
Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-2-22 Full episode B&B 2nd March 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-2-22 Full episode B&B 2nd March 2022


  1. next episode probably deacon kisses brook and then ridge walks in.. ahh

    1. That's one way to end this storyline.

    2. The March 23rd episode features KKL’s 35 years on B&B and we will see all of Brooke’s past loves. Nick makes a special appearance.

  2. I skipped a few episodes hoping to watch closer to the end of the week and catch something juicy... and i cannot believe we are still here. Hope is still in the same clothes... when does this half of the story end, so we can get to a less monotonous part of the plot.

  3. Awwwww Deacon ❤️❤️ Fight for your gal!

    Deacon has thrown his hat into the ring. Things are about to go down!

  4. It's funny how the B&B follows one story line for weeks with every episode all about Brooke's indiscretion - where is Bill, Wyatt , Flo , Quinn ect they need to inject more story line - the only slight deviation is Carter & Paris......

    1. Their part is so ugly and sleepy i always skip over them. They look ugly beyond words

    2. I turn it off whenever I see Paris is on!🤮

    3. I turn it off whenever I see Paris is on!🤮

    4. I skip over Paris all the time too...can't stomach her...she reminds me of a slut...first Zende to Thomas to Finn and now Carter who is in his 50's...gross me out

    5. Paris was never witih Thomas. She was not even attracted to him. Thomas was the one that made the moves on Paris and she told him flat out that she was committed to Zende.

    6. Carter and paris🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

  5. So Deacon wants Brooke
    But he mentioned Taylor
    This reason Brooke will now go all out to get Ridge is because of Taylor being back home
    Thank you Bob xxx

  6. And as I said yesterday, it WAS ONE KISS! No “make-out” between Deacon and Brooke on New Year’s! I’m rooting for Deacon now! He’s charming and handsome and seems like a good guy! But I still maintain that it will end up being Ridge and Brooke ultimately. That’s the way it’s gonna play out B&B fans. I loved the look of bewilderment on Taylor’s face when Brooke was talking to her…saying she and Ridge will always end up back together. Taylor knows in her heart she doesn’t have a chance!!! And thank you to the writers for saying multiple times today that just because of one kiss, you don’t go running back to the arms of your ex in 5 minutes!!! Amen to that!!
    Oh and Steffy, nice to hear you say some additional words today. Thought your script was NEVER gonna change. You’re still obnoxious though!!! Lol

    1. After one kiss, Ridge goes running back to his ex speaks to him maybe looking for an excuse to be with Taylor. Ridge admitted today that it wasn't about Brooke being drunk, it was about her defending Deacon. That is what it boils down to. So Ridge running to his ex has very little to do with the kiss. Let's also remember that when Brooke initially told Ridge the truth, he told her that they can work it out. So it really isn't about the kiss. Maybe he just wanted the chance to be with Taylor again because he realizes that he cannot trust Brooke.

    2. I don’t get the impression that Ridge is “all in” on the Taylor idea. He is appeasing his Forrester family. He is not doing the pursuing. He is clearly on the fence and is being badgered by his kids over and over and over and over again. His heart is still most definitely still with Brooke. That’s why I think Taylor looks so pathetic agreeing to be the doormat. I actually feel bad for Taylor cuz she is gonna be made the fool. Guaranteed!!

    3. Ridge may not be all in with Taylor but he sure seems to be all out from Brooke. He even thanked Deacon for coming to see him because all it proved was that he could not trust Brooke (Ridge's words).

    4. Lynn, if deacon was such a good guy, why jump in and get drinking with an alcoholic?? And why kiss a married woman?? Why sleep “on the covers” of her marital bed, And he has the nerve to tell brook she doesn’t deserve what’s happening to her, because it’s ok to kiss the man her husband hates most, and ridge warned brook something like this was going to happen and she ignored it and it did, and he says she doesn’t deserve ridges pattern of jumping between her and Taylor all the years, because she keeps accidentally falling onto other mens lips and beds.. it’s HER patterns that is the reason he goes back and forth, because he is a sucker for punishment, that’s why.. he can’t look past how hot she is.. so yeah, I think deacons right and he is such a good guy!!

