
Wednesday, April 20, 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-20-22 Full episode B&B 20th April 2022

The Bold and the Beautiful 4-20-22 Full episode B&B 20th April 2022


  1. Lord...even with a gun shot wound laid up in the hospital ...she still begs!

    Girl's been begging Liam for years not to leave her ..lmao.

    Interested to see what happens next.

    Hope shouldn't worry...even if Liam leaves somehow ...he always comes back. ALWAYS!

    Ridge give the hint yesterday...steffy has a lot of heartbreak in store...yet again.

    1. Even with a gunshot wound laid up in the 🏥, she still begs.
      She must be getting better.

    2. Well at least she’s not slithering up concrete and begging this time, but only because she’s in a hospital bed.
      If he doesn’t call this as bullshit Hope should leave him in her dust.
      I would love to see that happen anyway, Hope needs to do just that. OMG Liam would be a miserable bugger when Hope meets someone else.
      It would be him on his knees this time (not Steffy) and he will blame Steffy for it!
      Will she rush off and have sex with Bill again...Bahaha!!!!

    3. Maursa 😂😂😂 how pathetic
      When some bad mouthing hope while they like hosteffy, hypocrisy

    4. I'm sure she remembers Finn but she knows he is dead and since Liam has always been her No.1 this is her strategy to get Liam back. She sounds so desperate, this is so hard to watch. Steffy always gets desperate and goes to her tricks when its about getting Liam back. Very sad and ridiculous how the writers go back to old storylines and this stupid triangle and how weak they make Steffy. She is losing her dignity and self-respect when going after Liam. Every time.

  2. Eric works from home? Does he even recognize where he is? He wanders off to the guest house because Quinn tells him check the smoke detectors and he takes 3-6 days to do it. Maybe more if she's lucky.
    Steffy is lucky if the roles were reversed, she'd be reading Hope the riot act no matter how much trauma it might cause. she cares about No.1 all the time.

  3. Why do they make her look so weak Steffi
    I can't stand hope and brook they are like the girlfriend you can't stand
    They dress the best they cry for everything and they allways find them at your house around your husband crying poor me why me why thats hope and brook slute

  4. Bob, TY for posting.
    I had problems seeing it today but that's ok.
    As usual Liam always gets into things and now they found somistupid to think of.. Liam still being married to Steffy!!
    Brooke is breaking up for her daughter!! I'm having my fun for who she is!!!

  5. I dont know what is right here. I think Liam should say he is not her husband. Once she hears Fin's name it might jolt her memory.

    1. I was thinking the same thing if they tell her she might remember what happened to her.

    2. Finn who? Love the one you're with

    3. Not only tell her, but when she is well enough take her back to the scene of the crime, to the alley at the back of the restaurant and watch what happens, which is probably all will come back to her. What a mess she will be when that happens. Sheila might get wind of it and turn up again with a gun. Interesting.

    4. Liam is just a joke, ping-pong Liam. He got bored with hope all this time now he wants some change in his bedroom. This is ridiculous and when hope dates someone else he will get crazy because he always left Steffy for hope, it is just a fact.

  6. The horrified look on Brooke’s face was priceless. 😆🤣😂😝

    1. Buwhahahah, it made me laugh! She knows Hopeless is on her way out hahahah. From the look in her face Hope knows it too! No matter what she tells herself, she even admitted Liam loves Steffy and clearly Steffy still loves Liam! Hope who???

    2. Who don't know Liam loves steffy?!

      Hope knows it ..everybody knows it.

      At least Liam knows who he's IN LOVE with.
      Oh ..and The love for both woman is not the same. Seems like some of you haven't realized that all these years.

    3. brooks face puffed up like a blowfish all mad and pouting both. this right after she has just projected her own insecurities off onto hope. the audacity of brook to be showing her ass at hospitalduring this horrible time i hope ridgeand taylor tells heroff and exactly where she can go and do..

    4. Ha ha, Pammy ... Blowfish Brooke 🐡

    5. Don't worry Hope, Thomas is always waiting in the wings. Liam acts like he doesn't want this stupid game of pretending he's married to Steffy, but he's digging it. Temporary Thomas can still foist his kid on Hope this way. Waiting to see who Douglas rats out next, anyway.

  7. Awww. Carter and Quinn are super cute! I'm so excited to see them in scenes together again. Paris who? Lol.

    Poor little Hopeless. Brooke tried to warn you but noooooo..... you affirm that you are secure in your marriage. You sure don't look secure.

    This is the moment Liam has been waiting for. Just like he couldn't run over to Steffy's fast enough when he saw Thomas and Hope "kissing," here is his opportunity to get back to being Steffy's husband. Wonder if he's going to take it?

