
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-1-22 Full episode B&B 1st March 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 3-1-22 Full episode B&B 1st March 2022


  1. Boring as hell iam going to stop joy in watching .gave it a need to get caught.i was a fan of hers but not anymore.she just like quin

    1. Well once again I fast forwarded through the scenes of Taylor and Ridge because I'm quite sick of hearing the two of them. I also fast forwarded through Paris and Carter because that's just gross. Carter has no morals and it's obvious that he doesn't think about anybody but himself. I like how Taylor sat there and admitted how she was kissing Ridge and then had the nerve to turn it around on Brooke. First of all she is a psychiatrist and she should have known better than get involved so soon after they got into an argument. As a woman she should have known the same. So her behavior is not excusable at all. They really need to get on with this whole storyline because it is getting boring.

    2. Wait a minute! Brooke makes out with Deacon but she's not involved with him. Taylor makes out with Ridge and she's involved with him? Hasn't she told Ridge that she has no expectations of him? Hasn't she instituted boundaries by insisting that he stay in the guest house and not in her bedroom? Hasn't she encouraged him to process what he is feeling regarding his separation from Brooke? Yet, here are all the Brooke fans up in arms about what Taylor is doing. What exactly is she doing?

    3. Totally agree Elle!!!

      On the other hand, Brooke has been kissing and sleeping with other women’s husbands, boyfriends, fiancΓ©s etc for three decades!!! What a laugh! She does it in front of their wives too! What a hypocrite!!!!

    4. Ok Elle but at the same time Taylor is saying all that she is not letting Ridge process by kissing him and telling him how she thinks of Brooke and not letting him come to his own conclusion of what to do. Instead she is telling him what she wants him to hear not actually allowing him to think and feel

    5. @Unknown She is reminding him of how unstable his life with Brooke is and nothing is wrong with that. The problem is that love and emotions are not enough for a successful marriage. It takes dedication, loyalty, commitment etc. and Brooke has failed on those fronts many times. This is how Ridge and Brooke have been for years. However, at some point, you have to accept that a marriage like that is dysfunctional and does not allow for stability.

      Now, if Ridge likes it that way and wants to continue that way, then he is free to return to Brooke. However, it seems as though he does not want that anymore, which is why he is staying in Steffy's guest house. He has to think long and hard about whether loving Brooke at the cost of his happiness is all that matters. Taylor is just trying to open his mind about that because, at the end of the day, that type of life/marriage is not healthy.

  2. Paris and Carter is not compatible, those two together is boring.

    1. Agree. Carter used to be a straight up guy and now...the writers made him a sleezeball

  3. To me Paris doesn't know how to be passionate.

  4. Again, Stanley Ipkiss wants his suit back, Hope.

  5. Did Taylor really say C U Next Tuesday when Brooke walked in ..... wow !!!

    1. She said same time next week while on the phone then that as Brooke entered. Does Taylor have a sign on her office door, ‘Please Barge In?’

    2. Listen again. After Brooke walked in. She said to the person on the phone, while looking at Brooke. "C U Next Tuesday"

    3. Everyone barges in everywhere. Taylor barged into Brooke’s house about a week ago. Steffy barged into Brooke’s house shortly thereafter. And of course Sheila barged into Brooke’s house yesterday / carry over to today. Shelia constantly barges into Taylor’s office as well as Finn’s office. There are zero boundaries in these people’s lives and apparently zero locks on people’s doors. I loved when Brooke said that Taylor / Steffy and Thomas got into Ridge’s head and took advantage of the situation and that Taylor should know better!!! Hell ya, she should. Lame psychiatrist at best!! And as far as the “makeout” that everyone keeps referring to, I don’t consider Brooke’s one kiss with Deacon a “makeout session.” It was one kiss. End of story. And Brooke DID NOT invite Deacon up to her bed. Deacon took a passed out Brooke to her bedroom and put her to bed. She had no idea it had even happened till she woke up the next morning. Now on the other hand, I do consider what Taylor and Ridge are currently doing as more of the “makeout” kissing. Taylor is playing with fire and she’s gonna get burned!!!!

    4. Love how you forget Hope and Brooke and Liam barging into Steffy’s home making demands!! πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ₯±πŸ₯±πŸ₯±

    5. Taylor was speaking to a patient, of course she looked to see who walks in without permission!! Patient confidentiality is huge!!

    6. Tune up your hearing aid. All, Brooke, Deacon and Ridge, have said it was more than one kiss on multiple occasions.

    7. Bbfan, I made it very clear in my comment that everyone barges in on everyone. My comment was in response to someone accusing Brooke of barging in to Taylor’s office. You are being very selective when you say that. Because as I already stated, EVERYONE barges in everywhere. No one excluded on that front.