    5. Deacon isn’t perfect and he has admitted he is still in love with Brooke, but out of respect for her and her marriage, he hasn’t made a true play for her yet. He isn’t scheming like the Forresters who may as well be getting paid for the thick over-the-top sales pitch they are doing on poor Ridge. He needs time to process, not have Steffy the wanna-be cheerleader in his face selling Taylor every minute. Everyone has their pasts and things they have done wrong. Of course Brooke has made mistakes. But she is absolutely no worse than the rest. And she is always the villain according to most people on this blog. I don’t see her as the villain. She is genuinely remorseful about the kiss and loves her husband.

    6. OMG Lynn....Brooke is the town tramp....she has slept with most of the Forrester men...slept and got pregnant with her daughter's husband and don't forget about Bill...her sister's husband'.....damn...who will be next on her charts Bill again or will it be Deacon Brooke is loosing her looks also....

    7. He isn’t scheming?? His obsession started before the kiss.. and letting ridge beat him up so brook would feel sorry for him and side with him, isn’t scheming? He even told Sheila he did that so brook would side with him.. and what about when he came back the next morning and kissed her again before running out the door.? so not sure I understand where u r coming from..

    8. And his comment “ugh ugh, brook can u help me up, ugh ugh, then looks straight at ridge, knowing it would infuriate him.. but his not scheming?? I love deacon, but he has been scheming, staying in the bed till morning?? He was awake before brook woke up, he could of got up and went downstairs..? So many little things that add up to a lot.. I hope he and brook do get back together!!

    9. Barb Taylor has had her share of Forrester men as well that is the reason everyone keeps saying that every one makes mistakes

    10. Yes she sure has! Just like Steffy has slept her way through the Spencer men.
      What everyone who is doing the poor Taylor thing is forgetting is that she tried to murder Bill, this world reknowned psychiatrist is a attempted murderer.
      I actually feel sorry for her, when Brooke reminded her that she will lose Ridge again to her, because she always does, you watched the penny drop that Brooke was right. She looked pathetically sad.
      I loved the way that Brooke smirked at Taylor when she saw the truth hit. It’s only a matter of time until the truth about the part Sheila played in this comes out and Ridge will go running back to Brooke in a heartbeat.
      Boohoo to Taylor, Steffy and Thomas.

    11. Maursa, you and everyone else keeping holding on to Sheila being found out because it will make Ridge run back to Brooke. When Deacon told Ridge that it was just one drunken kiss, didn't you hear Ridge tell Deacon that it is not about Brooke being drunk but about her defending Deacon over him? Peeps are so hoping that Sheila being found out will bring Ridge and Brooke back together when the storyline has been showing that it is long past that.

  7. yucky Paris and Carter. Deacon better watch out. You land Brooke she won't be faithful very long. She can't keep her lips to herself. Lol. And idiot Hope...Ridge warned her and her mom that things would turn out bad if they allow Deacon into their home. So Ridge has every right to be upset.

    1. Deacon has made great strides in becoming a different person, someone that should be respected. Brooke is the same ole, same ole. Deacon might indeed be better off without her.

    2. Spot on unknown!! Hope is only admitting her part cause she can’t live with herself if her mum and ridge break up for the exact reasons ridge was warning hope about, but spoiled brat didn’t care till now.. to much to late.. hope was naive to think her dad had changed enough to keep his hands off brook.. he went from wanting a relationship with hope, to obsessing over brook!!

  8. If Brooke really wants Boomerang Ridge back, all she has to do is start dating Bill or Deacon. Ridge can't stand it if it looks like Brooke is moving on with someone else.