    1. That's how the writers are. By hopes facial expression they want us to think shes studying her marriage....but knowing the character could infact be that shes thinking about Kelly and hayes. Steffy hasn't given any indication that she remembers her kids. Only Liam.

    2. Hope doesn’t think of them she resents Steffy and Liam having a daughter, she was just horrid when Kelly was born and did everything she could to keep Liam from his wife and daughter. She used her pregnancy with Beth to get Liam, who didn’t end up choosing her, Steffy made it. Liam ran back to Steffy in a heartbeat and was devastated Hayes wasn’t his bairn.

      Ohhhhh what if it comes out Sheila switched results and Hayes is actually Liam and Steffy’s??? Liam I think will be secretly revelling in the fact Steffy still thinks he’s her husband and use the opportunity to get back their life and family together.

      Hope should be worried! She even admitted she knows Liam loves Steffy, Brooke knows it is dangerous because that marriage is fragile at best. Liam misses Steffy and their life together!! If Hope cared she would be helping out with the wee ones not foisting her own daughter off on Steffy’s nanny who is caring for two children that actually need it!!! Talk about selfish, Hope has no reason to be at hospital neither does Brooke!

      Elle, I like Carter and Quinn together too. Sounds like nothing much has changed since Eric brought her home again. At least it will keep Paris out of his orbit. She’s a nasty piece of work.

    3. What does Brooke expect Hope to do? Besides things were slow around the old homestead. Time to shake up and play musical beds again. I can envision Steffy and Hope running around a bed Liam is in and both grabbing and clutching the poor popular husband-type.

    4. Besides can't the people in the waiting room peek through the blinds at what's going on in the room? It wouldn't take much when Steffy is faking asleep to adjust them so they could watch in there. Like a reverse peephole. All these people would be glued to the window next to each other commentating.

  8. Lame, err... Liam, loves this threesome!
    He is a polygamist at heart but he is willing to settle for a polyamorous relationship. This could be the first soap to address the pros and cons in a storyline. It's so much fun for a whimpy indecisive child to have two baby mamas fighting over him. Probably the only time he gets aroused.
    🍆 Spring gardening. Think baby eggplant. 🍆

  9. Lame...err... Liam loves his polyamorous relationship or is he really a polygamist at heart?
    We have to suffer through two women fighting over a whimpy, indecisive, man child yet AGAIN.

    1. I mean Steffy had real man who loved only Steffy .
      Now they bring back this weak Steffy again! With Finn Steffy was strong,dynamic and confident. With Liam Steffy is always pathetic and weak loser.

    2. They let Finn go for this pathetic storyline??

  10. Oh that Taylor. She's lousy psychiatrist giving advice about Steffys situation. Her psycho hero Sheila shot Steffy and killed her own son. And what's with the oversized sweater? Lol.
    As for Carter and Quinn? I agree...Paris who??? 😂

    1. The oversize sweater is so people will think Taylor is anorectic give Taylor some pity and attention that Steffy is currently hogging up. She want to look like she's shrinking away.

    2. Bridget must be a lousy doctor too since she agreed with what Taylor said.

    3. Elle what a pathetic funny reply 😂😂😂😂

    4. Right Elle… she shouldn’t be saying anything to Hope and Brooke they are not family!

  11. Taylor would not let Lame go into the room with out guidance

  12. Ok, I'm only watching for Quinn and Carter. Deacon and Dollar Bill whenever he returns. FF thru the Steffy, Liam scenes. And all other repetitive triangles.

    1. Why is Quinn after Carter again? Has she tied up the ancient mariner Eric? Maybe he's dead and she won't say anything to stay in the house til xmas at least and have the time to charge up his credit cards.

    2. Besides it's a challenge to beat Paris at this man-stealing family game.

    3. 1) Quinn misses her friend.
      2) Quinn misses Carter Jr.
      3) Eric still can't get it up for Quinn.

      All the reasons why Quinn needs to forget all about Eric. She doesn't need to be stuck in an unfulfilled relationship with Eric. She can love him from afar. Lol. I don't even know why she fooled herself into thinking that being Eric's wife (in name only) would have been enough. Shauna tried to tell her but Quinn didn't listen.

    4. How is Eric a mariner, Booklover? Massimo could be considered a mariner being a shipping magnate 🚢, and absolutely his son, Nick Marone, as a sea captain and a US Naval officer - recall those dress whites in Brooke’s last self-absorbed delusion. Most of your posts are tongue in cheek so perhaps use of this term was just for flair?

    5. Lol @ Brooke's self-absorbed delusion. Don't remind me. Haha.

      I have never known Eric to be a mariner either. He has always been the dressmaker senior. Or senior dressmaker? Lol.