    8. Unknown, you are nuts. I have heard multiple comments from Deacon that it was one kiss. In fact he said it in today’s episode. Maybe you need to turn up your hearing aid! Ridge doesn’t know. Was he there?? Nope.

    9. Unknown, you are nuts. I have heard multiple comments from Deacon that it was one kiss. In fact he said it in today’s episode. Maybe you need to turn up your hearing aid! Ridge doesn’t know. Was he there?? Nope.

    10. Lynn πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

    11. Go back and watch “the kiss.” They are making out.

    12. Unknown, OK point me to the episode number and I will see if I am able to rewatch it. Maybe our ideas of “make out” are different. Touching body parts and extended kissing is what constitutes “making out” in my book. Lol.

    13. The point IS. She said Cee U Next Tuesday .... and looked at Brooke, while on the phone when she had already confirmed the appointment for the same time next week. That was written just as it was delivered. And it was noted by those who dare to pick up on such subtleties

    14. Yes she said C U Next Tuesday!!!

  6. No Chemistry at all !!
    Carter is so hot....but they make him be so blaaaaaa
    Carter needs to take a trip and come back acting more like Malcolm from YR

    1. Carter worked when he was the straight up responsible lawyer because it was such a contrast to the family that employed him Forrester screwing anything that wasn't nailed down.
      But now that Carter is as slutty as his boss & family, he is just cringe.

  7. And the award for the most awkward and boring sex scene in soap history goes to .....

  8. Zoe should come back to surprise visit Carter. She tells him how her dear sister Paris has a history of using men & then discards them. That should liven things up!

    1. That would be amusing ... and Paris tells Carter he’s the best she ever had - ummm how many is that for a fairly young woman? He didn’t say it back. It was almost comical. Time for her Mama to show up. LOL

    2. Zoe could also tell Carter that Paris has VD. She should wait for him to turn pale & then say "April Fool's!"


  9. Zoe does come bk and paris is going to be pregnant with carters baby wow can’t wait till I see that

  10. We know Brooke will win again as usual. How sad.

    1. Ugh. Bell has always favored Brooke so it’s a disgusting thought. The character of Brooke has always been a creep. No sane person would want to be friends, or lovers for that matter, with such a conniving bee-otch.

    2. Tina- it's not sad if Brooke wins again. The woman had psycho Sheila putting this whole thing in motion. She did not have to go to those extremes but of course it's Sheila and she doesn't know how to act like a normal human being. And even in real life we all know the alcoholics act differently under the influence. The fact is nothing happened between Deacon and Brooke. Taylor did not have a right to get so involved with Ridge the exact same day that Brooke and Ridge got into their argument. As I said they should not have her portraying a psychiatrist because she isn't acting professional at all. She should know better than to get involved and that goes as far as being just a woman too. She shouldn't be so smug and think that things are going to work out between her and Ridge because she has no clue if that's what's really going to happen. I hope Ridge and Brooke do get back together because I'm sick of so many people causing problems for Brooke all the time. It's about time everybody start realizing that Ridge himself and high and mighty Steffy also had their drunken nights and if it was okay for what they did and for them to be forgiven the same should go for Brooke.

    3. Maddy, you blame everyone else for Ridge and Brooke having problems - Taylor, Deacon, Sheila. But what about Ridge? As Deacon insinuated, maybe Ridge was looking for an excuse to go running to Taylor because he sure enough made a beeline for her. If Ridge wants to be with Brooke, he would be.

      You also keep saying that every time Ridge and Brooke split up, it's because he did something to cause it. What did he do this time? What did he do when Brooke made out with Bill at the cabin? Don't you think it's about time that you hold Brooke accountable for her behavior?

    4. Brooke doesn't deserve any man not even Ridge. She sleeps with a lot of men even her daughter's husband Deacon & had Hope. Who would do that ?

    5. Maddy! AMEN to EVERYTHING you WRITE! I AGREE ON EVERY WORLD. My mothertounge is not english. So I can not express myself in a second language as good as my mothertounge.

      But I m so tired of these pigs, STEFFY AND THOMAS.
      The true real psycopaths of the show.
      They MANIPULATE and dictate Ridge life and persue him like two demons.

      They follow him everywhere telling him what to do, what to think AND accuses Brooke FOR THINGS they have done 1000 times worse THEMSELVES.


      Especially hearing THOMAS acting the voice of REASON: HAHAHAHA!