    1. Yeah all she has to do is what she does best!!

  9. All these threesomes
    So high school
    I thought Ridge said they were getting too old for this
    I still want Sheila to let Steffy know she could upset the applecart
    If she tells Ridge that Brooke was tricked into drinking, things for Taylor could fall apart.
    So Steffy has to let Sheila see Hayes.
    Finn would flip if he found out.

  10. Deacon and Donna would be cute together
    Finn go to your room
    You have kids, a nanny and your house is a revolving door of Steffy family.
    Poor Finn. Where is Jack ? And Li? And his mother is forbidden by his wife.
    Yet he puts up with all her life kin.

  11. Finn needs sex Steffy.
    You are so busy trying to put saggy menopausal parents in the missionary position you forgot about your own hubby.

    1. 😂😂😂 That's so true!!

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh my
      Couldn't have put it any better

    3. What a reply, you've made my day!!!

  12. Sheila needs more action
    She is still relying on one stunt on NY Eve. Two months ago!!?
    That is not a patient woman.
    Let's give her some meat baby!
    Time for Brooke to go to a meeting, Sheila is there in disguise and she reveals some deep dark thoughts.
    Oh la la

  13. Steffy telling Finn how amazing it is for her parents to reunite.
    So insensitive!
    His parents are fighting for a marriage.
    His parental reveals were difficult and stressful for Finn.
    We don't see him reconnecting with Jack or being there for his mother.
    Steffy is very selfish.
    You see what is coming.
    Taylor and Brooke- "My pain is your pleasure" love that line!
    Brooke didn't tell Taylor what Thomas did with Ridges phone.
    Deacon is highly motivated. That storage closet / bedroom is getting old.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You must have forgotten that Steffy tried to encourage Finn to make amends with Jack but he refused. How is it selfish if she is respecting her husband's wishes? Besides, Finn does not seem to be bothered by Steffy being happy about her family being together.

    3. Steffy absolutely does not deserve Finn. He could do much better than that conniving woman. She is extremely self absorbed / selfish.

  14. 🤣🤣 maybe the writers do read these comments?? Bfan, wash rinse repeat??

  15. Bfan, Ell , unknown, thank you so much for your messages yesterday ❤️❤️❤️ It’s so nice to know how much you guys missed me and welcoming me back!! It really warms my heart.. ❤️❤️ I have been following you guys while I was gone, reading your comments!! I really have missed you guys too! ❤️❤️

    1. Hey Ell, ❤️❤️ Have missed you!! I am sad about bfan leaving for so long, but I totally understand.. but at least I get to talk to you and unknown, two of my faves on here, and anyone else who listen to me 🤣🤣

    2. Lol. Bbfan will be missed but she'll be back before we know it!

  16. no way hope has the same clothes on again were talking for weeks all the time its not a good look or fit for the show hope someone behind the seens says or does something

    1. That’s because there’s no clothes left in the bin!!

    2. That one was for u bfan!!

  17. After being gone for so long, there’s so much to say,, but in short, brook is definately getting what she deserves.. the thing that gets me the most in that story line, is how brook blatantly has no regard for the children..

    She was that desperate to keep her dirty little secret, that used children without blinking her teary eyed lid.. all I can say is wow!! It seems to b all about the drinking.. but an alcoholic would definately know when they are starting to feel the effects of the alcohol.. secondly, she says she wouldn’t have if ridge came home?? She says it’s “just a kiss”?? She takes full responsibility ONLY because none of her excuses are ok, and because she got caught!!

    Even though it’s a soap, which is designed to make people feel things, The one thing I hate most in this world, is when children are abused in any way shape or form.. and brook doesn’t care who gets hurt in her web of deciept and lies.. and at her age you would think she’d have a grip on her cheating ways.. so much for short?🤣 but I don’t care what any of the brook worshippers say.. this is not about ANYONES, past mistakes.. it’s about what happened now, and that is brook turning to the man ridge hates most in the world because she had a tantrum ridge didn’t make it home cause that’s what she really wanted so badly, so that’s a good reason and excuse to turn to deacon, buddy old pal.. let’s jump off the wagon and get right back on tomorrow.. we are how old??

