
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-9-22 Full episode B&B 9th March 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-9-22 Full episode B&B 9th March 2022


  1. Love me some Sheila. She needs to shag Thomas.

    1. Thomas needs to stay far away from Sheila! She is a very morid person

    2. I agree with Unknown. Sheila is bad bad news. Just as psycho and devious as ever.

    3. I wonder if it has even crossed Thomas's mind as to how Sheila benefits from what she did. I mean he knows what kind of a person she is from what she's done in the past so he has to figure out that she did it for her own benefit. She's trying to get close to the family so she can get close to Finn and the baby. It shouldn't be hard for him to figure it out with the way she keeps talking about Ridge and Taylor being together and their family being all together. I'm really hoping that Thomas will do the right thing, but you never know what these writers are going to do. Sheila tries to make it sound good as far as how Brooke knew what she was doing with Deacon, but I don't agree with that. When you've been drinking you're not thinking straight and you do things that you normally wouldn't do. All the Brooke haters are so quick to come down on Brook, but they obviously don't know what effects alcohol has on people and probably more so on alcoholics. It's like that in the real world also. The point is Sheila started all of this and she did it because she is evil and will do anything to get what she wants. And if Thomas doesn't figure that out then I have to say that there's something wrong with him. And I don't care how much he may want his parents together the right choice is always honesty. If Taylor and Ridge care so much about each other then it shouldn't make a difference. So the truth needs to come out and everybody can decide for themselves what they want to do.

    4. The Carter and Paris thing is getting real old. So far with both Quinn and Paris we've had to watch him be or get undressed and end up having sex. That's all him and Quinn did when they were together and it's the same way with Paris. It's amazing how sex can win over morals and honesty. It's just sickening. I was really hoping the writers would make Carter do the right thing, but obviously that didn't happen. If things come tumbling down for a Carter all I have to say is he deserves it. Once again it's about truth and honesty. He's basically sneaking behind Zende's back and not saying a word about what's going on. Does he actually think that's going to go over well with Zende? He thinks Carter is his friend and what Carter is doing isn't about friendship at all. But as usual the truth will come out sooner or later and to be honest I don't think he needs Carter or Paris in his life. I don't see where he would be able to trust either one of them.

    5. Are you really as naive as you sound, Maddy? Lighten-up, girlfriend, this is a silly tv show. Don’t expect it to be logical.

    6. For the actor who plays Carter, this is a very undignified role for an African American. He is becoming the "Mandingo" of daytime soaps.
      It plays into white peoples racists beliefs. Sidney Poitier or Denzel Washington would never have taken a part like this. He plays a lawyer and I would like to see him in a courtroom drama where he can showcase his talents with a good script. As a white person I take no pleasure in seeing an African American actor being exploited like this.

    7. I agree Oldfan...well said 👍🏼

    8. Hello. No one absolutely no one was saying anything when Hope kept Brooke's secret but now Thomas needs to come clean. The hypocrisy knows no bounds no bounds when it comes to Logan fans.

    9. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Scarlet

    10. I agree 100% scarlet, reading maddy’s comments make me giggle, because she is completely contradicting herself.. she says Thomas should be honest and honesty is everything, and the brook haters should see that??? But yet, as u said, hope, and Liam AND even worse she got Douglas, a little boy to be quiet, and that they keep her secret.. especially with Douglas, how can anyone defend brook for that?? And, the alcohol issue, brook having being an alcoholic, would have known the feeling of the effects of the alcohol, regardless of wether she knew or didn’t know the non alcoholic champaign had alcohol in it.. there is no excuse that she didn’t know she was feeling tipsy, which is what she was till SHE cracked open the vodka.. she was not drunk enough at that point to not know what she was doing.. she knew, but did it anyway.. she remembered the kiss and even said it herself, she knew but she just let it happen.. deacon was there before she hit the vodka, and she was aware despite the alcohol because it was before she even started the vodka, she should have sent him home.. so alcohol cannot be blamed for everything.. yes alcohol can make us throw caution to the wind, but she herself said she knew but let it happen and that she can’t blame that on the alcohol.. so I think maddy’s way of thinking is selective..

    11. And, she was not drunk when she lied to ridge for months, she was sober when she got Liam, hope and more importantly Douglas to keep her secret, she was sober when she defended deacon, both before and after NYE… so maddy, I am sorry, but I don’t agree with your comments, because you seem to select, what should or shouldn’t be said/done.. you are sweet, but unrealistic love..

  2. Don’t want to see Carter shirtless. Don’t want to see Paris and Carter together at all. If this becomes the Carter / Paris show, I will have to stop watching. It’s one of the worst side stories I’ve ever seen on B & B.