      IT S ALMOST SICKENING to listen to.
      That bastard, Thomas, is so... I can t find words for how digusting he is.

      Actually Ridge s whole family with Taylor are all SICK and disturbed bastards.

      I hope Steffy gets what she deserves"

      I hope she will loose Finn so she can go back to drugs and get addicted again and that Sheila brakes them up as well.


      That would just serve her right.

      Hope should not let Douglas see this psycopath father, Thomas since he s gone back to his old habits.
      (Steeling Ridge s phone manipulation lying and refusing Brooke in the house where Ridge was)

      Hope can then apply for sole custidy so that Liam can adopt Douglas as his son. Hope Thomas ends up in a mental institution where he belongs and Steffy becomes the drug addicted bitch she always been under that fasad.

      Then Kelly can come home to Hope and Liam AGAIN!

      Liam will then apply for sole custidy for Kelly and Finn takes his son Heyes away from Steffy.

      Finn Heyes and Sheila can then finally have their relationship without any interference from Steffy.

      Taylor can go back to her old habit shouting or killing people on the road (drink and drivning) so she ends up in prison. This time she could try to kill Brooke But Brooke survives and make the BRIDGE even stronger but Taylor goes to jail.

      The whole Ridge Forrester clown-family goes down the drain. HALLELUJAH!
      But Brooke is the one who makes Ridge a better person!

      Finn can then marry Flo Logan who unfortunately will loose Wyatt due to an accident where Finn happens to be his doctor and try to save his life but without luck.

      Flo will then find comfort in Finn and meet him for consultation. Finally these two beautiful people fall in love with each other raise Heyes together and have two more beautiful children themselves!

      Bill remarry Kate AND finally Donna gets his honey baer Eric Forrester, back again.

      Quinn cant get over loosing Wyatt so she kills herself!

      Zoe comes back and re unite with Carter after her mother successfully moved Paris out of the country where she/Paris s now become a whore working as the prostitute she is.

      THAT s my HAPPY ENDING for The Bold and The Beautiful!

      Forrester Logan Spencer FINALLY where everyone belongs!

    6. ELLE!

      NO she is not blaming. SHE IS EXPLAINING!

      Dont you follow the storylines?

      WHAT DID HE DO to make Brooke... bla bla bla. Are you both blind and death?

      Maddy has explained over and over again the difficulties BRIDGE have over the years from people who interfere in their lives etc.

      For ONE he DIDNT support her about Deacon having a relationsship with her daughter HE didnt give him the benefit of the dought,since he was convinced Deacon hadn t changed but he had changed.

      etc etc

      Do you understand the difference?

    7. Maddy is incorrect in her explanations and history!! Brooke was Ridge’s mistress and has done many cruel and reprehensible things over the years!! Be stole other women’s husbands, lovers, finances including two of her daughter Bridget’s husbands and a boyfriend of Hope who was an underage teen ( while married to Ridge) !!! Brooke did shady things then cried about it. Brooke slept so many men and constantly cheated. That is no one else’s fault but her own. Saying one is following their heart or its destiny doesn’t excuse what she did!!

      I have NO pity for Brooke at all! She’s a bully and a tarte! Shouting about the Forrester family doesn’t change who lives Brooke is or her nasty behaviour!!!

    8. Did I mention she literally cheated on every man ( there were too many to count) she was ever married to or involved with? She slept with her sister Katie’s husband and stole him for herself!

    9. Maddy if Brooke had one or two or even three “drunken nights “ maybe but she’s spent over three decades doing the same thing! She cheats she lies and gets others to cover up for her and then cries fake tears and all is forgiven! She’s cheated a million times, made mistakes a million times and is ALWAYS forgiven!!! She has NO forgiveness for others!!! She is sanctimonious and mean! She always attacks other women for doing one mistake but must always be forgiven her own! As PP said, twice three times is a mistake after that it’s intentional!!! Brooke always cheated, always put other men first and turned to another lover to bolster her massive ego!!!

      Stop blaming everyone else, Brooke did this all on her own! She has NO self awareness at all!

  11. Parris is a horrible actress, I don't like her hair du, love Sheila starting trouble. It's sad that Taylor sits around for Brooke's leftovers. Love seeing Brook Hurt and off her gameπŸ˜‰

    1. Indeed because the self-serving witch needed to be knocked down a peg or two. Btw, when will Steffy fire Brooke? She hasn’t shown up for work in two months.

  12. B&B please get that no talent actress playing Paris replaced. SHE JUST LOOKS RIDICULOUS! I can't believe she was hired to play sex scenes with Carter. Is there a shortage of talented actresses who could do better. The character should be believable.

