
Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-10-22 Full episode B&B 10th March 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-10-22 Full episode B&B 10th March 2022


  1. Paris is doing to Sense what Zoey did to Carter n Carter is just stupid when it comes to women n relationships. I hope Paris n Cater get fired from Forested Creation. They both are dogs in heat... Can't wait til they both get kicked to the curb. Wondering if they pursue a relationship together who will betray whom firstπŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€·πŸ€·

    1. Yes they both deserve each other
      Take what you want at any expense

  2. Carter? No way he eats box cereal and cows milk. Details people!

  3. Why is this show so frickin frackin slow? Paris especially is talking like a retard. But all others just chewing on the same tasteless pieces of gum for months! They should be paying them tons of money to play these mind-numbing roles. What the hell happened to the writers?! They didn't use to be so talentless until recently!

    1. I feel especially bad for KKL who is so talented, has been the soul of this show since day 1.... repeating over and over and over the same things. Steffy too - beautiful actress with so much potential also playing a 30-year-old brat who can only whine... Paris' mom also looks much more talented than what they are making of her.

    2. I couldn't believe it when I heard Paris and Carter tell each other they loved each other. If anyone thinks about it Carter said the same words to Paris as he did to Quinn. The two of them are acting like lovesick teenagers. They haven't even been seeing each other that long and basically all they have done is had sex. So to say you love somebody after such a short period of time is just ridiculous. The two of them make me sick. And I'm really hoping that Thomas doesn't say anything to Steffy about what he learned from Sheila, but he probably will. And Steffy most likely will not want him to say anything. And to listen to Steffy run her mouth about how there were no excuses for what Brooke did? Were their excuses for what she did when she has sex with Liam when Liam thought he saw hope kissing Thomas when he was kissing a mannequin? Steffy seems to think she's so self-righteous and what she does is okay but if anybody else does it it's not. There were no excuses for what happened between her and Liam. She was also drinking and was aware that she was drinking unlike Brook who wasn't aware of it. And you just don't decide to sleep with somebody else's husband no matter what the circumstances are. And what about Finn when her and Liam decided to have their night together? I can't stand Steffy. She has a lot of nerve to talk about anybody. I just hope it turns out where everything blows up in her face and her little fantasy world about mommy and daddy comes to an end.

    3. Yes Paris among other irritating attributes has the most sickening annoying voice. Pretending like she is so virtuous when she first appeared everyone thought she was a dream. Well as I suspected she has turned into a nightmare

    4. @Maddy Steffy never made any excuses for sleeping with Liam. However, Liam made excuses about how he thought Hope was kissing Thomas. Even when she told Finn about what happened, she did not make any excuses.

    5. Maddy, you have very selective contradictions.. and you say brook wasn’t aware she was drinking?? In reality, someone knows when they are getting tipsy, ESPECIALLY an alcoholic!! They know exactly what it feels like, she may not have known how, but she definately would know the effects of alcohol.. and she invited deacon to drink with her while she was tipsy, not blind drunk.. she herself has admitted that she knew that when deacon kissed her it was wrong but she just let it happen.. so she was not at the point she didn’t know what she was doing then.. so alcohol is no excuse.. yes people throw caution to the wind when drink, which is what she did.. she was aware of it , despite the alcohol, and she let it happen.. as she always does, alcohol, or not!! All of other indescrerions and scandals were not alcohol fueled.. and she was sober when she asked hope and Liam to lie for her, and she was sober when she did what she did to a little boy.. she was sober when she defended deacon both before and after the event, so how do you excuse all that away maddy?? Especially Douglas?? Do u seriously think all of the rest was ok, and just circumstances?? You talk about how Thomas “should do the right thing, and b honest”, and if he doesn’t, how wrong that is, then in the next breath, you defend brook for doing much much worse?? I can’t seem to comprehend your way of thinking?? You seem to think brook is a victim of circumstance only, and that it’s all because of her drinking so that makes everything brook did before and after , ok and redeemable.. I know you r brooks number 1 fan, and will turn a blind eye to brooks behaviour, while criticising Taylor’s behaviour cause she is a psycolagist and wrong?? Do you seriously think what brook did to Douglas was ok?? But Taylor can’t love ridge because her job should not allow it?? 🧐🀯

    6. Exactly ... Maddy has a distorted view of what a psychiatrist is. She thinks they are superhuman with no personal lives or history. Again, Maddy, Taylor is acting like a woman with a history of being a family with Ridge, married twice with three children together and lost him due to no fault of her own. . She is acting properly and taking things slowly which is the opposite of how the character of Brooke would handle it. Since day one, Brooke has been a self-serving, judgemental, hypocritical, mean, entitled creep who has been married a DOZEN times plus other relationships, one with her own SIL which produced precious, perfect angel, Hope. Despite Bell changing her history, she has always been vicious. No sympathy for Brooke here.

