattering and youthful

    1. They had to let the audience ease into the new actress playing Taylor ... finally, her own hair. It looks much better.

    2. I agree! I like her new hair cut...although I also think long hair suited her too. The new actress is just beautiful!

    3. idk im not major fond of her hair style still it just doesnt really do anything to enhance or flattèr her sweet beautiful face

  3. Ohhhh Charlie is going to find video showing Deacon coming back and not leaving until the next morning. Especially since he snuck out the back as Ridge was coming in! Explain that away Brooke!!

    I’m sorry but Grace aka mummy Buckingham is well out of order. She has no business telling Zende he’s the only man for Paris.

    First of all that is her daughter’s decision. Paris is the one who be married to him, not her mum!

    Two it isn’t up to her mum to try to keep Zende hanging on for Paris. She is acting like Brooke saying Liam is the only man for Hope and telling Hope she has to go after him, forgive his philandering etc.

    Wanting the best for her daughter is one thing, forcing the relationship or manipulating them is not okay!

    What the hell is Carter playing at? Is he really going to throw his life away for Paris? She will dump him as soon as someone else catches her eye. He has said over and over he is ready to get married and settle down. Paris has said a million times she’s too young for that. Where could he possibly see this going other than him throwing his career, his relationship with Zende and Ridge?

    I was laughing at Taylor’s “wiggly hair” comment! 😂😂 That was fab. Her real hair is a great look for her and much updated and better than the dreadful wig she’s been wearing.

    1. I thought Taylor said "wiggy" hair. 😂

    2. She did spellcheck changed it to wiggly 😂

    3. What made the wiggy hair line so funny was that it was an acknowledgement to the viewers that they agreed with our comments about Taylor's hair obviously being a wig.

    4. Agreed, Bbfan. Momma Buckingham is going too far now. It's one thing going to Carter to let him know that she disapproves but it is another thing to try to push Paris and Zende together when Paris has made it clear to her that she and Zende have come to an agreement about their relationship.

      I am so not liking what Carter is doing. He needs to drop this child and move on. Can't believe he is calling Zende his friend but is still willing to be with Paris knowing how his "friend" feels about her.

      Loved the wiggy comment from Taylor as well. Lol. Also loved how Ridge left Brooke at home and paid a visit to Taylor. I know that he will find comfort with her when he finds out the truth about Brooke.

  4. Is this just about having Carter and Deacon take their shirts off?
    What else is going on these days?
    I was hoping Lia would be a more frequent character.
    Paris is so bi or gay. And too young for Carter.

  5. Okay Steffy needs to chill. Even if Ridge leaves Brooke for a while he'll go back to her the moment he realizes what Sheila did. And although she was the one responsible for Brooke's relapse, she had no hand in her smooching with Deacon. Which imo would've happened even without the drinks. Brooke and Ridge don't love each other they're just convinced that they do but this is not how a real loving couple behaves. And the fact that they are calling it "destiny" is just unbelievable.

    1. Brooke has always used destiny as an excuse for cheating and sleeping with other people’s husbands, finances, boyfriends, her son in laws, brother in laws , etc!!

    2. Yep. Brooke isn't smart enough to realize she's always lying and cheating and harbouring some dreadful secret. Same old same old slutty story.
      Bring on some fresh faces and better storylines.

    3. I don't think Ridge will go back to Brooke even after finding out about what Sheila did. It is a whole lot more than that. There is always some drama with Brooke. It wasn't too long ago that she kissed Bill and it caused friction in her marriage. Then the issue with Thomas and Brooke not trusting him even after he got out of the hospital also caused friction in their marriage. Now, we have this. Ridge had been totally against Deacon coming back in their lives and he and Brooke were at odds because of it since she stood up against him. I do not see Ridge getting over this as easily as everyone else seems to think.

  6. Okay writers. What's up with the continuing repeated storylines of Carter/Paris and Brooke drama. Enough already. Where's everyone else?
    And Paris in a lead character role is ridiculous. She can't act. Her love scenes are not believable at all. Makes Carter look like he's kissing a statue. Get rid of Paris or replace the actress with someone else.