  13. Oh please, Brooke! Taylor interfering in your marriage is wrong? Was it wrong when you were interfering in Eric and Quinn's marriage and encouraging your sister to go after a married man? I guess Brooke doesn't like the taste of karma.

    Ewwwwwww Carter. You've officially lost this fan. I'm not a huge fan of Zende but I feel sorry for him. At the same time, I'm also happy that he didn't get more deeply involved with this trollop. Where is Quinn when you need her? I wish she could knock some sense into Carter.

    1. How DO YOUR brain work?

      Comparing Brooke trying to convince Eric that Donna is much better for him THEN HIS INFAITHFUL WIFE WHO HAD SEX WITH CARTER, with Brooke accusing Taylor interferring in HER own MARRIAGE?!!!
      So her WARNING Eric for QUINN and purpose Donna as a better WIFE (which is of course true) make her NOT qualified to accuse Taylor for ACCTUALLY interfering and making RIDGE unfaithful to Brooke?


      SHE was right BOTH times OF COURSE. Brook is ALWAYS right..ABOUT Thomas trying to interferre and even BRAKE up BRIDGE at one time.

      REMEMBER? That cost her her marriage since Ridge didnt BELIEVE Brooke and sided with lying manipulating son of beach, the psycopath Thomas

      YOU need to get your brain checked!

    2. Considering Donna already cheated on Eric when they were married, she is no better than Quinn! Brooke cheated on Eric continuously when she was married to him with his own son!!!

      Brooke was and always be a the biggest cheater, home-wrecking hypocrite around!

    3. No that honour goes to Steffy.
      She is still only young, so by the time she’s Brookes age she will get through half of LA.
      Her poor husband is the most hen pecked guy I’ve ever seen. She rules him the way she tries to rule her parents lives. The poor bugger looks terrified of her all the time! She’s tragic!!!
      You are consistently prattling on about how wonderful Steffy and her mother are, Taylor is a very poor psychiatrist, world reknowned, what a joke, she can’t manage her own life, she is happy to be second to Brooke and grab any crumbs Ridge throws her way. She’s every bit as tragic as her daughter!

    4. Maura’s, I don’t prattle on about how fantastic they are! The opposite, they have made mistakes the difference is they don’t PRETEND to be perfect like some others!!!

      Hope fans NEVER address her chasing, throwing herself at, sleeping with and getting pregnant with a married man! She did everything she could to destroy a marriage and his wife made literally 1 mistake. However, Hope preaches forgiveness and how marriage is sacred etc for Brooke’s million mistakes and she is a serial cheater!!! Brooke blasted Quinn, Taylor and Steffens for doing much less than she herself has done and been forgiven for a million times over! I just point out the hypocrisy. Steady doesn’t pretend to be perfect, that would be Hope! Taylor isn’t perfect either, I’ve never said she is! I do think she deserves better than Ridge because he waffles. However, she loves him and as I’m not a writer at the show have to watch along with the rest of us !

      Bell is having the Forresters written with repetitive dialogue etc to prop the Logans, it’s soooooo laughable!

    5. @Unknown, if it's OK for Brooke to interfere in Eric and Quinn's marriage because Quinn was unfaithful, why isn't it OK for Taylor to interfere in Ridge and Brooke's marriage after Brooke was unfaithful? If it's OK for Brooke to offer her sister as a better option for Eric, why shouldn't Steffy encourage her father to see Taylor as a better option for his future? There seems to be a double standard here.

      @Maursa,when Brooke was Steffy's age, she had alre2gotten through half of LA and had been married to and divorced from twice as many men (possibly more) as Steffy.

    6. Maursa I totally feel ya!!! πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹

  14. Paris came on the show prancing her self righteous ethical nose, sniffing in everyone business. Judging. Acting all high and mighty
    From her sister to Quinn, Shawna, Carter... Name it.
    Then she does a reverse course and gets her sister's crush Zende, tries to seduce Finn, hops on her sister's ex fiance Carter's salami.
    That girl is F up trouble.
    She should be the trans.
    Mya would be good with Carter.

    1. Paris has become a gross little slut. The way she rubs herself up on Carter is disgusting, and she looks so unnatural doing it. And watching her fake kiss is the most unsexy thing I've ever seen on TV lol. She has zero chemistry with everyone on the show. I hate to sound mean, but she is terrible.