  4. Plllllleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeee end this Carter/Paris nonsense. They look illegal. Zende can do so much better.

    I hope Thomas comes clean and let's somebody know about Sheila.

    Bridge angst. Brooke crying her eyes out and Ridge unable to give her any assurances... not even when she told him to go to his other family. I think she is in denial that he already did. And he didn't need her permission. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

    1. Wow, we saw that scene totally differently. Ridge had tears in his eyes and asked Brooke how they got to this point?? He admitted in today’s episode how much he still loves Brooke. I didn’t see Ridge dart out the door to go be with Taylor. Brooke knows full well he has been spending the night at Steffy’s, so that is NOT NEWS to Brooke. I can promise you any Ridge / Taylor will be short lived if it happens at all.

    2. Tears in his eyes, asking how they got to this point, and telling Brooke that he loves her is not giving her any assurances that he wants her back. The fact is that just yesterday Ridge told both Thomas and Taylor that he cannot live a life with Brooke anymore then today, Brooke stood there and poured her heart out to him and he couldn't even offer some comfort about the possibility of them reuniting. Instead, he told her that he wanted to make sure she was not drinking again and that he loved her so wanted to make sure she was okay.

      As for Ridge and Taylor, I am not rooting for that to happen instantly. I am not sure why they decided to bring the character of Taylor back but I am certain that she will not be leaving anytime soon, which means that there is a possibility of her and Ridge reuniting. However, we shall see.

    3. Brooke told Ridge multiple times today that she is letting him go, that she will make the divorce quick and easy. She wasn’t asking him to come back to her. In fact, quite the contrary…she was telling him he should go be with Taylor because Taylor could give him the stability he is looking for. Everyone is so anxious to make Brooke the villain, and the one that is begging and pleading for Ridge to forgive her so they can live happily ever after. But that’s not happening at all. So all the Brooke haters are having to admit she is handling this much differently than they expected. She is not begging Ridge to stay, not even close. And that’s my point.

    4. Brooke told Ridge multiple times today that she is letting him go, that she will make the divorce quick and easy. She wasn’t asking him to come back to her. In fact, quite the contrary…she was telling him he should go be with Taylor because Taylor could give him the stability he is looking for. Everyone is so anxious to make Brooke the villain, and the one that is begging and pleading for Ridge to forgive her so they can live happily ever after. But that’s not happening at all. So all the Brooke haters are having to admit she is handling this much differently than they expected. She is not begging Ridge to stay, not even close. And that’s my point.

    5. Brooks manipulation. Ridge is afraid to bite.

  5. Paris says shed risk everything for these moments. Huh?
    She judged Carter and Quinn for the same thing. Hypocrisy much?
    Grace is selfish
    Paris is selfish
    Zende is too good for them
    And they are making Brooke take the high road? πŸ˜‡πŸ€¦

    1. I don't get it- what gets me about Carter and Paris is that neither of them seem to be thinking about Carter and what will happen with him if people find out what's going on. Just like with Eric, Carter is suppose to be Zende's friend. Seems like he's not really a very good friend. Not to mention he may lose his job over this and Paris doesn't seem to care about that. I'm sick of this Carter and Paris crap. To me they both are making themselves look desperate. The whole thing is just stupid.

    2. Maddy. Exactly. Paris gives 2 sh**ts less about Carter's job or reputation. Just thinks about herself, just as her nosey mother does. Yuck. lol

    3. Paris’s mom way, way, way oversteps. Can you imagine having a mother like that?? Oh hell no!!!!!

    4. Yeah Mama Grace needs a frickin life stat. She act like Carter is some ghetto drug dealer. My God, he's a corporate attorney and a COO at a fashion design house! Paris could do way worse. But, I hate Paris and I hate her and Carter together. He should have hooked up with Katie. They would have been a good match. And I find it so stupid that he's saying the same shit about how he's never known anyone like her! He literally said that same shit to Quinn, and Zoe, and he was "in love" with both of them. Paris sucks, she's just a horny little ho. But also, I don't see why Carter would lose his job over dating her. It's not like she and Zende are married or even exclusive. I really can't see the Foresters firing Carter because he and Paris have been bumping uglies.

