
Monday, February 28, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-28-22 Full episode B&B 28th February 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 2-28-22 Full episode B&B 28th February 2022


  1. I saw a spoiler ... true or not? which says Deacon sees the non-alcoholic label at Sheila’s hotel ... as if. 🙄

  2. ahh this Paris is so bad, she dated zende for I dont know how many months before going to bed with him and now with carter right away and acts like horny teenager.

    2. taylor - a lot of love stories, more than brook actually plus criminal
    Brook - a lot of men, just a cheater

    3. at least 2 times were ridge manipulated to marrying taylor

    4. ridge - loves brook yes, taylor no

    5. steffy and thomas dialogue for the past two months the same and boring. could they have some other lines than their (perfect family???????)

    Lets just move on, get ridge and brook together and some new characters and drama, and fire paris.

    1. and also taylor left her child that she had with nick, because the egg donor was brook. super mom, I think NOT.

    2. Agree with Merl. Taylor and Steffy and Thomas have to consistently do the sales pitch because they all know Ridge still loves Brooke. No matter how upset he is with the situation. I just fast forward through Steffy and Paris. They are both nauseating. Brooke should punch Sheila right in the face. She is trespassing and has zero right to be in that house!!

    3. Why do Brooke fans have this misapprehension that attacking Taylor somehow excuses Brooke’s bad behaviour??? It has nothing to do with why Brooke is having marital issues neither are Steffy and Thomas!!!

      Brooke has a lifetime of screwing Ridge over, crying fake tears and beginning again!!! She is ridiculous!!! The issues are deep it isn’t about her getting drunk or even making out with Deacon (Ridge’s words, Brooke admitted it was more than a single kiss). Brooke started it by standing against Ridge, saying it was her home and Deacon would be in their home lives no matter what he felt or wanted!!! She ordered him to just deal with it! She had no thought at all for how it affected her husband to have the man she cheated on her own daughter with since he was actually married to poor Bridget, and had his child, Hope!! She was throwing an ex lover in his face, one states he still loves and wants her. She could have said he had free access to the cabin to spend time with Hope. She didn’t, she openly defended Deacon’s presence in their home.

      Then she threw Ridge’s romantic trip back in his face and chose to be in a situation where Ridge would be forced to spend the evening with Deacon, at a party in their home!! Brooke had NO thought or care about hurting him. The drinking and kiss just added salt to his wounds. Top it off with her lying, shushing up Douglas and jumping in to defend Deacon… Brooke may as well have just slapped him in the face!

      Brooke is NOT a victim. She’s a narcissist! Completely oblivious of everyone else’s feelings or welfare. I have no pity at all for her! And again with the fake history! She and Ridge were apart more than they were together. They were married to, sleeping with, involved with other people! Brooke chose Bill and Nick over Ridge etc. It’s time for her obsession with Ridge to end!

    4. You know that’s not why, merl. Where is supermom, Brooke? She doesn’t even pretend to keep in touch with her bio-son, Jack.

    5. Bbfan, you said it…Ridge can make his OWN decisions. He doesn’t need the CONSTANT and NEVER-ENDING dialogue from Steffy and Thomas to convince him. He is a grown man who can make his own decisions. The only words that ever come out of Steffy’s mouth these days are to bash Brooke and build up Taylor. Apparently everyone realizes Ridge is totally on the fence about Taylor, as well he should be! For God’s sake, he just left Brooke 5 mins ago. He shouldn’t feel the need to run to another woman’s bed. I clearly am not a Steffy fan, but if she would just shut her mouth and let her dad make his own decisions, I would have a bit more respect for her. Even Taylor is making comments about Steffy’s never-ending nag fest. It’s way, way over the top!

    6. Lynn- funny how you said you fast forwarded through Taylor and them and Paris. I did the same thing, lol. So sick of listening to the Forrester bull and Paris and Carter make me sick. Both act like sex maniacs. Just gross how she practically begs and Carter always has sex overrule everything. Not liking his character. He needs to find someone that hasn't been involved with another man.