  15. Why did you delete my comment?

  16. No one should feel sorry for Quinn. Does everyone forget the whole Shawna debacle?? Quinn literally set it up so that drunk Ridge would marry Quinn in Vegas while married to Brooke. Zero crocodile tears for Quinn!!

    1. Correction. Ridge was not married to Brooke. The divorce papers were already signed and given to Carter who subsequently filed them. Ridge and Shauna would not have been able to get married if Ridge was still married.

      Zero tears for Brooke. She interfered in Quinn's marriage unprovoked just because she was tired of seeing Quinn's portrait on the wall. It was Brooke's interference that led to everything that happened afterwards. Karma has come for Brooke big time! And I, for one, am enjoying it!

  17. So sorry that you deleted a very long text I made tonight. WHY did you?

    1. I didn't delete it. It was automatically sent to spam. Previously, there was no such function on the site, and now sometimes, because of some words in the comments, they are sent to spam. I approved this comment.

    2. Unknown, if bob said he didn’t delete it, then he DIDNT.. don’t be so rude to him because u would not be able to watch the show if bob did not go to all the trouble that he does every day so YOU can watch the show.. she some RESPECT.. so sorry I went to so much trouble writing a long text.. bob goes to ALOT more trouble for U to watch your show.. damn, some people 😑😑

  18. And thanks bob for everything you do for everyone, even if they are rude to you..πŸ™πŸ™

    1. Hi, Colly. Where have you been? I have missed your input. I’m a totally different Unknown.

    2. Hi there unknown, it’s nice to here u missed me! Thank u 😊😊 I have been out of action since Christmas.. I have still been watching on and off, plus covid went through all of my family and myself, so we all were very sick!! But hopefully now I have had it, my immune system should be a lot stronger now.. not only that, but I have been really busy helping a beautiful young boy who was very very sick(not with covid) , get well again!! He’s great now thank goodness! He has been very sick since he was born and has been through so much with his illness, but he is very healthy for the first time in his life now!! It warms my heart so much that I was able to make that happen!! So I am free now to watch the show again and leave some comments!! I have been reading comments but didn’t have time or energy to respond.. I have loved reading everyone’s comments!! I missed everyone too!! How r u unknown? 😊

    3. Aw ... wow. That’s a lot. I’ve been lucky and am good. Thanks. Keep getting stronger. I look forward to your comments. Blessings to you and yours and to Bbfan and Elle, too. ❤️❤️❤️

    4. Collllllly, welcome back love ❤️ ❤️ We missed you! I’m very sorry to hear about Covid affecting you and your family. That’s brilliant about wee man and that you are recovering!

      Arch, ta unknown! Lots of spirited fans here!

    5. I wondered where you disappeared to, Colly. So great to have you back!

      Much blessings to you as well, Unknown. We say that a lot in the Caribbean. Are you from the Caribbean as well?

    6. Greetings, Elle 🀩 ... how interesting to chat with you around the world. I’m near Boulder, Colorado. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ I consider you , Colly & Bbfan my peeps as you have the same view of the show as I. All of your responses are so good, that mine aren’t necessary.

    7. Ahh, okay. Yes, we need to stick together. 😊

  19. whoever picks out hopes clothes must have gone on strike to start the new year she is averaging a outfit per month

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. I’m envisioning some intern picking over bin bags from castoffs at the charity shoppe πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  20. Ok so Bells babe can spout off and Taylor and Taylor scripted to a sickly smile
    Brooke treats Taylor like a nobody
    Hope treats Steffy like a nobody
    About time Forresters had stronger lines Bell!!!

  21. Beginning to wonder if on some level hope wants her parents together because getting Deacon to plead Brookes case to Ridge is NEVER going to work he'll instantly get defensive and his ego will flare up not to mention it highlights that Deacon would do ANYTHING for Brooke including appealing to someone he hates, which will affirm that their feelings are more than be surface to Ridge. Hope may has well have thrown her mother under a bus no one's that naive.

  22. I’m giving up B&B for Lent this year. So I’ll see you all again on Easter!! I’ll be binge watching to catch up then! Best to all… I don’t think I’ll miss much in the show, lol but I do enjoy the spirited discussions here!

    Tara for now!

    1. Ta-ra. You will be missed. 😿

    2. Ta-ta Bbfan. It won't be the same without you here but I understand. All the best and have a good Easter.

  23. I'm so sick of Carter whining. Oh we shouldn't, Paris and still doing it anyway. So what's the point?
    Brooke is a slut and blames every6for her demise. True sheila changed her drink bit still, she made out with Deacon and covered it up
    She kissed Bill recently
    Did Sheila spike her drink again
    Gimme a break
    She's nuts