    I do think taylor is making a mistake.. she will get hurt cause cocky ass brook is right, he does always go back to “hottie”, not the brains.. and we all know bell loves his Logan just as much as ridge loves her!!

    1. Colly, Brooke enjoyed Deacon lavishing her with praises so much that she wanted to keep him around. She stood in defiance of Ridge and even, at one point, reminded him that it is her house. She didn't care about how Ridge felt and now she's boo-hooing about how she could do that to him. She was very aware of what she was doing.

      Brooke will end up kissing Deacon again and this time, she can't blame the alcohol or Sheila or Taylor. And BTW, what's with the disdain and sarcasm when she spoke about Ridge's children today? Guess we know how she really feels about Ridge's "little family" as she put it.

    2. Spot on Ell!! Brook is a princess who just can’t go without a man worshiping her, so she will get with deacon, because ridge is rejecting her, and it’s just all too much for her.. and yes, she has never liked anyone from ridges “other family”, cause they are alway a threat to her..

      I loved when brook said they are married, the way Taylor leans forward and reminds her he took off his ring and she can’t use that excuse much longer.. the look on brooks face and it shut her up quick smart!! So, who’s next to blame?? Sheila,deacon, steffy, Thomas, Taylor, Douglas, have I missed anyone?? They are all out now, so who will she blame next?? Probably hope if she gets desperate enough??

    3. Let her only find out that Hope sent Deacon to speak to Ridge on her behalf, which only made things worse. Brooke will indeed have Hope to blame!

  18. And that was the short version..

  19. So, brook is now passing the blame to Taylor, soon there will no one else to blame brook?? U r running out of people to blame?? And deacon, telling ridge not fall back into “old patterns”, HA! That was funny!! Brook can fall back into old patterns, but ridge can’t because his wife did?? I really do wonder what goes through these writers heads?? When they do dare to write something other than the repeated lines, they really can’t seem to cope with it, and write things that really are stupid??

    1. Exactly. There are nine writers including actor Lawrence Saint-Victor, who plays Carter, and Executive Producer/Head Writer/Brooke Lover Brad Bell. That’s astonishing - nine people who think what they’ve been putting onscreen is good. Does Lawrence Saint-Victor write his own horrible scenes with Paris? Are the rest of them sleeping? This show definitely needs some revamping.

    2. So it takes 9 writers to come up with, oh we will repeat, repeat,repeat,repeat,repeat, oh let put one new sentence in here, repeat, repeat,repeat, oh let’s repeat the new sentence we put in a few days ago, repeat repeat,.. maybe they sit there and go around the table and ask each writer to write down what they think should be said next, then they end up with 9 repeats?? Seriously though, if they can’t come up with something new between 9 writers, something is seriously wrong.. I get they are on a budget, but ??? Lowest budget I have seen.. then add the clothes they wear for a month.. they should b rolling in money by now!!

    3. IKR ... they must not have the budget for paper so they use the same scripts over and over and over. LOL They had better step it up lest they be cancelled. Viewers are tired of such an unimaginative mediocre soap.

    4. 🤣🤣 true, it’s like they want it to fail and get the chop!!

  20. Writer's, Publishers, ETC, Don't let Taylor "AGAIN" be with Ridge knowing he is in Love with Brooke!! Just Saying!!

    1. Hello Barbara. Ridge has defaulted to Brooke many times over the years and she took him back knowing that he was still in love with Taylor.

      Not that I want to see Ridge and Taylor back together though, just saying!

  21. Writer's, Publishers, ETC, Carter is the "ONLY" "BLACK" MAN ON THE SHOW. IT Hurts TO SEE HIM "CONTINUING" AS A "WEAK" MAN. JUST SAYING!!!

  22. Brooke and Decon belong together they're scheming whores and Ridge and Taylor belong together because they're both self righteous