    7. Bbfan101- I've said this and I'll say it again. Every time Brooke got involved with anyone there was something bad going on between her and Ridge. There were circumstances that led up to things. She didn't just go out and screw around for fun. And there's always been someone there to cause trouble for Brooke. Always people meddling in her life. Not to mention everyone is acting like Deacon and Brooke have feelings for each other and have made it look like they did more than SLEEP in the same bed. Brooke got drunk without even knowing what happened. But it's ok that Steffy and Ridge have both had their drunkin nights. They knew they were drinking alcohol. Steffy has sex with Liam and Ridge ends up with Shauna in Vegas. Kissing her and getting married even if it turned out not to be legal. Brooke forgave him so why can't he forgive Brooke? Then the b**** Steffy and how it was ok that Finn forgave her and so did Hope. Then Steffy acts like she wants her and Hope to be close yet look how's she's treating her now. No reason for Steffy to be so nasty to Hope or Brooke. Sticking her nose in everything. And it's sickening how childish she's acting with the mommy and daddy thing. Ridge and Steffy have double standards. It was ok what they did and that people forgave them, but nobody can do the same with Brooke? Wrong. Screw that. So stop acting like these Forresters are so great because they're not.

    8. Maddy, I always agree with you on these posts. Most of the bad things people say about Brooke I never even witnessed. There was a huge gap in time that I didn’t watch the show. I will always root for Brooke.
      Truthfully, I have nothing against Taylor other than she is acting like a total doormat and I think it’s pathetic. Taylor should have a bit more pride than to be Ridge’s second choice. Personally, I wouldn’t be interested a man that I had to convince to want me. Lol!!!

    9. Mandy I have yet to hear Hope apologize for chasing Steffy’s husband, or for sleeping with and getting pregnant while Liam was married to Steffy! I never hear her think there was anything wrong with making out and traitors have sex with Liam in a dressing room at FC while his pregnant wife waited at home. Hope always throws Steffy sleeping with Liam in her face. Does no one remember Hope making Steffy’s pregnancy he’ll and shoving a ring up her nose even though Liam was still married to Steffy? I never ever hear Steffy throw that back at her. Personally I’m cross the writers are giving Steffy this stupid repetitive whiny dialogue since it’s out of character. They are trying to make us hate Steffy and prop boring whiny Hope and desperate bad behaviour Brooke.

      They need to bring Taylor someone new and better like they did for Steffy! Watch how jealous Ridge would be and New fella never looks twice at Brooke! That would drive her mental 😂

    10. Maddy, bloody auto spell

    11. Paris and Carter is getting on my nerves she dont know who or what she wants. Steffy and Thomas need to shut up and sit down somewhere im sick of them

  3. Does it matter ?
    Getting drunk is no excuse to kiss an X lover

    1. Exactly and then lie to your husband for a month and half and manipulate a 6 yr old child to keep your secret and enlist Liam and Hope to lie to Ridge too?? She wasn’t drunk then! Her turning to Deacon because Ridge disappointed her and didn’t fly in dangerous weather (they missed great drama moment , Ridge could have crashed presumed dead while she spent the night with Deacon) is a classic Brooke move. She’s always done that, and always has some excuse!

      I skipped over the Carter Paris scenes completely they are painful to watch as well as boring!

      I’m glad Taylor is setting boundaries with Ridge and letting him do his own thing.

      Loved Sheila getting in Brooke’s face after she went after Sheila and was sooo nasty! Serves her right. Glass houses and all!

      Hope is out of her mind. Deacon wants Brooke he’s not going to give her up. The idea of finding the label in Sheila’s hotel room is asinine, no one would ever do that. Sheila’s a lot of things but she’s no idiot.

    2. Not to mention it's not like she lives in a one bedroom flat it's a mansion with bedrooms every where but she let him in their bedroom and her marital bed. Deacon shouldn't be responsible for fixing this shit show he did enough to clear the way for Ridge by leaving and missing his daughters childhood.