  13. Loved the Steam connection Its already hot chemistry between Jacqs and Scott
    Thank you Bob xxxx

  14. Hope had Liam first and Stefhy alwqys tried to break them up.
    So fair is fair she is too manipulative.

    1. She was 17 ffs, that’s like saying your spouse’s first girlfriend owns him for life! It’s ridiculous!

    2. Hope had Liam first? Really? 🙄

    3. Yes Elle just because Steffy had her child first doesn't mean that Hope wasn't with Liam first. Hope met Liam the first day he came to town looking for his father. And Hope decided to help Liam and they fell in love along the way. Then Steffy sees Liam finds out that he is dating Hope and she makes it her business to take Liam because of her rival with Hope. Like it's a game against Hope. And that's just a little bit of history between Hope and Steffy. Steffy has never liked Hope because of Brooke Ridge and Taylor triangle and Steffy thinking she had to compete with Hope for Ridge's affection.

    4. Hope forgot to touch Liam and say, “Placebacks!” when she was a teenager.

    5. @Unknown at 7:58 PM I am aware of all of that. But are we in high school here? (Really?) What does it matter that Hope met Liam first. Following from what BBfan said, does that mean that Steffy has no rights to Liam or that her love for him and his love for her are null and void because Hope met Liam first? Really?

    6. Unknown yeah for these ppl anything hosteffy does has excuses, their pathetic mind created an events didn’t happened just to they can go through the day, but let us see anyone of them to have a woman in their life steffy running after thier men im sure they will call her the name they call brook now 😂😂😂
      Its really pathetic and stupid

    7. One could say Hope ran after Steffy’s man since she was actually his WIFE! Lol personally I would not stay with a man like Liam and if he cheats on his wife with you, he’ll cheat on you! Hope cannot be surprised Liam slept with Steffy I mean Hope lost her virginity to him when he was married to Steffy and also got pregnant with Beth while he was married to Steffy so technically she did it twice! Ha but of course only Steffy is a bad person here 🙄🙄🙄

  15. seriously brook whats wrong with you? youre projecting your own insecurities off on to hope just because liam went intibsteffys room alone without hope stuck up his ass.then when he comes out and informs everyone steffy thinks she and he are still married your face puffed up into a pissed and pouting look.. steffy is a woman who nearly died and has long hard rd to recovery ahead of her yet you still gonna act out all stupid hateful and jelly of anything to do with her or thomas or between taylor and ridge. good lord itch get a life grow up start judging ur own self and o wn mistakes

    1. Yet, someone above said that if the roles were reversed, Steffy would only think of No. 1. Well, let's see what Hope does next. All of her pretend concern for Steffy and her pretend support of Liam being there for Steffy will go out the window real quick. She'll be all over Liam telling him to let Steffy know that they are divorced. Things are about to get ugly. Hope it doesn't drag on for too long.

    2. Steffy has the trademark on self-absorption. Hope wants it her way too. No one is better than anyone else in this family. They have all done each other, shot each other. The difference in the selfishness is Steffy does it like a stroem trooper and Hope tries to disguise it. Everyone has behaved badly, luckily it's funny as hell.

    3. @Booklover I disagree. Steffy is not self-absorbed. However, she is very protective of her family. Every single time that Hope has put a claim on Liam, he and Steffy were married and/or pregnant. So yes, she will fight to protect her marriage/family. The thing is though, after a while, Steffy realized that she deserved more from Liam than his waffling behaviour and so, she would willingly let him go to be with Hope. I mean, how many times must a person fight to save their family when the man is the one that keeps messing things up/ (Perfect example is when Liam married Ivy so that she would not be deported. Steffy made her feelings about it very clear). Now, you might say that Steffy orders Liam around but what she is really doing is absolving herself of the responsibility to clean up the mess that Liam continues to willingly make in their marriage. That's not self-absorption but self-preservation. Jmho.

    4. Elle thank you! 👏👏👏👏👏 exactly!

    5. @booklover123.
      Well said! No take sides. Both women love their own way.

  16. Why did Steffy turn into a child crying and begging once she sees Liam, this is completely out of character for her.

    1. It is out of character for her. There is definite sadness regarding her current state now that she knows that she was shot (even though she cannot remember it). Maybe she is seeing Liam as the only person who can 'save' her. Her brain is pushing out the horrible memories but I believe what really happened will come back to her soon.

  17. im seeing liam going back to steffy using the excuse that hes doing so to try to help her recover and regain her memory and to take care of the kids maybe then hope will turn to thomas for comfort and wind up with him

    1. I'd love to see that! Turn the tables for once...Imagine if Finn was still there and somehow ended up cheating with Hope...