  6. Can you see the two Dr Buckinghams together? And raising Zoe and Paris?
    And Grace was supposedly British.

    1. No, I can't see it. We may have to give Zoe & Paris a break. Their Dad kidnaps newborns & their Mom meddles in other people's lives.

  7. So disappointed that Sheila wasn't used to her potential.
    Come on man! She switched labels on NY Eve. And no mischief since???.
    No progress with Finn, no messing with Jack and his wife, no secret rendezvous with Hayes,... nothing.

    9 weeks!!! Sheila has changed. No way she'd be waiting out the fallout. Sure she gets back at Brooke. But her real mission is Finn. And one office visit with cookies? Not buying it.
    The person she has to go after is Steffy. Conquer and divide her son and DIL to get access.

    1. Shes gonna use black mail after ridge and Taylor gets close enogh to see Finn and her grandson

  8. Nine & 1/2 Weeks
    No Katie
    No Donna
    Brooke isn't calling on them for support? And neither has Hope?
    Not realistic.

  9. Grace is on the case.
    This could be the end of shirtless Carter! Whatever shall the housewives do? 🀭

    1. Yes, Mother Buckingham is pounding on Carter's door & she knows he is home! I am thinking Paris will hide under the bed...

    2. How does she know he’s home? Just because Carter is not at the office doesn’t mean he’s there but on this show, no one consistently shows up for work except Deacon because he is only a closet away. Does Doctor Buckingham know the car which Carter drives? She might because she comes across as a stalker.

  10. If B&B were in a cable network, we'd get naked πŸ‘
    Maybe even full monty πŸ†πŸ₯’πŸ†
    For now ladies, it's Carter and your midday 🍷🍸🍷🍸

  11. What happened to Sheila thinking Finn and Hope we're a better match. Because Kelly and Douglas don't have enough "parents". πŸ™„πŸ˜†

  12. I no longer watch the Paris/Carter story. It's disgusting me. Writers are making Carter look like a pedophile lusting after a child. I won't watch them. I read the comments to see if their yucky scenes are showing. If so I won't watch the episode. That Paris chick cannot act. It's obvious B&B fans don't like it either. I will only watch show when there's no Paris/Carter. Till then I will only be reading the comments.

    1. I watch it on my laptop in the night and when it comes to anything about Paris I fast forward it. I just can't stomach her and I use to enjoy Carter but I now see him like a pedophile and that makes me sick so I fast forward him also along with Brooke the script in other words I don't see to much of the B&B.......time to see if I can find another soap....B&B is getting boring....

  13. thank you Bob, for once why cant they leave Brooke and Ridge together.

  14. Steffy is such a nag. Even when things are going her way, she still nags people. Everybody has to agree to believe like she does and she wonders why Kelly is bossy. Ridge didn't look too happy when Brooke told him she was letting him go. I guess it hurt his huge ego. Just the time she starts to move on with someone else, he will be chasing her again. I guess he finds his safe harbor, Taylor, quite boring even with the two little tugboats pulling at him.

    1. Spot on joy lol. It is so obvious Ridge loves Brooke and will always prefer her to Taylor!! He will be acting all jealous soon when Brooke starts seeing someone else. KKL is such an amazing actress though.

  15. I'll never stop loving you Ridge! LMAO
    Brooke you'll be in Deacon's arms within 72 hours!!!!
    Paris and Carter look good together. Hope it works out... Deep down y'all aren't the scandalous couple like most on the the show... Give it a go, make it work! πŸ€ πŸŒ„πŸ₯°πŸŽ‰πŸŽƒπŸ’‹❤️

  16. Paris and Carter as everyone says, Look ODD together, I mean Quinn is tiny and looked great with him, not sure why but its YUCK! I saw a interview with Taylor and she thanked the fans for complaining about her wig, the big wigs (no pun in tended) listened. So keep sayin NO, weird and YUCK and maybe they will go away! :)

  17. Is this the reason Thorsteinn takes a break. He looks better with brook, Ridge and Taylor look like a comfy couch

  18. Good bye BnB.i need a distraction not a love novel. Show is out the windowParis n Carter have sickened me.

  19. Wow everyone had a lot to say after this episode. Wonder how it's all going to roll out ..