    1. Agree. Paris kisses like she's afraid of getting Covid. Kind of pushing away at the same time. Weird.

    2. Sorry, but when she is kissing Carter, it's like she is a baby getting breastfed. It looks so weird...

    3. The actress has huge boobs and I believe she is conscious of it. That's why she pulls in her head only in love scenes but keeps her body from coming in too close.

  7. covid must being going around this show we only see 25 percent of the cast every day for weeks

    1. Hollywood is under severe Covid filming restrictions and if they violate it filming gets shut down. Y&R just fired an actor for violating Covid protocols and GH had to halt production temporarily because of Covid. Not to mention JMW, aka Steffy is pregnant IRL so they have to be extra careful!

    2. Yes but they could still give these actors and stories a break and switch it up for awhile. This is just lazy writing and recycling the same vitriol over and over

  8. ridge had the nerve to tell brook he wasnt trying to start anything when he went to see deacon yet he was up on deacons job belittling him insulting him being hateful and rude he goes home to tell brook that deacon knows nothing that happened on new years.. boy is ridge in for his own huge shock and stupid feeling when he learns the truth...damn pariss mom needs to sit down and stfu its not up to her to decide who the right man is for paris. i think mama bear is seeking her own benefits of her daughter being with a forrester.. the fame fortune money ..cant stand her..i did like paris at first but her true colors showing thru sticks her nose in where it doesnt belong and chasing after every guy married or not and no matter how many times the guy says no she pushes that much harder. they need to put a stop to both hers and her moms shitty up in carters face threatening him when its her daughter chasing carter and mom telling zendae that hez the only right guy for paris.. its bs.. its wrong .. yes steffy and thomas definitely need that proof of brook and deacon so ridge sees with his own eyes the truth brook has been keeping from him...the actionsthat happened and the lying to ridge of course its gonna infuriate ridge.just hope they get the proof they need so poor douglas doesnt have to keep repeating what and who he saw..being trapped in the middle..can hardly wait to see the shizzle hit the fan wuth brook and ridge

    1. Shizzle. I like that. lol

    2. Carter planned a special evening for him and Paris. Candles and all. Paris is not the only one running after what she wants.

  9. Love Krista Allen's real hair! I think it suits her really well.

  10. Like I said I'm new to this blog, but why has the video been removed? I was so looking forward to relax and watch this. Damn I shouldn't have took that left turn a few days ago 😕

  11. Omg! This is a freaking soap opera! Nothing about this story is real. But I love the way you die hard fans bring your insight knowledge, comments and speculations to the table. It keeps the comments exciting sometimes more than the episode itself 🤭🤣😂

  12. Boy oh boy Steffie you seem to forget you a married woman and you was the same exact one that cheated on a great man lil Finn not too long ago smh. Karma don't play hope you that excited if a girl like Paris come seducing your man lol...Brooke is more of an idiot thinking this can stay a secret.

    1. Steffy wasn’t married to Finn yet!

  13. Thanks Bob. Video back on again, so happy. Love the Bold, always twists and turns you dont expect. I think its time for Brooke to take responsibility and own up. Tell Ridge the truth if its eating her up inside. Poor little Douglas is one amazing little boy and shouldnt be made to shut up or feel bad. Paris is a no no ... Where is Wyatt ? We have missed a lot of the show in South Africa. Thanks again Bob. Brenda

  14. Hope to keep it short and not too sweet. Paris and Carter aren't seasoned serial cheaters therefore they're lacking in the skill of adultery! Brooke raised Hope to be honest respectful. *Fail
    I like Taylor's short style it's a 1/8 step up from the previous wig.
    Certified gorgeous Paris! It's no wonder Carter is going for you. Although not the best move considering it's with family member.💋👠. Oh wait, Zoe did gopher Zen.🧙‍♀️🧹🪄

  15. Taylorabout her old haircut "It felt a litle wiggy" was the best line so far🤣

  16. When will the christmas end credits go? I tought they would throw that out with the wigg🤣

  17. Writers,Producer's, the new Taylor character hair style looks NOTHING like the ex Taylor hair style. Please bring back the long beautiful hair, and the BEAUTY STYLE that we are LOVED and MISSED for YEARS and YEARS!!!JUST SAYING!!

  18. Can the video get updated to work plz :D