    1. I like Paris at all! This story line is ridiculous. Very boring.

    2. Yes, extremely boring. And they play that same stupid music for all of Carter’s sex scenes with all his many women over the last months. Lol

    3. I'm also getting sick of Paris and Carter ...she is a tramp in my eyes and only a kid and Carter should know better....lost all respect for him...I don't even want Zende with Paris....she has no class what so ever and as for Brooke she is the biggest tramp all the soaps put together....leave Ridge wanting Taylor....let Brooke and Deacon get caught in bed by Ridge once and for all.....sick of all the Logan women ....if things don't change by the end of next week I am done with the B&B ....

    4. Paris and Carter so disgusted

    5. Barb so lets hope things will not change 😂😂

    6. Don't care for Paris. What happened to all the integrity and honesty she was telling Zoe.

      Carter is also a writer for the show, sure hope he's not writing these scenes.

  3. Brooke was going so well but then started blaming herself again and letting Ridge draw her into one of his polygamistic hugs...aaaah tell him to leave!!!

  4. Well Bell is doing it again
    Paris n Carter a no its like father n daughter
    Brooke n Ridge declarinc love but wanting Taylor
    And Thomas why Bell??
    Thank you Bob xxxx

    1. The problem for Ridge is that he doesn’t want Taylor. He loves Brooke and always will. Anyone could have picked up some of his clothes. He just wants to see his wife. He’s not fooling anyone. Taylor is simply his shoulder to lean on as he goes through this with Brooke.

  5. The love scenes between Paris & Carter should be categorized as BESTIALITY!!.......

  6. The love scenes between Paris & Carter should be categorized as BESTIALITY!!....🤮🤮🤮🤮
    Diamond White should be fired as Paris ASAP...there has only been huge criticism about her ever since she has appeared on the show. Are producers that clueless regarding her?

    1. Gawd ... learn how to spell and proofread.

    2. I agree. Her personality is extremely boring. She’s a really bad actress. She’s just an attractive black girl with bad hair. Nothing more! I’m sure there are others with far better qualifications who would jump at the opportunity for that job. When they go on and on and brag about how she lights up a room whenever she walks in, or how she has this special wonderful energy about her, or how they just go on and on about how wonderful she is in general…it makes me sick. She is absolutely nothing special at all. I never was a fan of Zoe’s behavior on the show. But at least she was a decent actress. Bring Zoe back! And for the love of God, please stop making poor Carter take his shirt off in every scene. Talk about being objectified!!

  7. Yes Paris looking all sweetness and roses shows her true colours. No boundaries no concern for other people while she pushes her agenda. Very dysfunctional behaviour. Nasty

  8. Taylor's psychiatrist skills are missing she should have picked up some clues with Shiela well and truely by now. She has no boundaries either constantly discussing Brook's issue with anyone let alone Sheila

    1. Sam I agree with you about Taylor. They shouldn't have her portraying a psychiatrist. A real psychiatrist wouldn't even be involved with this mess between Ridge and Brooke because she is too close to the situation. She also wouldn't have been kissing on him the same day that Ridge and Brooke had their argument. And why does she spend so much time talking to Sheila anyway, especially about Brooke and Ridge? She should be able to see that there's something off about Sheila because of the way she keeps showing up and saying the things she does. I don't like Taylor because she's not as innocent with her behavior as she is trying to make everybody think she is. Like I said she shouldn't be carrying on the way she is at all.

    2. Maddy, what is it with the constant barrage on Taylor should or shouldn’t be behaving the way she is because she is a psychiatrist?? She is human, and in love with ridge.. it has nothing to do with her job!! If you are going to constantly hammer Taylor for behaving the way she is when she is a psychiatrist, then please explain why brook behaves the way she does?? She can’t keep her hands or others hand to herself?? She is supposed to be a professional too, but scandal after scandal??

    3. Absolutely, Colly. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I hope Maddy is a childish preteen because the ignorance in her writing is unbelievable for a mature person. Her passion is appreciated but obviously, she doesn’t understand that there is no compelling story without some conflict and diverts her attention to the wrong issues. Her repetitive long-winded, hard-to-read posts are surely skipped by most.

  9. can we stop the sex scenes for awhile? i hope Thomas comes clean but it will be to late.

    1. The only romantic couple I can think of is Charlie & Pam. So sweet how she makes lemon bars for him! 🍋 🥰


    1. Ona Thomas should tell the truth. You would think he would be wondering how is Sheila would be benefiting because of all of this. I mean he knows what she did in the past and he knows that she will do anything to get what she wants. And he should know by now that she wants to be with her son and grandson. I don't care how much Thomas may want his parents to be together honesty is the only way. He should tell his father the truth and then Ridge, Taylor, and Brooke can all figure out for themselves what they want. Keeping something like this from his father is just wrong

    2. Mandy, honesty is the only way, LOL.. yes u r right, oh, hold on, except when it comes to the brook?? 🤣🤣

    3. This is a soap opera, Maddy, where lying is just part of the deal.


    1. Oh dear goodness no! Please spare us.

    2. A crazy story would be Paris pregnant with Carter Jr & Zoe returning with Carter's child stating that real reason she left town was that she was pregnant with Carter's baby, but thought he loved Quinn. Mother Buckingham's head would explode! 🤯🤕

    3. That would be a great story line!!!

  12. brooke looks stunning for 60 and hair looks so natural it works for her

    1. Brooke is and always has been a beauty! Well, with one exception - she has been a hot mess since New Year's Eve! But, Brooke looked very pretty today when Ridge stopped by the mansion.