  18. Freddie is a troll, ignore him. Ty Bob, love watching this later at night. I predict Finn will return (he was taken to a trauma center), that's why nobody saw him in the morgue. When he comes back Stef and Liam will be together so Hope is available. And the story continues, sorry just recently got hooked on this show, but so predictable. Again, ty Bob. Cheers

  19. This has got to be the most DUMBEST STORYLINE EVER!! This is seriously dumb AF!! They literally can't be creative to where everything has to always circle back to the same repetitive storyline. LIAM & STEFFY AGAIN FOR CRYING PUT LOUD🤬🤢 I'm seriously wanting to just stop watching this damn soap.
    P.S. I hope Carter & Quinn hook up so he can be done with PARIS...SHE'S YUCK!!

  20. I do like Hope & Liam together but I'd much rather Hope with Thomas....they best make that the storyline since they're being so ORIGINAL & REPETITIVE ON THEIR STORYLINES....THEY SUCK!

  21. B&B went fishing for a story line and stole Days of Our Lives Tony & Renee- same thing with Renee thinking she's with Tony. (He's married to someone else.) Like she would go for a creaky geezer
    that a bottle of viagra couldn't help. He's sleeping with her until she remembers the guy she was with didn't have the shriveled up teabags like this guy. This plotline reeks and B&B is stealing a bad one. Steffy will make him get in the bed with her or she'll cry. She knows Finn's old news onward and upward to go on with her life, she's hedging her bets starting now with stealing Liam again, while no one knows what to do about her. .

    1. The writers are seriously lazy...

    2. Yep, lazy is putting it mildly!! There r apparently 9 writers and between all of them, all they can come up with is cut and paste.. if they listened to the viewers, they can still b lazy and get great story lines for free.. apparently they do read blogs and message boards.. I miss the fashions shows, the rivalry between the spectras and forresters etc.. it used to be about a fashion house , hence the name, but since bell senior died and his weird little son took over, it’s become the hogan show..

    3. Lol Colly, agree!! 👏👏👏

  22. This don't make no sense. So Hope lose and Shiela wins again. So now Shiela can go back to her hotel room and hope that steffy doesn't remember her animousity towards her and they all become friends. Taylor gat ridge and steffir gat Liam and both these men will end up going back to the womrn they love. Taylor with her naive self. Bridgette do you like your sister Hope. Where is that baby Taylor had with brokes egg.

    1. Have to agree with everything said here. 🎯🎯🎯👏👏👏

  23. WOW brook!! Not at all surprising though.. only brook would come and try to cause trouble in a situation like this.. she arrives, says I heard steffy is awake, then next thing out of her mouth is where’s ridge.. I laughed at Taylor’s response when brook said I probably shouldn’t disturb him, or something like that, and Taylor quips, probably not..

    And surprise surprise, brooks nose , sniffing around Liam’s ass , and yapping at hope and everyone else, that Liam hopes dog, and don’t worry that steffy is going through the worst time of her life , as long steffy knows hope is Liam’s master, oh no, steffy’s awake for a few hours now, that’s long enough to hit her with the fact that Finn was her husband and died in her arms, that caused a trauma so great her mind had to block it out to protect herself at the moment, just to appease brook and hope.. if the roles were reversed, what would brook say!! We all know!!

    Only a slut who only thinks about men could be that insecure and heartless..

    1. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    2. Brooke is right. You go Brooke, and even more of this. Every mother would come up for her daughter in Hope's situation.

    3. Not every mother, Margreet. Brooke goes overboard! Seriously!

    4. Oh ffs Colly at least pretend to hide your bs bias.
      When it comes to sluts you are apparently totally delusional in regard to Steffy! That woman has NO morals!
      She has only ever been interested in men who are showing interest in Hope, it’s a pre requisite for her. Finn was the exemption to the rule...well kind of, until I realised she manipulated him into a dictatorship, because that’s what their marriage was. He always looked like a deer in the headlights around her...terrified all the time.

    5. Who's being biased now, Maursa? When did Steffy ever manipulate Finn? From what I recall, after Liam and Steffy slept together and it was found out (the first time) that the baby was Liam's, Steffy let Finn go because she did not want him to raise a child that was not his and which came about due to her betrayal. Finn was the one that ran after Steffy and begged her to not give up on them. He then willingly proposed to her. There was no manipulation evident so I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion, unless it's from your own bias perspectives.

    6. 👏👏👏👏👏 Brooke is ever the selfish hypocrite!

  24. Oh Travis, thank God you're back to explain to us why Eric is spending a lot of nights in the guest house, counting his viagara pills no doubt.

  25. Stupid story line. It's like Finn never existed. Never see any flashbacks of him. I'm so over the hope steffy and liam triangle. Bring back the other people in B&B.