    3. Bbfan101 I like how you say that Brooke got up in Sheila's face. It was Sheila that started talking to Brooke and all Brooke did was tell her she would keep her away from Steffy and her family. Yep, Ridge's family and looking out for them. Knowing what Sheila has done in the past Brooke doesn't want her around to hurt anyone. Nothing wrong with that, but the Brooke haters have to turn it all around to make Brooke look bad or she said something wrong. Well she didn't. And how anyone would want Sheila to go after Brooke is just sick. Sheila is evil and always has been and can't be trusted. She's lied about being a changed person too. She hasn't changed at all. She'll end up not having her family and she'll deserve it because of her actions. She's crazy because she obviously can't change and chooses to act like a Psyco. Hopefully the writers kill her off this time.

  4. Paris has such male energy
    She's the chaser
    But she didn't get the loft
    Just the sofa
    Quinn got the loft
    Zoe got the loft
    And Taylor...stop being a rebound
    And Sheila...stop floating, it will come back to hurt you

  5. Can you please reload the show?? TY

  6. People are talking about Taylor and the child she has with Nick....what about Brook, she doesn't have only Hope, all her attention is on Hope. What about the son RJ, she has with the man of her life? Just thinking 🤔🤔

    1. does ridge see RJ?? children are always away from the show. school, other country and steffys kids are always sleeping.

    2. Or the children are with the invisible Donna - off to get ice cream 🍦!

    3. According to the Christmas episode, RJ is in Paris with Rick. Bridgett has moved away like a lot of grown children do. They all talked to Brooke during Christmas. Nick is raising Jack and Taylor has had no contact with Jack since Jack was an infant.

  7. Hello Bob. Hope you read this. Thank you for every Episode of The Bold and the Beautiful and Days of Our Lives. I hope you contine to do so for many years to come. Thanks very much 😊.

  8. I gave the show 1 point .I still skipped over Taylor and Thomas and sfetty and ridge .now iam starting to skip over Paris and carter.boring as fuck.when is karma coming for all of them.i love Brooke part along with Deacon and hope.i loved watching the show now it gives me a headache.

  9. Cant wait until the truth about evil Sheila and her actions come out. Ridge will go back to Brooke. Steffys face will be great to look then!! Hahahaha

  10. I cant stand Paris
    She is not even sexy
    Sickening to watch.
    Carter will kiss anybody who wants him
    Taylor is so boring
    Her hairstyle needs to change.
    Ridge tilt his head like
    Stephy does feel she is high and mighty.Cant stand her.
    Couldn't stand brooke when she wanted Eric to leave Quin but now i prefer her with Ridge than Taylor.

    1. I agree!! I have to fast forward all the Paris clips. BORING!!

  11. Taylor claims that she loves Ridge so much and will never let him down. She was willing to let Ridge rot in a jail cell for a crime that she committed when she shot Bill in the back and left him to die. If she loves Ridge so much, it looks like she would have confessed instead of letting Ridge take the blame. Seems like she has already let him down.

  12. Paris just looks ridiculous trying to act sexy. Carter looks like a pervert kissing on a little girl. Eeww. And Brookes frozen face looks weird.

  13. I can't believe Hope is still wearing that terrible suit! It's been days...And what's with Thomas's Star Trek shirt? I miss Quinn, Eric, Katie, Finn...Where is everyone??

  14. I also can't believe Paris's complete disregard for Zoe...She is still in love with Carter...They're so selfish. This storyline is not believable...The love scenes are so forced...

    1. This is what I was thinking. Has Paris completely forgotten that her sister is in love with Carter?

  15. Do you know how happy I am right now?? I can see steffy practicing in the mirror each morning.

  16. Oh yes what has happened to Nick and Taylor's son, Brooke was the donor I think. Please get Hope out of those dreadful clothes. Love the Bold. Thanks Bob

  17. Paris looks out of proportion with her oversized boobs. Why do women her size and stature insist on big boobs? Any bigger and she will come crashing down on her face. She looks like a 12 y.o. playing grown ups and Carter a pedaphile

  18. Well this nagging of Ridge by Steffy is becoming annoying. Give him a chance to catch his breath.