    2. Agreed. She looks wonderful. I believe she is in her early 60’s. She looks fantastic!

    3. i saw her at the CVS in Santa Monica about 8 years ago..she was stunning!

  13. paris and carter... this ain't lolita please stop showing them like that

  14. you just know if steffy was in thomas' place she never would have defended brooke smh

    1. Unknown I will give Thomas credit for defending Brooke. Now if he would only use his head and do the right thing which is telling the truth. You don't keep something like this a secret no matter what you may want between your parents. They are all adults and can figure out what they all want to do after the truth comes out. And I have to agree that I don't think Steffy would have defended her and I don't even think that Steffy would end up telling the truth if she knew about it. I don't like Steffy and I never have because I have seen the things that she has done that were far from good. She thinks she's so high and mighty, but she's not. She's done enough things in her life and shouldn't be talking about Brooke. You seems to think it was okay for her to get drunk and have sex with Liam. She seems to think it was okay for her to be forgiven by Hope and Finn, but Brooke shouldn't be forgiven. Not to mention look at everything she did to Hope when she was going after Liam in the past. After she slept with Liam this last time she told hope that she wanted them to be friends and not let anything come between them yet she has the nerve to be talking to Hope the way she has been. Steffy is a stuck-up, self-centered person. And I'm really hoping that things don't work out for Taylor and Ridge like she's been pushing it to. We know how the family likes to talk about everything so I'm sure the Thomas is going to make the mistake of telling Steffy what Sheila did. If he does I strongly believe that she will tell him to keep quiet and start doing all her ranting and raving about her parents being together like she has the entire time. I'm just hoping that Thomas does the right thing or somebody else finds out what really happened

  15. Yes I'm tired of Paris and Carter. But I know one thing for sure if Ridge and Brook get back together im pretty much done with the Bold and the beautiful. And yes for all those on team Brook yea she is a tramp and a whore. She messed with her own daughters fiance and her sisters husband that right there should be enough not to mention most of the Forrester men! PLEASE!!!

    1. Soap fan but also steffy’s fans should not speak bad about Brook or hope coz Taylor and ho steffy did tge same things you mentioned about brook, or you are just happy being a hypocrite 🙂

  16. Soap fan, as I've said there were always circumstances that led up to the things that Brooke did. She didn't intentionally go out and try to ruin anybody's life on purpose. I'm not saying that everything she did was right, but everything that happened there were circumstances involved and it wasn't all just Brooke. There were other people and their actions involved but nobody seems to remember that. And maybe people do like Brooke because she is honest about what she has done and she has showed remorse. She's also there for people because she cares about them. Like being there when things that when I'm between Eric and Quinn. She didn't set out to do anything to Quinn. Instead she was only concerned about Eric because she cares about him. Quinn did just the opposite when she did things to Brooke. She did things out of Revenge and she really had no right to because it always involved things that Quinn herself did to cause her own problems. So I guess it all depends on how much you remember or how you really look at things. And let's get real as far as people sleeping with everybody because that's all we see on any of these soaps with everyone. It's just too bad that the writers can't come up with storylines that involve more morals and people sticking together and staying together.

    1. OMG Maddy, there’s always excuses and “circumstances” for brooks behaviour?? Really..?? What a load of bs.. so what were the circumstances when she went after her daughters husband and got pregnant to him?? I would love to hear your thoughts on that one?? And what are your thoughts about the circumstances when she had sex with a teenager? Oh I forgot, she thought he was ridge🤣🤣🤣 she can’t tell the difference between an inexperienced boy to ridge?? Okay, so that’s a good excuse??

  17. Aw sweet Maddy. No one would watch the fantasyland you speak of. I was going to direct you to watch Sesame Street instead but, alas, even Kermit and Miss Piggy broke up more than once.

    1. I would for sure.Been dreaming long time about some show where people would just be happy and no drama.

    2. That’s a lie. You surely wouldn’t be watching this and a daytime drama without drama wouldn’t even air on any network.

  18. The B/B writers have skillfully and deliberately moved on from and skipped over acknowledging how Brooke ( with the help of Saint Hope) took Douglas from spending time with his family to try to " shut him up" 😙butt rather keep making it all about Shelia And now making Thomas to be the " Villian" ...sorry for the new Actress playing Taylor she is gonna bear the err of ALL the Brooke " lovers"

  19. Happy Hunter Tylo didnt take the " bait"

    1. Yep. She must’ve gotten tired of it but I saw one reason was the death of her ex-husband who was also a soap star as her children needed her. Here’s hoping 🙏🏻 she and her family are doing well.
