
Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-3-22 Full episode B&B 3rd March 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-3-22 Full episode B&B 3rd March 2022


  1. Somehow I don't think Ridge,Taylor and the kids for that matter will be grateful for Sheila's interference and this story line really needs to come to a conclusion as it's been thrashed to death for 2 months since New Years Eve.

    1. Agreed. The storyline is stupid and annoying now. lol

    2. A man that truelly loves Brooke will accept that she will occasionally kiss her ex's. If he can't accept this he doesn't deserve Brooke.

    3. 🀣🀣🀣 that’s correct scarlet!! She is worth so much that queen B can do whatever she wants and poor deacon is so desperate to b with her, that he would allow her anything.. I think he took too many blows to the head??

  2. March 3rd is Be Kind to Bob Day!!!
    No complaints
    No snark

  3. I agree its boring repeat repeat
    Thanks Bob xxxx

  4. Well I wrote that storyline only I thought it would be Steffy that would hear Sheilas confession and blackmail to see her son or she'd tell Taylor and boom, mommy and daddy would be done.
    After all Steffy has been the dominant heavyweight pushing her parents.
    This twist might be interesting.
    Will Thomas tell Steffy?
    Will Finn overhear them talk?

    1. I hope Finn overhear what Shelia is telling Thomas and she will be the reason that she won't be in his life

  5. Thanks so much, Bob, for everything! I'm glad Sheila finally spoke her truth. And I have a feeling she chose the right person to unload on/ confide in. I like to think of her as naughty, not evil, ditto Thomas - possibly because B&B and I don't go back too many years together. It's taken some real patience for repetition to watch of late, I confess. I wonder if their budget has been slashed - far fewer actors, one storyline, an obviously ill-suited pair of lovers in a part-time background plot, and noooo extravaganzas or even outdoor scenes in months and months. This can't just be Covid-related. Are they on the chopping block?

  6. Thanks Paris and Carter yuckfest. Need new storylines with other characters.

  7. i cant even look at hope anymore please give the poor girl something new to wear tomorrow because its becoming a major turn off

    1. i agree a site for sore eyes

    2. That would be sight, my friend.

    3. Considering this is a show about a fashion company, you'd think there would be more frequent changes in clothing...Getting tired of Steffy's dress too!

    4. Аctresses can bring they own clothes, if the show is short on outfits....anything will be better than this....I agree with RG, it's FC, a FASHION Company...the show has definitely lost its glamour. And I don't even want to start with the storylines...Please clean your act BB! Your loyal fans want to keep watching!

  8. Well I don’t think we saw Thomas as the one who Sheila would ultimately confide in. Interesting. Thomas is twisted himself. He won’t do the right thing and tell his dad because that could mess up his new family unit. So we’ll just have to wait and see how that plays out. Still think Brooke is awesome. Zero slutty behavior from her. She is committed to Ridge until she is convinced that it truly is over. But for now she is staying the course. Good for her.

  9. Thanks Bob πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘€πŸ₯° good episode!

  10. let me guess
    he finds out the secret
    wont tell a soul about it
    and ev truth comes out
    and ev blames thomas
    and thomas leaves town

  11. Thomas kept the baby Beth secret. So, he will keep Sheila's secret too. The only hope is if Douglas overheard Sheila unleashing her wrath on his daddy. If Douglas heard, it will soon be common knowledge.

    1. Douglas again!!! What a dreadful household to live in. A person ne would be too frightened to open their mouth without checking if that little so and so is lurking somewhere close but out of sight. I reckon he'll join a spy agency when he grows up. Next 007 maybe.

    2. in an ep i think he said he wanted to join the cia lol

  12. Hi bob!! Thanks for all you do for us so we can watch.. greatly appreciated!!

  13. Well, Sheila just can’t help herself.. but even though she did what she did, brook should have still been able to tell that she was getting drunk and stopped herself.. she remembered the kiss , so she wasn’t drunk enough to use drinking as an excuse.. .

    and it still does not change the fact she lied for months and only came clean as she realised she was about to be caught out.. and defending deacon, who or what will she blame for that, cause she was sober all the times she took his side, both before and after that night!!

    and even worse, put Douglas in a very bad position to keep quiet about it!! Was she drunk then?? She will use ANYONE, even kids to her advantage if need b.. so Sheila swapping labels is irrelevant.. and just an excuse for brook for what she did.. so there is no valid excuses for what she has done??

  14. hi everyone!! im a big hope fan. i would love to start a clothing drive for hope. who is in with me!

    1. I’m in!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Me too! A change of hairstyle is also much needed...

    3. Count me in!!! It is disgusting, such a beautiful actress and a hairstyle like getting ready to pop in the shower...

  15. the bell family would love that saves them money lol

  16. Thanks for the show Bob. Good episode and only wish Hope would get better clothes

  17. I think despite everything Ridge still loves Brooke no matter how many affairs he will still go back to her somehow.He does not really love Taylor as much as Brooke if he did he would have chosen her all those years ago instead of Brooke.

  18. 3/03/22 is now saying General hospital above...trying to catch up again today. A fix would be much appreciated :)
